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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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besada said:
Companies shouldn't be connected to healthcare. Period. It's bad for everyone. It's bad for employees because a) they lose it if they lose their job and b)they're in a pool size directly related to their company size, which determines cost. It also creates ugly privacy issues, like companies demanding non-smokers, companies knowing your medical details, etc.

It's bad for companies because companies spend a huge amount of money on it, and again, get worse rates because of pool size. It's particularly hard for small companies, who get shitty rates and can afford it least. They're also not very good at administering it, because it's not their core competency.

The entire population of the U.S. should be a single pool, ie: single-payer health care. Companies should divest themselves of any connection to health care, and the existing Government system (which is used by our politicians) should be expanded to cover everyone. At which point the health care system should do a WalMart on the insurance companies and drive down costs.
I'm not gonna disagree with any of that. I just use that argument to show one aspect of how the current system is fucked up. The current system encourages a race to the bottom and rewards people that treat their employees like crap. The taxes that Costco (who provided health insurance) helps subsidize the healthcare of Wal*Mart employees. That ain't right.


Hitokage said:
lawblob: Born into the church, baptised at 8, deacon at 12, teacher at 14, priest by 16, but then started learning the church wasn't what it claimed to be when I was 19, started heavily researching the matter(such as pulling up century-old New York Times articles from a university library), and stopped believing soon after. However, stayed in the closet so to speak for a year, and was ordained elder, received my patriarchal blessing, turned in mission papers and received a mission call, and went to the temple for my endowments all in that time. Pulled the plug between the time I went to the temple and when I was to report to the MTC.

Interesting. As for me, it was ironically going on a Mission that brought me to leave the church. I went state-side, and as an avid reader, I would pick up books at Barnes & Noble every month. About 1 year in, once I had read about 30 books, I realized I had been duped. It was a surreal 2nd year of my mission, teaching discussions, etc., but realizing it was all basically a lie.

I was also horrified at how intellectually lazy most other Missionaries were. The majority of them would either half-sleep during morning study time, or they would do little more than read a chapter a day in the BOM, never even bothering to pique their intellectual curiosity.


polyh3dron said:
The AP is trying to out-Fox Fox News, didn't you hear?
Yeah, but it just takes some getting used to seeing a former respectable news agency putting out stuff like this.
25 things you might not know about McCain
Twnety-five things you might not know about John McCain

1. He has a stuffed dancing hamster on display in his Senate office.

2. His wife says her obsession with electronic gadgets and technology is one of his pet peeves.

3. He says his pet peeve is politicians who talk too much. (He admits that he's guilty, too, sometimes.)

4. He's not much of a shopper, but he likes to buy rugs when traveling abroad.

5. His favorite book is "For Whom the Bell Tolls," by Ernest Hemingway.

6. He was addicted to the TV show "24."

7. He carries a lucky penny in his pocket.

8. He played Scrooge in the POWs' staging of "A Christmas Carol" at the Hanoi Hilton.

9. His movie favorites include "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World," "Casablanca," and "Viva Zapata!" He and wife Cindy have seen "Mamma Mia!" twice.

10. He talks to fellow prisoners of war, those with whom he shared a cell in Vietnam, almost daily.

11. He has seven children. The first two he adopted from his first wife's previous marriage, the third was born to him and his first wife, the next three were born to him and his second wife, and the seventh they adopted from Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh. He has four grandchildren.

12. His wife was in Bangladesh on a charity mission and brought home baby Bridget without checking first with McCain.

13. He describes himself as "a person who is mostly normal."

14. His parents "eloped" and got married at Caesar's Bar in Tijuana, Mexico; McCain's grandfather accompanied them.

15. He's serious about the finer points of barbecuing, and he likes to deep-fry turkeys in peanut oil.

16. He wasn't happy when Hudson, the neighbors' black lab, ate the tenderloin he'd been marinating to grill for dinner at their ranch in Sedona, Ariz.

17. He doesn't like to be alone.

18. At Christmastime, he likes to supervise the lighting of about 1,000 luminaria candles on their property in Sedona with family and friends.

19. Going on vacation with him is anything but relaxing. His children call it "Camp McCain."

20. He's an early-bird, not a night-owl.

21. He doesn't e-mail. He doesn't surf the Web. He likes to read the newspaper in print. He's attached to his cell phone.

22. His office window sill is overrun with stacks of books. He hands books off to friends once he's read them.

23. He's into fruit trees. And birds. He keeps binoculars and bird books at the ready in Sedona. His pet collection: two dogs, two turtles, a cat, a ferret, three parakeets and 13 saltwater fish.

24. His wife is super-rich. They have a prenuptial agreement.

25. He programmed digital remotes at the family's homes in Phoenix and Washington so they can call up DVDs in any room.


Setec Astronomer
lawblob said:
Interesting. As for me, it was ironically going on a Mission that brought me to leave the church. I went state-side, and as an avid reader, I would pick up books at Barnes & Noble every month. About 1 year in, once I had read about 30 books, I realized I had been duped. It was a surreal 2nd year of my mission, teaching discussions, etc., but realizing it was all basically a lie.
Yeah, I didn't want to spend two years lying to everyone while trying to preserve my sanity, but at the same time I wanted to put off the inevitable nosedive in family relations as much as possible.


of course, if it is Romney I'll never hear the end of it at church. I remember when he was doing poorly in the primaries people blamed it on "Satan"


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ZealousD said:
It's becoming more and more clear to me what has happened with John McCain.

He's being manipulated.

The man used to speak candidly, even though I often didn't agree with him. He used to be that maverick that I respected. I always felt like that even if his mind wasn't in the right place, his heart was.

But as the days/years go on, he's acting more and more like a typical Republican. In his desire to be president, he's tried to appeal to his Republican base harder and harder by adopting their views on everything.

And now it's become clear that his staff shakeup was probably orchestrated by his party to mold him into the candidate they wanted, and to use the tactics they wanted to use. McCain has become convinced that letting these people lead his campaign will enable him to become president.

McCain is not calling the shots in his campaign.

thats been clear for a while now. :/ :(


Hitokage said:
Yeah, I didn't want to spend two years lying to everyone while trying to preserve my sanity, but at the same time I wanted to put off the inevitable nosedive in family relations as much as possible.

Welcome to my world. I have told my parents on many occasions I think the Church is a lie, but amazingly they don't want to accept it, and a few months later they will ask me about church, etc.. Same with my in-laws, any time I am around them its easier to just put on a smiley face and not talk about it, and pretend I still give a shit about the church.

In a lot of ways I suppose its no different than being raised a staunch Catholic. Its probably just easier to fake-it around your family, rather than deal with the blowback for the rest of your life.
besada said:
I was doing early training to be a pastor when I left the Southern Baptists. They loved my big loud voice. They should have stopped me from reading.
The loved this guy's loud voice too . . . until it started saying other things . .. :D


Setec Astronomer
ronito said:
of course, if it is Romney I'll never hear the end of it at church. I remember when he was doing poorly in the primaries people blamed it on "Satan"

I feel bad for the Log Cabin crowd.


speculawyer said:
I'm not gonna disagree with any of that. I just use that argument to show one aspect of how the current system is fucked up. The current system encourages a race to the bottom and rewards people that treat their employees like crap. The taxes that Costco (who provided health insurance) helps subsidize the healthcare of Wal*Mart employees. That ain't right.


The non-corporate health insurance rant comes from six years in the outsourced payroll/benefits industry, four in the insurance industry, and a wife who's an HR manager. It's like the old saying about how you don't want to see how sausage is made.
woeds said:
Yeah, but it just takes some getting used to seeing a former respectable news agency putting out stuff like this.
25 things you might not know about McCain
2. His wife says her obsession with electronic gadgets and technology is one of his pet peeves.
I think I'd be more likely to vote for her for president.


speculawyer said:
The loved this guy's loud voice too . . . until it started saying other things . .. :D

Sam was one of my heroes. I was a scary little evangelist. At thirteen I suited up in a powder-blue suit, combed my hair in the traditional pseudo-pompadour of the pastor, and went door to door in my neighborhood by myself, trying to save souls. I must have scared the shit out of people. Creepy little bastard.


Guileless said:
Romney has the kind of phoniness rarely seen even in politicians except for phoniness savants like Sen. Edwards and Judge Smails.

Exactly. That is the very first thing that jumped out at me when I first heard/saw him speak. As if he's composed of a substance that mystifies even plastic. I don't really see how he helps McCain in any way.
ronito said:
of course, if it is Romney I'll never hear the end of it at church. I remember when he was doing poorly in the primaries people blamed it on "Satan"


Why are you still *in* the church?

I've never heard you say nice things about it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Krowley said:
Drudge report rumoring that McCain's pick will leak at 6 PM EST with a possible confirmation around 8 PM. I don't keep up with whether he's often accurate or not.

That would place it just prior to Obama's speech.

:lol its not really a leak if its planned! oh you republicans!

Most exciting McCain ad ever

This better be good.

McCain aide Brian Rogers sends out an expectations-raising email on an ad McCain is releasing today:, which he calls "exciting and unprecedented."

Communications director Jill Hazelbaker teased it on Morning Joe this morning:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Apparently the McCain campaign has an ad rolling out tonight. What's it about?

JILL HAZELBAKER: Well, Mika, this is a historic ad. I think this is the first of its kind. Senator McCain is going to speak direct to camera to Barack Obama. I’m not going to give away many more details than that. But suffice to say it’s going to be a very exciting ad, and I think it’s going to get a lot of attention

BRZEZINSKI: Jill, you’ve got to give us more on this ad. He's speaking directly to camera, John McCain is to Barack Obama. If you say there's news here, what's the news?

HAZELBAKER: Well, I'm going to keep a lid on it. But I think it's newsworthy to note that Senator McCain is going to have an ad that's going to air in battleground states around the time that Senator Obama is speaking tonight. And he’s going to be talking directly to his opponent. So, I'm going to leave it there, but it's going be very exciting and a lot of people are going to focus on it.

What a grade A prick and a desperate little man.
besada said:
Sam was one of my heroes. I was a scary little evangelist. At thirteen I suited up in a powder-blue suit, combed my hair in the traditional pseudo-pompadour of the pastor, and went door to door in my neighborhood by myself, trying to save souls. I must have scared the shit out of people. Creepy little bastard.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
alr1ghtstart said:
because nutso religious people won't vote for a mormon, leaving some of those southern states up for grabs.

My problem is I just dnt see evangelicals not voting jut because Mittens is a Morman.

Im thinking they realy won't care.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
mckmas8808 said:
My problem is I just dnt see evangelicals not voting jut because Mittens is a Morman.

Im thinking they realy won't care.

I know a quite a few evangelicals that consider the LDS a cult.

Now whether or not that overrides issues like abortion or not is the question.
ZealousD said:
I know a quite a few evangelicals that consider the LDS a cult.

Now whether or not that overrides issues like abortion or not is the question.

Oh noes! OMG! Vote for the heretic Romney of that Mormon cult or the pro-abortion Muslim! :lol

Oh PLEASE pick Romney!
Wait a minute . . . if he really can do this, I'll vote for him
25. He programmed digital remotes at the family's homes in Phoenix and Washington so they can call up DVDs in any room.
Of course, that is impossible . . . that takes more than 'programmed digital remotes'.


has calmed down a bit.
At least the glimpses into the religious upbringing of some of you gives me some insight into why there is a high level of bitterness and why there is so much tolerance for religious bashing, even by mods.

It's like ex-Nintendo fans who bash the Wii. :lol

edit: nevermind.


Master of the Google Search
speculawyer said:
Wait a minute . . . if he really can do this, I'll vote for him

Of course, that is impossible . . . that takes more than 'programmed digital remotes'.

Maybe McCain plans on using the same "technology" to win the Iraq War :O


speculawyer said:
Wait a minute . . . if he really can do this, I'll vote for him

Of course, that is impossible . . . that takes more than 'programmed digital remotes'.

Translation: HT installer set up Logitech Harmony 890 for him, he then went into the editor and changed the order of the pre-sets.
Xisiqomelir said:
Translation: HT installer set up Logitech Harmony 890 for him, he then went into the editor and changed the order of the pre-sets.
I still don't buy it. Didn't he say that he had to have Cindy check his email for him?


Steve Youngblood said:
I still don't buy it. Didn't he say that he had to have Cindy check his email for him?

You are correct.

Updated version: HT installer set up Logitech Harmony 890 for him, he then told Meaghan McCain to go into the editor and changed the order of the pre-sets.


Xisiqomelir said:
Translation: HT installer set up Logitech Harmony 890 for him, he then went into the editor and changed the order of the pre-sets.
Or apply Occam's razor and come to the fact that he probably just has immigrants push the buttons when he pushes the button on the remote.
VanMardigan said:
At least the glimpses into the religious upbringing of some of you gives me some insight into why there is a high level of bitterness and why there is so much tolerance for religious bashing, even by mods.
Well, people can bash atheism too. Of course it is a bit harder of a target since it is a non belief. And religion bashing definitely has limits as my bans can attest to. :D


worldrunover said:
Sounds like he might be rebutting Obama's speech as it's going on? Only problem with this is anyone who gives a crap is going to be watching Obama's speech and not any commercial running on another channel.
i picture something dramatic like in WWE.

mccain sitting in his chair, talking directly to obama, then spinning his seat around with a picture of the VP taped to the chair.


Setec Astronomer
VanMardigan said:
At least the glimpses into the religious upbringing of some of you gives me some insight into why there is a high level of bitterness and why there is so much tolerance for religious bashing, even by mods.
No, contrary to what you might be thinking now, I'm not anti-religion. What I am, however, is anti-fundamentalism and anti-dishonesty. I've actually banned quite a few people for "RELIGION LOL" posts, but groups that mislead others about what they believe? Fuck 'em.
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