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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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It's a case. Nearly every other week results in another piece of evidence coming to light. It's going to take time until the final blows are landed.

Flynn is probably going to jail though.


From Nunes speaking right now

Bradd Jaffy
Nunes just said there was incidental collection of communications during Trump transition—possibly including communications of Trump himself
From Nunes speaking right now

Bradd Jaffy
Nunes just said there was incidental collection of communications during Trump transition—possibly including communications of Trump himself

Hopefully they don't.

BREAKING: Nunes says 'possible' Trump communications swept up in incidental surveillance involving his campaign, not related to Russia


Not related to Russia. Then related to what?


Beat EviLore at pool.
Spicer will be speaking about the shooting in his briefing shortly. So I imagine they will use that as a pivot towards ISIS and everything else.


This to me is Trump's problem in a nutshell. He thinks Washington is all cable news-style politics and none of the policy. And the problem is his WH is right behind him because he's terrible at hiring good people.

Dave Weigel
Mo Brooks says the WH keeps arguing politics, not policy, even in private meetings. "Things that are non-substantive just blow right by me."



Was a NO yest. They're all gonna fall in line huh.

"I will back their bill because they promised to back my bill"

What a complete fool
If they vote no and can't get this through than that means that they likely won't be able to pass any healthcare changes through budget reconciliation right?
If they vote no and can't get this through than that means that they likely won't be able to pass any healthcare changes through budget reconciliation right?

There wouldn't be enough time. This whole ordeal is also cutting into their tax code reconciliation plans. I think they only have until the middle of April to pass stuff via reconciliation.


Thing is they were counting on that $500B in 'savings' to put towards tax reform. No healthcare = a smaller tax package.

I mean...really?
Wasn't their tax plan sort of hedging a number of bets on the healthcare bill passing?
Yeah, this.
GOP is face-planting on the first hurdle.

mean, I agree. But they have to pass something before the April recess, right? Something to claim victory of a republican administration.
MULaw Poll.

Trump job approval 41/47 among registered voters, 11% with no opinion (shy Trump voters?)

This is the WOW county areas, which, this is how a typical Republican would operate.

Trump's strongest support in WI is in Milwaukee media market, excluding the city itself: 48% approve, 42% disapprove. #mulawpoll

In late October, his favorables were 33/62. Now they're 42/48.


What should Congress do about health care law? 6% favor keeping it, 54% keep and improve, 28% repeal and replace, 8% repeal & do not replace

On ACA v Obamacare

When "Affordable Care Act" phrase was used, favorable views overall were 51%. When "Obamacare" was used, 40% were favorable. #mulawpoll

37% want the wall, 59% do not.

66% of RV want undocumented immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship.
"So you found proof of the wire tapping!?"
"Well yea, but"
"HAHAHA I was right. Tremendous. Get me my phone"
"But they were..."
"'Obama wire tapped me, proof from Congressman Nunes', now there's a story"
"But the mob ties"
"They were bugging you because of possible mob ties"
"Who cares, I was right, they were wrong. What a bunch of losers. I have to tell everyone"


"So you found proof of the wire tapping!?"
"Well yea, but"
"HAHAHA I was right. Tremendous. Get me my phone"
"But they were..."
"'Obama wire tapped me, proof from Congressman Nunes', now there's a story"
"But the mob ties"
"They were bugging you because of possible mob ties"
"Who cares, I was right, they were wrong. What a bunch of losers. I have to tell everyone"
Basically, yeah.
Trump is basically the final boss in Ace Attorney Investigations: We know he's guilty, everyone with a brain knows he's guilty, but we can't crack his fucking Testimony unless we pull some random ass evidence out of our ass
Samurai Dogs for Alba
I swear. If this bill does not pass.. democrats need to DESTROY the republicans for this.

After eight years of screaming and they are given all three branches and can't get anything done? They cannot let that slide.

This to me looks even worse than a bad bill or fall out from a straight repeal. At least they would have followed up on their promises in that case.


Bad for Manafort, but Trump's administration has begun to distance themselves from him, re-writing history, to the point of saying he was just an "acquaintance".
lol he wasn't just an acquaintance. Check the public record, the interviews. Trump expressed gratitude for everything Manafort did for the campaign after he stepped down. They cannot bullshit their way out of how closely he was integrated with the campaign no matter how hard they try.

Nunes told @deirdrewalshcnn that he did NOT discuss his incidental collection findings today with Schiff, the ranking Dem


Nunes needs to tell Schiff first before Trump.
Can the GOP do anything right, what the fuck
Probably a bad time for Trump for this to drop.

QPac poll.


President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Today's job approval rating compares to a negative 41 - 52 percent approval rating in a March 7 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

President Trump is losing support among key elements of his base:

Men disapprove 43 - 52 percent, compared to a 49 - 45 percent approval March 7;

Republicans approve 81 - 14 percent, compared to 91 - 5 percent two weeks ago;

White voters disapprove 44 - 50 percent, compared to a narrow 49 - 45 percent approval March 7.

Disapproval is 60 - 31 percent among women, 90 - 6 percent among Democrats, 60 - 31 percent among independent voters and 75 - 16 percent among non-white voters.

American voters' opinions of some of Trump's personal qualities hit new lows:
60 - 35 percent that he is not honest, compared to 55 - 39 not honest March 7;
55 - 40 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
57 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
66 - 30 percent that he is not level-headed;
66 - 30 percent that he is a strong person;
59 - 36 percent that he is intelligent;
61 - 35 percent that he does not share their values.

"Although taking a beating, he keeps on tweeting to the point where even his fiercely loyal base appears to be eroding," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Most alarming for President Donald Trump, the demographic underpinnings of his support, Republicans, white voters, especially men and those without a college degree, are starting to have doubts."

A total of 73 percent of American voters say President Trump and his Administration make statements without evidence to support them "very often" or "somewhat often."


Deflect deflect deflect.

Spicer going over all of the Democrats potential involvements with Russians.

Pushes the false narrative that Hilary personally delivered 20% of USAs uranium to Russia.


Wow, all these polls. If people could only have previously realized what EVERY SENSIBLE PERSON was saying during the election cycle then they wouldn't have had to wait until they helped elect him to find out that he's a fucking scumbag who won't do a damn bit of good for this country.


Beat EviLore at pool.
lol he wasn't just an acquaintance. Check the public record, the interviews. Trump expressed gratitude for everything Manafort did for the campaign after he stepped down. They cannot bullshit their way out of how closely he was integrated with the campaign no matter how hard they try.

Can the GOP do anything right, what the fuck

Something is up.

Getting the sense from committee members on both sides of the aisle that this Nunes presser caught everyone by surprise.


It needs to be a independent investigation like now.


So like, is Nunes saying that Trump campaign communications were definitely collected and he's seen them, or that it's possible they were collected based on communication with known FISA targets? Neither of those things are particularly good for Trump.
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