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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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venison crêpe
mj1108 said:
Obama 3,352,888 51%
McCain 3,190,892 49%



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
DeathNote said:
free republic:

We had to live through Jimmy Carter to get to Ronald Reagan, and we can live through 4 years of Barry Obama to get to the likes of Sarah Palin.

The "good ol' boys" in the Republican party now have 2 years to dig up all the dirt they can on Palin. She won't make it out of the primaries. Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, or Jindal will be the next candidate.
Formless said:

FUCK YEAH, somebody post a picture of the new first family again!!! I feel like the packers won another Super Bowl.
Plinko said:
The "good ol' boys" in the Republican party now have 2 years to dig up all the dirt they can on Palin. She won't make it out of the primaries. Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty, or Jindal will be the next candidate.
Gag. Jindal would be just as bad.


McCain will be speaking soon, it seems. Do you guys think he will bow out with grace and dignity or like a cranky old man who claims that "life is not fair"?


North Carolina looking worse, BUT Washington and Franklin county, both of which should go heavily for Obama have barely reported/not reported at all.
DeathNote said:
free republic:

"1- It ain’t over til it’s over.
2- Even when it’s over, it ain’t over.
3- There will be lawsuits, I hope, due to ACORN and other voting irregularities. All we can hope for is Honest Judges.
4- We had to live through Jimmy Carter to get to Ronald Reagan, and we can live through 4 years of Barry Obama to get to the likes of Sarah Palin.
5- WE became too complacent and we didn’t start the VETTING process soon enough or with enough vigor. EVEN IF WE SOMEHOW PULL OUT A WIN THIS TIME, the Socialist-Marxists will STILL think they can overpower us in 4-more-years. If they win this time, the American Public will get so ticked off at Democrats that they won’t have a chance in the White House for at least another 16-20 years (the length of a person’s recall).
6- IF Barry Obama wins, we still hammer at our Congresspeople regularly and vigorously. We send emails, we send snail mails, we keep up with CSpan and everything going on in Congress. AND we watch what our various States are doing.
7- WE have got to stay political. It’s no longer just a game, it is Survival. We Can Live Through 4 Years Of Barry Obama.
8- No matter what he promised, he’s got nearly a Trillion Dollars in Bail Out on His Plate and he will ultimately be responsible for what happens with that, not George W Bush. And WE need to make sure, with letters to the editors, that the Public is made aware of just whose responsibility it is. And we also need to play “devil’s advocate” when he proclaims that he “can’t” do something he promised to do while running for President. WE need to remind the lemmings that Obama promised . . . and now he’s reneging. So what else did he LIE about?
9- WE have the advantage over an Obama Presidency. We know what’s going on and he is clueless. USE IT to our advantage. Inundate his office with letters and emails for every mistake he makes, for every misstep he makes. Call him on his errors and Quote History Books.
10- WE know how to use the Internet to our advantage! And we will do so. Maybe an Obama Presidency is just what WE need to shake us up and make us get serious about the USofA."

Those tears may be bitter, but sooooooo sweet.


mediocrity at its best
icarus-daedelus said:
NYT.com has Maricopa reporting in, but not Pima yet.

Come on, Tucson, don't let me down!

Tucson is blue, you know that! Hopefully we don't fuck it up.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
PhoenixDark said:
Does FOX have a live stream?
Local Fox does, I haven't come across a Fox News stream, but I'm sure there's one somewhere on Ustream.

C-SPAN1 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN2 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN McCain Event Election Cam | C-SPAN Obama Event Election Cam

CNN.com Live | Direct Links: Stream 1 | Stream 2 | Stream 3 | Stream 4

MSNBC (MSNBC Election Day Online coverage has started....Link is streaming live MSNBC right now!); if the link is changed or it goes down, the frontpage of MSNBC.com will have the new link posted when it goes back up.

ABC News Now (Not to be confused with ABC News)

Local FOX links (Not Fox News): Los Angeles | Los Angeles 2 | Chicago | Chicago 2 | Philadelphia | Philadelphia 2 | Boston | Boston 2 | Dallas | D.C. | D.C. 2 | Atlanta | Houston | Tampa Bay | Orlando | Orlando 2 | Phoenix | Denver | Denver 2 | St. Louis | St. Louis 2 | Milwaukee | Kansas City | Salt Lake City | Memphis | Greensboro | Austin | Austin 2 | Birmingham | Minneapolis | Detroit

Thanks to Baked Pigeon for the Election Cam Links


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lawblob said:
Indiana is only a 6,000 vote margin!!

Come on Obama, pull that shit out!!
I want Indiana to go McCain so Nate can be right... I want Nate to be 100% right
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