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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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I read somewhere that by RNC law, McCain can't select Lieberman. The only way to circumvent said law since Lieberman didn't switch party affiliations 60 days prior to the GOP convention would be to have a floor vote (yeah....that'll work out...).


Amir0x said:
thinking about txting Joe Lieberman, he's my bff
Pawlenty is the only guy on McCain's short list who doesn't offer any huge negatives with his base that I know of, but then again, we don't really know Pawlenty that well.
soul creator said:
Alan Keyes
I don't know. Alan Keyes was really, really close to beating Obama in the race for the Senate seat in Illinois 4 years ago. Obama got lucky once, but I don't know if he can repeat such a victory again.
Incognito said:
I read somewhere that by RNC law, McCain can't select Lieberman. The only way to circumvent said law since Lieberman didn't switch party affiliations 60 days prior to the GOP convention would be to have a floor vote (yeah....that'll work out...).

Well, that would at least get people watching their convention! Fox News could even bring their football sportscasters in for the pre-voting show, would be awesome.
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't know. Alan Keyes was really, really close to beating Obama in the race for the Senate seat in Illinois 4 years ago. Obama got lucky once, but I don't know if he can repeat such a victory again.

until I saw your username, I was about to go "wtf??"

you almost had me!


Steve Youngblood said:
I don't know. Alan Keyes was really, really close to beating Obama in the race for the Senate seat in Illinois 4 years ago. Obama got lucky once, but I don't know if he can repeat such a victory again.
Obama DESTROYED Alan Keys in that election. He got like 70% of the vote.
besada said:
The Yonder Mountain String Band is playing. Why?

MLK... "been to the mountaintop, i may not get there with you", etc...

maybe Michael Mcdonald will sing his "Ain't No Mountain" cover.

Denver "Mile High" also. There will be many Mountain allusions I'd wager.
Incognito said:
I read somewhere that by RNC law, McCain can't select Lieberman. The only way to circumvent said law since Lieberman didn't switch party affiliations 60 days prior to the GOP convention would be to have a floor vote (yeah....that'll work out...).
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Wouldn't that be hilarious if McCain said it was Lieberman and then the GOP bitchslapped him in the convention. With the GOP taking the reins on dictating the themes and everything for the convention it's beginning to look like there is more of a rift in the GOP than there ever was in the DNC. I hope the MSM screams as loudly about it as they have with the Democrat shit.
I REALLY hope Obama or SOMEONE goes after McCain with a "McCain mocks Christianity" angle. He would DESTROY the "Religious Right" if he did so.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
syllogism said:
She was, hopefully, just addressing more less informed diehards.

This is what I thought when I read it. I'm sure she is more intelligent and more committed to the Obama campaign than she lets on. I'm sure that trying to get the crazier Hilary supporters to fall in line is a tough tightrope to walk.
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't know. Alan Keyes was really, really close to beating Obama in the race for the Senate seat in Illinois 4 years ago. Obama got lucky once, but I don't know if he can repeat such a victory again.


Amir0x said:
by chubby you mean thick, and by thick i mean HER FANTASTIC BABY-BEARING CURVES ALL OVER MY COCK

... Are... are you serious?

I thought it was, like, an inside joke of some sort, but...


laserbeam said:
This ad isnt gonna steal any headlines lets be real. It might make some people view McCain slightly better but Obama and his speech will be front page of every paper etc
Well, I was referring to the intent, not the likely result.

Although it won't make any headlines in the paper except a small blurb on page 7, you can bet your ass that it'll appear on the morning news shows and such. But I digress. I was just disturbed that people were defending this, it's a pretty slimy move in my opinion. If McCain or Obama wants to congratulate the other, they can do so over the phone, and if McCain or Obama wants to be respectful, they could try running respectful campaigns.


Whereas Colorado has mountains.

Whereas Colorado has elevation.

Whereas Colorado used to be a red state.

Whereas Colorado has many mountains, which many Coloradans wish to climb.



polyh3dron said:
Melyssa Ford is thick and curvy.

J-Hud is fat.

But, I digress.

she is so gorgeous. Real women have curves, bitches.

Also, saw that McCain ad congratulating Obama. That is really sweet, i wish McCain was always back to that way.
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