Yes, but one is a thing that people actually care about and another is something that people are saying because I guess they feel like it shows that Republicans are hypothetical hypocrites?
So, talk to me like I'm stupid. Why should we do anything we can to keep someone who is under FBI investigation for attacking our democratic process from making a lifetime appointment? I mean, I agree that we shouldn't just let such a person make appointments willy-nilly, but if it's a job that needs doing and we look at the person they want to appoint and there's nothing at all out of the ordinary there, what's the problem? Again, in the worst-case scenario we find out that Trump was personally conspiring with Putin and he gets removed from office. Maybe Pence goes down too, simultaneously. Paul Ryan's behind Gorsuch too. Absolutely nobody thinks that Gorsuch is somehow tainted by the Russia stuff, and so this objection just seems silly, and the Democrats know that it is. That's why Schumer's reduced to saying "yeah but if Clinton had won the election and was still under FBI investigation I'm pretty sure that the Republicans would have filibustered her nominee for that reason". This is not compelling stuff.