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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
TheKingsCrown said:
Hillary now has a role in this election, and that's to discredit Palin. Watch and learn.

I'm now more curious than ever to see what part in this campaign Hillary is going to play....


McCain just demonstrated again he doesn't really understand his own party's core voters. Demographically speaking this is a terrible pick.
Basch said:
Don't even start. That issue is so complicated. You're asking for it.

Complicated? You are divorcing my sister . . . I want you FIRED! Is that complicated?

Edit: But you may have a point . . . that is complicated for GOP voters. They clearly didn't understand that having a government oil contractor do additions to Ted Steven's house is fishy. :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
AndyIsTheMoney said:
well whoever we pick its gonna be our last president...2012

True dat. Embrace Chac Mool*. The Reclining God. Before it's too late.


*He is the god of Cold Lampin'


Door2Dawn said:
Wow did she really say that?

Larry Kudlow of CNBC’s "Kudlow & Co." asked her about the possibility of becoming McCain ticket mate.
Palin replied: "[A]s for that V.P. talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the V.P. does every day? I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that V.P .slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."
gofreak said:
Expect from the Obama camp, with a nod and a wink to McCain's age, subtle suggestions about what might happen next if McCain dies...

Also, Politico reports that just last month Palin was quoted as saying that she didn't consider the VP job to be very productive. Which is probably true, but could be one of those quotes that comes back to haunt.

Actually, she said she doesn't know what the job entails. A zinger to be sure.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
Pres and vice are VERY different roles. anyone would be an idiot not to acknowledge this.

They are different roles but I would think that still means you take careful and deliberate consideration into the experience of a VP pick since Mccain can't predict the future and indeed would be the oldest president ever. One argument of the VP pick (and some would argue the sole argument) is that they are supposed to be able to step in and take over at any moment. There are arguably lots of more eligible Republicans who fit that conception at the current moment so he will need to explain what qualities she has that put her above those other considerations.
This pick pretty much kills any hopes the REPs (did I do that right?) might've had. She's beautiful and all, but c'mon. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Exactly the kind of VP nom you'd expect from a party that knew they were heading back to the well, regardless, though. Looking forward to a genuinely GOP in 2012. Fix your shit up in the meantime.
The article posted a couple pages back kinda sums this up. McCain has always valued personal friendships and is good friends with many people on his vp list; while he wasn't friendly with Romney initially they began to warm up to each other as the process played out. Yet here he picks someone he doesn't know, and has never worked with. As John Kerry would say, this seems to be Candidate McCain (or more aptly, Candidate McCain's handlers) choosing Senator McCain's vice president.

and btw, people who think women only vote on abortion=smh. I'm more interested in seeing if she sticks to ticket line when asked about equal pay equal work. This is a the hail mary pick McCain needed, but it does undercut his message. And while Obama did the same thing by picking Biden, it was more than nessicary considering his biggest weakness was his inexperience; in short, doubling down on his negatives would have been a disaster. This seems more dangerous for McCain because he has not only undercut his message by picking an unknown with little experience (granted, she has more executive experience than anyone in the race...but she has absolutely no foreign policy experience), he has put this person a heartbeat away from the presidency. Voters feel McCain's age is an issue already, how will this pick play out to people?


AndyIsTheMoney said:
This isnt 24
I'm not just talking about assassinations. VP candidates are picked on their ability to take control of the office which Palin doesn't characterize very well at all. It's clearly a reach for some women votes--which will work. Otherwise, she really doesn't bring much to the table at all.


Chili Con Carnage!
So she's creationist and she's pro-life? surely no-one like that is going to steal angry Hillary followers.


when is my burrito
speculawyer said:
Complicated? You are beating my sister . . . I want you FIRED! Is that complicated?

Fixed. Heard he was abusive.

Regarding Palin, people can talk about inexperience of Obama all they want but he earned his spot on the ticket and runs a nationwide organization staffed by hundreds of people in all 50 state.

Palin would not have had any shot of winning her party's nomination. She has no apparent qualities or achievements that would justify making her VP or President.


Creationist or not, I get a feeling that a lot of women supporters of Hillary are going to blindly vote for McCain just because he has a female running mate.


pxleyes said:
Ya, except the point is she isn't the first woman VP on a ticket.
Ya, except the point is that wasn't what I was saying. Were you even alive back then?

gofreak said:
Expect from the Obama camp, with a nod and a wink to McCain's age, subtle suggestions about what might happen next if McCain dies...
I think that just like the comments from Hillary re: "anything can happen"--including assassination--such comments can easily backfire even if just winked to. Pundit-wise this could actually make people more creeped out about implying things based on McCain's age (but who knows really).


None of this matters to the angry Hillary supporters. They'll see McCain with a female, imagine McCain dying in office and then having a female president and vote for him.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
God please keep out the atheists. they arnt yet welcome in politics.

What a completely offensive statement that should earn you a ban if GAF was as 'anti-Christian' as you think it is. Just imagine if you said:

God please keep out the Jews. they arnt yet welcome in politics

God please keep out the blacks. they arnt yet welcome in politics

God please keep out the homos. they arnt yet welcome in politics

God please keep out the moo-slims. they arnt yet welcome in politics

God please keep out the mexicans. they arnt yet welcome in politics



Strap on your hooker ...
I'll reserve judgement until I see how she handles in speeches and conversation, but for the time being all I can say is that I've rarely seen a hard-right Repub woman that didn't strike me as the type that bites the head off their mate after coitus.
Azrael said:
People dismissing McCain/Palin are deluding themselves. If it wasn't for Ross Perot, most likely it would be 32 years since a Democrat has been elected to the White House right now. And Bob Barr is no Ross Perot. Presidential elections are not a level playing field and are heavily slanted to Republicans.

I support Obama, but the chance of him being elected president is very low.

Not that we need to go back and start debating 1992 again, but the exit polls didn't support that idea. Clinton and Bush were tied at about 40% as the 2nd choice among Perot voters, though close to 60% said the country would be better off if every single incumbent was replaced that year. Also, they voted overwhelmingly for Democratic governors and split on congressional races in almost equal numbers.


APF said:
Ya, except the point is that wasn't what I was saying. Were you even alive back then?

I already stated I wasn't. If you have a point to make about Palin in terms of a historic pick, make it.
RiZ III said:
Creationist or not, I get a feeling that a lot of women supporters of Hillary are going to blindly vote for McCain just because he has a female running mate.
Like who? The ones that were already being way too vocal at the convention (the so-called PUMAs)? I don't think getting them was anywhere near enough to make this call. If Obama was so worried about them, he would have just gone ahead and made Hillary the VP.


Kusagari said:
None of this matters to the angry Hillary supporters. They'll see McCain with a female, imagine McCain dying in office and then having a female president and vote for him.
How many "angry supporters that won't vote for Obama" are in the US to sway an election?


Farmboy said:
Kos is implying that she's a creationist, linking to this article as proof. Atheist GAF, assemble!

Man, this gets better and better (for us)

It's not like McCain could actually find anyone pro-science though. Mittens does the Mormon thing, and all the rest of his picks are plain garden-variety ID fundies.
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