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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Diggin' the ASCII art, which seems appropriate given this:

In the latest instance of inflammatory outbursts at McCain-Palin rallies, a crowd member screamed "treason!" during an event on Tuesday after Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of criticizing U.S. troops.

Shortly afterward, a male member of the crowd in Jacksonville, Florida, yelled "treason!" loudly enough to be picked up by television microphones.

and LOL@effzee's post.


Fragamemnon said:
Posted yet?

Oct 7 SurveyUSA
Obama (D) 55%
McCain (R) 40%

That's a "knockout" poll if there ever was one. PA is gone, done, and any time or money McCain spends there is wasted.

But if McCain gives up on PA, doesn't that make the race over?


Fatalah said:
But if McCain gives up on PA, doesn't that make the race over?

No, because for the most part Obama winning PA is baked into most of the current projections. McCain's least worst path to 270 is still to hold Obama to Kerry + IA + NM.


Steve Youngblood said:
Remember, though, that this message also ties into their feigned love of small government and personal responsibility. "The people on Wasilla Main St. sometimes want the government to get out of the way! The government isn't always the solution; in fact, a lot of the time it's part of the problem!"

Is this vague nonsense a lot of the time? You betcha! But doggawnit, it sure as heck sounds good. You spread the message of small town values, tie it into the dreaded agenda of liberals who want to tax and spend YOUR money, and it's an effective message. It breeds this message of "Hey, we know how to run our lives and manage our money! We don't need big shots with their fancy pants educations and expensive suits stepping in saving us from ourselves! Republicans understand that!"

Exactly. I don't really think there's any denying at all that it's a hugely effective GOP strategy, but it really is quite sad. It's nothing more than preying on ignorance and consciously creating divisiveness. Some on the right have gone so far as to try and paint Joe Biden as an elitist. Joe Biden. That guy is one of the least-wealthy people in the entire U.S. Senate (and probably all of Congress) and lives a relatively frugal lifestyle. Compare him to McCain and it's laughable. Ultimately, the "paint all liberals as ivory-tower elitists" strategy is transparent even by GOP standards, but there's also no denying that it works.


Fatalah said:
But if McCain gives up on PA, doesn't that make the race over?
He only has to defend Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio, which have all gone Republican for eons, and get just ten electoral votes over Obama in Nevada, Colorado and Maine! Or something like that, I've not been keeping up with McCain's spin.

Nice Gallup by the way!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DancingJesus said:
I really do hope Brokaw breaks the rules, I could see him doing it too...

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Who do you think it would advantage more? Obama or McCain?
I think it's still a bit early to know if the Ayers shit or the general "He's not one of us" line of attack is going to be at all effective. That being said, if the tracking polls close some by the end of the week don't jump to the conclusion that those attacks are what is causing it-there will be some general tightening as there always is and at some point Obama is going to give up at least three or so points in the tracking aggregate.


Steve Youngblood said:
His biggest lead in the Gallup yet, if I'm not mistaken. The attack ads are working like a charm!

McCain's plan is pure genius, turn the page on the economy by talking about ex-cons and 1960s criminal hippies. And to think this message isn't resonating during our country's descent into financial ruin?

I can't wait to see where McCain turns the page (TM) to next!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
BenjaminBirdie said:
Hot Off The Presses?

FL: Obama 48, McCain 46 (MasonDixon-10/4-6)

10/4-6/08; 625 RV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Obama 48, McCain 46

PA: Obama 55, McCain 40 (SurveyUSA-10/5-6)

10/5-6/08; 653 LV, 3.9%
Mode: IVR

Obama 55, McCain 40


McCain leaving Pennsylvania next?
mckmas8808 said:
Who do you think it would advantage more? Obama or McCain?

Really impossible to tell, though I doubt that either candidate is going to want to be followed-up on at any time. Though Obama does seem more comfortable going in depth on an issue than McCain does, as a rule.


There's a pretty staggering amount of misogyny in these threads. Like... I was pretty upset about Hillary, and I think Palin is an idiot, but a lot of the stuff GAF is throwing out there looks really bad.
Byakuya769 said:
bahahahahah @ gallup, just have a steady debate and we're out!
It's time to go back to the drawing board. Pushing the Ayers angle isn't working. You know what that means? Time to go in a completely different angle, and push the Ayers angle even harder! This time, be MORE PROACTIVE! And throw Wright in there for good measure.
DrEvil said:
".. It's the sausages we want."
Heh, well played.


9 points lead in Gallup? wow. If that's what happens when McCain turns a page, he can go flip through the whole book for all I care.

3-day rolling average, I know


_dementia said:
With firefox, just disable images and javascript and every website is worksafe.

But I like to keep a little pron running in a minimized tab while at work, just to keep things lively. Real mavericks (TM) take a peek when the boss isn't looking.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Haunted said:
Speaking of a global electoral college, if the world could vote now has a snazzy flash map where you can zoom in and examine the results in detail.

This really just shows how fucking dumb Americans are.

I mean, great that they're going to vote Obama in by a landslide... but still, over 40% of Americans will be supporting McCain, when such an obvious gulf in merit exists between the two candidates... than anyone else around the world, with enough care about this election can tell, by an overwhelming margin who is the more suitable leader.

No offense to Obama voting Americans (which is nearly everybody in this thread)... but yeah, you have a lot of dumb countrymen.
More PA Rock:

PA: Obama 48, McCain 38 (Muhlenberg-10/2-6)

Muhlenberg College / Morning Call
10/2-6/08; 589 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Obama 48, McCain 38
Crayon Shinchan said:
This really just shows how fucking dumb Americans are.

I mean, great that they're going to vote Obama in by a landslide... but still, over 40% of Americans will be supporting McCain, when such an obvious gulf in merit exists between the two candidates... than anyone else around the world, with enough care about this election can tell, by an overwhelming margin who is the more suitable leader.

No offense to Obama voting Americans (which is nearly everybody in this thread)... but yeah, you have a lot of dumb countrymen.

This is more an indication of a massive slide in American educational standards vis a vis the rest of the world. Essentially, this country has bred 2 generations of complete dumbasses.
BenjaminBirdie said:
More PA Rock:

PA: Obama 48, McCain 38 (Muhlenberg-10/2-6)

Muhlenberg College / Morning Call
10/2-6/08; 589 LV, 4%
Mode: Live Telephone Interviews

Obama 48, McCain 38


MassiveAttack said:
This is more an indication of a massive slide in American educational standards vis a vis the rest of the world. Essentially, this country has bred 2 generations of complete dumbasses.



Crayon Shinchan said:
This really just shows how fucking dumb Americans are.

I mean, great that they're going to vote Obama in by a landslide... but still, over 40% of Americans will be supporting McCain, when such an obvious gulf in merit exists between the two candidates... than anyone else around the world, with enough care about this election can tell, by an overwhelming margin who is the more suitable leader.

No offense to Obama voting Americans (which is nearly everybody in this thread)... but yeah, you have a lot of dumb countrymen.

Get real, most of the rest of the world doesn't know shit about what Obama or Mccain stand for, O's just the better headline grabber.


GhaleonEB said:
Looking at that, anyone who says this election is even close to being a Dole-style blowout is fooling him-or-herself. Clinton's smallest lead there is Obama's largest, if I'm not mistaken. Similarly, anyone who said that Kerry closing in the polls a lot at the end meant that there was a reasonable chance for his victory should have looked at those charts--that happens literally every single time and it doesn't seem to ever change anything (except with Reagan). In an historical context this election is still pretty close.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Zeliard said:
Exactly. I don't really think there's any denying at all that it's a hugely effective GOP strategy, but it really is quite sad. It's nothing more than preying on ignorance and consciously creating divisiveness. Some on the right have gone so far as to try and paint Joe Biden as an elitist. Joe Biden. That guy is one of the least-wealthy people in the entire U.S. Senate (and probably all of Congress) and lives a relatively frugal lifestyle. Compare him to McCain and it's laughable. Ultimately, the "paint all liberals as ivory-tower elitists" strategy is transparent even by GOP standards, but there's also no denying that it works.

So if these small town REPs want small government, would they be okay without Social Security, Medicad, and Pell grants for colleges?
lopaz said:
Get real, most of the rest of the world doesn't know shit about what Obama or Mccain stand for, O's just the better headline grabber.
Well, he's farther from bush, that's why anyone who 'doesn't know shit' about him like him anyways.
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