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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Tax Reform Will Be A Nightmare
Tax reform has never been simple. The last time Washington passed a comprehensive tax overhaul, in 1986, the plan took almost two years to go from first draft to presidential signature. Ronald Reagan saw the first copy just three weeks after his reelection win, on November 26, 1984. The plan faced stiff opposition on K Street and almost fell apart immediately. Within weeks, one of its chief architects, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, was the subject of so much bureaucratic sniping and vicious media leaks that he begged the president to allow him to resign.
There’s little mystery why it’s been 30 years since the last comprehensive tax-reform law: Tax reform is a nightmare.

It takes extraordinary political focus, the capacity to withstand months of bureaucratic infighting, the fortitude to ignore relentless lobbying from organizations losing their favorite tax benefits, and devoted White House stewards who are prepared to guide the bill through this maelstrom for months, or even years. Trump and Republicans in Congress gave up on health-care reform after 17 days. The White House has already blamed the bill’s failure on the same representatives it will need to pass tax reform. According to Goldman Sachs research, stock prices for high-tax corporations have already given up their gains since Trump’s victory, suggesting a growing pessimism that the administration will succeed in revamping corporate or individual taxes.

The Reagan White House saved tax reform for his second term, when the president would never again face reelection. Trump’s position couldn’t be more opposite: He is both historically unpopular for a president this early in his term and generally desperate for popular approval. He has demonstrated an allergy to policy details, an aversion to political negotiation, and a general dislike of schleps. Tax reform is nothing but details. It is the canonical definition of a political schlep.
Is there any truth to "Obamacare will implode if we don't do anything!"? I keep hearing it, and my dad loves repeating it.

My uneducated guess is that the only thing that would cause it to implode would be republicans crippling it in some way. Am I wrong?

You're on the right track. The ACA won't implode unless the Trump administration takes further action through avenues such as HHS. Other than that, even with the ACA in full effect the US system relative to the best in the world is a joke and the Obama marketplaces are yet another sad tale of free market drivel. So in short, not as bad as Trump suggests but its not in good shape.

Rebel Leader



aka andydumi
You're on the right track. The ACA won't implode unless the Trump administration takes further action through avenues such as HHS. Other than that, even with the ACA in full effect the US system relative to the best in the world is a joke and the Obama marketplaces are yet another sad tale of free market drivel. So in short, not as bad as Trump suggests but its not in good shape.

On top of it, you are seeing both an increased interest by states to expand Medicaid under ACA, and an increased willingness by CMS to work with states on Medicaid projects/plans and other waivers.

I think the red states which held off on expansion in the hope of repeal are realizing repeal chances are gone, so they might as well expand the use the money CMS is providing.


This article from The Atlantic is great.

How Right-Wing Media Saved Obamacare

Shows what the costs of facing reality after years of lies actually looks like. Sean Hannity has probably single handedly done more to damage the positive uptick of this country than any private citizen should have the right to.


So I guess nobody told him?

Poor thing

This isn't being put to a vote again, it's far too toxic. Estimates were a hundred or more Republicans were going to vote no on it. It was a disaster.

This isn't a fight they want to have again. They're also out of time.

So yea, they haven't learned. If they try again it'll end the same exact way.

Not learning would be insisting that Planned Parenthood be in the budget bill and forcing the government shutdown into a "nuclear option" scenario because of Senate Dem obstruction. They've learned at least not to play chicken with this stuff when they're in power.

In fact, insisting that the defunding go in the health care bill is pretty smart, because then they have a handy excuse to hand to the pro-birth nutters that they're working on it, but they're trying to get more than just an end to PP.


Junior Member
Crazy question, but if Trump is impeached and charged as, what is essentially, a foreign agent, would all his Executive Orders be reversed?

No, but I could see ryan reversing that heinous remove 2 regs for every new one at least. Travel ban attempts would die. Wall would die.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

After reading just how long it took to pass tax reform the last time. This is the hill he will probably die on. If the Democrats muster a candidate who has decent Charisma, can appeal to the rust belt and is relatively scandal free then it's probably a slam dunk. Hoping for a big primary field this time around.
I wonder how long the US can maintain its tax increase aversion. Like sooner or later they will have to realize they need more tax money to fund certain programs.


"give him another chance!"

"the entire establishment was against him"


Nah he actually had to lead and it's been nothing but a dumpster fire. He couldn't make good on any of his promises and his base will further suffer under his Presidency.

He's done for.
I wonder how long the US can maintain its tax increase aversion. Like sooner or later they will have to release they need more tax money to fund certain programs.

Poverty and unemployment would likely have to hit critical stages. Like 30% or something insane like that. Which could happen with the wrong president at the wrong time, like if Trump was elected in 2008.
Nah he actually had to lead and it's been nothing but a dumpster fire. He couldn't make good on any of his promises and his base will further suffer under his Presidency.

He's done for.

He's not done for. As long as Rs go 90+ percent for him, and white evangelicals go 80+ percent for him, he's got a chance to be made god-king. Ds have to get out and vote,
and then get on busses to NH, MI, PA, and WI to vote again


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
A lot of craziness would happen if so. Would be amazing to see but scary too because of what happened.

No evidence. No e-mails. No texts. No intercepts .Trump-Russia Collusion an attack devised by @JohnPodesta 2 distract from HIS
Putin biz

That top reply: "That seems to be a pattern of dems. Accuse other of what you are doing to deflect attn and legal ramifications."

I just fucking can't.
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