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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Yeah, that little improvised moment is so telling. I hope the media picks up on it and uses it to contrast McCain's "No no he's a ...a...decent family person."


faceless007 said:
Yeah, that little improvised moment is so telling. I hope the media picks up on it and uses it to contrast McCain's "No no he's a ...a...decent family person."
Completely unlike those Arabs.
pxleyes said:
Was this just on Fox or something? The comment by the McCain person I mean.

Olbermann mentioned that it happened earlier today on Fox, probably stemming from Kristal calling out how shitty McCain's campaign has been and how pointless it is to continue to pull the Ayers/Rev.Wright stuff at this point yesterday on Fox News Sunday.


pxleyes said:
Was this just on Fox or something? The comment by the McCain person I mean.

It was on Fox this morning, Nancy Poopenheimer accused Kristol of getting his talking points from Obama in so many words.:lol


Tamanon said:
It was on Fox this morning, Nancy Poopenheimer accused Kristol of getting his talking points from Obama in so many words.:lol
:lol God I want to see that sooooo bad. I still cant get over Kristol almost pulling for Obama now though.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Tamanon said:
It was on Fox this morning, Nancy Poopenheimer accused Kristol of getting his talking points from Obama in so many words.:lol

I know it's juvenile, but that is hilarious :lol


Part of me is terrified that one mistake/gaffe, or being caught saying something not that flattering off-camera, or everyone concluding that it's a sure thing is gonna lead to a lot of people staying home on the day, or something else we can't quantify, is gonna change the game. Seriously, a lot can happen in 3 weeks, and it's my fervent belief that whatever the polls say, most people will vote based on whatever happens the week of.

Please don't screw it up Obama.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Only 61 views! Soon to be many, many more!

jm2591 (1 hour ago)
I really DON'T like Mccain but I trust him more than Obama. Obama PLAYS at being a moderate. But he's lying through his teeth. He seems to surround himself with radicals. People like Rezko and Auchi, Odinga, Ayers, The New Black Panther Party, La Raza, Farrakhan, and how could we forget NO,NO,NO NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA...GOD DAMN AMERICA, the so-called Rev. Wright. Obama vigorously defended Wright at first, then dissed him. Wanna bet Wright will be at Obama's side when this is over?
who are these people?
Schadenfreude, anyone? It's delicious.

Jonathan Martin said:
The Republican National Committee, growing nervous over the prospect of Democrats’ winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, is considering tapping into a $5 million line of credit this week to aid an increasing number of vulnerable incumbents, top Republicans say.

With party strategists fearing a bloodbath at the polls, GOP officials are shifting to triage mode, determining who can be saved and where to best spend their money.

And with the House and Senate Republican campaign committees being drastically outspent by their Democratic counterparts, and outside groups such as Freedom’s Watch offering far less help than was once anticipated, Republicans are turning to the national party committee as a lender of last resort.

GOP sources emphasized they would not be diverting money from John McCain, who they promised would continue to enjoy a steady stream of ads from the party’s independent expenditure arm. The party raised a record $66 million last month, and McCain is increasingly relying on RNC funds. “We’re not giving up on McCain,” said a top GOP source. “We’re still going to do everything we can there because his margin and what he does affects these races.” A senior Republican said: “We’re much better off having a competitive presidential ticket.”

But that the party would use new money to block a Democratic triumph in the Senate rather than boost the odds of its presidential nominee speaks volumes about what many Republicans think is still salvageable. And some in the GOP, especially those working on House and Senate races in which their candidates’ poll numbers swoon during the financial crisis, are increasingly agitated about money being spent on what all observers, including McCain, acknowledge is an uphill fight on top of the ticket.

“They should pull the money from ­McCain like [former RNC Chairman] Haley Barbour did in ’96, when Dole slid away, and funnel it to save some Senate and House seats as best they can,” said one longtime GOP strategist who is working on congressional races.

The RNC tried a similar “firewall” strategy late in the 2005-2006 election cycle, hoping to save GOP Senate seats in Ohio, Missouri and Tennessee. The RNC dumped millions of dollars into that effort only to see Democrats take two out of the three seats on their way to winning control of the Senate.

The RNC has also been running TV ads in several House districts, according to GOP and Democratic sources. Incumbents in both chambers who were previously seen as safe are now perceived as slipping away. But to ensure at least one bulwark against total Democratic control, GOP officials are more inclined to focus their resources on the Senate.


JCreasy said:
wHAT? Noooo!

Where you see this?
On Olbermann

No definitive answer, but one of the contractors that built her house (for free?), later on that same year, was involved in the $15 million sports complex in Wasilla
Saint Gregory said:
Where did I miss this? Was it on Maddow?
Last few minutes of Olbermann
They just called William Ayers Obama's closest friend on Fox. :lol

"Domestic Osama bin Laden"

They aren't even pretending they aren't doing what they're doing anymore, Dick Morris is a fucking bigot.
Gattsu25 said:
On Olbermann

No definitive answer, but one of the contractors that built her house (for free?), later on that same year, was involved in the $15 million sports complex in

Wait seriously? The double standard here is incredible. If Rezko built Obama's house and then got a huge Chicago contract Obama would be crucified.
Saint Gregory said:
Wait seriously? The double standard here is incredible. If Rezko built Obama's house and then got a huge Chicago contract Obama would be crucified.

Which is hilarious considering how similar it is to Ted Steven's issues.
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