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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Unconfirmed Member
I'm glad all future election hacking will be guarded and safe.
I wouldn't want anybody to get carpal tunnel syndrome hunched over a keyboard while the undermine our democracy.
Yeah. I know there are reasons, but I wish news agencies and Democratic politicians at this point would be as unabashed as Trump is in a way. Instead of going 'this is unacceptable', going 'Fuck Trump! He's a piece of shit who wants to line up his own pockets & sell out every American to do it!'
People need to go 100% against Trump.


So Trump basically gave Russia the go-ahead to just hack our shit again.

Mueller, buddy, I know you have to be meticulous and take your time with this, but...


So Trump basically gave Russia the go-ahead to just hack our shit again.

Mueller, buddy, I know you have to be meticulous and take your time with this, but...

The biggest problem is I don't think there's anything he could find that would convince the House to do anything.


As appalled as I've been with this admin, the OGE director that just stepped down was on ABC and it made me feel even worse


May contain jokes =>
The biggest problem is I don't think there's anything he could find that would convince the House to do anything.

If the special counsel's findings are ignored by the legislature, it's the responsibility of the populace to be in the streets on the level they were immediately following the travel ban, or more.
Russians are preparing for 2018 and 2020 while effectively having the ability to shutdown the american power grid while the US goverment does nothing.

Washington Post said:
The implants were developed by the NSA and designed so that they could be triggered remotely as part of retaliatory cyber-strike in the face of Russian aggression, whether an attack on a power grid or interference in a future presidential race.

Officials familiar with the measures said that there was concern among some in the administration that the damage caused by the implants could be difficult to contain.


Relax. The one thing Obama did right in response to this was greenlight a covert cyber operation to retaliate. We can't stop them from hacking into what they want.


Aye, thinking we're getting walloped in the cyberwarfare race forgets things like Stuxnet.

You don't hear about US cyberwarfare actions because we're that good at them. An attack that becomes known is of little value, as opposed to sitting on an unfixed exploit for years while you quietly siphon stuff off of a compromised system.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Also, I had a good laugh about Lindsay Graham calling the joint cybersecurity idea "One of the dumbest things I've ever heard."
So Trump basically gave Russia the go-ahead to just hack our shit again.

Mueller, buddy, I know you have to be meticulous and take your time with this, but...

The thing that popped into my head that worries me just as much is a potential chilling effect on friendly IC sharing, and that they'll know what friendly IC has shared already (and therefore, how they got it).
I got the weird feeling Trump has been slowly giving up over the past two weeks. Like he's not even trying, just drifting along. If this keeps up over the next two weeks I could see him quit.

Possibly. I remember reading about a month ago that the guy who ghost-wrote The Art of the Deal said something to the effect that he thinks Trump is going to end up resigning from office out of frustration.

While I think that's a possibility, part of me leans more towards the theory that Trump is going to randomly keel over from a heart attack brought on by his poor health and inability to function in a constant high-stress environment. Dude is not in good shape at all and it seems like his health is getting worse.

My big concern is what happens to the Mueller investigation if Trump does resign or pass away before Mueller and his A-Team finish their job. I'm pretty sure that certain folks in the GOP will try to bury the investigation if that happens. I've been figuring that if something like that happens, we'll see more leaks again, but then again the IC has it out for Trump in particular due to all the crap he's been spewing right at them ever since he got inaugurated. Will they still feel compelled to force Congress' hand to continue the investigation if we're then under a President Pence or Ryan?
Possibly. I remember reading about a month ago that the guy who ghost-wrote The Art of the Deal said something to the effect that he thinks Trump is going to end up resigning from office out of frustration.

While I think that's a possibility, part of me leans more towards the theory that Trump is going to randomly keel over from a heart attack brought on by his poor health and inability to function in a constant high-stress environment. Dude is not in good shape at all and it seems like his health is getting worse.

My big concern is what happens to the Mueller investigation if Trump does resign or pass away before Mueller and his A-Team finish their job. I'm pretty sure that certain folks in the GOP will try to bury the investigation if that happens. I've been figuring that if something like that happens, we'll see more leaks again, but then again the IC has it out for Trump in particular due to all the crap he's been spewing right at them ever since he got inaugurated. Will they still feel compelled to force Congress' hand to continue the investigation if we're then under a President Pence or Ryan?

I think they'll try and bury it either way. Lets be realistic, most republicans and most republican voters either dont care if Trump colluded with Russia, or are happy that he did because it helped them win. I'm hoping that strategy would backfire spectacularly in the upcoming elections though.


I don't know guys... I feel like the only Democrats I can really fall in love with as a millenial is Bernie Sanders, Nina Turner, and Tulsi Gabbard.

No one else excites and speaks to me like they do.

Oh, and Jill Stein.

Also, President Tweets tweeted a few hours ago.
I don't know guys... I feel like the only Democrats I can really fall in love with as a millenial is Bernie Sanders, Nina Turner, and Tulsi Gabbard.

No one else excites and speaks to me like they do.

Oh, and Jill Stein.

Also, President Tweets tweeted a few hours ago.
One of my "favorite" comments I saw on my Facebook feed leading up to the elections was someone saying "I wish Bernie, Hillary, Trump and Cruz could all run in a 4-way race, then it'd feel like we have a real choice!"

Yes, a Democrat and a Republican isn't a real choice. Two Democrats and two Republicans with virtually indiscernible policy platforms, now we're cooking with gas! Someone wake up George Washington, we cracked the two-party riddle.
Possibly. I remember reading about a month ago that the guy who ghost-wrote The Art of the Deal said something to the effect that he thinks Trump is going to end up resigning from office out of frustration.

While I think that's a possibility, part of me leans more towards the theory that Trump is going to randomly keel over from a heart attack brought on by his poor health and inability to function in a constant high-stress environment. Dude is not in good shape at all and it seems like his health is getting worse.

To be honest, my deep concerns about Trump's fitness for office don't really extend to his physical health, beyond just being old. Trump is 71 and the kind of horrendous picky American fast food diet he has tends to catch up with you long before that age if it's going to catch up with you at all. Regardless of his hilarious doctor's note, as far as I know he's never been hospitalized or taken medication for anything serious. And sure, he looks like shit and maybe he should be on something right now but his lifelong willful disregard of any kind of medical, dietary or physical discipline probably would have done him in already.

Genetics / luck counts for a lot. Ironically, if I were crazy enough to support Paul Ryan for President I would be seriously concerned about his health history, with like three generations of early fatal heart disease on his father's side.


To be honest, my deep concerns about Trump's fitness for office don't really extend to his physical health, beyond just being old. Trump is 71 and the kind of horrendous picky American fast food diet he has tends to catch up with you long before that age if it's going to catch up with you at all. Regardless of his hilarious doctor's note, as far as I know he's never been hospitalized or taken medication for anything serious. And sure, he looks like shit and maybe he should be on something right now but his lifelong willful disregard of any kind of medical, dietary or physical discipline probably would have done him in already.

Genetics / luck counts for a lot. Ironically, if I were crazy enough to support Paul Ryan for President I would be seriously concerned about his health history, with like three generations of early fatal heart disease on his father's side.

The thing is that sort of stuff can catch up to you at any time. You look at elderly smokers and figure they'll live forever because they made it this far without heart disease and cancer, until *wham*. Like my grandfather who smoked his way through around 20 years of his retirement and then had a huge heart attack at 84 and limped through the last 18 months of his life.

The only thing where age is really a protection is cancer. Developing stage 1 prostate cancer at age 79, for instance, probably counts as beating cancer because the odds are something else would get you long before the cancer did, but what if you developed stage 1 at 69 and then didn't catch it for 4 years and die a painful death at 73?


All that "stress" should lead to a heart attack for Trump.

But I guess you can avoid those if you golf ay your luxury resorts every weekend.


Can the democrats strip any executive powers from the president with just the house, or do they need the senate and presidency to?

You'd need all 3 or 2/3rds in both the House/Senate to override a veto.

But if you had the House, it changes things a lot since you have leverage and can negotiate without getting ran over.


I'm pretty certain now that we're never going to recover from Trump as a country. He's literally the end of the great experiment.

I think he'll do a lot of damage......but I also think he has the potential to be the slap in the face that enough of the population could need.


I'm pretty certain now that we're never going to recover from Trump as a country. He's literally the end of the great experiment.

Democracies get shitty, corrupt leaders all the time. They only do lasting damage if they manage to degrade the institutions of government, which we haven't seen with Trump, because he's simply too incompetent to take them on.

Of course the GOP's been doing more damage, but illiberalism is deeply rooted in America due to issues of race, so it's not like anything bad they're doing (to voting rights or in criminal justice) isn't a stain we've born as a nation since the beginning.

Otherwise it's a bit like Italy's grappling with the legacy of Berlusconi, or South Korea's recent deposing of Park Geun-Hye. Occasionally you get a real garbage person up top who makes a mockery of the whole system.
The nature of our system elevates people who are primarily interested in personal gain to seek higher office.

In the last fifty years or so we've had administrations that weren't particularly corrupt but horribly incompetent (Carter, Bush I), corrupt but competent (Nixon, Reagan, Clinton), or brazenly corrupt and incompetent (Bush II, Trump). Obama ran the only clean administration since... fuck, I don't know when, man. Even then you've got stuff like drone strikes which are icky but don't really have an easy alternative.

I'm not really sure how to solve this problem because I feel anyone wanting to be president already needs to have some sociopath tendencies (what kind of chutzpah does it take to think you can run a nation of 320 million people?). We can talk about getting money out of politics, setting more stringent requirements for office-seekers (like ok seriously we need to legislate the fuck out of "You need to show x number of years of tax returns to qualify as a presidential candidate" assuming that would even hold up in court), but ultimately most of the people running for president are going to be self-serving in some regard.

Not to mention when you do get someone like Obama, things can quickly go to shit when Congress turns over to the lunatics and suddenly your entire domestic agenda is throttled.
Bush I was not an incompetent admin.

He got voted out of office for doing the right thing!


I've always wondered why the trickle-down voodoo nonsense persisted even after a Republican president tacitly admitted it didn't work.

Eh, they probably called him a RINO who just didn't "give it time" to work, but even that argument has its limits, as we saw in Kansas recently.
Even then you've got stuff like drone strikes which are icky but don't really have an easy alternative.
Well I mean there's always the alternative of uh, not using them?

Bush I was not an incompetent admin.

He got voted out of office for doing the right thing!
Well and because his winning campaign strategy of "talk about how good it is to execute black people" got used by his next challenger.


Unconfirmed Member
PoliGAF Poll:

Is NeoGAF Leadership Pizzagate-adjacent?

Quote to vote no, reply with a :pizza: to vote yes
Am I doing this right?

lmao GAF turned man shrug emoji into woman shrug * ♂️


The nature of our system elevates people who are primarily interested in personal gain to seek higher office.

In the last fifty years or so we've had administrations that weren't particularly corrupt but horribly incompetent (Carter, Bush I), corrupt but competent (Nixon, Reagan, Clinton), or brazenly corrupt and incompetent (Bush II, Trump). Obama ran the only clean administration since... fuck, I don't know when, man. Even then you've got stuff like drone strikes which are icky but don't really have an easy alternative.

I'm not really sure how to solve this problem because I feel anyone wanting to be president already needs to have some sociopath tendencies (what kind of chutzpah does it take to think you can run a nation of 320 million people?). We can talk about getting money out of politics, setting more stringent requirements for office-seekers (like ok seriously we need to legislate the fuck out of "You need to show x number of years of tax returns to qualify as a presidential candidate" assuming that would even hold up in court), but ultimately most of the people running for president are going to be self-serving in some regard.

Not to mention when you do get someone like Obama, things can quickly go to shit when Congress turns over to the lunatics and suddenly your entire domestic agenda is throttled.

Yeah. The next big Dem candidate aside from usual issues also needs to be able to genuinely run on 'Our system is fucked as can be seen, and I'm going to do everything I can to fix it.' along with having a fairly clean and good record.


lacks enthusiasm.

I've always wondered why the trickle-down voodoo nonsense persisted even after a Republican president tacitly admitted it didn't work.

Eh, they probably called him a RINO who just didn't "give it time" to work, but even that argument has its limits, as we saw in Kansas recently.
I think it persisted for the same reason it does today: the wealthy class controls a lot of political levers and it's in their interest to keep the charade going as long as possible. It's also an idea that appeals at a basic level to the disillusioned masses in this country who hold wealthy people up on a pedestal and think they themselves will get there one day, too.
I think it persisted for the same reason it does today: the wealthy class controls a lot of political levers and it's in their interest to keep the charade going as long as possible. It's also an idea that appeals at a basic level to the disillusioned masses in this country who hold wealthy people up on a pedestal and think they themselves will get there one day, too.

Honestly, i live in Oklahoma and i've never met a single conservative who is passionate about trickle down economics or keeping taxes low for the rich. I think it's just something they put up with because they care so much about Guns/Christianity/etc and they know republicans are going to take care of those things. They see it as a reasonable trade off.


oppo droppo

President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it.

The meeting was also attended by his campaign chairman at the time, Paul J. Manafort, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kushner only recently disclosed the meeting, though not its content, in confidential government documents described to The New York Times.


No one is talking about guns anymore now that Obummer is out of office.

Trump solved America's gun problem!

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