1. We know both through reporting and through circumstantial evidence that Flynn's conversation with the ambassador was tapped, and because tapping Americans is illegal -- even in conversations with foreigners -- we know there was a FISA warrant. (h/t Maddow detailed this perfectly last night).
2. We don't know if that warrant included more than Flynn, afaik.
3. We don't know whether Trump does or doesn't know he was personally tapped at Trump Tower or anywhere else. It's safe to say he knows more about the investigation happening than he did before he was elected, so we can't exactly rule it out, esp. if we safely assume he has at least one pro-Trump person in place in the IC. (eek!) So sure, maybe he was riffing off a Breitbart headline. But I wouldn't dismiss that he knows he was tapped OR his guilty af reaction to it.
4. Trump's reaction this morning on Twitter, lashing out, making wild accusations, the reporting around his reaction to the Sessions recusal, Bannon/Preibus off AFO, and so on ... it all kinda adds up to what we all recognize as the actions of someone who knows it's almost up.
5. Point being: We now know Page, Stone, Flynn, Sessions, and Kushner all had undisclosed meetings and other dealings with Russia. We know there was at least one FISA wire tap. We know Flynn was removed, and Sessions recused. And finally we know Trump is, even for him, lashing out as the walls are closing in. The noose tightens.