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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Man Pod Save America is making some serious moves.
Also fuck Zuckerberg, dude is literally the worst of the Silicon Valley types.

I'm really interested in the process story behind what went down at the ringer. They praised it in their first episode so doesn't seem that bad a split, but I wonder if they left because they wanted to be more active politically, or if they were pulling in numbers bigger than anticipated, or what? Favreaus and Vietors media company that they set up after they left the White House didn't seem to be doing amazingly well so maybe they are repurposing themselves for that.


From Nate Silver...


Rachel Maddow going over how Trump's transition hasn't really filled any positions other than cabinet level staff is pretty scary. Alot of security positions are going to be empty.

Trump will temporarily keep 50 Obama officials in their critical positions

Fifty officials who hold critical positions in the Obama administration have been asked by President-elect Donald Trump to continue in their roles until their successors are chosen, Vice President-elect Mike Pence said Thursday.

Pence announced Mr. Trump’s decision, which he said is intended to “ensure the continuity of government,” during a press conference at the Presidential Transition Office in Washington, D.C., a day before the inauguration.

Some of the officials who have been asked to stick around are Robert Work, the deputy secretary of defense; Chuck Rosenberg, the acting administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration; Nick Rasmussen, the National Counterterrorism Center Director; Thomas Shannon, under secretary of state for political affairs; Susan Coppedge; ambassador-at-large to monitor and combat trafficking in persons; Brett McGurk, special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Fight the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL); and Adam Szubin, acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence at the Treasury Department.


Unconfirmed Member
All I see is a dark blue blob on a dark grey background.


Unconfirmed Member
I made a thread in off topic but it's getting buried but it was basically this: what are the major changes to the electorate after the next census and 2020?

I understand some states lose and gain one seat along the coasts and through the rust belt, with Texas also gaining two seats.

What other things can we expect to change that may favor or hurt either democrats or republicans?


Brianna Wu is Not the Hero You're Looking For, Democrats

When coming up with strategies to combat an electorate that chose a reality TV star for America’s highest office, “voting a videogame developer into Congress” is not something that typically comes to mind. Yet, for a certain group of liberals, that is exactly the solution that they came up with. On Dec. 21, videogame developer Brianna Wu announced that she would be running for Congress in her home state of Massachusetts. Later, she clarified she would be running as a Democrat against Stephen F. Lynch, Congressman in the 8th District, in the 2018 midterms. Lynch, who is also a Democrat, has come under fire from his party for his pro-life policies, but has been a member of congress since 2001 and has defeated every candidate—including Democrat Mac D’Alessandro, Republicans Vernon Harrison and Joe Selvaggi, and Independent Phil Dunkelbarger—in his path.
You think Obama will have the best night's sleep he's had in the last 9 years on Friday?

I wonder how former presidents don't fall into depression. Having all that power, attention, everything, and it's gone, rather suddenly. Seems like it could mess you up if you're not careful.


You think Obama will have the best night's sleep he's had in the last 9 years on Friday?

I wonder how former presidents don't fall into depression. Having all that power, attention, everything, and it's gone, rather suddenly. Seems like it could mess you up if you're not careful.

Yes, until Trump sends the secret service after him for founding ISIS.

Author is an edgelord communist and part of the "Dirtbag Left" a group that thinks it's okay to mock the disabled as long as they support seizing the means of production. They have been at war with Wu and Arthur Chu for the last 18 months because Wu supported Hillary in the primaries.

Brianna Wu is clearly unqualified, but this is just an author being obsessed with her and Arthur Chu because of Chu and Wu have pointed out that his friends are assholes.


Author is an edgelord communist and part of the "Dirtbag Left" a group that thinks it's okay to mock the disabled as long as they support seizing the means of production. They have been at war with Wu and Arthur Chu for the last 18 months before Wu supported Hillary in the primaries.

Brianna Wu is clearly unqualified, but this is just an author being obsessed with her and Arthur Chu because of Chu and Wu have pointed out that his friends are assholes.

Mmm... Debating deleting the link now. Didn't know any of that. :/
Trump announces: ”We have by far the highest IQ of any cabinet ever assembled!"

Fact check: Everyone in this cabinet other than Ben Carson and few others seems to be an extremely stupid person. (then again, maybe they have high IQs even though they're not smart)


Mmm... Debating deleting the link now. Didn't know any of that. :/

One thing that's funny is that the author mocks Wu for trying to be a politician after being a video game developer... while he's writing a political article while largely being a pop culture reviewer.

I mean...

Brianna Wu is not remotely qualified, but there are better vectors to make this case.

One of his most recent articles was "top 10 J-rock albums for people who don't like J-rock."

Having to listen to Fox news while my parents listen to the Inauguration coverage is depressing. One woman sounded so excited Trump was becoming President and could not stop talking about how much she hates Obama and how much she's glad a Republican won and they're going to be "Making America Great Again". Now the dip shit who is currently speaking is talking about Rick Perry and how it doesn't matter that Obama had people with Nuclear Physicist Degree's running the Department of Energy because when did they ever use their degrees for a "Largely managerial role".

Like good god how can anybody take these people seriously. :|


Trump still has people deceived. Toronto Star's Washington correspondent is talking to people at the inauguration:


"truly a man of his word"

"man of faith" will "bring Godliness back"

"willing to admit he was wrong after he misspeaks"

Where have these people been watching to see these traits?


No Scrubs
Trump still has people deceived. Toronto Star's Washington correspondent is talking to people at the inauguration:


"truly a man of his word"

"man of faith" will "bring Godliness back"

"willing to admit he was wrong after he misspeaks"

Where have these people been watching to see these traits?

They see him be blatantly racist in a time where no one is blatantly racist and assume that means he's honest, since he's honest about his racism. The whole damn thing is a con.
Looking at future of next 4 years.

In Senate, Warren, Franken and Bernie should take the charge.

Unleash the Biden on Trump/GOP for sure. He is the elder statesman. He has that ability to appeal across the spectrum and understands the meaning of big-tent.

Obama should concentrate on cementing his legacy, prepare the I told you so speeches, help in the redistricting fights and tutor young Democrats.
I support this plan.


Trump still has people deceived. Toronto Star's Washington correspondent is talking to people at the inauguration:


"truly a man of his word"

"man of faith" will "bring Godliness back"

"willing to admit he was wrong after he misspeaks"

Where have these people been watching to see these traits?

They haven't, these people are in on the con. You think poor/low middle-class people can afford to travel to the inauguration, let alone attend? These are upper middle class suburban whites who are overjoyed we have finally have a rich racist in the WH who will put their interests first.


No Scrubs
Trump has never asked God for forgiveness, but white evangelicals are the only group other than straight up Nazis to like Trump, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Prosperity gospel. Trump is rich so god must love him, so they must vote for Trump. Swear to god, you could write a book about how the last 40 or so years of American History have led us inexorably to Trump. Looking back, someone like him has been inevitable for a while now.

They haven't, these people are in on the con. You think poor/low middle-class people can afford to travel to the inauguration, let alone attend? These are upper middle class suburban whites who are overjoyed we have finally have a rich racist in the WH who will put their interests first.

That doesn't put them on the inside of the con. Trump looks out for Trump and no one else, any benefits they get are through pure dumb luck. The fact is anyone who voted for Trump and thinks he's out for anyone but himself got conned.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Author is an edgelord communist and part of the "Dirtbag Left" a group that thinks it's okay to mock the disabled as long as they support seizing the means of production. They have been at war with Wu and Arthur Chu for the last 18 months because Wu supported Hillary in the primaries.

Brianna Wu is clearly unqualified, but this is just an author being obsessed with her and Arthur Chu because of Chu and Wu have pointed out that his friends are assholes.

Blah great
I have multiple sources, one somewhat personal who I trust, who also assert that Wu is sort of an egomaniac and generally shitty person, so I'm not following her candidate with much enthusiasm


Senators literally asking other senators to take a fucking Valium as a chill pill during the Mnuchin hearing is some bizarre shit. What the fuck kind of carny show is this?
lol @ Melania wanting to tackle bullying. The fucking irony. How about she starts with her husband, who's the biggest bully of them all. This is going to blow up on her face so hard.


lol @ Melania wanting to tackle bullying. The fucking irony. How about she starts with her husband, who's the biggest bully of them all. This is going to blow up on her face so hard.
At least we can't argue she doesn't have first-hand experience with bullying.
That immediately puts her far ahead of most of Trump's cabinet postings.


lol @ Melania wanting to tackle bullying. The fucking irony. How about she starts with her husband, who's the biggest bully of them all. This is going to blow up on her face so hard.

Melania is basically not going to exist for the next couple of years. A tremendous step down from our current FLOTUS.


Stephen harper canada's former pm said in a speech recently that Trump is going to reverse the cornerstone of seven decades of American foreign policy. He also said a few other harsh things about trump.

And the huffington post in Canada posted an article where Robert Shiller a prominent Nobel winning economist warns that Trump is setting up of a repeat of 1929 market crash.

He also said that trump's election is also creating an economic ”narrative" that is pushing markets to be unreasonably optimistic about future prospects and that the economy will eventually crash which will result in the American people rejecting trump.


There's a video in the huffington post article where robert shiller explains why he thinks a 1929 style crash may happen under trump's presidency.

I was hoping she had spent some time doing research on solutions for democrats. I guess not.

She still has time though. She just needs to spend it doing the following:

- figure out the issues her state cares about most
- pick one issue to campaign on a solution to
- drop the gamer cred. It doesn't help her at all with the voters she needs.
- read up on as many national issues as she can
- find political friends who can campaign for her and vouch for her


No Scrubs
I was hoping she had spent some time doing research on solutions for democrats. I guess not.

She still has time though. She just needs to spend it doing the following:

- figure out the issues her state cares about most
- pick one issue to campaign on a solution to
- drop the gamer cred. It doesn't help her at all with the voters she needs.
- read up on as many national issues as she can
- find political friends who can campaign for her and vouch for her

She's still got 2 years to do all that. I'm not overly enthused about her running, but if she's serious then we'll see that pretty clearly when the campaign starts.


lol @ Melania wanting to tackle bullying. The fucking irony. How about she starts with her husband, who's the biggest bully of them all. This is going to blow up on her face so hard.

I think she's said something to the effect that adults are mature enough to bully each other <shruggie>
Looking at future of next 4 years.

In Senate, Warren, Franken and Bernie should take the charge.

Unleash the Biden on Trump/GOP for sure. He is the elder statesman. He has that ability to appeal across the spectrum and understands the meaning of big-tent.

Obama should concentrate on cementing his legacy, prepare the I told you so speeches, help in the redistricting fights and tutor young Democrats.

I agree with you assuming you are implying that Warren, Franken, and Sanders should stay in the Senate.

I think Democrats also need to start NOW building the narrative that Trump is putting our foreign officials in danger. That way in the likely chance that a terrorist attack DOES happen, it will be much easier to convince most voters that Trump is at fault.


Trump's budget, ladies and gentlemen.

To get such deep cuts, the Trump budget contemplates completely eliminating a number of programs, particularly at the Departments of Energy, Justice, State, Commerce, and Transportation.

On the chopping block, according to The Hill, would be the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; the Department of Justice’s Legal Services Corporation and Violence Against Women Grants; funding for the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Electricity, and Office of Fossil Energy, among others.

It’s likely many other programs will be cut as well, even if they aren’t eliminated entirely. Those details are still to come, as Trump’s budget won’t be finalized for some time. A document outlining its main priorities is expected within 45 days of his taking office, while the full budget will likely be released around mid-April.
But if the House Republican budget is any guide,
programs that serve the most needy are likely to be in danger. That proposal derived 62 percent of its cuts from low-income programs, such as food stamps and Pell grants, even though those programs account for just 28 percent of non-defense spending.



I like Franken but he seems like exactly the kind of candidate to lose an election.

Definitely has skeletons in the closet from his younger days, especially regarding drugs. Of course, who the hell knows what matters to people anymore these days?


All I see is Nate Silver jerking himself off.
Yup. The lack of local infrastructure is killing the Dem's. Ellison's Vox interview is dead-on about this- http://www.vox.com/policy-and-polit...t=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
I was hoping she had spent some time doing research on solutions for democrats. I guess not.

She still has time though. She just needs to spend it doing the following:

- figure out the issues her state cares about most
- pick one issue to campaign on a solution to
- drop the gamer cred. It doesn't help her at all with the voters she needs.
- read up on as many national issues as she can
- find political friends who can campaign for her and vouch for her
I would hope people would not waste time or money on her.
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