Obama owns the DNC, though. We know he does because he put in Perez over Ellison. So it's the same thing. The DNC's not going to enact a rule unless Obama is convinced it's a good rule.
If Obama wants to just walk away from politics, frankly I wouldn't blame him. Just tell everybody to get fucked, they elected Trump. But if he wants to stick around and keep running things, which is what he's doing whether or not he wants to admit it publicly, then he's stuck with the responsibility of running things, and setting an example of avoiding situations that could lead to corruption is part of that.
I mean, I think that's actually making it worse. He was America's Magical Negro! I will cop to the potential of racism in that I kind of did think maybe Obama was just perfect and so this is a bummer, but that was a dumb thing for me to think in the first place.
As I said, the real failure here is that people didn't hold Bill Clinton to ethical standards. Like, basically ever in his life. Obama has the power to clean that up, that's all. Which is something he's already been doing for eight years.
I can buy the argument that Bill Clinton would never have gotten away with the shit he did if he wasn't a white Southerner male.