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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Damn. Looks like we lost Kentucky from the last one but we got Arizona now!


Dick Morris' Analysis of the Map
During the past week, Obama‘s lead in national polls of the popular vote has expanded to an average of 7.2 points. Not only are the traditional swing states like Florida and Ohio long since gone to the Democrats, but also the latest poll results put such stalwart Republican states as Alabama, Texas, South Dakota, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Montana within reach of Democrats. Although these red states all still lean toward McCain, it is getting too close for comfort for him.

In the meantime, Republican bastions like South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana are now no better than tossups.
If the election took place this week, it would be a wipeout of major proportions. Even McCain‘s home state of Arizona has to be classified as leaning toward Obama. McCain, as of now, can be certain of carrying just eight states with a combined total of only 36 electoral votes.

But the campaign has three weeks to run. If the financial crisis begins to settle down, and voters can take a good look at the man they are about to elect president, there is still time and a real chance for a major swing back to McCain. It looks like the campaign 2008 roller coaster still has several more turns to make, before the historic ride is over.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
HylianTom said:
I've said it before.. I can't wait to see their faces on FoxNews when they're forced to admit that Obama actually won. :D

Maybe we'll see actual emotion from Brit Hume!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Suikoguy said:
What goes on in Dick's head?

"Hey look! It's a coloring book of the United States! I know, I'll color it in with only primary colors!

Hey look me! I colored between the lines!"


A radio station here in LA brought up a good point today. Does McCain getting cold feet and doesn't want to be president? I mean, he is old, probably just wants to hang out in his 52 houses and kick it until he dies. It seems that his VP choice was just utterly stupid, and killing him in the polls now.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hitokage said:
Kerry bloc/IA/NM(264) + NV/CO/MO/IN/OH/WV/VA/NC/FL(116) = 380 EVs

At this point it's not whether or not Obama will win but by how much. The odds of McCain keeping Obama from getting only five votes out of battleground states is approaching infinitesimal.

+ Georgia = 395 EVs



testicles on a cold fall morning
daw840 said:
A radio station here in LA brought up a good point today. Does McCain getting cold feet and doesn't want to be president? I mean, he is old, probably just wants to hang out in his 52 houses and kick it until he dies. It seems that his VP choice was just utterly stupid, and killing him in the polls now.
Nah, his VP pick arguably gave his campaign a much needed pick-me-up both in the polls and in Republican enthusiasm. The problem is that Palin's lack of coherence gave the positives a very short half-life.


First tragedy, then farce.
Shiggie said:
:lol :lol

What is a compliance fund?

Since they took public funding they are not allowed to raise any money. They can however raise money for a "compliance fund" at the RNC. the RNC can then spend that money on the McCain camps behalf.

The McCain camp cant have any say in where and how that money is spent, and the ads have to be about the RNC platform as well as McCain. Basically they run McCain ads for McCain and McCain cant have any say in where they go, but the RNC will run them only in states that McCain is campaigning in.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dick Morris:

The Telegraph also alleged that Morris had a preference for "toe-sucking and dominance," and that he regaled Rowlands with a version of "Popeye the Sailor Man," performed in his underpants.[2]
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
HylianTom said:
I've said it before.. I can't wait to see their faces on FoxNews when they're forced to admit that Obama actually won. :D
I will watch footage of that at least 10 times over. I almost hope they call the election for McCain and hope it works a second time.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Morris' new map is simply so he can refer to a pro-McCain swing... from his own map earlier in the week.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
BobTheFork said:
I will watch footage of that at least 10 times over. I almost hope they call the election for McCain and hope it works a second time.

Aren't there regulations for this now?


BobTheFork said:
I will watch footage of that at least 10 times over. I almost hope they call the election for McCain and hope it works a second time.

I'm DVRing as much as I can from Election Night. Probably won't ever delete it. :lol


HylianTom said:
Zogby Tuesday:

Obama 49 (+1)
McCain 43 (-1)

Waiting for that Drudge headline.. :lol

:lol Drudge will probably just keep the link to yesterday's numbers, he's probably pulling his hair out because nothing gets sustained.
Holy crap, that's the first time I've seen Colmes be able to play footage on demand during this show before that wasn't something Hannity would approve beforehand.
Incognito said:
At this point, I have to believe Morris is laying the groundwork for the argument that Obama didn't do as well as expected.

It's either that or he's performing an experiement to find out just how far you can pull information out of your ass and have it be posted as breaking news on Newsmax.
HylianTom said:
Zogby Tuesday:

Obama 49 (+1)
McCain 43 (-1)

Waiting for that Drudge headline.. :lol

All of this tracking polling reminds me a lot of sea ducks floating just offshore on the outer banks or something-they bob up and down, yet they really aren't going anywhere.

Zogby has lol partisan IDs, too,this poll is not good news for John McCain.
Fragamemnon said:
All of this tracking polling reminds me a lot of sea ducks floating just offshore on the outer banks or something-they bob up and down, yet they really aren't going anywhere.

Zogby has lol partisan IDs, too,this poll is not good news for John McCain.

I think we're past the point where Obama's lead can be attributed to the economy. I think now the reality is that the crisis exposed to the electorate who had the leadership skills for the job.

The McCain camp problably understands this on some level hence their desperation now to discredit Obama anyway they can. The rest of the Republican party seems to want no part of that though. The irony - it's delicious.
GA a tossup? Seriously? Man, my wife and I will be voting Obama here in Georgia but I figured we were just helping McCain get less of a win, not an actual win for Obama possibly. That can't be right though, hard for me to believe.


*drowns in jizz*
saelz8 said:

This has always been the strategy when the GOP is criticized- false equivocations. 'Hey, they're doing it too!!' - even when they're not. Just muddy the waters, and call it a wash.

Where is this instance of someone calling McCain a terrorist in Obama rallies? You'd think someone somewhere may have caught it on photo/video, and if so, it would be on youtube instantly. Has McCain attended an Obama rally? Or maybe he has access to secret footage noone else has? In this day and age, its more difficult yo get away with blatant lies like this. If people called McCain a terrorist at Obama rallies, and McCain found out about this, there would definitely be photo/video evidence to back it up. But hey, I guess you cant prove nobody did, so it doesn't matter.

What a bullshitter.
negreenfield said:
GA a tossup? Seriously? Man, my wife and I will be voting Obama here in Georgia but I figured we were just helping McCain get less of a win, not an actual win for Obama possibly. That can't be right though, hard for me to believe.

It's not. Dick Morris maps are like an inside joke.


That was the most uncomfortable interview ever on Maddow's show

Maddow invites guest over, guest accuses Maddow as being equivalent to McCain not stopping crowds from screaming 'Kill Him' and 'Traitor' at McCain's rallies, Maddow calls the guest on his bullshit comparison, uncomfortable moments ensue as guest tries to back down and Maddow does not let up on comparison.

It's like he was sent there on a hit job and didn't expect to get called out for it.
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