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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Gold Member
Cheebs said:
I conclude either this will be INSANELY helpful to McCain or it will blowup in his face. I can't see this being a "do no harm" pick like Biden that has no effect on the race poll wise.

It will either lead him to winning, or lead him to losing badly.

I can't see this working out at all in the do no harm mold. It was a hail marry, but it's going to land on either extremes, not the middle.

Reagan did win the women vote when Mondale picked Ferarararrorororo, but Mondale would never have beat Reagan no matter the pick so I don't think that is comparable.

On November 5th we will look back at this day as either the day McCain began to win this race, or the day McCain made a major failure that lead to Obama running away with this thing.

Cheebs, you hit the nail on the head. But the initial response has already made Obama's speech last night a faint memory. Ferraro is on Foxnews praising McCain... Now this may shake up the base too much in the long run and perhaps making the people who were already questioning McCain's conservatism queezy. If they begin to question him again, he is going to loose this race badly. Either way, he is going to win or loose by a landslide. It could bring in a lot of States that Hillary Clinton won and Obama did badly in...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ToyMachine228 said:
Seriously, Hillary needs to be the attack dog against Palin, Biden can attack McCain, and Obama can set the stage for where he wants to take the country. That's a plan for victory in an election.

Good point. Now we'll see what kind of support Hillary really has for Obama.
speculawyer said:
Yeah, it is totally different. It just leaps out as totally different:

Yeah that history of anti-athiesm posts you have and the lack of a smiley really makes one think it was obviously a joke.

my history of anti-atheism? seriously? Your history of anti-religion is much more prevalent than my history of anti-atheism.


Junior Member
Yaweee said:
Having a child with a disability shouldn't keep you from doing anything else with your life. She probably has some hired help.

if you aren't prepared to commit every fucking waking moment of your life to the office with that much importance, than you shouldn't be doing this


speculawyer said:
Complicated? You are divorcing my sister . . . I want you FIRED! Is that complicated?

Saying that the guy tasered his own son, made death threats to her family, and violated written law, yeah, I guess it's not complicated after all. On top of that, she is open to full investigation which comes down to the Director of Boards and Commissions overstepping his authority. Since then Bailey has been put on leave. Monegan was dismissed for entirely different reasons, including the inability to fill vacancies within the department and antagonizing her budgeting plans. There is no dirt besides the media's spin on the issue. Evidence has already been provided that supports her innocence. Matter of fact, she was the one to release it: audio tapes. Some who continued to express their skepticism tried to exploit the fact that she released his employment files during the ongoing divorce settlement. Again, evidence was provided suggesting the contrary in the form of a waiver for the release of the papers signed by none other than her sister's ex-husband. Seriously, don't mention this ever again, unless you want to look bad.


Cyan said:
What a weird pick. Seems very risky, might not go over well with the base.

On the other hand, he could win over independents by looking more "maverick," and could win over some of the remaining bitter Hillary supporters who would otherwise have stayed home.
Problem here is that Palin is very far right wing GOP.

Any Hillary supporter who actually follows issues even remotely will hear all about how pro-life Palin is. For 99% of Hillary supporters thats enough reason to run to the polls for Obama right there.

I think McCain is making the pick based on that. The Republicans didn't expect such warm endorsements from the Clintons, or for Obama to show a gigantic pair of brass balls in firing back at McCain about "temperament" and the like last night. I think Pawlenty was the pick and they made this as something of a panic move, hence her being rushed in this morning on a gulf stream jet.

Unfortunately I think this is possibly the worst move they could've made. Hillary and Bill Clinton probably would've subsided into the ether after a couple nice speeches to not be heard from again until after the elections. Now they're trying to upstage Hillary and steal her spotlight. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Clinton PR machine goes full steam ahead after Palin specifically.

Also Biden can debate her ferociously. Its hard to call the person who wrote the Violence Against Women Act a sexist, you'd almost think the heavy handed referencing to his mother in his acceptance speech was preparation for this as well.

Screams of desperation following a strong DNCC and looks to be playing straight into the Democrats' hands.
PhoenixDark said:
Why are people attacking the choice and her? She's got more executive experience than Obama and McCain

doesn't make her a good politician of course but jeez. I wonder how the PUMAs will take this. They clearly care more about Hillary than women's issues, so the possibility of this woman becoming the first female president could convince them to vote Obama....
Hillary-"remember how I said the election's not about me? I lied, it is about me."


Governor Palin is a tough executive who has demonstrated during her time in office that she is ready to be president. She has brought Republicans and Democrats together within her Administration and has a record of delivering on the change and reform that we need in Washington.

Governor Palin has challenged the influence of the big oil companies while fighting for the development of new energy resources. She leads a state that matters to every one of us -- Alaska has significant energy resources and she has been a leader in the fight to make America energy independent.

In Alaska, Governor Palin challenged a corrupt system and passed a landmark ethics reform bill. She has actually used her veto and cut budgetary spending. She put a stop to the "bridge to nowhere" that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars.

As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops.

Governor Palin has the record of reform and bipartisanship that others can only speak of. Her experience in shaking up the status quo is exactly what is needed in Washington today.

McCain on Palin.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
McCain is going to play up the "real reformer" card a lot. If Palin comes across well, it could work.


Door2Dawn said:
So is Obama ready to be president now?

I don't know. I don't like either candidates, but I probably disagree more viscerally on economics with Obama (even though I don't think McCain is willing to cut enough spending)
I am totally ready to step up and nail (have sex with) Sarah Palin to save our country. The rest of you America-hating pussies can organize a circle-jerk amongst yourselves.


VP's are meaningless, until they make gaffes (ie. Quayle, Stockdale).

It's nice to see McCain fighting and actually trying to win, unlike Dole in 96 who just rolled over.


The more I hear about her the more I think this is a good move for Democrats.

But my god she is so fucking hot. Not just normal hot but extremely fucking fetishy hot
BenjaminBirdie said:
Andrew Sullivan:

Pretty much what I was thinking.

Yeah, I agree. It is quite the pander pick.

And considering that McCain will be 72 and has battled cancer, you'd think he would want to pick someone that is immediately ready to take the reigns if needed. Her inexperience doesn't help in that manner.


Please keep creationist/atheist/religion bashing out of this thread. About 50% of American's are creationists her being a creationist will affect none of the voters the republicans are trying to gain. And yes I know why people are against creationists this is Gaf every 10 threads is about this topic or something simillar.
the differnce between obama's pick and mccain's is that obama picked somebody he thought would serve as a great VP once in office, whereas mccain's pick is pretty much centered around winning an election.

but in defense of mccain, the man didn't have a choice. if he was on a ticket with mittens or standard white guy rep. no.XX then it'd arguably be no contest.


The experience argument will not fly. Not only is it hypocritcal, but women will perceive any attack on Palin's qualifications by Democrats or the media in light of Obama's thin resume as sexist. I'm not even sure the corruption angle will work because many women will sympathize with Palin abusing her power in this case.

What Democrats need to do is paint McCain and Palin as extremist opponents of women's rights.


Azrael said:
The experience argument will not fly. Not only is it hypocritcal, but women will perceive any attack on Palin's qualifications by Democrats or the media in light of Obama's thin resume as sexist.
Obama has 4 years of foreign policy experience. Palin has 0. There is no spin around that.


Gold Member
slidewinder said:
I am totally ready to step up and nail (have sex with) Sarah Palin to save our country. The rest of you pussies can organize a circle-jerk amongst yourselves.

Fuck you! Why are YOU the one?! :lol
I keep listening to the arguments (and even participating a little), and I really can't seem to reach a conclusion here. Honestly, for one moment, I'm taking off my partisan hat and just looking at it as a spectator.

Good or bad, smart or silly, all I can say is that this is a very interesting pick.
Azrael said:
The experience argument will not fly. Not only is it hypocritcal, but women will perceive any attack on Palin's qualifications by Democrats or the media in light of Obama's thin resume as sexist.
You don't attack her. You attack Mccain for questioning Obama's experience. There is a subtle difference that undermines a lot of what you are saying.


ToxicAdam said:
VP's are meaningless, until they make gaffes (ie. Quayle, Stockdale).

It's nice to see McCain fighting and actually trying to win, unlike Dole in 96 who just rolled over.
Do you really want her to be a heartbeat away from presidency?


So what is Palin's record on the war on terror? Did she fight the good fight against those rogue polar bears? Maybe those vampires during those 30 days of night?


100% logic failure rate
This could be a good pick because I think she's going to make a strong prolife argument in her speech concerning her child with down's syndrome but those Is he ready ad seems quite silly now in light of this choice.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Steve Youngblood said:
I keep listening to the arguments (and even participating a little), and I really can't seem to reach a conclusion here. Honestly, for one moment, I'm taking off my partisan hat and just looking at it as a spectator.

Good or bad, smart or silly, all I can say is that this is a very interesting pick.

Even more so than with Biden, everyone is just going around in circles, spinning away. We won't know if this was a good selection for a while.

But I do think we'll get a pretty good read in the days ahead..I think it is simple- if she comes across well, this was a very good pick. If she comes across poorly, its a disaster


Odrion said:
The more I hear about her the more I think this is a good move for Democrats.

But my god she is so fucking hot. Not just normal hot but extremely fucking fetishy hot

Okay for real, how is this woman "hot"?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
pxleyes said:
So what is Palin's record on the war on terror? Did she fight the good fight against those rogue polar bears? Maybe those vampires during those 30 days of night?
She's the one who's been shipping polar bears off to the Dharma Initiative to use for slave labor.

This alone cannot be good.

omg rite said:
Okay for real, how is this woman "hot"?

She's got a Tina Fey'ness to her. I think she looks good. I also think this pick is such a fucking desperate move. The Republican party has absolutely zero confidence in their positions that they are just tearing down Barack and picking a young women VP to try and appear relevant.

John McCain is testing everyone in America with this pick, and do not let us fail this test a-fucking-gain.


Odrion said:
The more I hear about her the more I think this is a good move for Democrats.

But my god she is so fucking hot. Not just normal hot but extremely fucking fetishy hot

:lol Dude, I just sprayed Rockstar energy drink all over my work monitor!


HolyStar said:
Please keep creationist/atheist/religion bashing out of this thread. About 50% of American's are creationists her being a creationist will affect none of the voters the republicans are trying to gain. And yes I know why people are against creationists this is Gaf every 10 threads is about this topic or something simillar.

I'd say you're way off on your figures. Where'd you get 50% from?
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