The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
oh my fucking god
oh my fucking god
We should probably have a discussion about this one:
Gee, I wonder if Bernie "Political Poison" Sanders had anything to do with this.
and yet they voted for the wealthiest person of the 2, right?
50 percent of Obama-Trump voters said their incomes are falling behind the cost of living, and another 31 percent said their incomes are merely keeping pace with the cost of living.
A sizable chunk of Obama-Trump voters — 30 percent — said their vote for Trump was more a vote against Clinton than a vote for Trump. Remember, these voters backed Obama four years earlier.
42 percent of Obama-Trump voters said congressional Democrats' economic policies will favor the wealthy, vs. only 21 percent of them who said the same about Trump. (Forty percent say that about congressional Republicans.) A total of 77 percent of Obama-Trump voters said Trump's policies will favor some mix of all other classes (middle class, poor, all equally), while a total of 58 percent said that about congressional Democrats.
If those people think Trump was going to favor the wealthy less they're probably unreachable
And people wonder why I hate him.We should probably have a discussion about this one:
Gee, I wonder if Bernie "Political Poison" Sanders had anything to do with this.
On his "Obama wiretapppppped me" tweet:
How can one man be such an idiot
A sizable chunk of Obama-Trump voters 30 percent said their vote for Trump was more a vote against Clinton than a vote for Trump. Remember, these voters backed Obama four years earlier.
And people wonder why I hate him.
Alright, so that's a lesson learned. Let's not pick basically the most hated politician by the opposition, as our candidate.
I like gillary but I don't think she can win. I think she's a real liberal (like Hillary) so I don't have any policy issues, but she's literally Hillary 2. The same issues will be there. Except the email server.
Will people think she's unlikable? Because she's a woman probably...ugh.
You need to stop relitigating the primaries.
It can't be "whatever," though. A sizeable number of people switched from Obama to Trump. Racism can't possibly be the reason for that move, so they have to get these voters back. Reading those statistics above, it is blatantly clear the democrats are horrible at messaging.
Because "elites" isn't about being an actual elite. It's about being a non rural person. Populism being the "common (white rural) man w common sense v the work has been a thing forever.And here's where the problem lies. They almost have to include him in leadership somewhere along the way to 2020 to prevent him from running again. If he runs and loses in the primary, they're done, because his cult-like followers won't turn out to vote.
Reading that article is interesting. Republicans have somehow been able to paint democrats as elites, and democrats haven't been able to counteract that even though their policies clearly portray a paradigm of equality. Perhaps they should be more outgoing in attacking the rich.
Racism DID predict a sizeable amount of Obama/Trump flips.
Because "elites" isn't about being an actual elite. It's about being a non rural person. Populism being the "common (white rural) man w common sense v the work has been a thing forever.
So Obama-Trump voters are like the political equivalent of zoo animals that can't figure out how to shit in the corner.
I'm joking, you know. I agree with you that in retrospect, Sanders was the clear choice of those running.
He wasn't a clear choice though, because he lost.I'm joking, you know. I agree with you that in retrospect, Sanders was the clear choice of those running.
Have you not seen the multiple articles on the subject? The data's there. "One of the good ones is very much a thing, and Trayvon/Ferguson/Kaepernick/BLM was all second term. Trump and brexit were both built on xenophobia.I'm puzzled as to how these people would vote for a black man and then all of a sudden when a racist comes in they say, "I've been waiting for this the whole time!" It just doesn't make sense to me, I guess.
Perhaps, but democrats can counter this with effective messaging. They just haven't done it. On a side note, Biden is popular most likely because of this persona, and I still think he'd be the best choice in 2020 regardless of his age.
If you think Sanders made people think dems favor the wealthy more than republicans, you're lost.
If a survey respondent thinks the Dems favor the wealthy more they're a moron.If you think Sanders made people think dems favor the wealthy more than republicans, you're lost.
I'm not really sure he'd win, either. A big issue with the primary was that nobody really wanted to run against Clinton.
He wasn't a clear choice though, because he lost.
Ban people from running in multiple Dem primaries. There's step one.Neither of my posts were entirely serious. You'll have to excuse my sense of humour, it's quite puckish.
But if we are being serious, okay, let's have some introspection. We'll take it as a given that none of the candidates running in the Democratic primary were capable of winning. If so, this would be an enormous problem, because it makes the entire presidential campaign redundant. You're failing at the first hurdle. Clearly, there's a structural problem to overcome here: how can we encourage more candidates to run, and how can we make primaries more reflective of the marginal voter (an Obama -> Trump switcher) and thus primaries more likely to select candidates who can win in general elections?
Neither of my posts were entirely serious. You'll have to excuse my sense of humour, it's quite puckish.
But if we are being serious, okay, let's have some introspection. We'll take it as a given that none of the candidates running in the Democratic primary were capable of winning. If so, this would be an enormous problem, because it makes the entire presidential campaign redundant. You're failing at the first hurdle. Clearly, there's a structural problem to overcome here: how can we encourage more candidates to run, and how can we make primaries more reflective of the marginal voter (an Obama -> Trump switcher) and thus primaries more likely to select candidates who can win in general elections?
Sure, but it probably has something to do with trump and his brand of populism. Clinton was seen as an out of touch elite before sanders was a thing. People don't pay attention to policy -- they use one's personification and slogans as shorthand.If a survey respondent thinks the Dems favor the wealthy more they're a moron.
Interesting little interview with a former climate denialist who helped form the ideological basis for that movement before switching sides. Most of it is just him talking about how he came to the light and converted, but this stuck out to me:
Both Sanders and Trump were populists!Sure, but it probably has something to do with trump and his brand of populism. Clinton was seen as an out of touch elite before sanders was a thing. People don't pay attention to policy -- they use personality and slogans as shorthand.
What retrospect? Sanders couldn't run in the general election. Are you looking into an alternate timeline?I'm not sure you understand the meaning of the words 'in retrospect'.
Have you not seen the multiple articles on the subject? The data's there. "One of the good ones is very much a thing, and Trayvon/Ferguson/Kaepernick/BLM was all second term. Trump and brexit were both built on xenophobia.
To get effective messaging you need someone good at winning elections. Also someone good at bullshitting. Hillary was good at neither. Biden, Sanders, Warren will all be too goddamn old and need to sideline themselves.
What retrospect? Sanders couldn't run in the general election. Are you looking into an alternate timeline?
Search my thread start history and you'll find it.I haven't had much time at all over the past few months (grad school) so I actually haven't seen them.
I agree Biden will be old, but I don't see anyone stepping up underneath them that can at all relate except for maybe Franken (who always does meetings with farmers/small town folk) who doesn't seem to want to run, and Kander who technically hasn't won anything. They're running out of time.
Yeah, the fact that sanders did so well in the primary should have been a warning for the GE. You guys are still so hung up about "he lost" that you're blind to the reality that "he did so much better than anyone expected."Both Sanders and Trump were populists!
really?Says the guy who keeps trying to prescribe medicine while his own house is burning down around his ears.
Take care of your own country before you run around being a burden to others.
Says the guy who keeps trying to prescribe medicine while his own house is burning down around his ears.dramatis, why do you bother responding to posts you haven't even read properly?
Says the guy who keeps trying to prescribe medicine while his own house is burning down around his ears.
Take care of your own country before you run around being a burden to others.
So was I lol.My aunt was a Romney-Clinton voter lol
I'm not really convinced Sanders actually did do that well in the primary, or that it was even surprising.
He basically did as well as any "not Hillary" candidate would do. We saw this in places like West Virginia, where he won by a lot, but it wasn't really anything other than "he isn't the she-devil butcher of Benghazi"
He was the "generic D" candidate in the primary. He just happened to build a following around it.
I'm not really convinced Sanders actually did do that well in the primary, or that it was even surprising.
He basically did as well as any "not Hillary" candidate would do. We saw this in places like West Virginia, where he won by a lot, but it wasn't really anything other than "he isn't the she-devil butcher of Benghazi"
He was the "generic D" candidate in the primary. He just happened to build a following around it.
Do you want me to go back and quote PoliGAF from the start of the Democratic primaries? Because there's enough content for an A+++ wall of shame if you're claiming that what played out wasn't surprising.
Do you want me to go back and quote PoliGAF from the start of the Democratic primaries? Because there's enough content for an A+++ wall of shame if you're claiming that what played out wasn't surprising.