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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Really, the movie choices were always weirder than the books, most of the books were just like they had become embedded in the curriculum at some point and nobody touched it, Walt Whitman poems or whatever...plus you had stuff like Ender's Game that was deliberately introduced into the schools in hopes of convincing kids novels weren't a communist plot because it'd be like Star Wars!, etc.

We watched Tombstone in English class once. I still have no idea why, but I'm you're huckleberry.


No Scrubs
Anyone who doesn't think Catch-22 is among the funniest books in the American canon can fight me. The list is:

  1. A Confederacy of Dunces
  2. HuckFinn
  3. Catch-22
  4. Everything else by Mark Twain
  5. Everything else
Really, the movie choices were always weirder than the books, most of the books were just like they had become embedded in the curriculum at some point and nobody touched it, Walt Whitman poems or whatever...plus you had stuff like Ender's Game that was deliberately introduced into the schools in hopes of convincing kids novels weren't a communist plot because it'd be like Star Wars!, etc.

We watched Tombstone in English class once. I still have no idea why, but I'm you're huckleberry.
We watched Lion King after taking our brutal Hamlet exam

That was pretty enjoyable


At this point why doesn't the Trump adminstration just cut all government services including social security and public education?

It's clearly the Republican pipe dream


By Gordon Corera, security correspondent

It is unusual for GCHQ to comment directly on a report about its intelligence work, normally preferring to stick to the policy of neither confirming nor denying any activity.

But the allegations are so sensitive that the agency clearly felt they could not let them go unchallenged.

Donald Trump's claim that the Obama administration had ordered surveillance on him has generated enormous attention but with so far little evidence to back it up.

And British intelligence is clearly determined to avoid being drawn into what is an increasingly toxic row in Washington.
wow thx gordon

"clearly determined to avoid being drawn into" yet "unusual to comment directly" and "could not let them go unchallenged"


May contain jokes =>
At this point why doesn't the Trump adminstration just cut all government services including social security and public education?

It's clearly the Republican pipe dream

Touching Social Security is suicide. Trump would literally have a better chance of survival if he put himself in a meat grinder (which he should).

Today in dumbass Trump voter news


CNN needs to move away from Spicer yelling at the media and discuss this terrible budget plan
They'll likely get to it once it makes the rounds in congress. Though it's gotten a good amount of air time yesterday evening. I'm looking forward to likely democrats pointing out the budget kills programs for the poor and needy while spending more defending Trump's stupid tower because his family doesn't want to live in the White House Or his weekend vacation for the past two months.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mulvaney may be the worst person I've ever heard talk.

The "we need to cut all funding for feeding undernourished kids because we have no tangible proof it helped their learning" is the scunmiest thing I may have ever heard.
I know there are like 10 things the media should be consistently pushing the Trump administration on, I wish one of the things we'd see from reporters is pushing Spicy on how often the administration is getting themselves into trouble because of stories they hear or read that have anonymous sources. Remember when him and Trump said they don't have a problem with the press, they just think that no story should be reported unless sources are willing to put their name on it? Good times.
The fact that the administration apparently doesn't believe in soft power as a concept says to me that we're probably going to end up fighting NK sooner rather than later. China, Iran, and apparently Mexico are also most likely on the table. Trump can't wrap his head around the idea of a conflict he can't bully his way through,so he'll just try to brute force everything. Trade wars will be the least of it.

Whole lotta people are going to die.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I honestly wonder if these guys think getting into an unprovoked war will increase their popularity. It will have the exact opposite effect.


May contain jokes =>
North Korea seems like an incredibly complicated problem, moreso than all diplomacy is very complicated.

It seems to me that some form of conflict with them is almost inevitable. We're essentially sitting and waiting for them to develop an effective ICBM that can reach our country. Should we really wait that long? Of course, many innocent people there would be harmed.

Making it worse, as it stands now we don't stand to lose much if anything directly from attacking them. Militarily they're a joke by comparison. But our allies in the region would stand to lose a great deal. So I really, really wish we had someone more thoughtful than Donald "The Human Testicular Torsion" Trump making the decisions.
I honestly wonder if these guys think getting into an unprovoked war will increase their popularity. It will have the exact opposite effect.

This isn't my theory, I read it somewhere, but I buy into it. Trump's budget is all about increasing the size, strength, etc of our military. Trump is going to start a war so he can deploy the military and show his supporters how powerful it is and what they are getting for their tax dollars going towards that $54 billion military spending increase.
I honestly wonder if these guys think getting into an unprovoked war will increase their popularity. It will have the exact opposite effect.
Nah. They just don't believe in, or understand, that there's any other way to address problems than beating them into submission.


A war with North Korea would be... I mean, "dumb" isn't a strong enough word. And for all concerned.

Trump's sabre-rattling against a country that has done nothing but sabre-rattle for the past 30 years or so. Ironically, Trump is acting like North Korea - ignore the poor and starving, and spend on military.

The issue is that North Korea is probably the most "perception-led" country that's unstable at this moment. So as soon as Trump needles North Korea, the leadership there will of course take it as a provocation, and one-up Trump. Who, of course, can never let anything go...

For the first time since Trump won, I'm actually worried about a conflict involving America.

This isn't my theory, I read it somewhere, but I buy into it. Trump's budget is all about increasing the size, strength, etc of our military. Trump is going to start a war so he can deploy the military and show his supporters how powerful it is and what they are getting for their tax dollars going towards that $54 billion military spending increase.

This wouldn't surprise me, but at the same time, even Trump most know how bad this will be. The short-term gains will be significantly outweighed by long-term images of fallen soldiers and civilians killed. Add to that the effect on the wider economy - disruption to trade and buying habits - and it's all bad past the first month or so. Trump could maybe have in mind a "Gulf War 1" scenario, where the US military effectively blitzkriegs North Korea? But I have no doubt that North Korea will use any and all weapons at their disposal, and strike out at everyone even vaguely sided with the US. At this stage, that is South Korea, Japan, and possibly even China.

Where's that Daisy anti-Trump ad that Hillary pushed during the campaign?


aka andydumi
This wouldn't surprise me, but at the same time, even Trump most know how bad this will be. The short-term gains will be significantly outweighed by long-term images of fallen soldiers and civilians killed. Add to that the effect on the wider economy - disruption to trade and buying habits - and it's all bad past the first month or so. Trump could maybe have in mind a "Gulf War 1" scenario, where the US military effectively blitzkriegs North Korea? But I have no doubt that North Korea will use any and all weapons at their disposal, and strike out at everyone even vaguely sided with the US. At this stage, that is South Korea, Japan, and possibly even China.

Where's that Daisy anti-Trump ad that Hillary pushed during the campaign?

This is probably how he sees the conflict going. He is thinking of victorious WW2 troops liberating Europe and how the tremendous victory allowed us to "soft control" Japan, Pacific and part of Europe. People honor the fallen, but it is seen as worth it in the grand scheme. Plus he thinks he'll be remembered as "the one who ended NK" and saved millions of its starving people.

If you think from a vanity, self-centered perspective, he will definitely want to use highest power against a weak target so it's a massive victory. Collateral be damned.

We already see a significant increase in drone use in Syria with reportedly less care for planning, intel and side-effects. Power dominates all for him. Think of his handshakes.
This is probably how he sees the conflict going. He is thinking of victorious WW2 troops liberating Europe and how the tremendous victory allowed us to "soft control" Japan, Pacific and part of Europe. People honor the fallen, but it is seen as worth it in the grand scheme. Plus he thinks he'll be remembered as "the one who ended NK" and saved millions of its starving people.

If you think from a vanity, self-centered perspective, he will definitely want to use highest power against a weak target so it's a massive victory. Collateral be damned.

We already see a significant increase in drone use in Syria with reportedly less care for planning, intel and side-effects. Power dominates all for him. Think of his handshakes.

I think it's really important to highlight that it's not about "power" as a nebulous concept, it's about hard power. Direct use of economic and military might. Between his budget and his policies, it seems to be the only kind he believes in. Like, at a fundamental level, that's going to shape his approaches to everything.


Did anyone else listen to the recent Pod Save the World, with Glenn Greenwald? As someone who finds Greenwald utterly grating most of the time, I thought it was an excellent conversation.
Did anyone else listen to the recent Pod Save the World, with Glenn Greenwald? As someone who finds Greenwald utterly grating most of the time, I thought it was an excellent conversation.
I've been putting it off. Probably give it a listen after I drain the MEA trial dry.
Did anyone else listen to the recent Pod Save the World, with Glenn Greenwald? As someone who finds Greenwald utterly grating most of the time, I thought it was an excellent conversation.

Really liked the conversation. It's always cool to get different perspectives on stuff like the Snowden situation.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Republicans: "Hey guys, the public is really upset about this health care bill, and conservatives are even against it. What can we do to get more support? I know!"

*Adds work requirement for Medicaid*

"Take that, poor people!"
Republicans: "Hey guys, the public is really upset about this health care bill, and conservatives are even against it. What can we do to get more support? I know!"

*Adds work requirement for Medicaid*

"Take that, poor people!"

Hopefully they will end up working themselves into a shoot over the real problem, how much people make vs how much CEOs make.

The problem can only be solved by people earning more or cost control....or single payer.
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