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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Branduil said:
"Do you know women? All she'll have to do is complain about how men always leave the toilet seat up, follow it up with a complaint about how awful the menstrual cycle is and/or how men will never know the pain of childbirth, and then 'Bam!', all women are putty in her hands."
That's from Steve Youngblood, who is far more sarcastic than even Anihawk. There are a few people letting their panic overcome them, but that post wasn't one of the offenders.


APF said:
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.

I dunno, I'd say a historic President would outweigh a historic VP.:p
Dirt on Palin . . . . apparently she is being investigated for supposedly pressuring another department to fire a state trooper that was divorcing her sister.

Palin staff pushed to have trooper fired

Governor says she's learned calls were made about Wooten's ouster


Published: August 14th, 2008 01:34 AM
Last Modified: August 14th, 2008 12:34 PM

Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday revealed an audio recording that shows an aide pressuring the Public Safety Department to fire a state trooper embroiled in a custody battle with her sister.

Palin, who has previously said her administration didn't exert pressure to get rid of trooper Mike Wooten, also disclosed that members of her staff had made about two dozen contacts with public safety officials about the trooper.

"I do now have to tell Alaskans that such pressure could have been perceived to exist although I have only now become aware of it," Palin said.

But Palin said her decision to fire Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan last month had nothing to do with his refusal to dump trooper Mike Wooten.

Expect to hear a lot more about this story in the coming days (weeks?)



when is my burrito
Tyrone Slothrop said:
i don't think mccain is trying to attract hillary voters as much as he's trying to make the ticket historical - i.e. create buzz - in his own right. and that's exactly what this'll do. his party has something to rally around.

It's not historical first at all though. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman VP candidate on a major party ticket and it happened over 20 years ago on the Democratic side.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
It it seriously some funny shit all of you attacking her for experience that are supporting Obama.

The argument is that Mccain is attacking Obama for lack of experience and how that contradicts putting someone with a lack of experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.


tanod said:
It's not historical first at all though. Geraldine Ferraro was the first woman VP candidate on a major party ticket and it happened over 20 years ago on the Democratic side.

I'd be historic if he won, which is obviously the narrative he'll push.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Just heard the veep pick. Weird. Could backfire realy badly for them, but kudos for doing something out of the box. Alaska is like the frozen dessert of Texas though. I don't know what it brings to the label other than Ted Stevens' stench.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
It's a risky pick- the #1 rule for VP is DO NO HARM. Obviously, she could do harm if Biden embarrasses her. That said, she has quite the upside and I'm personally glad he didn't go with Pawlenty. Boring.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
It's a Catch 22 for the GOP, actually. Their ENTIRE strategy this past month has been "IS HE READY TO BE PRESIDENT?"

Is she?

I just don't believe that idea will take traction on a VP candidate, but i could be wrong. I think obviously it has more pull because McCain is 73, but I think its apples and oranges
APF said:
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.

Who said that Biden changed the score for Obama? Everyone here, and everyone around, has been saying he is the best pick, not the one that changed the most.

Hillary now has a role in this election, and that's to discredit Palin. Watch and learn.

Whether or not Obama wins...that still depends on how stupid the country is.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Stoney Mason said:
The argument is that Mccain is attacking Obama for lack of experience and how that contradicts putting someone with a lack of experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.
yep, not to mention that the experience one gains in Alaskan politics is a bit of a different beast than in the Senate (or Chicago for that matter).
APF said:
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.

Exactly. The only difference is that while Biden goes against Obama's message, he would be a capable president in the eyes of most. That is a question that will be asked about Palin.


Stoney Mason said:
The argument is that Mccain is attacking Obama for lack of experience and how that contradicts putting someone with a lack of experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Especially given how old McCain is.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Stoney Mason said:
The argument is that Mccain is attacking Obama for lack of experience and how that contradicts putting someone with a lack of experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Yes, and Obama attacks "old Washingon" and Biden's been there longer than McCain. Round and round we go..


This is bad news. Biden is effectively completely neutralized. Anyone that thinks he'll be able to go on the attack against Palin in debates without looking sexist or mean in the media is fooling themselves.
The Chosen One said:
Seriously Palin will look like McCain's hot nurse who empties his bed pan. Huge visual disparity.

Anyway after thinking about it more, I see how this could potentially work strategically, but it is a HUGE risk. McCain doesn't her at all. They're practically strangers.

Also has Palin ever been overseas? Has she been to the Middle East or Iraq?

She should go. Maybe give a speach in Germany or something.
Stoney Mason said:
The argument is that Mccain is attacking Obama for lack of experience and how that contradicts putting someone with a lack of experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Pres and vice are VERY different roles. anyone would be an idiot not to acknowledge this.


APF said:
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.
It isn't historic.
eznark said:
Oh, that definitely makes more clear where you are coming from, however were Obama not African American he would have fallen to the Clinton machine like all the rest. Just like if Palin were a dude, Pawlenty is probably the nominee.

I sort of agree, but it's hard to say if Obama's campaign would've been run the same way, and it's kind of a silly academic exercise to wonder "what if he were white?"

The facts are that he completely embarrassed Clinton from Iowa until March 4th.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I don't like this pick. It could either be a decent benefit (at best) or lead to a epic backfire. The risk/reward here just doesn't add up.
Deus Ex Machina said:
If McCain were smart he would pick a woman. There's a lot of older white women that are upset with obama pick... on top of that it would give McCain campaign a fresh new start with a different angle.




schuelma said:
Yes, and Obama attacks "old Washingon" and Biden's been there longer than McCain. Round and round we go..

it's a circle that will continue til the election, as both sides have a point.
RiskyChris said:
I sort of agree, but it's hard to say if Obama's campaign would've been run the same way, and it's kind of a silly academic exercise to wonder "what if he were white?"

The facts are that he completely embarrassed Clinton from Iowa until March 4th.

ummm he is white...helllo?


speculawyer said:
Dirt on Palin . . . . apparently she is being investigated for supposedly pressuring another department to fire a state trooper that was divorcing her sister.

Expect to hear a lot more about this story in the coming days (weeks?)


Don't even start. That issue is so complicated. You're asking for it. Anybody who uses this as an excuse will only embarrass themselves. Unless you were just trying to warn us of possible media antics, well then, tip of the hat to you. They will surely exploit it, and, as a result, make themselves look bad. :lol
schuelma said:
Yes, and Obama attacks "old Washingon" and Biden's been there longer than McCain. Round and round we go..

Right, but again, Obama contradicts himself and picks a man capable of being president day one. McCain contradicts himself and picks a woman that we're unsure of.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
Pres and vice are VERY different roles. anyone would be an idiot not to acknowledge this.
Until you know, something happens to the Pres when the VP has to take control--it's pretty much the whole point of VP.
Cyan said:
What a weird pick. Seems very risky, might not go over well with the base.
God forbid something to happen to McCain.. I just don't she her in a chief role.

On the other hand, he could win over independents by looking more "maverick," and could win over some of the remaining bitter Hillary supporters who would otherwise have stayed home.

Her burden is a unique one. We have to look at her as a potential President due to McCain's age. And she has...I guess about 60 days to instill a confidence in the American people that few VP's have ever really been asked to do.
APF said:
Why does Biden change the score for Obama, yet Palin doesn't do the same for McCain?

The real answer: He doesn't; people rarely vote for VP, but they might if it's a historic pick, like it would be for Palin.

Did I say he did?
More on Trooper-gate

Investigation dogs Alaska governor

By STEVE QUINN – Aug 14, 2008

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Gov. Sarah Palin, a rising young GOP star mentioned as a possible running mate for John McCain, could see her clean-hands reputation damaged by a growing furor over whether she tried to get her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper.

A legislative panel has launched a $100,000 investigation to determine if Palin dismissed Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire the trooper, Mike Wooten. Wooten went through a messy divorce from Palin's sister.

Palin has denied the commissioner's dismissal had anything to do with her former brother-in-law. And she denied orchestrating the dozens of telephone calls made by her husband and members of her administration to Wooten's bosses.

Palin said she welcomes the investigation: "Hold me accountable."

Still, the allegations she abused her office could prove embarrassing for Palin, who got elected in 2006 on an ethics reform platform.

"It could be a bit of a knock on the clean-government issue in Alaska she backed," said Shaun Bowler, a political scientist at the University of California at Riverside.

Referring to Republican Sen. Ted Stevens' recent indictment on corruption charges and the bribery-and-conspiracy scandal that has ensnared five former or current state lawmakers, GOP analyst John Feehery said: "Right now, in Alaska all you have to do is say the word 'investigation' and people are going to be running away."

Nevertheless, Palin is still riding high in Alaska, where she jump-started a project to build a natural gas pipeline and pushed through a plan to send every resident $1,200 from the state's oil-rich treasury to offset high fuel prices.

And based on what has come out so far, some GOP insiders and political scientists said they are not worried about the effect on her prospects for higher office. (Some analysts said that because of her relative inexperience, Palin never had any realistic chance of being picked for vice president.)

"I would be very surprised if Sarah Palin didn't become a larger figure within national politics and I would be very surprised if she wasn't a part of a McCain administration," said Todd Harris, a Republican aide on McCain's 2000 White House bid.

Up to now, GOP insiders and political analysts have marveled at Palin's ascent on the national scene, calling her fearless style, her reform efforts, her energy and her glamour refreshing.

The 44-year-old Palin has not been afraid to take on the Republican Old Guard in Alaska and has tangled with the oil companies over taxes and gas leases. Last year, the former beauty queen posed for a photo shoot in Vogue, and this spring she gave birth to her fifth child, who was found to have Down syndrome.

Palin's problems started a month ago when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, saying she wanted the department to go in a new direction.

Monegan has said he does not know why he was fired. But he said pressure to get rid of Wooten had come from those around Palin, including her husband, Todd; her former chief of staff; and other top officials.

In 2005, before Palin ran for office, the Palin family accused Wooten of drinking a beer while in his patrol car, illegal hunting and firing a Taser at his 11-year-old stepson. The Palins also claimed Wooten threatened to kill Sarah Palin's father.

Wooten was suspended over the allegations for five days in 2006 but is still on the job. Monegan refused to comment on Wooten's situation, saying he could not discuss personnel matters.

More recently, Todd Palin said, he took his concerns over the governor's safety directly to Monegan. But he said he never told anyone to fire Wooten.

Wooten has refused to comment.

Attorney General Talis Colberg's conducted an investigation and found that 14 members of the Palin administration — including Colberg himself — made calls to Department of Public Safety officials about Wooten.

In one of those calls, Frank Bailey, director boards and commissions, was tape-recorded as saying: "Todd and Sarah are scratching their heads, why on earth hasn't, why is this guy still representing the department?"

On Wednesday, Palin said none of the two dozen or so calls were made at her direction.

Bailey, similarly, said he acted on his own. He said the only time he heard the governor discuss Wooten was during a security briefing shortly after she was elected.

"From that point on I've had a concern this person could fly off the handle and do something terrible to the governor, to her family or to the public," Bailey said.



scorcho said:
yep, not to mention that the experience one gains in Alaskan politics is a bit of a different beast than in the Senate (or Chicago for that matter).
This is a bit like saying Obama can no longer talk about his early opposition to the war, since he picked someone who voted for it. The reality is, the VP picks will not change the core arguments of either campaign.


GashPrex said:
Well its sort of hard to criticize Palin for a lack of experience, but then on the other hand say Obama is qualified and ready...Kind of a catch 22 for democrats.

It's the other way around. Republicans are the ones who have been trying to continuously criticize Obama for lack of experience (it's their main talking point against him), and now McCain picks someone who's younger and newer to the scene than Obama, and even more of an unknown quantity.


GAF's Bob Woodward
APF said:
To stand around looking officious for four to eight years? Sure.

Expect from the Obama camp, with a nod and a wink to McCain's age, subtle suggestions about what might happen next if McCain dies...

Also, Politico reports that just last month Palin was quoted as saying that she didn't consider the VP job to be very productive. Which is probably true, but could be one of those quotes that comes back to haunt.
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