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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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gofreak said:
Depends where many of their loyalties lie - to Hillary, or to 'women', in general. Palin can create history now for women, even if not to the same degree that Hillary could have.

I dunno.

If Palin puts out a strong show at the convention, I can see her becoming a Hillary surrogate to a lot of women. Any Clinton supporters who had even a slight inkling about not voting for Obama are probably going to be pushed over now because of this, IMO.

I think the interesting point is 2012. Let's say that (to GAF's dismay) McCain wins in 08 and does halfway decent. In 2012 I suspect he's NOT going to run for reelection. I also suspect in that scenario Hillary would be the heavy favorite among the Democrats. I think Palin would be the Republican nominee in that scenario.


People dismissing McCain/Palin are deluding themselves. If it wasn't for Ross Perot, most likely it would be 32 years since a Democrat has been elected to the White House right now. And Bob Barr is no Ross Perot. Presidential elections are not a level playing field and are heavily slanted to Republicans.

I support Obama, but the chance of him being elected president is very low.
i don't think mccain is trying to attract hillary voters as much as he's trying to make the ticket historical - i.e. create buzz - in his own right. and that's exactly what this'll do. his party has something to rally around.

i admittedly dont know much about her, but with oil ties and that one pending investigation will give a lot of ammunition. but yes this is the worst case scenario for us on the GOP VP front.
riskVSreward said:
What a blatant power move by McCain, I hate him even more now. Hopefully the majority of Hillary supporters wont sway to McCain simply because of this random woman.

Not too sure McCain had much of a say in it to be honest.

Chances are it will backfire.

Republicans think women are that shallow etc, etc.

Eitherway, it should be interesting.


Branduil said:
"Do you know women? All she'll have to do is complain about how men always leave the toilet seat up, follow it up with a complaint about how awful the menstrual cycle is and/or how men will never know the pain of childbirth, and then 'Bam!', all women are putty in her hands."

I thought it was obvious that was sarcasm? It seemed like a sarcastic jab at the idea that women are some homogeneous voting bloc.


I honestly wonder what JSA's campaign is thinking. Do they really think that the lunatics at PUMAPAC and hillaryis44.org exist in numbers proportional to the shrillness of their screeds?
Zeliard said:
The VP debates will definitely be rough for him. There was even talk about the danger of Obama looking like a bully when he attacked Hillary in the primaries, and Biden is just a tad bit more tempermental. I just don't think that outside of the debates, Biden will concentrate that much of his attention on Palin, but rather on McCain. Or maybe that's just what I hope.

Screw it, Destory her I say! Leave her weaping and desprate-cold, naked and alone.
GhaleonEB said:
The more I read about her, the more I think this is going to backfire. Can you imagine the veep debate? How is she going to line up with Biden's foreing policy expertise?
"In fact, she said she doesn’t know what the vice president does."
eznark said:
i don't even know what you are talking about anymore.

It's not equivalent to say Barack is the nominee because he is black while Palin is here because she is a woman, because the latter is a calculated choice by McCain, whereas the former came after a hard fought campaign.

Not comparable.
I'm really not feeling Palin as McCain's pick. Even though everyone here ROFL's at Romney, he could definitely mix things up in Michigan, and talk economics. Instead, you bring in someone who can cement McCain's call for things like oil drilling, but doesn't really lend anything McCain doesn't have outside of that. Well except maybe fiscal conservatism, which he claims to have...Palin does seem more fiscally conservative than McCain. But just months ago, Palin said she didn't know what the VP did. Plus it really does kill McCain's experience arguement against Obama. Her experience is City Council in a city of 6,700, Mayor of that same city, and 2-years as a Governor. That's not too hot. Now I'm not one to make a big deal out of that personally, but McCain has been.


DenogginizerOS said:
Biden at the debate: "I know Geraldine Ferraro. I worked with Geraldine Ferraro. Mrs. Palin, you aren't even close to being Geraldine Ferraro."
Given how things worked out for Ferraro, wouldn't that be a good thing?
Huzah said:
What's the meme on Mccain? Boring? Old? The same? Doesn't palin counteract all of these points?

McCain didn't suddenly change as a person because of the pick. He still voted 90% of the time with Bush, and he's choosing someone that fits right into his ideology.

I don't know what to think of Palin yet. She has apparant bonuses for McCain, but also some obvious downsides. I think it'll depend how the media, and both parties play at it. I don't think there's any real opinion formed on her yet. In a few weeks her affect will be more obvious.

I think, oddly enough, it was a safe choice for McCain.


I don't know why GAF is reacting the way they are. I just read briefly up on her bio and she sounds like a great candidate. Some of the things she did like bringing down the corrupt Murkowski administration in Alaska is truly amazing stuff. Matter of fact, I think she is the best pick hands down. She steers away from the big oil companies and tries to cut costs of gas whenever possible, whether in the form of taxes or not. I can't wait for the general election after this pic. :D

RiskyChris said:
It's not equivalent to say Barack is the nominee because he is black while Palin is here because she is a woman, because the latter is a calculated choice by McCain, whereas the former came after a hard fought campaign.

Not comparable.

While not the same situation, I'm sure she will have to fight long and hard for her position, as well. After all, it is not a free ride to the White House. The campaign is still going on, and she has to give her consent to the race. Once she does, it is pretty close in nature to Obama's decision. I never really viewed race or gender as that much of a concern. But if you guys still do, go ahead, continue. Doing so only makes it feel like this world has gone back in time. :lol


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i don't think mccain is trying to attract hillary voters as much as he's trying to make the ticket historical - i.e. create buzz - in his own right. and that's exactly what this'll do. his party has something to rally around.

But Buzz doesn't last 2 and a half months. At some point the luster wears off because of a gaffe or a comment or an unearthed document and the buzz has to be backed by actual competency.
DenogginizerOS said:
Biden at the debate: "I know Geraldine Ferraro. I worked with Geraldine Ferraro. Mrs. Palin, you aren't even close to being Geraldine Ferraro."

Yea she's better... Geraldine Ferraro is a racist old hag.


Forgotten_Taco said:
Screw it, Destory her I say! Leave her weaping and desprate-cold, naked and alone.

I'd imagine that is what McCain could only hope for. A few Hilary tears delivered NH, imagine what a weepy eyed mom of 5 who doesn't look like Hill could do for his cause


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Agent Icebeezy said:
Repubs on Politico seem to be scared shitless of this pick.
Republicans have kind of been all over the place this election cycle. They'll be solidified and on the attack next week. They know how to give a convention, even if this year's looks kind of sad and pathetic.
Stoney Mason said:
Definitely a calculated cynical pick. In this day and age though I'm just not so sure the casual Joe looks that deeply into the issue.

Although like I said this completely baffles me as to how he will continue the "Is he ready" theme.

Cynical, maybe, but most indications are that the pick was anything but "calculated."


Amir0x said:
I thought it was obvious that was sarcasm? It seemed like a sarcastic jab at the idea that women are some homogeneous voting bloc.
I guess so. I had seen some comments along similar lines before, so I took it seriously.

I also thought it was bit silly some people seemed to be dismissing her just because she was a woman. The pick is OBVIOUSLY politically motivated, but that doesn't mean she's a lightweight.


Gaborn said:
I think the interesting point is 2012. Let's say that (to GAF's dismay) McCain wins in 08 and does halfway decent. In 2012 I suspect he's NOT going to run for reelection. I also suspect in that scenario Hillary would be the heavy favorite among the Democrats. I think Palin would be the Republican nominee in that scenario.

Eh, she'd have to make it through the primaries first. There probably wouldn't be much to hang her hat on as a Veep if so, because of the Dem congress.


RiskyChris said:
It's not equivalent to say Barack is the nominee because he is black while Palin is here because she is a woman, because the latter is a calculated choice by McCain, whereas the former came after a hard fought campaign.

Not comparable.

This cannot be stressed enough.
speculawyer said:

I guess that is nothing but a transparent attempt to siphon away Hillary voters. What does hillaryis44 say about this?

Aleady discussed earlier.

They're divided whether it's good or not. But that's just raw reactions from speculations it's going to be Palin. Some clearly wouldprefer another pick.

They could change their tune once it is really official and revert back to their old mantra NOBAMA and claim this is the best thing ever (after Hillary).
Seriously Palin will look like McCain's hot nurse who empties his bed pan. Huge visual disparity.

Anyway after thinking about it more, I see how this could potentially work strategically, but it is a HUGE risk. McCain doesn't her at all. They're practically strangers.

Also has Palin ever been overseas? Has she been to the Middle East or Iraq?


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Well its sort of hard to criticize Palin for a lack of experience, but then on the other hand say Obama is qualified and ready...Kind of a catch 22 for democrats. Plus lets be honest, i think people are more comfortable with an experienced president over an inexperienced VP candidate on that issue.

..doesn't matter to me at all, still not sure who i'll vote for. I think VP's are completely inconsequential for voting purposes

Edit: I forgot about 1984
Gaborn said:
I think the interesting point is 2012. Let's say that (to GAF's dismay) McCain wins in 08 and does halfway decent. In 2012 I suspect he's NOT going to run for reelection. I also suspect in that scenario Hillary would be the heavy favorite among the Democrats. I think Palin would be the Republican nominee in that scenario.

I don't know how you can remotely suspect that.


Gold Member
Azrael said:
People dismissing McCain/Palin are deluding themselves.

Seriously deluding themselves. Palin was the absolute best choice for McCain. If he had picked Romney or Pawplenty, there would be reason to cheer in the Obama campaign. This isn't reason to cheer, and barring some major screw-up by either candidate, this election is going to be as close as the 2000 election.


Instigator said:
Aleady discussed earlier.

They're divided whether it's good or not. But that's just raw reactions from speculations it's going to be Palin. Some clearly wouldprefer another pick.

They could change their tune once it is really official and revert back to their old mantra NOBAMA and claim this is the best thing ever (after Hillary).

Not unlike Gaffers that wanted Sebellius or Clark.

Stoney - Because he'd be around 76 in 2012 and 80 in 2016? Just a guess but if it played out that way...
GashPrex said:
Well its sort of hard to criticize Palin for a lack of experience, but then on the other hand say Obama is qualified and ready...Kind of a catch 22 for democrats. Plus lets be honest, i think people are more comfortable with an experienced president over an inexperienced VP candidate on that issue.

who would have thought a republican ticket would be the first with a woman on it...doesn't matter to me at all, still not sure who i'll vote for. I think VP's are completely inconsequential for voting purposes

It isn't. 1984.
GashPrex said:
Well its sort of hard to criticize Palin for a lack of experience, but then on the other hand say Obama is qualified and ready...Kind of a catch 22 for democrats. Plus lets be honest, i think people are more comfortable with an experienced president over an inexperienced VP candidate on that issue.

who would have thought a republican ticket would be the first with a woman on it...doesn't matter to me at all, still not sure who i'll vote for. I think VP's are completely inconsequential for voting purposes

They're not the first with a female VP candidate.


VistraNorrez said:
McCain didn't suddenly change as a person because of the pick.
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.
GashPrex said:
Well its sort of hard to criticize Palin for a lack of experience, but then on the other hand say Obama is qualified and ready...Kind of a catch 22 for democrats.

It's a Catch 22 for the GOP, actually. Their ENTIRE strategy this past month has been "IS HE READY TO BE PRESIDENT?"

Is she?


Who is she?
Is she a good speaker?
Can she hold up her own in a debate?
What are her polices?
I hope this isn't just a novelty. If this is just bait for clinton fanatics (which I think this is) then I hope he flops.


RiskyChris said:
It's not equivalent to say Barack is the nominee because he is black while Palin is here because she is a woman, because the latter is a calculated choice by McCain, whereas the former came after a hard fought campaign.

Not comparable.

Oh, that definitely makes more clear where you are coming from, however were Obama not African American he would have fallen to the Clinton machine like all the rest. Just like if Palin were a dude, Pawlenty is probably the nominee.


What a weird pick. Seems very risky, might not go over well with the base.

On the other hand, he could win over independents by looking more "maverick," and could win over some of the remaining bitter Hillary supporters who would otherwise have stayed home.
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