Special counsel brings on FBI official who oversaw Clinton email investigation
Special counsel brings on FBI official who oversaw Clinton email investigation
Dude, fuck off with your casual racism implications. I didn't make this argument - its been circulated many times, by people much smarter than me. See, e.g. here from the NYT: know, the "name recognition" excuse reads as incredibly condescending. During the primary, we had a serious problem with people saying that black voters had either been "conned" into voting for Hillary or only voted based on name recognition. Such statements epitomized paternalism and casual racism by implying that black people lacked the intelligence to vote in their best interests.
But you'd never imply something like that.
I... what?
Exclusive footage of Trump designing the new wall concept in autoCADI...I don't even have a joke for this. I can't remember the last time that happened.
It's Combustocratic party not "the combustocrat party"! *rolleyes*centrist petrostate shill
Dude, fuck off with your casual racism implications. I didn't make this argument - its been circulated many times, by people much smarter than me. See, e.g. here from the NYT:
It makes sense given Bill's popularity, and Bernie's relatively low profile at the time. Give me a break.
Dude, fuck off with your casual racism implications. I didn't make this argument - its been circulated many times, by people much smarter than me. See, e.g. here from the NYT:
It's still a stupid assertion. Obama overcame Clinton's name recognition so it obviously can be done. It's not her fault Sanders couldn't do the same be it to how he used his time in the decades leading up to his run, how he constructed his message, etc.
How so?Literally an article about how the argument you're making is wrong
I mean, Obama is a massively popular ex-president. Kind of hard to avoid having him come up ever again. He still has significant clout in the party, see Perez becoming DNC Chair over Ellison who had early backing from Pelosi and Schumer.In a perfect world, the names Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Barack Obama would never be uttered in a political thread by anyone with any political perspective in response to any issue ever again.
I mean, Obama is a massively popular ex-president. Kind of hard to avoid having him come up ever again. He still has significant clout in the party, see Perez becoming DNC Chair over Ellison who had early backing from Pelosi and Schumer.
Of course! Sanders had a lot of issues working against him and he wasn't a great messenger in the primaries for a lot of internal reasons. But ignoring that name recognition was a factor is just wrong.
How so?
Moreover, Mr. Sanders has [won working class whites] while facing some of the same disadvantages that weigh him down with African-Americans: low name recognition and the groups longstanding affection for the Clinton family.
WASHINGTON — The House narrowly voted down a Republican proposal to bar the Pentagon from paying for gender-transition surgeries.
The proposal from Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., endangered Democratic support of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. The lower chamber on Thursday failed to adopt it as an amendment to the NDAA in a bipartisan vote, 209-214 — with 24 Republicans joining the minority.
Hartzler and other proponents said they aimed to prioritize limited defense resources and bar troops from a class of procedures that would render them non-deployable. She said the amendment to the annual policy defense policy bill would have reversed the Obama-era practice of requiring the armed forces to fund medical procedures.
”This is a major surgery that requires a medical diagnosis that will render a person non-deployable," Hartzer said.
California Republican and Iraq war veteran Rep. Duncan Hunter, insisted the amendment was not aimed at barring transgendered persons from military service.
”It you're going to decide to serve the United States military, figure out whether you are a man or a woman before you join up," he said.
The amendment was one of more than 200 sent to the floor by the House Rules Committee this week. The defense bill, which authorizes up to $696 billion in 2018 military spending, is expected to come to a final vote Friday.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and a group of Democratic leaders came to the House floor to condemn the measure as ”mean-spirited" and discriminatory. They asked Hartzler to withdraw it, to no avail.
Pelosi called the amendment ”appalling" and ”designed drum transgender service members out of the military." The proposal, was ”purpose-built to attack the dignity of men and women serving the military today," she said
”This isn't going to help readiness. This is a social agenda that has no place in this bill," said House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.
Democratic opponents said it was inappropriate to pass such a measure while Defense Secretary Jim Mattis was running a review of transgender policy.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., gave a tepid appraisal of the Hartzler amendment ahead of the vote on Thursday, stopping short of a clear endorsement.
”I think it's important that we work closely with the DOD on this," he said, referencing the DoD review.
I don't even know how to respond to this. Did you read it?
Sanders's name recognition and Clinton's approval ratings were quite similar between working class white Dems and African-American Dems. Sanders did very well among one group and poorly with the other. Name recognition cannot explain that difference.
Dude, fuck off with your casual racism implications. I didn't make this argument - its been circulated many times, by people much smarter than me. See, e.g. here from the NYT:
It makes sense given Bill's popularity, and Bernie's relatively low profile at the time. Give me a break.
I agree that the conned point is problematic - but that's not what I'm fucking doing here.
Perhaps a better explanation for Mr. Sanders's divergent performance is that while African-Americans and white working-class Democrats are experiencing broadly similar economic trends, they interpret them differently.
Comstock one of the noes. Yay for electoral pressure.
What hateful pieces of shit. Good riddance.
For someone so opposed to reductive arguments, you've really oversimplified the thesis of that article. One paragraph mentions the Clintons' greater name recognition among black voters, but the authors largely attribute Hillary's black support to those voters' positive perceptions of the economy. Hell, the next paragraph even downplays the name-recognition explanation:
At that time, black voters had seen their incomes and prospects improve, comparatively speaking, so they placed less credence in Sanders's economic message. Moreover, they associated the recovery with President Obama, in whose administration Hillary served and whose policies she pledged to continue. You talk about the Clintons' name recognition, but Obama's name seems to have helped her more than anyone else's in the black community.
You also ignore that fact that Hillary earned and maintained her support in that community. She discussed white supremacy and racism more than any mainstream candidate, even after the primary. (That frankness about bigotry may even have cost her the election.) She won black voters, one of the largest blocs in the party, because she discussed and spotlighted their issues - something Sanders and his "class first" ideology never quite managed.
Next time, pick some evidence that bolsters rather than undermines your argument.
Totally fair - I just pulled this off a quick google search, but you're totally right. I'll concede this point.
That's fine, but don't fucking imply I'm a racist - just call it out if you think that.
Saw your edit - yeah, all valid points. I don't think it was a waste - I actually learned something / appreciate you typing that out.
That's fine, but don't fucking imply I'm a racist - just call it out if you think that.
Saw your edit - yeah, all valid points. I don't think it was a waste - I actually learned something / appreciate you typing that out.
What hateful pieces of shit. Good riddance.
Republican Nos
I think anybody who made that name recognition argument implicitly assumed that black people are dumber than white people.
Doesn't mean you consciously believe that, but, like, give it some consideration maybe.
So McSally can't even hide the hatred for one vote to keep her seat.
What up.
What hateful pieces of shit. Good riddance.
Republican Nos
BREAKING STORY: Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, died in suicide
Just admit your argument is reductive; as if name recognition and related Clinton-factors had nothing to do with the result.
I admit I thought Issa would just say "Fuck it!" but this vote shows he cares at least a little about not losing next year.
Good. It means he's scared.
Oh shit, from OT:
Peter Smith, the operative tasked with finding Hillary's emails and who may have gotten involved with the Russians, committed suicide.
I owe whyamihere a soda.
Issa has to be fucked either way unless the Dems find a Martha Coakley for him.
On allegations of collusion with Russia:
THE PRESIDENT: What pressure? I didnt I did nothing. Hey, now its shown theres no collusion, theres no obstruction, theres no nothing. Honestly, the whole thing, it is really a media witch hunt. Its been a media witch hunt. And its bad for the country. You know, when you talk about Russia, if Russia actually did whatever they want to do, they got to be laughing, because look at what happens how much time. . . .
They feel its a witch hunt, the people. There are a lot of people. And those people vote. They dont stay home because its drizzling. We proved that. But every single party chairman said that my base is substantially stronger than it was in November. Thats a big compliment. Thats a big compliment. And I feel it.
And I think whats happening is, as usual, the Democrats have played their card too hard on the Russia thing, because people arent believing it. Its a witch hunt and they understand that. When they say treason you know what treason is? Thats Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for giving the atomic bomb, okay? But what about all the congressmen, where I see the woman sitting there surrounded by in Congress.
So I think its a good thing. When Hillary Clinton spent her ads you know, she spent almost 100 percent of her ads on anti-Donald Trump ads. You know that. Every ad was an anti ad. When the election came, nobody knew what she stood for.
I heard tonight, and I saw tonight, and I read tonight that theyre making a big mistake. And I a lot of the Democrats feel they say, were putting all our money into this Russia stuff and its making Trump stronger. Because my people and the people that support me, who are incredible people, those people are angry because they feel its being unfair and a witch hunt.
Who commits suicide because their life insurance policy is expiring? I'd be shocked if it didn't include a provision that it didn't pay out in cases of suicide.
EDIT: Not saying that I don't believe it, that just seems like a weird motive to do it
Life insurance almost never covers suicide. It's why people go to such lengths to make a suicide look like an accident.
im more intrigued about the DOJ settlement back last year involving a key player in the trump jr and russia story.
I feel like if were just putting the dots together now, that the investigation has had these, hopefully, for a bit
This slimy motherfucker bringing up the Ossoff election makes me want to pitch my monitor off my balcony.
Shit that still makes me mad.