I have kind of a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach about this Nunes row. It feels like the curtain has finally been pulled back and the entire GOP will try to sound "concerned" but will do nothing. Nunes won't recuse and they'll continue to block and obstruct people like Yates to no consequence. They all realize Trump is guilty but they know the party will be destroyed if the truth comes out.
Elections really do have consequences. This might be overly cynical but it seems to me the only man who can actually do anything is Comey, who I flat out do not trust at all, and I think if any journalist or reporter was going to discover a bombshell it would have happened by now.
Part of me still thinks it could all explode next month somehow, but ultimately if the Republicans choose in unison to obstruct justice and the truth, that's exactly what will happen.
Honestly, it's better politically if he drags this out and doesn't recuse immediately. Rule number 1 of getting past a scandal is to just accept the punishment while never admitting guilt. You do what Sessions did; you step aside while saying "I didn't do shit, but this is a distraction so I'll drop out whatevs I didn't want it anyway"
Literally no one knew who Nunes was months ago; the guy's approaching household name since he just won't shut the fuck up and leave. That plays great to get people in our base mad.
How am I supposed to interpret "Get fucked, Rustbelt?"
Also, let's keep in mind how small differences would change the narrative. Less than a 1% swing in WI, PA, MI means Hillary Clinton is president right now and while we probably discuss how disturbing the razor-thin margins in the Rust Belt are for our prospects in 2020 and beyond in this topic there wouldn't be the same level of anger directed towards the people who live there. I mean ultimately there really isn't very much difference in how those three states voted relative to NH, but there's this tendency to pass sweeping judgments towards every single resident of a state because of how the Electoral College treats those small differences.
I agree that the narrative would be different, but I'll just be blunt; I have literally zero (zilch, nada, etc...) empathy for anyone that voted for Trump, individually. I had students who are LGBT crying for a week after the election. I've got foreign exchange students who aren't sure if it's a good idea to go home on breaks. I have friends who may lose health insurance. None of them asked for this shit, and Trump voters rammed it down their throats anyway because they're all okay with outright white nationalism.
Fuck every single Trump voter. Fuck them for the rest of their days. If I were a perfect person, I'd forgive and move on, but I'm not and I won't.