The Lord is clearly the original job creator my friend, and doesn't give equal pay for equal work!For what it's worth, The only texts in the Bible that explicitly call out Homosexuality is in the OT, which is technically part of Jewish Law that the Apostle Paul argued did not apply to Gentiles(See also Circumcision). The verses from the New Testament that "Condemns homosexuals" are written by Paul and use terminology that could have meant a variety of things in Ancient Greek.
Like, there's an entire page on Wikipedia dedicated to both arguments for and against these words as "Homosexual"within the context of the letters.
Except that is probably as close to "Socialism" as you can get in the Bible, considering Socialism is a 19th Century Ideology. It's a stupid exercise much in the way that you can't really say that the writings of Justinian's legal reforms in the Byzantines would make him support Healthcare Reform. I get the original point(that Jesus has been corrupted by Evangelicals into "Supply Side Jesus", who espouses the values of Hayek and Rand) but the analogy is bad.
Like, the parable is "Everyone should get paid the same, regardless of their prior rank"(Much like other parables, there's a lot of subtext, especially since Matthew 20 is a continuation of Jesus's talk about the rich in Matthew 19.) I can't imagine a world where This section proceeding it is judged as "Promoting Capitalism.
He's also comparing Heaven to this system, for "The First Shall be Last in the Kingdom of God".