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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Just in case it's Romney, here are some good quotes.

“I simply don’t think, I simply don’t think that the people of Florida are gonna say the nominee of our party ought to be a person who on more than one occasion has expressed lack of understanding of our economy at a time when the economy is the number one issue that people are talking about here in the state of Florida.”

“Instead of seeing if there’s a way of stimulating the economy, McCain-Lieberman would depress the economy. His plan calls for a new financial burden to be placed on people who are purchasing gasoline or for that matter natural gas to heat their homes or to cook in their homes. The energy information agency has said that his plan would cost America 300,000 jobs. In addition, people would pay, they estimate, approximately 50 cents per gallon more for gasoline and 20% more for their gas utility bill. That would depress the economy just at a time when we’re trying to stimulate the economy,” Romney continued, tearing into McCain on his understanding of the economy, “One of the challenges with having a president who in this case, we’re talking in this case, a presidential candidate, who says on repeated occasion that he doesn’t understand the economy terribly well is that he would suggest a policy that would actually depress the economy rather than stimulate it at the very time we need our economy to have a greater boost. “

Mitt Romney is out with a new ad in New Hampshire attacking John McCain. As eerie, dissonant music sets the tone of the spot, an announcer asks whether McCain is "the right Republican" for the future. McCain, the announcer says, "opposes repeal of the death tax and voted against the Bush tax cuts -- twice ... pushed to let every illegal immigrant to stay here permanently, even voted to allow illegals to collect Social Security."

And Romney? He "cut taxes and spending as governor. He opposes amnesty for illegals," the ad says. It concludes, "Mitt Romney, John McCain -- there is a difference."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Someone has a sign saying "KADEN FOR PRESIDENT 2043."

Someone tell them that elections are held in even years.


bob_arctor said:
Is Romney actually good at debates? Every time I saw him he came off as vapid and fake and that "Double Guantanamo!" line was not only stupid (duh) but even as red meat it failed since he delivered it so robotically.

And if Romney is the pick, does this mean the elitist talking point against Obama dies?
Basically. As most people have pointed out, McCain has no good choice for VP. No matter who it is between Mittens, Lieberman, or Pawlenty they are going to get trashed. Each one brings a unique issue that McCain has been trying to use against Obama. He's screwed no matter who he picks.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
That new McCain ad is in full on fear mongering mode. Like, holy shit on some LBJ shit.


Obamas 6 point bump is exactly what a candidate is supposed to get from the convention. It's said that if he goes above 6 points it's a good sign. Here's hoping that the final two days of the convention make him go above the 6.
Karma Kramer said:
Romney is a good debater though... so there is a chance that Biden could fuck up against him.
If it ends up being Romney then the VP debate will be 10x more epic than the actual Presidential debates. And even IF Romney ended up owning Biden which is slightly possible (at least in the way that McCain "owned" Obama at the Saddleback thing) the fundies (the Repug base that made Bush win twice) won't come out to vote for a ticket with a Mormon with the same numbers. A Mormon being on the ticket could very well send them begrudgingly over to Obama's side.


polyh3dron said:
If it ends up being Romney then the VP debate will be 10x more epic than the actual Presidential debates. And even IF Romney ended up owning Biden which is slightly possible (at least in the way that McCain "owned" Obama at the Saddleback thing) the fundies (the Repug base that made Bush win twice) won't come out to vote for a ticket with a Mormon with the same numbers. A Mormon being on the ticket could very well send them begrudgingly over to Obama's side.
:lol :lol :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
hokahey said:
Obamas 6 point bump is exactly what a candidate is supposed to get from the convention. It's said that if he goes above 6 points it's a good sign. Here's hoping that the final two days of the convention make him go above the 6.

This 6pt bump was in response to the Hillary speech, btw.

Obama is +9 since Monday, actually. He was -2 on Monday, +1 on Tuesday, now +6 for Wednesday.


polyh3dron said:
If it ends up being Romney then the VP debate will be 10x more epic than the actual Presidential debates. And even IF Romney ended up owning Biden which is slightly possible (at least in the way that McCain "owned" Obama at the Saddleback thing) the fundies (the Repug base that made Bush win twice) won't come out to vote for a ticket with a Mormon with the same numbers. A Mormon being on the ticket could very well send them begrudgingly over to Obama's side.

If anything, I think Romney would make them sit at home or vote third-party. I can't see them voting for a "baby-killer."
Tamanon said:
They changed the platform this year for the RNC to push for banning both government funded embryonic stem-cell research and PRIVATE stem-cell research. That's just a big WTF there.
The whole anti-science aspects is one of the biggest reasons I just get so annoyed at the GOP.

To some degree, the GOP could be on a downward spiral if they don't moderate with candidates like McCain. If they went with Huck, they may have had even more people abandon the party such that the percentage of fundamentalists increases . . . and then those nutty fundamentalists can make the platform even more nutty causing more people to abandon the party, etc.


I find American politics fascinating. It seems like everybody has an opinion of everybody else, every politician trashing everybody else and CNN analyzing everything to death to the point of absolute absurdity.

I think the overall American election process is a complete joke and a complete waste of money for the American people, you guys desperately need a new system to choose your next presidents.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Tamanon said:
They changed the platform this year for the RNC to push for banning both government funded embryonic stem-cell research and PRIVATE stem-cell research. That's just a big WTF there.

No it's not, it's a consistent position against using human embryos as raw material for research. Expanding the ban makes sense now that stem cell research that does not require the destruction of embryos is bearing fruit. If any of you actually want to be informed on the subject, read this Washington Post article from today:

Scientists have transformed one type of fully developed adult cell directly into another inside a living animal, a startling advance that could lead to cures for a variety of illnesses and sidestep the political and ethical quagmires associated with embryonic stem cell research.

Now if you would rather listen to politicians and talk show hosts tell you that Christopher Reeve will walk again and people will be healed "like magic" so you will vote for them, then I suggest you remain in blissful ignorance so you can be indignant at fundies.
Romney makes no sense for McCain. Sure, he will secure Nevada, but who fucking cares. He is basically telling the evangelical voters to fuck off.

Virginia and North Carolina were already in play; with evangelicals even more pissed off, he's giving Obama a huge edge. Evangelicals will never come out and vote for Obama en masse, but they will stay at home.

Further, the recent line of attack by the Obama campaign is that McCain is an out of touch elitist. How the hell will picking one of the richest people in the country going to help McCain?

Also, if the Obama campaign decides to attack flip flops, Romney is the grand-daddy of all flip flops.

Finally, McCain will look like a fucking weiner standing next to the tall, impressive looking Romney.

I really don't see how this will help McCain at all. Whatever. I'm not complaining :lol Just don't understand.
HylianTom said:
If anything, I think Romney would make them sit at home or vote third-party. I can't see them voting for a "baby-killer."

At this point, I wonder if some of them care more about winning than actual principles...
BotoxAgent said:
So with Huck working for Faux now, that kind of eliminates him as a VP choice, right?

Pretty sure Huck thinks McSame is a goner and doesn't want anywhere near the ticket. If there is one thing that the GOP doesn't like, it's a loser.

At this point, I wonder if some of them care more about winning than actual principles...

To be fair, in American politics your principles are meaningless if you cannot win.


when is my burrito
BotoxAgent said:
So with Huck working for Faux now, that kind of eliminates him as a VP choice, right?

For all the crap that Hillary got about 2012. Huckabee is the politician gunning for it. Even after McCain had won enough delegates to win the nomination and Huckabee conceded, Huckabee was still pulling 25% of the vote. I always felt that Huckabee was the Republican whose message and campaign was most similar to Obama's.

Fragamemnon said:
If there is one thing that the GOP doesn't like, it's a loser.
I think you have Democrats and Republicans mixed up. Democrats always drop their losers like a rock when it comes to primaries. Republicans are fiercely loyal to their losers.


I gotta say I'm a bit surprised by the bump, I always thought that was a media driven myth. Even if it's coming from a national daily tracking poll (which means shit 99% of the time), the media eats this kind of shit up, and it will be good for the narrative.


Guileless said:
No it's not, it's a consistent position against using human embryos as raw material for research. Expanding the ban makes sense now that stem cell research that does not require the destruction of embryos is bearing fruit. If any of you actually want to be informed on the subject, read this Washington Post article from today:

Dude, c'mon. Banning private action is WILDLY different from banning only government funding of private action. It's a totally different thing from a Constitutional standpoint, don't feign incredulity on the point. It is obviously a major policy shift, regardless of your feelings on the matter.
HylianTom said:
If anything, I think Romney would make them sit at home or vote third-party. I can't see them voting for a "baby-killer."
Fine with me, a "sit at home" or a 3rd party vote for Babar is a vote for Obama, just like how a vote for Nader was a vote for Bush in 2000.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Guileless: That research wouldn't have happened without embryonic studies.

It's the "we should have never gone to the moon!" argument all over again. If the government never had funded the Explorer 1 project to compete with Sputnik, today's world might look a whole lot different, and we might be many years behind technologically.
Fragamemnon said:
Pretty sure Huck thinks McSame is a goner and doesn't want anywhere near the ticket. If there is one thing that the GOP doesn't like, it's a loser.
cool, just needed some reassurance :)

if Mitt pisses off evangelicals so much, why would the GOP push McCain into picking him as VP?


BotoxAgent said:
cool, just needed some reassurance :)

if Mitt pisses off evangelicals so much, why would the GOP push McCain into picking him as VP?
Mitt Romney is a fiscal conservative(or so he says),the GOP think that with Romeny on the ticket,the conservative base will rally around McCain to beat that liberal hippy Barack Obama..


Setec Astronomer
tanod said:
For all the crap that Hillary got about 2012. Huckabee is the politician gunning for it. Even after McCain had won enough delegates to win the nomination and Huckabee conceded, Huckabee was still pulling 25% of the vote. I always felt that Huckabee was the Republican whose message and campaign was most similar to Obama's.

I think you have Democrats and Republicans mixed up. Democrats always drop their losers like a rock when it comes to primaries. Republicans are fiercely loyal to their losers.
Except, you know, for the theocracy hardon.


Wait is the GOP VP really Bombney?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


hokahey said:
Obamas 6 point bump is exactly what a candidate is supposed to get from the convention. It's said that if he goes above 6 points it's a good sign. Here's hoping that the final two days of the convention make him go above the 6.

As long as it doesn't stay for a while, and it probably won't with the GOP convention next week. As I said last night, this neck-and-neck situation that the Obama camp/Dems/his supporters have found themselves in during the last month or so has been a blessing in disguise. If Obama's leading by 10 in the Gallup last week, I'm not sure he picks Biden. If he was leading by 10 in the Gallup this week, I'm not sure the Clintons and their supporters are so cooperative. I really hope it stays close until November. A big lead for several weeks might give way to apathy and over-confidence, like happened post-primaries.
Javaman said:
So money coming into corporations should be double taxed? Corps pay their taxes on profits after paying expenses like payroll. If they tax the profits before expenses, the owner of the corps (many of which are small businesses) will have to pay tax two times on the same money. It stands to reason that corps pay less taxes because the owners take their pay out before the corps pay taxes. (and they pay income tax on it)

lulz. Corporate taxes are already at its lowest levels in history. What about all those perks these CEOs at big corporations receive? They have their private jets among other luxeries that are deductible. Hell, corporate income taxes are lesser than what other foreign corporations pay.

I don't see the problem with windfall profit taxes. They were levied in the past on companies due to unfair business practices.

Either that or fund the IRS more to go after big businesses who avoid paying taxes, and start closing the loopholes.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Steve Youngblood said:
No, I just said that since I'm not going to assume that people are familiar with the area. I actually live in O'Fallon.

Ah. I've been to East St Louis and that place is awfuuuuul.

BotoxAgent said:
if Mitt pisses off evangelicals so much, why would the GOP push McCain into picking him as VP?

I keep thinking the number one reason is demographics at the margins-there's enough Mormons in Nevada and Colorado to maybe save those states. Colorado especially, Obama's probably up a few points there already and has a colossal ground game that the GOP can't hope to match. If the GOP can't hold Colorado it means that McCain has to sweep every single other battleground state-including New Mexico, which is almost off the table completely at this point-something that, in a close election, will be very hard to do.
Door2Dawn said:
Mitt Romney is a fiscal conservative(or so he says),the GOP think that with Romeny on the ticket,the conservative base will rally around McCain to beat that liberal hippy Barack Obama..

More importantly, he's the economy expert to go along with McCain's foreign policy expertise. Or so the plan goes, I'm thinking.
tanod said:
I think you have Democrats and Republicans mixed up. Democrats always drop their losers like a rock when it comes to primaries. Republicans are fiercely loyal to their losers.

McCain is living proof, Goldwater and Nixon, dead proof.
Guileless said:
No it's not, it's a consistent position against using human embryos as raw material for research.

It is a consistent poisition . . . consistently stupid. But it is an change from the previous position that was only directed at federal funding. (A bad position to start from.)

Guileless said:
Expanding the ban makes sense now that stem cell research that does not require the destruction of embryos is bearing fruit.
Giving a crap about "embryos" consisting of 50 undifferentiated cells is just silly superstition.

Guileless said:
Now if you would rather listen to politicians and talk show hosts tell you that Christopher Reeve will walk again and people will be healed "like magic" so you will vote for them, then I suggest you remain in blissful ignorance so you can be indignant at fundies.
Except that no one says that except liars like you that stick words in people's mouths. All research is speculative and nothing is guaranteed. However, all experts in the field view it as a very promising avenue of research.


mckmas8808 said:
Why are you guys so happy Romney is picked as VP?

To tell you the truth I have no idea about much when it comes to politics, but I believe since he's a mormon it will piss off a lot of evangelicals, which could hurt McCain.

And plus during the GOP primaries they hated the FUCK out of each other. That's why I think it would be awesome for McCain to pick him because McCain just aired those ads showing Biden saying bad things about Obama, so now Obama can return the favor. :lol
Door2Dawn said:
Mitt Romney is a fiscal conservative(or so he says),the GOP think that with Romeny on the ticket,the conservative base will rally around McCain to beat that liberal hippy Barack Obama..

I think this cartoon needs to be posted every time someone says that magic phrase:

Gary Whitta said:
I'm pretty sure that Invesco background for Obama is meant to look like the White House. Not sure how I feel about this. Didn't they learn from the Presidential seal fiasco?


It isn't so much that it actually looks like the real White House windows, but it certainly resembles what I thought the White House windows looked like. Close enough for government work, as they say.


I hope the ticket backfires though,Mitt Romney is a very dishonest person imo. He doesn't deserve to be president or vice president. Neither John McCain or Mitt Romney doesn't care what regular people are going through today,they just want to be president/vice president.
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