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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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RiskyChris said:
Need my horribly sexist brothers to counteract this =/

I'm nervous about the election again. Goddammit.

Don't be. PUMAs are a non-factor now, she's under investigation for the same shit the Attorney General pulled.
perfectchaos007 said:
Yeah, if shes president, America's screwed. People who vote for McCain are taking a gamble that he will stay healthy

To be fair in recognition of history people voted for George Bush Sr when Quayle was on the ticket. As much as people like to make noise about that ready to serve business of a VP nobody takes it seriously because a president hasn't died on his watch in so long. It's sort of out of sight out of mind.


Chili Con Carnage!
I know this isn't in any way relevant, but Her son with Down Syndrome is called Trig Paxson Van Palin according to Wikipedia....I think I'm going to donate some money to studies trying to cure Down Syndrome so one day, someone some where can take the piss out of him for that.

She's also young enough to be McCains daughter...but who isn't
Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, but this might as well be a 24 hour news cycle here. Of course we're talking about Palin. It's breaking news. That's what we do here. It doesn't mean that Obama's speech has been forgotten.

To invalidate the point, do I need to steer it back away from Palin? All right. Roundtable discussion, gentlemen: how many times did you swoon when Obama was speaking? I think I must have hit a baker's dozen, myself.

Well of course, if you're a Democrat then yeah. But the Republicans will surely frame this as an in-your-face moment. We'll see. Swiftboat did happen a day after the 2004 DNC.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, but this might as well be a 24 hour news cycle here. Of course we're talking about Palin. It's breaking news. That's what we do here. It doesn't mean that Obama's speech has been forgotten.

To invalidate the point, do I need to steer it back away from Palin? All right. Roundtable discussion, gentlemen: how many times did you swoon when Obama was speaking? I think I must have hit a baker's dozen, myself.

my legs (and crotch) won't stop tingling, but I can no longer tell if that's because of the speech or Palin's sexy momness.

I am so confused


GAF's Bob Woodward
Haunted said:
I hope people aren't that shallow?

People can be exceptionally shallow when it comes to presidential elections.

Grrr. If this one gets to that kind of office before Hillary I'll be very disappointed.

And no, it's not Hillary's fault. The dems should have been aware of these possibilities. I always thought McCain was/is going to nail Obama on experience perception, and now he has his own novelty and 'change' card. Hillary had both novelty and experience wrapped in one.

On top of that, latent sexism won't play nearly as much against Palin as it did against Hilary, because ultimately, McCain is still in charge. But she will do so much to soften his image and give his campaign a fresh twist.

Hilary is probably knowingly shaking her head right now.

I'm nervous, nervous, nervous. Oh well.


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.


Chuck Todd God agrees with my assessment that one big benefit of Palin is that Biden can't attack dog her without looking like a "big bully."

This pick is rough
Given the field, you aren't giving McCain enough credit. I don't think the liberal pro-choice Jewish guy would have worked better than than a pro-life, anti-pork barrel, young, attractive, conservative woman, do you?
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.

Not really.:lol To pretty much everything you've said.
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.

Agree with some of your stuff but you are way over-reaching here with the bolded.


VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.

I just said she had no economic background, that's all, don't be such a ninny. Even a moron would admit she adds nothing substantive to the ticket policy-wise, it's a purely demographic/cosmetic pick.


Gabriel Knight
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.
:lol :lol

bravo! well said!
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

And then Tamanon rips her economic background because she was a sports reporter, then Mayor, then Lieutenant Governor, then Governor. As if studying constitutional law qualifies you for economics.

BenjaminBirdie heard an Obama spokesman criticizing the pick and then got a call from his mom, so that means the pick didn't create buzz. :lol

Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.
Okay, this will generate buzz. But what does that mean. Again, I'm not saying that McCain screwed up here, but you are getting carried away. I would advise waiting until after the RNC before trumpeting this as the greatest political move ever.
Amir0x said:
Chuck Todd God agrees with my assessment that one big benefit of Palin is that Biden can't attack dog her without looking like a "big bully."

This pick is rough
They don't need to attack Palin. Her scandal will do that well enough.

They can just focus on Mccain.


VanMardigan said:
Yeah, ok guys, get ready for Palin weekend on the news. Get ready for more McCain coverage than you've ever seen carrying right into next week's convention. Get ready for a convention that just went from boring and likely to be ignored to must-see tv as the VP pick drama plays out. The RNC was going to be watched by, like, 5 people. Not anymore.
True indeed.


TheKingsCrown said:
They don't need to attack Palin. Her scandal will do that well enough.

They can just focus on Mccain.

Her scandal won't do anything I'm afraid. There is an argument that was just made in MSNBC that she will likely be given a pass due to the circumstances surrounding the firing - even if she WAS directly involved (which she denies) she can claim she did it to punish a WIFE BEATER. The guy was beating her sister.
Amir0x said:
Chuck Todd God agrees with my assessment that one big benefit of Palin is that Biden can't attack dog her without looking like a "big bully."

This pick is rough

In all honesty Hillary could fill that role nicely. I think Biden and the entire Obama campaign can draw sharp contrasts without being bullies. Like they did twelve hours ago, for example.


Biden won't even attack Palin, I don't know what Ami is scared about.:lol Just throwing her on the ticket doesn't suddenly mean McCain isn't on there. It'll be two against McCain, pretty much using Palin only to counter anytime McCain brings up experience or foreign policy.


Amir0x said:
Chuck Todd God agrees with my assessment that one big benefit of Palin is that Biden can't attack dog her without looking like a "big bully."

This pick is rough

Biden mostly just needs to attack McCain, though. If McCain is painted in too negative a light, there's little Palin or anyone else could do to influence it the other way as a VP.


I think people are under estimating just how shallow a significant part of the voter bloc is. Not everyone watches MSNBC, CNN, and read blogs everyday like you guys. How do you think bush got elected not once, but two times, or mccain is polling only a few pts behind obama.


Zeliard said:
Biden mostly just needs to attack McCain, though. If McCain is painted in too negative a light, there's little Palin or anyone else could do to influence it the other way as a VP.

From here on out until election day, the most important role for a VP is the debates.

Biden is now going to have to gracefully apply pressure without looking mean. A very difficult balancing act for him
VanMardigan said:
Yeah, the reaction here on GAF is quite telling. Again, Obama picked Biden despite his "change" message, so it's hypocritical to call out McCain for this pick despite his "experience" message. Although, the lady does have executive experience.

I'm not sure Biden represents the status quo in American politics.
It's transparently a pick based on News Cycle. Which is probably the worst reason in history.

McCain needs the middle: No dice.
He needs battleground state voters: No dice.

Women aren't so homogeneous that they'll just flock towards someone who's also a woman. Obama nipped the family values stuff in the bud this whole week.
Some pretty insightful observations from Steve Benen, though the "unlikely to go over well" part remains to be seen.

Steve Benen said:
It's more than surprising; it's the strangest running-mate decision since Dan Quayle. Sarah Palin spent a year working as a commissioner for the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, and has been governor for a year and a half. Now, she'll be the Republicans' vice presidential candidate, and if things go well for McCain, one heartbeat from the presidency. When it comes to being untested and unknown, Palin is in a league of her own.

Just yesterday, advisers to the McCain campaign conceded to the New York Times that McCain "thinks highly" of Palin, but "her less than two years in office would undercut one of the McCain campaign's central criticisms of Senator Barack Obama -- that he is too inexperienced to be commander-in-chief." So much for the McCain campaign's message.

Stepping back, we have the man who would be the oldest president in American history, who happens to have a record of health problems, picking a virtual unknown who's been a governor for less than two years. Amazing.

McCain communications chief Jill Hazelbaker told CBS News this morning that McCain is going to "make the choice from his heart." That seems even more bizarre -- McCain barely knows Palin, hasn't worked with her in any capacity, and hadn't even asked her to serve as a campaign surrogate at any point in the process. For all the talk about McCain valuing personal relationships above all else, McCain has practically picked a stranger, to himself and the rest of the nation.

This strikes me as a tremendously desperate move on McCain's part, which is unlikely to go over well. More soon.
What a blatant power move by McCain, I hate him even more now. Hopefully the majority of Hillary supporters wont sway to McCain simply because of this random woman.
people are worried about Obama's speech being overshadowed.

most of the country watched it last night. It made its impression as a historical moment already.
Gattsu25 said:
Good pick.

Will get the Hillaryis44 vote (and some of the others who supported Hillary because her gender was more important, to them, than her policies).

It clashes with McCain's call for a ticket with foreign policy experience...and she's not exactly Pro-Oil either.

Perhaps, but so far, the hillaryis44 folks are divided when it comes to speculation it will be Palin.
Remember when picking Geraldine Ferraro for VP neutralized all the energy of Reagan's sweeping oratory and triggered independent female voters to move over to Mondale?

+ this time some people on the internet want to fuck her!

Throw in the PUMAs and McCain easily picks up several HUNDRED votes with this pick! maybe more!
I think it's a great pick, politically, and the generic one I was most worried about (never heard of Palin specifically). That said, she better hit a grand slam of a speech at the convention, or the media narrative will be she's a lightweight.


when is my burrito
Still thinking it's Romney. Last I heard, Palin is still in Alaska, and the Secret Service has been following Romney. Could be a feint.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It's transparently a pick based on News Cycle. Which is probably the worst reason in history.

McCain needs the middle: No dice.
He needs battleground state voters: No dice.

Women aren't so homogeneous that they'll just flock towards someone who's also a woman. Obama nipped the family values stuff in the bud this whole week.

i don't think her gender matters any more than Obama's race matters.
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