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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Because homeless people make the street look so much nicer by comparison.

Housing is not an investment and has never been an investment. People who retire aren't going to retire on the back of their investment in housing. They're going to live in their house, which prevents them from benefiting from its appreciation.

When people go to these neighborhood board meeting they're often pretty explicit that they want to keep poor people and people of color out of their communities. As a society I don't really see what we get out of giving them that option, and it's very easy to identify the problems that result from having it.

People do reverse mortgages and the like to squeeze equity from their house, and they will definitely benefit from rising housing prices there. It's not just where they live. It's certainly a bad idea to use it as your sole investment vehicle, but people are stupid about saving money, even people who make more than enough (cue that "even middle class people couldn't come up with.$500" article.)
Good. Maybe Ohio will finally lose its status as the holiest of swing states. I've grown sick of hearing about it every election. (No offense to Ohioans.)


55% chance it doesn't pass?

That's... actually pretty good odds all things considered

Or they don't really have anything worth showing but like to play pretend like they do
55% is still close

And if they have nothing then that means we are getting the House bill and things are worse than they were pre-ACA
How do you work so hard for the people in your state as part of the GOP, put so much time in while also living under a religion that preaches peace and good will only to do everything in your power to crush them under your fucking foot so that millionaires can get an extra $50k a year that they're not even going to notice in their accounts anyway? How do you become that evil and how are there SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM?
How do you work so hard for the people in your state as part of the GOP, put so much time in while also living under a religion that preaches peace and good will only to do everything in your power to crush them under your fucking foot so that millionaires can get an extra $50k a year that they're not even going to notice in their accounts anyway? How do you become that evil and how are there SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM?
Because only the rich are truly pious, and if the poor would just come back to Christ, their coffers would overflow with money

Once you believe that the poor are only poor because they're lazy or sinners, it's actually pretty easy to do harm to them and feel like you're justified and actually helping them.
Hi, I'm whyamihere and why I'm here is to tell YOU about things to look forward to tomorrow!

1. What's the EV going to look like?

Unclear! Two things we know are probably true:

- Ossoff will win a lot less of the vote than he did in the early vote in round 1.
- The early vote will be a significantly larger % of the total vote than round 1.

If Ossoff is only up a few points in the early vote, he'll lose. If he's up like 10 points, get ready for a long night. If he's up in the high 50s, low 60s, he'll win.

Do not freak out when Ossoff does not do as well as round 1 early vote. Really.

2. What places should I be looking, county wise?

There are three (parts) of counties that make up GA-6: DeKalb, Fulton, and Cobb. Cobb went blue for the first time in years in 2016, but not the part of Cobb in GA-6. Save for the veeeeeeeeeeery few precincts on the western edge of the district, Cobb is the most conservative part of the district.

DeKalb, on the other hand, is the most reliably blue part of the district, even though it's the smallest part of the district overall. If there is huge turnout from DeKalb as well as big Ossoff numbers, that could overcome any deficits in Cobb.

Fulton is both the largest part of the district and the swing part of the district. Ossoff probably needs to win a little under 50% here if he intends to clear 50% overall because you'd expect high D numbers out of DeKalb (but lower ones out of Cobb).

3. Is all hope lost if Ossoff loses?

No. Though if he loses by more than 2%, I do not think the environment is right to take back the house in 2018.

4. When do polls close?

7pm EST. You should get the first results by 7:45pm, judging by the first round.

5. Is this bad new for Kay Hagan?

The three Trump flips will be the focus in 2020.

North Carolina might be a big surprise too.

As they probably should be at this point. GA and AZ might very well flip (I'd bet on the latter), but even with AZ, Democrats will still need PA and MI. If they win GA, they only need to win PA.

And North Carolina wouldn't be the biggest surprise. We won it once, though it has gotten nastier in the last two years or so.
Because homeless people make the street look so much nicer by comparison.

Housing is not an investment and has never been an investment. People who retire aren't going to retire on the back of their investment in housing. They're going to live in their house, which prevents them from benefiting from its appreciation.

When people go to these neighborhood board meeting they're often pretty explicit that they want to keep poor people and people of color out of their communities. As a society I don't really see what we get out of giving them that option, and it's very easy to identify the problems that result from having it.

I completely agree with your conclusion but there are a lot of people who view their home's value as money in their hands. Even though you're correct that they'll never "use" it.

As for homeless people, conservative areas just ship them out. Any homeless people in North Mississippi get shooed up to Memphis like stray animals. It's actually one of the grosser, less mentioned elements of rural conservative life.


When it comes to making people less racist? The only thing that I've seen that seems to really work is "living around more diverse people", which means getting people into cities, which means investing in helping people in dying rural communities relocate. That's an angle I'd like to see


Its hard to vilify people as the reason for your problems when you meet and see them as normal people.

Part of the reason why gay marriage was able to turn around in approval so much was people bravely came out of the closet. Then everyone realized that they have a gay family member, coworker, or neighbor and they weren't stalking the streets dressed as the village people.

Its not as easy with race obviously because you have culture, religion, economic class and crime all wrapped up in it.
Yeah, the homophobic attacks and dog whistles don't work nearly as well as they did even five years ago. Gay marriage was one of the BIGGEST campaign issues in 2004. Last year, scarcely mentioned. This country made an amazingly quick turnaround on that front because of the reasons cited above.
Paul Ryan gets a challenger.


Randy Bryce, a Racine-area ironworker and Democratic political activist, will seek his party's nod to unseat Republican U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan in 2018.

Bryce made the announcement Monday morning.

A Wall Street Journal report this month said Bryce, of Caledonia, ”has enlisted staff members including Bill Hyers, a Barack Obama alumnus who ran upset campaigns for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand."

Bryce previously ran and lost bids for state Senate in 2014 and state Assembly in 2012.

He is political coordinator of Ironworkers Local 8 and actively fought recent measures such as the 2011 Act 10 collective bargaining changes for public workers and the 2015 measure that supporters call a ”right-to-work" law, which allows workers to opt out of financially supporting private-sector unions.

David Yankovich, a Democratic political activist from Ohio, announced last month that he has moved to Wisconsin to run against Ryan.

A Republican, Paul Nehlen, also has indicated he will again oppose Ryan in the GOP primary.

Any Democratic nominee will face an uphill climb in Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District, which Ryan has represented since 1999. The district covers southeastern Wisconsin along the Illinois border, including Janesville, Racine, Kenosha and parts of southern Waukesha and Milwaukee counties.

WI-1 was a 52/47 Romney district and a 53/42 Trump district (Obama won it 51/48 in 08 though I'm unsure if that's for the old lines or the current lines).
As they probably should be at this point. GA and AZ might very well flip (I'd bet on the latter), but even with AZ, Democrats will still need PA and MI. If they win GA, they only need to win PA.

And North Carolina wouldn't be the biggest surprise. We won it once, though it has gotten nastier in the last two years or so.

PA/MI/WI was a Trump fluke, odds are by 2020 they are Blue again.
It's good that we are already starting to see a lot of challengers pop up.

Perhaps we can start using the Street Fighter reference every time a new one comes up?


The whole upper middle class thing is kinda true. A buddy of mine gives me shit about it when I'm bitching about Republicans and their servitude to the rich. "Dude, you own 3 houses and drive a brand new Mercedes!!!!11".
Eh, he represents an R+5 district, which would be vulnerable in a wave, but he also has incumbency advantage and a certain undeserved stature. Though the PVI makes it look deceptively easy, it wouldn't be unless we had a massive wave and excellent candidate.

I'd love to have a Portillo moment...


Yeah, the homophobic attacks and dog whistles don't work nearly as well as they did even five years ago. Gay marriage was one of the BIGGEST campaign issues in 2004. Last year, scarcely mentioned. This country made an amazingly quick turnaround on that front because of the reasons cited above.

That and you can't campaign on gay marriage destroying society when almost half the nation legalized it and weren't facing locusts or rivers of blood.

Plus republicans figured out that if you let it go you take away a major issue for people to head to the polls and vote about.

People don't get excited for a vote on the importance of keeping the death tax in place but when you take away the ability for your friend or neighbor to get equal access to heathcare and the ability to marriage people show up.

Its why I almost wish democrats would figure out a way to loosen up on gun control or figure out a better way to market it. They would steal an issue that has become a cultural one. A GOP rep can't go and tell an out of work person living in a rural area that the democrats want to destroy his heritage or take his guns. Then they have to explain why they are against food stamps or why they are against a living wage.


PA/MI/WI was a Trump fluke, odds are by 2020 they are Blue again.
They better be. I went back to 270towin (kind of hurts) and you start to realize Democrats are fucked if they can't get those states back. It's bad enough that OH and IA seem to be lost forever. If Dems can't get PA/MI/WI back then they need to make gains in tne south and AZ. Good luck with that...

I'm reminded that 2020 is going to be really tough. I don't even want to know right now what Trump will try to do to further complicate odds for Democrats...

What a loser.

That and you can't campaign on gay marriage destroying society when almost half the nation legalized it and weren't facing locusts or rivers of blood.

This is why I want some slight accelerationism in blue states to really blow open the gap between red states and blue states. Kansas is a shithole and CA is better, but we're still not at the point apparently that people notice or care enough.
They better be. I went back to 270towin (kind of hurts) and you start to realize Democrats are fucked if they can't get those states back. It's bad enough that OH and IA seem to be lost forever. If Dems can't get PA/MI/WI back then they need to make gains in tne south and AZ. Good luck with that...

I'm reminded that 2020 is going to be really tough. I don't even want to know right now what Trump will try to do to further complicate odds for Democrats...

PA was definitely somewhat of a fluke, because Hillary actually did better than Obama's 2012 numbers in the suburbs, She only lost because Trump got ridiculous numbers in the rural parts of PA.

MI was close enough that I think it can easily flip back with the right kind of turnout.

WI I'm less optimistic about though.

Also, you have many options besides PA/WI/MI for flips, such as:

- PA + FL
- PA + AZ + MI
- FL + AZ
- MI + GA + AZ


I don't see 2020 as being that hard if we nominate a decent candidate. There's a good probability Trump will have spent most of his presidency in the 30's by 2020.


If rural PA shows up next time then it's gonna go red again.

Also the fact that dems need to spend more money just to keep MN of all places safe speaks volumes towards how much the party needs to do to win. They've gotta go after so much. It's going to be a formidable task and 2016 changed the dynamics of how you run for office forever. Politics as we knew it got curb stomped last year. We have nothing to compare this to.
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