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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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wartime1020 said:
HylianTom said:
Zogby Tuesday:

Obama 49 (+1)
McCain 43 (-1)

Waiting for that Drudge headline.. :lol
Further contextualize today's polling for Obama:

SurveyUSA, meanwhile, shows Obama making big gains in Missouri, and (less interestingly) in Oregon, New Jersey and New York. Overall, our model looks at the polls that were in the field yesterday -- these include all of the Rasmussen and SurveyUSA polls that we just mentioned -- and thinks it was his second-strongest individual polling day of the year, trailing only one day in early February.

So much for a comeback. :lol



Vote For Obama by Christopher Hitchens

Hitchstopher Chrissens said:
...McCain lacks the character and temperament to be president. And Palin is simply a disgrace...

That's pretty fucking hardcore coming from Hitchens. Especially his shift from being a single issue voter in support of the Iraq war...
Slurpy said:
This has always been the strategy when the GOP is criticized- false equivocations. 'Hey, they're doing it too!!' - even when they're not. Just muddy the waters, and call it a wash.

Where is this instance of someone calling McCain a terrorist in Obama rallies? You'd think someone somewhere may have caught it on photo/video, and if so, it would be on youtube instantly. Has McCain attended an Obama rally? Or maybe he has access to secret footage noone else has? In this day and age, its more difficult yo get away with blatant lies like this. If people called McCain a terrorist at Obama rallies, and McCain found out about this, there would definitely be photo/video evidence to back it up. But hey, I guess you cant prove nobody did, so it doesn't matter.

What a bullshitter.

It's totally inconsequential if someone did call him a terrorist at an Obama rally. To quote myself:
Saint Gregory said:
I think the key difference (that no reporter calls McCain's surrogates on) is that whatever bad things Obama supporters say about McCain at Obama rallies, they are not the direct result of statements made directly by Obama to incite hatred of McCain.

If Obama accused McCain of being a baby killer or something for being a bomber pilot in Vietnam and then his supporters started screaming "Baby Killer!!!" everytime someone mentioned McCain's name then he'd have an argument and it would be exactly like what McCain's camp has done.

No one at any Obama rally I've seen has made the kind of unsubstansiated personal attacks on McCain that we've seen at McCain rallies against Obama. Like I told my friend "If McCain or Palin were average citizens they'd be on the Secret Service's watch list right now."


Slurpy said:
I wouldn't give them too much credit. They see the writing on the wall, and want to be in the "I saw it coming and I told you so' crowd. Its self-benefit. If McCain was ahead in the polls but still running the same campaign, no way in fucking hell theyd be saying anything negative about him.

I think that's clear from the title of the clip. The point is, as you said, they see the writing on the wall. It's big giant block letters that say:




This is the current map featuring all of 538's likely DEM states. Toss-ups in favor of Democrats and states that lean Democratic according to 538 (NC, MO, IN) were put in the Republican column.


Gattsu25 said:
That was the most uncomfortable interview ever on Maddow's show

Maddow invites guest over, guest accuses Maddow as being equivalent to McCain not stopping crowds from screaming 'Kill Him' and 'Traitor' at McCain's rallies, Maddow calls the guest on his bullshit comparison, uncomfortable moments ensue as guest tries to back down and Maddow does not let up on comparison.

It's like he was sent there on a hit job and didn't expect to get called out for it.

It was David Frum, a former speechwriter for Dubya. Also a former Giuliani advisor, I believe. So yeah, partisan hackery ahoy.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Xdrive05 said:
Vote For Obama by Christopher Hitchens

That's pretty fucking hardcore coming from Hitchens. Especially his shift from being a single issue voter in support of the Iraq war...

I enjoyed the piece. Schadenfreude, obviously, but it doesn't change the fact that Hitchens is a cynical opportunist. He is notable - and rides the wave of the uniqueness of his position - as a thinking Englishman abroad who chooses to side with the least thoughtful party. He does this deliberately to appear unctuous and contrary - and therefore far more interesting than a foreigner pouring salty scorn on the poor soup that is our politics.


First tragedy, then farce.
StoOgE's long rant he posted on facebook:

You know, I used to like John McCain and in many ways still do. I didn't agree with him on many issues, but he was always a respectful person who genuinely was a "Maverick" who would say what he thought regardless of his parties opinion. He still was a republican on the vast majority of issues, but he really did work across the aisle.

When Bush pulled his push-polling crap about McCain being a "Manchurian candidate" and "having fathered a black child" back in the 2000 primaries I was shocked and outraged. A man who is a true hero and went through hell I'm reasonably sure I couldn't was being attacked for his service. He was being attacked for adopting an orphan from a third world country. It was despicable and outrageous. Even though I disagreed with him completely I wound up voting for him in the 2000 Texas primary as a "protest vote". It didn't matter since the primary had long been decided and Bush was going to carry Texas regardless, but I wanted to make a point.. that that sort of crap had no place in politics.

McCain had the unfortunate luck to win his parties nomination in a year where the odds were stacked against his party. Bush is the most unpopular president since Nixon or Truman at this point, the American people increasingly think the country is headed in the wrong direction and the economy is in the tank right now. Rightly or wrongly, the incumbent party gets the blame when things are going poorly. The cards were stacked against him and he had next to no chance to win this thing. It looked like he had a real shot at winning when he first picked Sarah Palin as VP, but then she opened her mouth and that went out the window (well that and Tina Fey's impression of her).

Sometimes that is how it is, someone had to be the republican version of McGovern this time and it was you.

What is enraging me iis the thinly veiled race baiting that the McCain campaign has decided to engage in. The head of the Republican party in VA is now openly comparing Barrack Obama to Osama Bin Ladin, the McCain campaign is claiming that Obama "palled around with terrorists", speakers at McCain rallies are constantly using Obama's middle name, and that he has "a different view of America than the rest of us". A preacher at a McCain rally actually prayed that God win the election for John McCain, otherwise people who prayed to "other gods" would think that their god was bigger than the christian God. So I guess God is on McCain's side and the rest of them are with Obama?

Lets cut the BS. Here is the extent of Obama's "palling around with terrorists". 1) Obama met William Ayers as a professor and did not know who he was (which isn't much of a stretch when you realize that Obama was 8 when William Ayers and the weathermen were up to their BS). 2) The served on a board that granted scholarships to college students. This board was made up of several Republicans and the scholarship was funded by a former US ambassador and member of the Reagan administration.

Whether right or wrong, William Ayers is now an accepted member of the Chicago political scene, and a Reganite saw fit to put him on his educational committee along with Obama. Obama has repudiated William Ayers actions as "despicable" and there is absolutely no evidence that he and Obama are close or that Obama shares any of William Ayers ideology.

The real message that the McCain campaign is trying to get across is that Obama is "scary" and "radical" and that he "cannot be trusted". They bring up William Ayers, not because William Ayers was a member of the weathermen. They bring it up because they can use the word "terrorist" in association with Obama.

They are tapping into the sort of xenophobic tendencies that lead people to forward around chain emails that claim Obama is some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate whose sole purpose is to destroy the United States... and low and behold, people are now shouting "kill him", "traitor", "terrorist" and the like at McCain rallies at the very mention of Obama's name. We have people showing up with signs that say "Obama bin Lyin". Even if these reactions were not wanted or intended, they were provoked.

I think John McCain has lost control of this campaign.

You could see it in his reaction to the woman who declared "Obama is an Arab" at one of his rallies. McCain knows he has taken the low road in a last ditch effort to win the presidency. He is now running a campaign that is unbefitting of the office he seeks.

To me it is very sad to see a man resort to the same tired objectionable attacks that were once used against him. A man who once called Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwel "agents of intolerance" is now stoking those same fears they did.

There is a reason conservative columnists are jumping ship left and right. George Will, David Frum, Michelle Malkin, Bill Kristol and Newt Gingrich have all come out against this campaign of lies, slander and race baiting. These are not exactly people who are friendly to the Obama camp.

McCain is most likely going to lose this election, the question is what state is the country left in on Nov. 5th. It's sad.. but hey, at least he still has Pat Buchanan on his side.
Jak140 said:
Noticed this on Drudge's front page.

Gee, wonder why he picked that image out of 589 images. Look out, Obama's after ur whit wimens.

I need to know the story behind that. My wife and I are all for Bams, but I'm not sure that my wife would actually ask for a kiss :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
CharlieDigital said:
I need to know the story behind that. My wife and I are all for Bams, but I'm not sure that my wife would actually ask for a kiss :lol

Why isn't your wife down with the swirl?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Ranking conservative pseudo-intellectuals on a sliding scale of unsuckiness, it'd have to be

Jonah Goldberg <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< David Frum

Although I still think Frum has a high propensity for douchebagery (at least from what I saw from a panel discussion on Iran about two years ago)


StoOgE said:
StoOgE's long rant he posted on facebook:

You should delete Michelle Malkin from that list. She was actually upset because McCain wasn't doing exactly what he is doing now a couple weeks ago.


Subconscious Brolonging
Cloudy said:
Politico is full of crap. McCain won the day? :lol

That column is so borked. It flips back and forth constantly, like a limp fish struggling to get back into the water.

Ben Smith, The Arena, and their news stories are the only thing I read on that site anymore.


Suikoguy said:
What goes on in Dick's head?
"Fuck it, fox news is paying me either way, might as well make shit up"

Seriously though guys, losing Kentucky hurts. But we're finally withing striking distance on South Carolina! All that hard work is paying off.
ZealousD said:
Okay, compare Dick Morris's map to the 1996 map.


Notice something? Maybe Morris thinks it'll be an Obama landslide on election day and he's looking towards the last democratic landslide for inspiration or something?
Yeah, I actually think this is it. Dude probably spends all golfing, hears that Obama is doing well, and then says "well shit, I wonder how that would work" without doing any state-by-state research.

I think it is a good idea to ask him to defend some of these though. Dude has gotta have a public email. Probably won't respond, but worthwhile just in case.

Also, to everyone, please do not underestimate GA. I still don't think he will win, but turnout in Dekalb, Fulton and Clayton will be astronomical. Lot of bailout backlash. Obama's had a presence there from early on. I think it will be close, and Martin could still come out on top.
Gruco said:
Yeah, I actually think this is it.

It makes perfect since. It was the last time Dick Morris was relevant when Clinton worked with him for the 96 re-election. As with everything he is stuck in the 90's even down to the electoral map.


*drowns in jizz*
George Will, David Frum, Michelle Malkin, Bill Kristol and Newt Gingrich have all come out against this campaign of lies, slander and race baiting.

What? I need evidence of this. Not that it would make her any less despicable and abhorrent of an individual.


Master of the Google Search
Stoney Mason said:
Damn. Looks like we lost Kentucky from the last one but we got Arizona now!


Like I've said before: Dick Morris still thinks its the 90s and still thinks Clinton is the democratic nominee


Slurpy said:
George Will, David Frum, Michelle Malkin, Bill Kristol and Newt Gingrich have all come out against this campaign of lies, slander and race baiting.

What? I need evidence of this. Not that it would make her any less despicable and abhorrent of an individual.

And Bill Kristol said the smears were fine, he said the campaign is just incompetent.


when is my burrito
Spire said:
That column is so borked. It flips back and forth constantly, like a limp fish struggling to get back into the water.

Ben Smith, The Arena, and their news stories are the only thing I read on that site anymore.

The only political sites I frequent have been honed to a pretty good core group.

Firstread every morning at 9AM EST for the morning update
PoliGAF for gallups and news over the lunch break
huffpo for the headline of the day/afternoon
Politico for the blogs and not much else
PoliGAF again for pics, youtubes, lolz and stuff I missed during the day

Gotta say that youtube and to a lesser extent, blogs, have totally changed the way we do elections in this country. What a difference 4 years make!!

EDIT: Forgot about 538 and pollster.com at the end of the day.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
tanod said:
The only political sites I frequent have been honed to a pretty good core group.

Firstread every morning at 9AM EST for the morning update
PoliGAF for gallups and news over the lunch break
huffpo for the headline of the day/afternoon
Politico for the blogs and not much else
PoliGAF again for pics, youtubes, lolz and stuff I missed during the day

Gotta say that youtube and to a lesser extent, blogs, have totally changed the way we do elections in this country. What a difference 4 years make!!
for real, youtube has changed the entire dynamic. Any mistake can be fatal.


Clevinger said:
And Bill Kristol said the smears were fine, he said the campaign is just incompetent.

As did Malkin. They are fine with the smears, they're just mad it's not working :lol

McCain should have started this earlier if he wanted it to stick. Doing it now just seems desperate...
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