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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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If rural PA shows up next time then it's gonna go red again.

Also the fact that dems need to spend more money just to keep MN of all places safe speaks volumes towards how much the party needs to do to win. They've gotta go after so much. It's going to be a formidable task and 2016 changed the dynamics of how you run for office forever. Politics as we knew it got curb stomped last year. We have nothing to compare this to.

We need a massive supply of benzos to this thread tonight


Al Franken won by an incredibly narrow margin the year that Obama carried enormous coattails in 08. It is what it is.

One factor that hasn't recieved much attention in the post-mortem is I wonder how the Senate races of each of the respective states affected things.

Did turnout crater in Michigan because Dems didn't focus on spending money and turning out their base for a senate election? Ditto Feingold, who was considered to be a shoo-in for so long that the party didn't feel the need to invest resources into the state?


Also, considering the seemingly enormous diminishing returns paid advertising seems to have, I think contesting all states - safe, swing, long shots - is a far better idea than concentrating all of the money into narrow paths to victory.

That's what the Republicans have been doing, and it works. There are many things to worry about in the 2018 and 2020 political landscapes, but I don't think fundraising will be one of them.
A candidate with high unfavorable ratings who tried to run on how awful her opponent was lost by less than 70K votes in the states that made the difference when a negative story about her broke right before Election Day. Politics will never be the same again.

This time last year: The Blue Wall is unbreakable

Now: The Red Wall is unbreakable

And before Bill Clinton was elected the conventional wisdom was that Republicans had an Electoral College Lock, as they called it, due to their ability to consistently win states like California, New Jersey, and Illinois.

No one actually knows what the landscape will look like in 2020. Maybe it'll be closely fought, or maybe Trump will be so unpopular we can win by running a ham sandwich. It's a ways off.
Al Franken won by an incredibly narrow margin the year that Obama carried enormous coattails in 08. It is what it is.
TBF, Franken was solely known as a comedian/media personality at that point and was a somewhat questionable candidate in his first-ever race. National Dems like Schumer really didn't want him to run. Obviously it's a totally different story now. His book gets into this stuff, although it never clears up exactly why Obama was so distant in the '08 race.


haha Ryan actually ran his worst race ever when he was running for VP!

I'd be interested in crunching the data on this, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is pretty common. When a politician gets a national profile, easy to paint them as disconnected from the interests of their local constituents. Of course, pretty tiny sample size to work with.
Also, considering the seemingly enormous diminishing returns paid advertising seems to have, I think contesting all states - safe, swing, long shots - is a far better idea than concentrating all of the money into narrow paths to victory.

That's what the Republicans have been doing, and it works. There are many things to worry about in the 2018 and 2020 political landscapes, but I don't think fundraising will be one of them.

Exactly. There's real benefit to spending money on races but that spending stops moving the needle quicker than most people would expect. That's not to say you invest the same amount in each race, but we should be spreading our resources out more, which helps in both the short and long term.
I'd be interested in crunching the data on this, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is pretty common. When a politician gets a national profile, easy to paint them as disconnected from the interests of their local constituents. Of course, pretty tiny sample size to work with.
Biden's best performance for the Delaware Senate seat was in 08 when he was reelected at the same time he was elected Vice President.

I wish every state was as clean to look at as Delaware:


Looks like a toothpaste logo or something.


Typical whyamihere whyamihering all over the place.
Looking forward to hopefully a nice Ossoff win tomorrow night. A win would be awfully nice- I'm hoping the Ossoff ground game makes a big difference.
Looking forward to hopefully a nice Ossoff win tomorrow night. A win would be awfully nice- I'm hoping the Ossoff ground game makes a big difference.
My hope is that Ossoff outruns the polls like he did last time. Iirc the highest any poll put him at for the primary was 46% and he finished a hair ahead of 48%.



45% and the average was 42.8%. He ran ahead by over five points.

Of course, the dynamics were completely different, but hopefully that speaks to his ground game and he'll see a similar boost tomorrow night.


I'm mostly feeling uptight about healthcare right now. It seems if they pull something off a lot of really bad dominoes will start to fall, especially tax cuts and budget.


I'm not terribly worried about Michigan flipping back (at least in the near term)...it was insanely close, it didn't get enough attention in the campaign, etc... The 2016 results should jolt it back to blue for at least another cycle or two before it eventually becomes an actual red state.

Wisconsin is far more worrisome because that was a case of voter suppression fuckery succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. If we can't reverse that ...stop it from spreading ...
I'm not terribly worried about Michigan flipping back (at least in the near term)...it was insanely close, it didn't get enough attention in the campaign, etc... The 2016 results should jolt it back to blue for at least another cycle or two before it eventually becomes an actual red state.

Wisconsin is far more worrisome because that was a case of voter suppression fuckery succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. If we can't reverse that ...stop it from spreading ...

If I remember correctly there was an article posted on here that their strategy in Michigan was purposefully ignoring it and not setting up any infrastructure in order to scare the GOP away from thinking they could contest it because it was so safe.

Yes, people working in one of the most important elections in our lifetime were that stupid.
There's also a case to be made that Obama's numbers in Michigan in 08 and 12 were inflated from the crash and then fell Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.
There's also a case to be made that Obama's numbers in Michigan in 08 and 12 were inflated from the crash and then fell Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.
Short memories in that state, apparently. I was extremely wrong when I thought the Flint thing would turn MI blue for a decade+. Apparently you can literally and deliberately poison the public's drinking water with lead and have your party rewarded for it. Fuck this country. Not even a "oh, a republican was accidentally in power when the disaster broke" situation! It's an actual 1:1 "they did this and then that happened" and still apparently meant nothing. Black vote was even down!
I'm not terribly worried about Michigan flipping back (at least in the near term)...it was insanely close, it didn't get enough attention in the campaign, etc... The 2016 results should jolt it back to blue for at least another cycle or two before it eventually becomes an actual red state.

Wisconsin is far more worrisome because that was a case of voter suppression fuckery succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. If we can't reverse that ...stop it from spreading ...

I don't want to minimize the impact of voter suppression, but it's not actually clear that it is what flipped Wisconsin. The study claiming it prevented 200K people from voting has been criticized. Certainly Wisconsin was subject to the same patterns seen elsewhere in the Midwest, like the strong movement to the right among communities near the Mississippi River.
Short memories in that state, apparently. I was extremely wrong when I thought the Flint thing would turn MI blue for a decade+. Apparently you can literally and deliberately poison the public's drinking water with lead and have your party rewarded for it. Fuck this country. Not even a "oh, a republican was accidentally in power when the disaster broke" situation! It's an actual 1:1 "they did this and then that happened" and still apparently meant nothing. Black vote was even down!
Aww but shucks, that Rick Snyder is just so lovable and moderate, just like his buddy Scott Walker.

Walker, Snyder, Pence, Kasich, Rauner, Corbett. Going across the Midwest between 2010 and 2014 is just a collection of faux moderate shitheels elected by hysterical white people. At least Pence and Corbett are gone, although in Pence's case for the worse.
A moderate Republican puts lead in your water.

An extreme Republican puts oil in your water.

~~~Bless the moderate darlings~~~
Seriously the way any Republican has their balls fondled (ask the President for the female equivalent of this phrase) by the (((liberal))) media every time they step out of line from the GOP orthodoxy (when 99% of the time they don't act on it) is fucking embarrassing and probably single-handedly responsible for all of our current problems.

Like when every Democratic Senator started coming out in favor of same-sex marriage and the media would tut tut at the holdouts, whereas any Republican Senator (which maybe ended up being like 2 or 3?) had a fucking parade thrown in their honor for bravely saying they support it because their nephew is gay but it should be a state's rights issue or some shit.

Btw when Democrats take back everything they should pass the Equality Act and roll in the Respect for Marriage Act. Codify that shit in case SCOTUS ever has an antigay majority.
This is so funny to imagine Trump saying this.

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Juneteenth

Melania and I send our warmest greetings to all those celebrating Juneteenth, a historic day recognizing the end of slavery.

Though President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, news traveled slowly from Washington, D.C., to the southern states. More than two years later, on June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger stood on the Ashton Villa balcony in Galveston, Texas, to deliver the belated message of the then-deceased President: all slaves were free.

Granger's astonishing words inspired soulful festivities and emotional rejoicing. Over the years, as freedmen and freedwomen left Texas, they took Juneteenth and its meaning with them. Today, we celebrate this historic moment in 1865, as we remember our Nation's fundamental premise that all men and women are created equal.

On Juneteenth 2017, we honor the countless contributions made by African Americans to our Nation and pledge to support America's promise as the land of the free.
Juneteenth should be a holiday. Democrats should run on adding some holidays. I can't imagine who that wouldn't be popular with except some shitty business people but even they should like it because they can sell more shit for it.
TBF, Franken was solely known as a comedian/media personality at that point and was a somewhat questionable candidate in his first-ever race. National Dems like Schumer really didn't want him to run. Obviously it's a totally different story now. His book gets into this stuff, although it never clears up exactly why Obama was so distant in the '08 race.

Convenient that nobody has pointed out he won pretty handily in 2014. When Democrats got basically slaughtered, and he refused to embrace the strategy of "Obama? Never heard of him!" that a lot of Democrats were embracing. He actually campaigned on the Obama administration--and the Minnesota Governors--accomplishments and did pretty damn well.
Convenient that nobody has pointed out he won pretty handily in 2014. When Democrats got basically slaughtered, and he refused to embrace the strategy of "Obama? Never heard of him!" that a lot of Democrats were embracing. He actually campaigned on the Obama administration--and the Minnesota Governors--accomplishments and did pretty damn well.
That is a nice piece of both irony and courage.
If Dems can't win an affluent District that doesn't really like the President, then I have no expectations regarding winning the House in 2018

Dems need a W, not a "close enough, this is huge for 2018"
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