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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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And who is going to do it? They don't have anyone. There is no DeLay or Pelosi there to make sure the job is done by any means.

I would argue that the issue is when there is an entire wing of the party that isn't interested in negotiating... It doesn't matter who you have trying to whip votes.

It's why Boehner left.
The problem is, he has made himself as the President that fulfills all promises. Aligning with the wants of the FC directly conflicts with the promises he made with his voters. It would be too blatant. Then again, nothing sticks to Trump so he'd probably be able to get away with it.

Either he gets zero done or he gets a lot done that's terrible. I think the latter has the biggest potential for him staying in power. I'm surprised that Bannon hasn't forced him to this line of thinking already.


Either he gets zero done or he gets a lot done that's terrible. I think the latter has the biggest potential for him staying in power. I'm surprised that Bannon hasn't forced him to this line of thinking already.

Isn't Bannon losing some power and influence with Trump because Agent Orange partially blames him for his unpopularity?

I wouldn't be shocked if there's a shakeup in the WH if/when this bill gets shot down and his approval ratings drop even further.
One question I have is couldn't Trump avoid all this trouble by aligning fully with the FC to begin with and submitting a bill they'd sign up for?

The moderates themselves seem more willing to go along with whatever Trump wants, so long as he supports their re-election.
They want a full repeal of Obamacare, period. I'd imagine Trump does too for petty reasons but it's political suicide: a full repeal might barely pass the House but would die in the senate, where full repeal doesn't have enough republican support to pass.

I don't see a way to thread this needle. The FC are idiots and truly believe there will be a Part 2 to this saga: the bill fails on Thursday and then they get to rewrite it with Ryan. But that's not going to happen. The bill will fail on Thursday and then leadership will scrap the topic until after midterms. They're running out of time to get their agenda passed...


Like, I get how idiots like Trump and Ryan thought this bill was a good idea, but how did it get past the smart GOP leadership? Were guys like McConnell and ....... ok, was McConnell not involved at all? I can't imagine he would sign off on this disaster. He probably wanted a repeal and delay bill that left that details of a replacement up to some future legislative session. That way they can get to less contentious legislation among Republicans and then use the pressure of failing insurance markets to get Democratic votes for a replace bill later. Now it's just totally fucked.
Like, I get how idiots like Trump and Ryan thought this bill was a good idea, but how did it get past the smart GOP leadership? Were guys like McConnell and ....... ok, was McConnell not involved at all? I can't imagine he would sign off on this disaster. He probably wanted a repeal and delay bill that left that details of a replacement up to some future legislative session. That way they can get to less contentious legislation among Republicans and then use the pressure of failing insurance markets to get Democratic votes for a replace bill later. Now it's just totally fucked.

It doesn't appear McConnell was involved at all. Nobody wants to listen to the only person in the room who actually knows how to government at least half way successfully.


Serious question - please tell me there's a good reason for a D to be absent tom?

Whats the story there?

edit: Ah. I see his wife passed away. I mean.... its tough... but....
It doesn't appear McConnell was involved at all. Nobody wants to listen to the only person in the room who actually knows how to government at least half way successfully.

Looks to me like negotiations between the senate and house weren't going anywhere so Ryan decided to ram his bill through and force the senate to vote no. Trump is in favor of doing anything because policy is for losers. Now even the House is freaking out because the numbers on this bill are so bad.

edit: Ah. I see his wife passed away. I mean.... its tough... but....

Don't do this. One vote isn't going to decide anything at this point. Let the poor guy grieve.
I kind of wonder how a Democrat house with a Republican Senate and a Trump presidency would be.

So basically, common projections for 2018

Would the Democrats behave like the GOP circa 2010-2012, or would they just keep sending good, popular bills to die in the senate, or worse, to be veto'd. "Democrats pass popular bill, only to have it be killed by the GOP" is not the headlines you want. But the Democrats also don't want to make Trump look good by doing all the work for him

It would be interesting to see. And I guess there's a decent chance we actually do get to see it.
I kind of wonder how a Democrat house with a Republican Senate and a Trump presidency would be.

So basically, common projections for 2018

Would the Democrats behave like the GOP circa 2010-2012, or would they just keep sending good, popular bills to die in the senate, or worse, to be veto'd. "Democrats pass popular bill, only to have it be killed by the GOP" is not the headlines you want. But the Democrats also don't want to make Trump look good by doing all the work for him

It would be interesting to see. And I guess there's a decent chance we actually do get to see it.

Well Trump would be impeached first and foremost.
Because if it somehow does get through the House (which I still think it will), and then somehow through the Senate, it will hurt a lot of people.

Its not on him, he should grieve, but sometimes you are faced with two terrible options.

If it was getting through the house, one vote wouldn't matter at all. Stuff doesn't really pass the House with only one vote to spare. There are various caucuses that all vote in lock step.

If he was a senator, maybe, but this is the house where a single vote is basically worthless. Also his wife died...
Because if it somehow does get through the House (which I still think it will), and then somehow through the Senate, it will hurt a lot of people.

Its not on him, he should grieve, but sometimes you are faced with two terrible options.

Its not going to come down to one vote though. If Ryan can get to one vote there's going to be someone willing to trade their vote for something else. He just doesn't have to do that deal now.

Plus even if it passes the senate there will be amendments so the bill will have to go through reconciliation and then a final vote in each house again.


It got me thinking though, why can't he just have someone "stand in for him" and vote the way he would have if he can't be present due to extreme circumstances? Kinda lame he can't submit his vote anyway. I am sure there is some arcane congressional rule or process that covers this, so enlighten me.


Beat EviLore at pool.

Hopefully some Russia news.
It got me thinking though, why can't he just have someone "stand in for him" and vote the way he would have if he can't be present due to extreme circumstances? Kinda lame he can't submit his vote anyway. I am sure there is some arcane congressional rule or process that covers this, so enlighten me.

That's how we got Emperor Palpatine, though.
It doesn't appear McConnell was involved at all. Nobody wants to listen to the only person in the room who actually knows how to government at least half way successfully.

Plus, they need something otherwise they can't get to tax reform and I think the budget reconciliation has a deadline of April 15th.


I wonder if this kicks Ryan out. This is the biggest failure of his entire career, and I doubt the FC likes him and Trump doesn't like him. He's bad at his job and they have all the evidence they could want to kick him out.
But who is gunna message Trump's ego every morning? Very important job. Tremendously important.


Beat EviLore at pool.
I work down the block from Dan Donovan's office in Staten Island. About 50 or so people are outside his office protesting.


You guys, he's so great at making deals...

Yesterday morning, we wrote that 17 House Republicans opposed or leaned strongly against the GOP health-care plan that's scheduled for a vote Thursday. Then President Trump visited Capitol Hill and appeared to threaten GOP lawmakers, saying that they could lose re-election in the 2018 midterms if they vote against the GOP health-care bill, NBC's Leigh Ann Caldwell writes. After that visit, the number of Republicans opposing or leaning strongly against the legislation grew to 27, per NBC News' count — when Trump and GOP leaders can't afford more than 21 defections.
"We need a dealmaker"
"Trump is the ultimate dealmaker, that's what we need in a president"
"We need a businessman because he can make deals"

Not that the idiots who disseminated this bullshit narrative would ever capitulate that Trump is not just a terrible "dealmaker". But more pathetic than that, Trump is just flat out impotent. Though people in power are finally starting to figure that out.


Bad for Manafort, but Trump's administration has begun to distance themselves from him, re-writing history, to the point of saying he was just an "acquaintance".

But then will anything come of this? Just like all the countless ethics violations, what about this will finally sink Trump? It won't because we need a House that's not afraid to hold Trump accountable to his bullshit. And so far, they've been way too chicken-shit to do anything. And I'm afraid they never will, so Trump's just gonna keep getting away with one terrible thing after another.
Bad for Manafort, but Trump's administration has begun to distance themselves from him, re-writing history, to the point of saying he was just an "acquaintance".
I mean, they can say that. The law isn't really going to care how badly the administration has distanced themselves from him now. All that matters is what was going on when Manafort was directly working for Trump's campaign.
Bad for Manafort, but Trump's administration has begun to distance themselves from him, re-writing history, to the point of saying he was just an "acquaintance".

But then will anything come of this? Just like all the countless ethics violations, what about this will finally sink Trump? It won't because we need a House that's not afraid to hold Trump accountable to his bullshit. And so far, they've been way too chicken-shit to do anything. And I'm afraid they never will, so Trump's just gonna keep getting away with one terrible thing after another.

They can rewrite history all they want - Manafort was Trump's campaign manager. I don't think anybody believes that he was just an "acquaintance"

I don't know that anything will come out of this as long as Trump isn't directly implicated in anything. But the more people that are implicated - Stone, Manafort, Flynn, etc - the more likely it is that one will talk and bring others (possibly Trump) into it

Either way, it's not a good look for the Trump administration. I don't think it helps them in 2018 or 2020 at all
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