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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Practically every single republican on Twitter is running with this rice shit. The news cycle wanted a "win" for Trump and I guess they got it, for now.

If the only news you consume is via the internet sources, this doesn't appear to be a big deal. CNN.com isn't even bothering putting it anywhere on their home page, and MSNBC just has a tiny little blurb on the side.

There's literally no story here. It's nothing. It doesn't exist. There is nothing illegal. There isn't anything that isn't just a woman doing her job.

Those stories don't last. Why would anyone bother? The trainwreck of the GOP is far more interesting and gets far more attention than some dumb made up scandal.
If anyone has an itch, Wisconsin had a statewide election today for state superintendent and results are being tabulated now. Evers (D) is absolutely running away with it.

Most of the counties aren't in yet, but the only one Evers is currently losing is Waukesha and he narrowly leads in Ozaukee. Almost everywhere else that has results in he's winning with 60+.

Thanks for sharing
Rex Tillerson is the worst diplomat I've ever seen.

That's it?

Look, I'm just a 29 year old liberal Software Engineer from Minnesota, with some social anxiety and no executive experience.

But fuck it, make me Secretary of State. I'll put in more effort than this.

Here, let me give it a shot:

"The US strongly condemns these acts of aggression by the North Koreans. As Secretary of State, I will continue to pursue diplomatic solutions to all international conflicts between North Korea and the United States or its allies on behalf of the American people. Our pursuit of peace will not be denied."

It's not just about telling off North Korea. It's about publicly demonstrating to our allies that we remain committed to them.

The US didn't just blow off North Korea's actions. It blew off the safety of Japan and South Korea, as well. You have to show a commitment to the defense of your allies and the pursuit of peace, or trust in our allegiances will falter. Even if that demonstration is only in strongly worded statements which reiterate the continuation of our commitments.

There was a piece on... I think it was Pod Save the World about how Tillerson seems utterly unprepared for the boring humdrum day-to-day of being SoS. His experience in international relations is 100% oriented towards "dealmaking," for lack of a better phrase, and he apparently doesn't understand or want to bother with the basic maintenance of our relationships with our allies that forms up a very large part of being SoS.


No Scrubs
Nikki sounds like she's operating completely separate of the administration though. Nothing she's saying holds any weight.

That's because she likely is. Do you really think Trump or anyone else in the administration gives a fuck about the UN? What are the odds she's even spoken to the White House since taking office?
That's because she likely is. Do you really think Trump or anyone else in the administration gives a fuck about the UN? What are the odds she's even spoken to the White House since taking office?

And you know, the whole being a woman thing means odds are none of those guys want to talk to her. I imagine she got the job at the insistence of Reince who wanted her to get foreign policy experience to help her career.
That's because she likely is. Do you really think Trump or anyone else in the administration gives a fuck about the UN? What are the odds she's even spoken to the White House since taking office?
It's gonna be absolutely shitty when she decides to run in 2024 though. She won't be able to get out of being Ambassador to the UN during maybe the worst foreign policy era in decades just because of some nice statements.
Funny how a lot of people over twitter automatically assume you're a liberal democrat if you think Trump is a blithering idiot, when polls are heavily against him which includes a large mass of moderates as well.
Funny how a lot of people over twitter automatically assume you're a liberal democrat if you think Trump is a blithering idiot, when polls are heavily against him which includes a large mass of moderates as well.

Happens with everything unfortunately, I get called a Trump supporter every time I suggest some liberal idea (say the characterisation of the alt-right) may be a little inaccurate


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Happens with everything unfortunately, I get called a Trump supporter every time I suggest some liberal idea (say the characterisation of the alt-right) may be a little inaccurate

Even if the alt right isn't as racist as we say they are, they TOLERATE racism and put people in power who enact racist, sexist, bigoted policies. You don't get to pick and choose which policies of your officials you endorse. If getting a tax cut is more important to you than basic human decency to your neighbors, that tells me you're at best selfish and uncaring, and at worst a hostile jerk who agrees with GOP attacks on people. Neither reflects well on you.

The thing is... it's the racist, sexist bigots who continue to get into power over the socially moderate/liberal, economically conservative republicans, year after year. That points towards not just tolerance of such stances, but agreement.


I agree Tillerson's reply might be just stupidity, but I would also assume that this kind of reply worries NK more than the usual. It makes it sound like the US might be planning a preemptive attack. If NK does this again and Tillerson repeats "No comment", and if the rest of the administration do so too, yes they'll get pressured by the media, but I can imagine NK would suddenly consider that the US might be about to attack, and so would China.

It's not as horrible of an idea as it sounds if your goal is to stop repeating the same shit that never changed anything anyway, and try to put some doubt in NK and China's minds.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sadly. People that are Trump supporters and Fox News watchers will eat it up. Fuck some senators and house members are especially since they want Rice to testify right away now.
Those people were largely unreachable anyway, so whatever. If this is the best they've got, they're in trouble. Best case scenario for them, this is a brief distraction that ultimately just pulled more players into the cover-up investigation.


Junior Member
I agree Tillerson's reply might be just stupidity, but I would also assume that this kind of reply worries NK more than the usual. It makes it sound like the US might be planning a preemptive attack. If NK does this again and Tillerson repeats "No comment", and if the rest of the administration do so too, yes they'll get pressured by the media, but I can imagine NK would suddenly consider that the US might be about to attack, and so would China.

It's not as horrible of an idea as it sounds if your goal is to stop repeating the same shit that never changed anything anyway, and try to put some doubt in NK and China's minds.

It's a pretty terrible idea if NK just decides to go totally off the reservation and open up the artillery on Seoul and launch nukes at Japan and Hawaii in response to a US preemptive strike. The fallout is then on not just NK but also the US (literally). That's why preemptive strikes on an actual nuclear power aren't a good gamble.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Absolutely fucking pathetic. The fucking dipshits who ever said she was a good person and moving Trump to the left or whatever should be embarrassed.
‘‘If being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, then I’m complicit,’’ Trump said in an interview with CBS News on Tuesday. ‘‘I don’t know that the critics who may say that of me, if they found themselves in this very unique and unprecedented situation that I am now in, would do any differently than I am doing.

‘‘I don’t know what it means to be complicit, but you know, I hope time will prove that I have done a good job and, much more importantly, that my father’s administration is the success that I know it will be,’’ she added.
Ivanka, in fewer words.


This administration does not seem competent enough to handle the NK situation, which is making me increasingly nervous.


Unconfirmed Member
This administration does not seem competent enough to handle the NK situation, which is making me increasingly nervous.

Story of my life right now.

Trump's incompetence is all fun and games right now, and great that it's stoping him from doing anything domestically, but when shit hits the fan I'd like to have a competent leader to deal with it, and preferably one that does everything possible to stop shit from hitting the fan in the first place.


Would it be considered safe to basically leave the NK situation to China? International turmoil from NK would be bad for them.
Mimi Walters is getting a legit challenger.


UC Irvine law professor Katie Porter is challenging Republican Rep. Mimi Walters in Orange County's 45th District in 2018.

The 43-year-old Democrat is an expert on consumer-protection law and banking and was an early whistleblower about mortgage fraud by Wall Street banks ahead of the 2008 financial collapse.

”I'm really running to do what I've always done, which is to stand up to special interests," Porter told The Times in an interview. ”I want to take that fight to Washington."

In 2012, she was picked by then-Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris to monitor distribution of California's share of a $25-billion national mortgage foreclosure settlement. Harris, now a U.S. senator, has endorsed Porter.

”It was my job to hold those banks accountable," Porter said. ”We won thousands of victories."

Porter also enters the race with the endorsement of her former Harvard Law School professor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Porter and Warren co-authored a book on debt and credit law.

"Katie is a fighter! She's been in the trenches with me fighting for families for nearly two decades — and she's gotten real results. She's fought relentlessly for important protections that safeguard consumers and force banks to give families a fair shake. There's no one I trust more to take on Donald Trump and the entrenched special interests in Washington on behalf of working families," Warren said in a statement.

Even with two high-profile endorsements in hand, beating a Republican in the 45th District will be a heavy lift. Walters won reelection in 2016 with 58.6% of the vote, and prognosticators such as Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball, from the University of Virginia Center for Politics, say even though the Orange County district went for Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in last November's presidential election, the seat is likely to remain in Republican hands in 2018.

Nevertheless, local activists have been particularly focused on Walters and the seat, protesting weekly outside her office and leaving petitions demanding she hold a town hall meeting.

Porter has been part of that activism, serving as spokeswoman for the local chapter of the protest group Indivisible and getting involved with some of the other local groups.

”I think those groups have done a great job helping to make families' voice heard," she said.

National Democrats have their eye on the seat as well. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee rolled out ads targeting Walters after she voted for the GOP's healthcare plan in committee. Walters, who serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, was one of the earliest supporters of the bill among the California Republican delegation.

CA45 was +12 Romney, but swung dramatically towards Clinton where she beat Trump by 5.
There's like seven GOP-held districts in California that went for Clinton. It would be severe political malpractice not to shoot for all of them.

There's been some talk about how the path back to a Dem majority would go through suburban districts, and I think we saw that in the presidential results last year even as the incumbents cruised to reelection. Trump's administration demonstrating that voting GOP has consequences could fast track that development.
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