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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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bob_arctor said:
"Will Obama do the same for McCain on his nomination night?"

*No ad is forthcoming*

"Was it arrogant of Obama not to make a congratulatory ad like McCain did?"

"Senator McCain, I just want to congratulate you on being the 96th consecutive old white guy to be nominated for president. Job well done."
VanMardigan said:
Considering how some believe Obama is a closet atheist, no. :lol

But that's beside the point, because I wasn't talking about bashing any particular candidate, but people of faith in general, which includes Obama/Biden, but that doesn't seem to bother folks.

Yea I've seen quite a few posters say they hope Obama is just lying about the depths of his faith, etc. On Gaf faith = bad.


I'm not sure why people are taking shots at that "25 things you don't know about John McCain" article on AP. They did the same piece on Barack last week. We talked about it in the last thread.


1. His high school basketball nickname at Punahou School in Hawaii was "O'Bomber" and he favored a left-hand, double-pump shot.

2. He has two Grammy awards for recording his best-selling books, "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope."

3. His mother's name was Stanley Ann Dunham — her father, Stanley, wanted a boy.

4. His mother and father, Barack Obama Sr., met in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii. She was 18. He was a scholarship student from Kenya.

5. His father, a goat herder as a child, was a member of the Luo tribe and came from a village in Kenya.

6. As a child in Indonesia he was introduced to snake meat and roasted grasshopper. His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, presented him with a pet monkey, "Tata."

7. While living in Indonesia, his mother would wake him at 4 a.m. for three hours of English lessons before he went to school.

8. His maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was a "Rosie the Riveter" at a Boeing Co. plant in Wichita, Kan., during World War II.

9. While a student at Harvard Law School, he applied to appear in a black pride pinup calendar. He was rejected by an all-female committee.

10. He met his wife, Michelle, while she was his adviser one summer when he worked at a corporate law firm in Chicago. She also is a Harvard Law School graduate.

11. On his first date with his wife, they had ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Chicago. (One of his jobs as a teen was scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins.)

12. His favorite movies include "Casablanca," "The Godfather" films, "Lawrence of Arabia" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

13. During his community organizing days, some residents in Chicago dubbed him "baby face" because of his youthful looks.

14. He considers his worst habit to be checking his Blackberry.

15. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, but he got a D in eighth-grade French.

16. His prized possession is a photograph of the cliffs of Oahu's South Shore, where his mother's ashes are scattered.

17. He is a good — but cautious — poker player who joined other lawmakers in Springfield, Ill., for weekly games. They dubbed their group "The Committee."

18. His music favorites include Bob Dylan, Sheryl Crow, Yo-Yo Ma, Bruce Springsteen, Jay-Z and jazz legends Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Charlie Parker. One of his favorite songs during the political season is Dylan's "Maggie's Farm."

19. He carries good luck charms, including a gambler's lucky chit, a tiny Madonna and child, and a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq.

20. He announced his campaign for the presidency at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill., where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous "house divided" speech.

21. His office wall has a framed original program from the 1963 March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a dream" speech. Obama will accept the Democratic presidential nomination on the 45th anniversary of that address.

22. He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali.

23. He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life.

24. He has promised his daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, a dog this fall — win or lose

25. He doesn't like to shop.


Jimmy Carter calls out McCain on his overuse of the POW excuse :lol :

Front page on USA Today's site: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-08-28-carter-denver_N.htm

Not bolding anything since it's all worth reading.

Article said:
DENVER — Former president Jimmy Carter called Republican presidential candidate John McCain a "distinguished Naval officer," but said the Arizona senator has been "milking every possible drop of advantage" from his time served as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

Article said:
But he focused heavily on McCain, explaining how he was bewildered to see him during a conversation earlier this month with pastor and author Rick Warren at the Saddlebrook Church in Lake Forest, Calif. Carter said that whether the question was about religion, domestic or foreign affairs, every answer came back to his five-and-a-half years as a POW.

"John McCain was able to weave in his experience in a Vietnam prison camp, no matter what the question was," said Carter, a 7-year Naval officer who served aboard submarines. "It's much better than talking about how he's changed his total character between being a senator, a kind of a maverick at the time, and his acquiescence in the last few months with every kind of lobbyist pressure that the right wing Republicans have presented to him."

Further into the article, Carter on Lieberman:

Article said:
"I would hope that the Democrats could have enough senators elected in November so that we would not any longer need to include Joe Lieberman among the senators," Carter said. Speaking of this week's convention, Carter said "He would be the least welcome here of any Democrat I could think of."


worldrunover said:
"Senator McCain, I just want to congratulate you on being the 96th consecutive old white guy to be nominated for president. Job well done."

i like how mccain says something nice and that is your response. classy.


worldrunover said:
"Senator McCain, I just want to congratulate you on being the 96th consecutive old white guy to be nominated for president. Job well done."

:lol They don't call him McSame for nothin'!

minus said:
i like how mccain says something nice and that is your response. classy

Oh, get over yourself already. Like Mac's gonna go all negative on the 40th anniversary of MLK's Dream speech with the first ever black nominee. He took a day off. Whoopie. Tomorrow, it's back to more lying and character assassination. As he basically admitted.


has calmed down a bit.
ronito said:
Let's just not have this "oh noes! Gaffers hate religious people!" in this thread.

I'll bring it up if it's relevant. It's not like religion bashing is relevant in a political thread, but that doesn't seem to bother you, so why do you care what I do?


Oh look, after running a campaign that has been entirely centered around attacking Obama, McCain tries to appear to be a bipartisan "maverick" super nice guy by taking out this ad. How cute.


VanMardigan said:
I'll bring it up if it's relevant. It's not like religion bashing is relevant in a political thread, but that doesn't seem to bother you, so why do you care what I do?
what if it bother me? Would that change anything?


VanMardigan said:
The hell's that supposed to mean?

It means that the things you're whining about are completely absent from this thread. Further, the "whoa is us poor christians on gaf" way you always bring this up is very Eeyore (the donkey). You are trolling, actually.

Since you asked, it is an acceptable viewpoint to consider all religions (or alternatively everyone else's religion) bunk, and to view all religious people as leading unexamined lives to varying extents. Just as it's acceptable for my mother in law to pity me for not being excited about heaven or whatever :lol . This is not bashing.

Note that given your Eeyore history, I'm expecting a wounded reply to my second paragraph, but nothing on the first.
PHOTOS: The Set takes Shape. Looks Great!!







minus_273 said:
i like how mccain says something nice and that is your response. classy.
Excellent point. McCain is being perfectly sincere here, and doing so in the only way he could have congratulated him. It wasn't at all a strategic, posturing maneuver. How dare some random person on the internet interject with a flippant one-liner for a cheap laugh.


has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
It means that the things you're whining about are completely absent from this thread. Further, the "whoa is us poor christians on gaf" way you always bring this up is very Eeyore (the donkey).

Since you asked, it is an acceptable viewpoint to consider all religions (or alternatively everyone else's religion) bunk, and to view all religious people as leading unexamined lives to varying extents. This is not bashing.

Note that given your Eeyore history, I'm expecting a wounded reply to my second paragraph, but nothing on the first.

I've cited specific instances before, don't embarrass yourself. And your second paragraph is irrelevant to this thread, which is the point I'm making.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Steve Youngblood said:
Excellent point. McCain is being perfectly sincere here, and doing so in the only way he could have congratulated him. It wasn't at all a strategic, posturing maneuver. How dare some random person on the internet interject with a flippant one-liner for a cheap laugh.

McCain could drop out and endorse Obama tomorrow and people here would still find something to bitch about. Take the ad for what it is, and just say "nice gesture". You'll still be considered a good democrat.


VanMardigan said:
I've cited specific instances before, don't embarrass yourself. And your second paragraph is irrelevant to this thread, which is the point I'm making.

oh jesus - I was replying to your wounded bullshit. You are trolling, nothing more, and that's the last nibble you'll get from me.

Embarrass myself :lol :lol


has calmed down a bit.

That podium looks like the loneliest spot on the planet. I know Barack's an accomplished public speaker, but damn. I don't think my legs would hold up, and I'm a decent public speaker. It's just SO removed from seemingly everything. I guess that's the point, but damn, can anyone else here envision themselves going out in that lonely spot and giving the biggest speech of your life to the biggest audience you've ever had?

oh jesus - I was replying to your wounded bullshit.

wounded bullshit? At least make some fucking sense dude.


schuelma said:
McCain could drop out and endorse Obama tomorrow and people here would still find something to bitch about. Take the ad for what it is, and just say "nice gesture". You'll still be considered a good democrat.
You can't be that oblivious. It is simply a political move.

Not like I care either way, but don't act like Johnny is doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

Van: I hope Obama doesn't read that post; he'd be scared as shit right now.


thekad said:
You can't be that oblivious. It is simply a political move.

Not like I care either way, but don't act like Johnny is doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

Every move both of them makes is a political move. It was still a nice gesture.
schuelma said:
McCain could drop out and endorse Obama tomorrow and people here would still find something to bitch about. Take the ad for what it is, and just say "nice gesture". You'll still be considered a good democrat.
Again, I'm not attacking McCain, here. All I'm saying is that what was quoted was a tongue-in-cheek remark. Now, something along the lines of "wow, what a disingenuous douch bag" I could see attacking.

It is a nice ad. Though, it is transparently disingenuous. But that's politics for you. I could easily cite examples of Obama being a transparently disingenuous politician as well.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
thekad said:
You can't be that oblivious. It is simply a political move.

Not like I care either way, but don't act like Johnny is doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

Of course it is a political move to some extent, just like Obama praising McCain's service is. It's still a nice gesture on a historic night. This ad certainly won't hurt Obama and I don't see why its difficult to just admit that it's a nice gesture.
bob_arctor said:
Tomorrow, it's back to more lying and character assassination. As he basically admitted.

They really shouldn't have used that "tomorrow, we'll be back at it." bit. It sounded like "hey, my goons and I have to refill or fax toners this afternoon, but they should be ready tomorrow to better spread our baseless smears".

Edit: The GOP is also probably terrified by the prospect that their prolonged negative summer campaign leading up to the RNC *where it will be extra negative) is going to eat into the favorability ratings of their candidate.

Congratulations to Senator Ba-lack Obama for his accomplishment on this historic evening. We'll be black on the campaign trail tomorrow, but tonight let's just take a step black and appreciate this moment. By the way, Obama is black.


schuelma said:
Take the ad for what it is, and just say "nice gesture".
Bullshit. I consider myself outside of the GAF Obama hivemind, but it's just idiotic to pretend that this is just a nice gesture. McCain has showed no respect at all through the entire campaign for Obama, and has spent more time talking about why Obama is bad for the country than he has talking about why he is good for the country. If he wanted to congratulate Obama, a phone call would've done the trick. This is nothing but strategic posturing, and we all know it, so let's not play stupid and act all insulted when someone calls it like it is.


bob_arctor said:
Oh, get over yourself already. Like Mac's gonna go all negative on the 40th anniversary of MLK's Dream speech with the first ever black nominee.
Personally I'm still going to go contentless and snarkily-resigned, like I have for oh the last five months or so.


has calmed down a bit.
thekad said:
Van: I hope Obama doesn't read that post; he'd be scared as shit right now.

If he's anything like me, he's doing anything he can to keep his mind off of that moment. Work diligently on the speech, busy yourself with the preparations and all the behind-the-scenes dealings, etc.

But DO NOT think about standing out there in front of, basically, the world.


schuelma said:
Of course it is a political move to some extent, just like Obama praising McCain's service is. It's still a nice gesture on a historic night. This ad certainly won't hurt Obama and I don't see why its difficult to just admit that it's a nice gesture.

It's a nice gesture in a sea of asshole ones. *shrug*


Um, no, it's not a nice gesture. A nice gesture would be McCain privately calling Obama and congratulating him. This ad depicts a desperate man using his opponent's historic night to score political points.

I don't get why you guys are playing dumb.


thekad said:
Um, no, it's not a nice gesture. A nice gesture would be McCain privately calling Obama and congratulating him. This ad depicts a desperate man using his opponent's historic night to score political points.

I don't get why you guys are playing dumb.

Is it any different then the Democrats exploiting the 45th anniversary? Lets not kid ourselves the moment Obama was a shoe in they made sure Acceptance speech would fall on this day.

And the narrative if Obama loses the election will be"America wasnt ready for a black president"

Race is being used very heavily in this election.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
thekad said:
Um, no, it's not a nice gesture. A nice gesture would be McCain privately calling Obama and congratulating him. This ad depicts a desperate man using his opponent's historic night to score political points.

I don't get why you guys are playing dumb.


Obama campaign manager David Plouffe -- who did not know the content of the ad until we read him the script -- just told us that the McCain ad is "a very nice gesture. We wish more of his ads took that tone, but it's a very nice gesture."

Plouffe said the Obama campaign would run a similar ad next week congratulating McCain on his nomination.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
electoral-vote.com had the race looking like this a week ago.

Aug. 21st

Obama: 264
McCain: 261

Now it looks like this....

Aug. 28th

Obama: 278
McCain: 247

So whatcha guys think?
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