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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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zesty said:
Goddamnit. A (normally) very rational friend of mine is trying to bring up the Rev. Wright stuff as a concern about Obama. What's the most comprehensive link I can send her to debunk any of those concerns?

A link to John Hagee's bio?


OmniGamer said:
Yep yep...i'm glad she bought up McCain dumping his first wife and running off with Cindy. Elisabeth is just...i mean...damn, is she running for Ann Coulter or something?

She really would fit perfectly in with the whole Fox 'News' gang.

Blond hair, blue eyes, slim build, and a total fear mongererererer.

"Bu-bu-bu-bu-but William Ayers! Terrorists! Reverend Wright hates America! What's Obama trying to hide!?"


we all knew her
Is there anywhere I can get a list of the advisors for both campaigns? The same friend who brought up Rev. Wright is saying she heard that there's an oil company lobbyist as one of Obama's chief advisors.
The Lamonster said:
but mostly, America is in trouble.
To me, should McCain gain back the lead, it will depend heavily on the circumstances. Is it because of kneejerk reactions to contrived controversy? It'll blow over. If it's because he has somehow intervened in the economic crisis and come up with some popular ideals, that will be troubling.


Tobor said:
Did you notice Bush winking behind McCain? Subtle, yet brutal. I love it.

I'm usually not impressed with Obama's commercials (not enough humor for my strategic tastes), but this one was pretty good.

The wink makes me realize.. the guys and gals who work on these commercials must have great amounts of fun putting these ads together. I can imagine one of them running into the editing room, shouting, "Jackpot - I found more footage of McCain with Bush - and Bush is frickin' winking! We've got to use this! Ha!" :lol


SCReuter said:
She really would fit perfectly in with the whole Fox 'News' gang.

Blond hair, blue eyes, slim build, and a total fear mongererererer.

"Bu-bu-bu-bu-but William Ayers! Terrorists! Reverend Wright hates America! What's Obama trying to hide!?"

She should just get it over with and yell out "I hate black people!" That would be a fitting way for her to leave The View.


lawblob said:
She should just get it over with and yell out "I hate black people!" That would be a fitting way for her to leave The View.

Why would she leave The View? She's just doing her job. You have to assume the producers put her up to it. I'm not saying she doesn't believe this stuff, but I guarantee they are behind the couch poking her with a stick.


Tobor said:
Why would she leave The View? She's just doing her job. You have to assume the producers put her up to it. I'm not saying she doesn't believe this stuff, but I guarantee they are behind the couch poking her with a stick.

The word on the street is that she wants to leave The View. I am sure its good for the ratings, but apparently she is not happy being the only anti-Hopium person on the set.


massive bear, tiny salmon
Tobor said:
I can't stand this kind of statement. It's defeatism. Nothing personal.
I'd agree with you if I were american. However as it is I'm just a curious observer.


The Time/CNN polls are enough to swing New Hampshire and Ohio into "lean Obama" territory for pollster.com.


Only five states left as a "toss up", and Obama leads in three of them (Nevada, Virginia and North Carolina).


Glad to see CNN bringing up the Keating 5 scandal, they did their 'Fact Check' tidbit on the Obama campaigns statements and found them to be true :D


lawblob said:
The word on the street is that she wants to leave The View. I am sure its good for the ratings, but apparently she is not happy being the only anti-Hopium person on the set.

Ahh, well that's different then. I'm sure the producers can wrangle up another pretty moron to replace her.

Kipz said:
I'd agree with you if I were american. However as it is I'm just a curious observer.

No country is safe from an America in free fall.


lawblob said:
Remember when Dana Carvey impersonated Dennis Miller side-by-side with Dennis Miller? That was classic SNL. Having Fey & Palin both as Palin side-by-side could be very memorable, and a ratings bonanza.

Do you really think Palin would stick to the script...SNL's script and not the GOP's that is. It would be in the same vain at the debates: you want comedy, too bad...here are the GOP talking points.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Political Wire got an advance look at a new West Chester University/NPR poll in Pennsylvania that shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. John McCain, 52% to 42%, in the key battleground state.

West Chester/NPR Poll


Obama - 52%
McCain - 42%


It never feels good to see McCain go up in the polls, even if it's just a stupid hotline. :(

I get stressed out for every debate, like I'm watching my own child up on stage. You don't want them to mess up, you hold your breath that nothing goes wrong. When it's over, and Obama walks off the stage, I get so relieved.
Fatalah said:
It never feels good to see McCain go up in the polls, even if it's just a stupid hotline. :(

I get stressed out for every debate, like I'm watching my own child up on stage. You don't want them to mess up, you hold your breath that nothing goes wrong. When it's over, and Obama walks off the stage, I get so relieved.
My hands were all cold and clammy for the first debate. Wasn't nervous for the VP debate...prob cuz of teh alcohols.

But yeah, I'm already feeling the nerves for tonight :\


Dark FaZe said:
Holy shit I had a dream last night that McCain and Palin had won and Obama was holding his head in shame.
man if that becomes reality. i'd feel like total shit. :(


lawblob said:
Remember when Dana Carvey impersonated Dennis Miller side-by-side with Dennis Miller? That was classic SNL. Having Fey & Palin both as Palin side-by-side could be very memorable, and a ratings bonanza.

SNL has been tearing Palin up quite harshly, though (and deservedly, of course). Tina Fey's impersonation basically paints Palin as a complete fucktard with no redeeming qualities to speak of. This is not at all the same thing as, say, Hillary Clinton and Amy Poehler. It would be embarrassing for Palin to even show up - self-deprecation is one thing, but laughing it up next to someone who has publically said that she wants to do everything in her power to keep you out of the VP office is another thing entirely. It'd be awesome for the rest of us, though, so I hope it happens.
Fatalah said:
It never feels good to see McCain go up in the polls, even if it's just a stupid hotline. :(

I get stressed out for every debate, like I'm watching my own child up on stage. You don't want them to mess up, you hold your breath that nothing goes wrong. When it's over, and Obama walks off the stage, I get so relieved.
Don't worry about it too much. The reality of debates after the dust settles almost never matches with the hype going into it.

BenjaminBirdie: Excellent followup.

Edit -- Bob: That probably works as well. I was actually just going with the lame Seinfeld non-sequitur.


Zeliard said:
SNL has been tearing Palin up quite harshly, though (and deservedly, of course). Tina Fey's impersonation basically paints Palin as a complete fucktard with no redeeming qualities to speak of. This is not at all the same thing as, say, Hillary Clinton and Amy Poehler. It would be embarrassing for Palin to even show up - self-deprecation is one thing, but laughing it up next to someone who has publically said that she wants to do everything in her power to keep you out of the VP office is another thing entirely. It'd be awesome for the rest of us, though, so I hope it happens.

I want to disagree and say it will help Palin connect with people to show she's in on the joke. It didn't save Hilary, however, so who knows.


Link648099 said:
McCain pulls out of PA confirmed?

Hmm.. so at this point in time, Obama has all of the Kerry states locked-up. MI/NH/MN/WI were each worries at some point, but they've all shifted to a definite blue tinge.

Iowa is locked-up.
New Mexico is locked-up.

264EVs there.

So he picks-off any one of the following and he wins: Nevada (for a tie), Colorado, Missouri, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, or Florida.



Fatalah said:
It never feels good to see McCain go up in the polls, even if it's just a stupid hotline. :(

I get stressed out for every debate, like I'm watching my own child up on stage. You don't want them to mess up, you hold your breath that nothing goes wrong. When it's over, and Obama walks off the stage, I get so relieved.

With Obama, though? Dude is virtually gaffe-free. The worst he can possibly do and has done at a debate is simply not to stand out. He's exceptionally steady and consistent with the points he makes, and he's learned over the numerous debates to convey them more effectively. Even in his worst debate performances, I don't think he's ever come close to embarrassing himself.
giga said:
man if that becomes reality. i'd feel like total shit. :(

I woke up in a slight sweat and was looking arond my room like WTF. Kind of like when you have those horrible knightmares that seem somewhat realistic and then you get this overwhelmingly positive feeling once you realize it was just a dream :lol


Tobor said:
I want to disagree and say it will help Palin connect with people to show she's in on the joke. It didn't save Hilary, however, so who knows.
I agree... if she worked it like Brian Williams did several weeks ago, it would be a huge boost. I used to think he was, as he said, a stiff in a suit doing the news... but after seeing that side of him on SNL, I tune in to watch him more often. My wife and I chuckle every time we see him now. He seems a lot more human and less uptight because of it. If Palin ended up being a complete dud like Michael Phelps (which reminded me of how horrible the Nancy Kerrigan one was), it'd backfire... but I think she has enough charisma to pull it off.

That being said, I hope she doesn't do it.
Dark FaZe said:
I woke up in a slight sweat and was looking arond my room like WTF. Kind of like when you have those horrible knightmares that seem somewhat realistic and then you get this overwhelmingly positive feeling once you realize it was just a dream :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
greepoman said:
Do you really think Palin would stick to the script...SNL's script and not the GOP's that is. It would be in the same vain at the debates: you want comedy, too bad...here are the GOP talking points.

I think that should be the SNL script.

"I think we need energy policy that is directed by a couple Mavericks, like McCain and I."
"Governor, what are you doing? Why aren't you following the script?"
"Well I may not follow the script like the you or Lorne Michaels want me to, but I'll talk straight to the American people!"
ghibli99 said:
I agree... if she worked it like Brian Williams did several weeks ago, it would be a huge boost. I used to think he was, as he said, a stiff in a suit doing the news... but after seeing that side of him on SNL, I tune in to watch him more often. My wife and I chuckle every time we see him now. He seems a lot more human and less uptight because of it. If Palin ended up being a complete dud like Michael Phelps (which reminded me of how horrible the Nancy Kerrigan one was), it'd backfire... but I think she has enough charisma to pull it off.

That being said, I hope she doesn't do it.

She would get booed. I don't think they'd risk it. Or maybe she wouldn't. I don't know...


BenjaminBirdie said:
*spits out soda*

Now POLLSTER is 320 to 163?!? WOW.
And for another fun exercise, give the remaining toss-ups to whoever is ahead right now.

That makes it Obama 353, McCain 185.

McCain can't win the state-by-state race, so he's trying to tear down Obama nationally.
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