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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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No Scrubs
And Rubin despises Rice (based on her previous articles). Really tells you how ludicrous this attack is. David Frum was defending her yesterday with the same argument.

The ball is in Trump's court. If she committed a crime, what are you going to do about it? The answer is nothing because she did nothing wrong. Same with the Obama wiretap story. Obama should be going to jail if he personally had Trump wiretapped, right? Any day now...

Exactly. If anything Trump's been saying is real there should be prosecutions out the yin-yang, but that's not happening.


Unconfirmed Member

Am I missing something here? As far as I've heard, there isn't any actual news in regards to Rice
I still don't get this whole unmasking story.

So on one hand Trump and others are trying to give us the impression that Rice specifically wanted their names unmasked for political purposes - but doesn't that already assume that she knew who they are within the intelligence materials, even when they were masked? How does that work?

And the way Rand Paul describes it, Rice did specific name lookups of Trump transition officials and got all of this incidental intelligence spit back out automatically, which even if it works that way is an entirely different thing than wrongful unmasking.

I don't get it. Have those concerned about this presented any kind of coherent argument, no matter how fanciful or wrong?


It's just an extension of the original wiretap claim. The administration is looking into any way to say 'The previous administration spied on me.'
God help the South Koreans, don't know how they're going to sleep at night with President "why do we have them if we're not going to use them" Trump calling the shots.

Anyone still pontificating about how a trump presidency is "better for Democrats" in the long term needs to remember that a nuclear exchange weighs a bit more on the scale than a majority of House seats.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
God help the South Koreans, don't know how they're going to sleep at night with President "why do we have them if we're not going to use them" Trump calling the shots.

Anyone still pontificating about how a trump presidency is "better for Democrats" in the long term needs to remember that a nuclear exchange weighs a bit more on the scale than a majority of House seats.

At least Trump doesn't use email.
Todd is more concerned with the optics than the facts. All that matters to him is that this lie will help the GOP. The fact that it's a lie is immaterial.

He has moments of brilliance, but it never comes from a genuine place. It's all about the theatre and who comes out looking worse.

I mean, isn't this sort of the modern political climate in a nutshell? Optics are more important than facts to many voters as the election of Trump demonstrated.
Him blaming Obama for everything is probably backfiring the same way.

It always does. People don't accept blaming past presidents. THey don't even accept it when

They didn't even believe Obama when he was blaming Bush for the economy, and it was literally Bush's fault and Obama came into his term with it already well under way. Didn't matter. Obama didn't fix it within 48 hours of becoming president, so it was his fault.
I hope your right. I can totally see Steve Bannon whisper into Trump's ear, "A war will get you reelected, and a draft will create many jobs."

There's a nonzero chance that there would be legal challenges saying women need to be included in the draft (right now no one really cares if they sign up for selective service or not)

It won't happen. Even without that, not popular. Trump got elected because he wanted to take care of America, sending Americans overseas to die is the opposite of what the people who elected him wanted
There's a nonzero chance that there would be legal challenges saying women need to be included in the draft (right now no one really cares if they sign up for selective service or not)

It won't happen. Even without that, not popular. Trump got elected because he wanted to take care of America, sending Americans overseas to die is the opposite of what the people who elected him wanted

Trump: "Today, we will begin instituting the draft"
ACLU: "lol nope"
Some Judge in Hawaii: "lol nope"
-3 months of being stalled in court-
9th Circuit: "You can institute the draft, but only after you require all able women to register for the draft. Have fun!"
Supreme Court: "do what they say, we can't be bothered"
Meanwhile the war/Trump's presidency is already over


Junior Member
There's a nonzero chance that there would be legal challenges saying women need to be included in the draft (right now no one really cares if they sign up for selective service or not)

It won't happen. Even without that, not popular. Trump got elected because he wanted to take care of America, sending Americans overseas to die is the opposite of what the people who elected him wanted

There will be an outright civil war if they start the draft.

It isn't happening.


lacks enthusiasm.
I hope your right. I can totally see Steve Bannon whisper into Trump's ear, "A war will get you reelected, and a draft will create many jobs."
Beyond the obvious political suicide aspect (maybe a case could be made Trump wouldn't care much about that), a draft isn't really something we would need to implement nowadays given how modern wars are fought, IMO.


1. North Korea is scaring me. Rather, the Trump administration's handling of this is scaring me, and a war of any sort would be worst case scenario.

2. Trump and Republicans are happy to deflect attention away from their issues and onto others, hence the stupid Susan Rice "controversy" going on. I'm sure they're especially happy that they get to harp on someone who's both black and a woman.


Easy to shit on the healthcare law when there isn't a nonzero chance of it being repealed.

"Haha, fuck Hillary and Obama, MAGA! Wait I might lose my health insurance?"

Gokai Change!! oops I mean SUPER MEGA MODE. PR Twitch Strean I miss you


Practically every single republican on Twitter is running with this rice shit. The news cycle wanted a "win" for Trump and I guess they got it, for now.
19% would mean that even half of Republicans don't want to see it fail and replaced, lol. That story about the alt-right pushing single payer was interesting. Goes to show that more party differences than ever are on entirely cultural issues and that most people do want the same basic needs met for everyone.

Who'd have thought that Trump would end up being the person doing the best job to promote Obamacare? Democrats would have killed for these kinds of numbers at any point in the past 8 years.

Polls like that are some early scientific proof of any wider public sentiment on "damn, we had it good under Obama." It's a start!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Rex Tillerson is the worst diplomat I've ever seen.

North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment.

That's it?

Look, I'm just a 29 year old liberal Software Engineer from Minnesota, with some social anxiety and no executive experience.

But fuck it, make me Secretary of State. I'll put in more effort than this.

Here, let me give it a shot:

"The US strongly condemns these acts of aggression by the North Koreans. As Secretary of State, I will continue to pursue diplomatic solutions to all international conflicts between North Korea and the United States or its allies on behalf of the American people. Our pursuit of peace will not be denied."

It's not just about telling off North Korea. It's about publicly demonstrating to our allies that we remain committed to them.

The US didn't just blow off North Korea's actions. It blew off the safety of Japan and South Korea, as well. You have to show a commitment to the defense of your allies and the pursuit of peace, or trust in our allegiances will falter. Even if that demonstration is only in strongly worded statements which reiterate the continuation of our commitments.
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