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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Tamanon said:
That's a helluva lot of uses of the words "record" and "experience" for 2 years.:lol

If you only knew what she did for the Alaskan people. Leave it to the rest of America to not understand anything before opening their big mouths. Sure, what McCain said about Obama's inexperience wasn't nice, but at the same time it doesn't give you the right to act the same. Be the better man and look into the issues more. ;)



Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I think that if Obama can get Hilary to meet Palin head on, this thing is over. All Hilary needs to do is convince her supporters that Palin is not a valid substitute for Hilary, and Obama will win. I don't think Palin is anything but a calculated pick to try and win over democrats. He should have picked someone to shore up his support from conservatives.
HolyStar said:
Please keep creationist/atheist/religion bashing out of this thread. About 50% of American's are creationists her being a creationist will affect none of the voters the republicans are trying to gain. And yes I know why people are against creationists this is Gaf every 10 threads is about this topic or something simillar.

Teaching it in school is different. Dover PA school board got owned by the peeps there.


Basch said:
If you only knew what she did for the Alaskan people. Leave it to the American people to not understand anything before opening their big mouths. Sure, what McCain said about Obama's inexperience wasn't nice, but at the same time it doesn't give you the right to act the same. Be the better man and look into the issue's more. ;)

I have the "right" to say whatever I want. I tried looking into the issues and she seems to have done well for a year in Alaska, but there are 49 other states here. Slightly different ones than Alaska, although it is interesting that McCain opposes ANWR drilling and she supports it, but I assume McCain will support it soon.


Gaborn said:
Hell, I'd let Obama show me his American Flag, but that's a separate issue.
American flag.....?

Captain Pants said:
I think that if Obama can get Hilary to meet Palin head on, this thing is over. All Hilary needs to do is convince her supporters that Palin is not a valid substitute for Hilary, and Obama will win. I don't think Palin is anything but a calculated pick to try and win over democrats. He should have picked someone to shore up his support from conservatives.

There is traction on her Energy experience, even though she actually disagrees with him on drilling in Alaska, apparently.
Her record is not bad. She cut taxes, believes in global warming and has praised Obama's energy plans, and while she is against gay marriage she has supported state benefits to partners of gay state employees.

The problem is that she has absolutely no foreign policy experience and being governor of a small state does not mean you're strong on the economy


speculawyer said:
I don't know whether that is true or not, but even if true it is an abuse of her power to push to fire the guy. The police department have their own systems of dealing with these things and if she uses her power to affect her sister's situation then she is abusing her power.

This is about Palin's behavior, not the Trooper.
Yes, but if it was about her sister being abused, then any attempt to go after her on it could backfire badly.


shooting blanks
Odrion said:
The more I hear about her the more I think this is a good move for Democrats.

But my god she is so fucking hot. Not just normal hot but extremely fucking fetishy hot

Yes the glasses are very sexy


Azrael said:
If Palin peforms poorly in the debate, it may actually help the Republicans, because women will sympathize with her.
Oh come on,thats pure horse shit..

Women aren't as dumb as you think they are.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Does anyone know about where that tax comparison was posted? :lol

edit: Why do people think women sympathize with incompetency?
PhoenixDark said:
Her record is not bad. She cut taxes, believes in global warming and has praised Obama's energy plans, and while she is against gay marriage she has supported state benefits to partners of gay state employees.

The problem is that she has absolutely no foreign policy experience and being governor of a small state does not mean you're strong on the economy

Alaska is huge! ;)

Captain Pants said:
I think that if Obama can get Hilary to meet Palin head on, this thing is over. All Hilary needs to do is convince her supporters that Palin is not a valid substitute for Hilary, and Obama will win. I don't think Palin is anything but a calculated pick to try and win over democrats. He should have picked someone to shore up his support from conservatives.
See, I'm not so sure that this is a play for any one, specific group. In the battle for people in the middle who might go either way, I think this is just a headline-making move that might generate some interest (gamechanger? I'm not willing to concede that just yet). Sure, women can obviously play into that, but I don't think this is just about getting the wacky PUMAs. If it's transparent of anything, it's transparent of trying to do something interesting. For the short-term, I don't think anyone's going to argue against this being far more exciting than Pawlenty.


Tamanon said:
I have the "right" to say whatever I want. I tried looking into the issues and she seems to have done well for a year in Alaska, but there are 49 other states here.

Couldn't you say the same about Obama. You can say whatever you like, just makes you look bad is all. Besides, Palin's policies on energy and fuel alternatives could assist McCain in quite a big way. Could end up leading to McCain refining his policies.


My thoughts: Geraldine Ferraro made history first with Mondale back in 1984, so anyone suggesting this is a huge step forward or something can stfu.

If we look at Palin's experience, she has none. Less than Obama (even though I always thought Obama had a good amount of expeirence, just not Washington Insider "experience"). Obama's lack of experience was/is greatly exaggerated, but Palin seriously has very little! CLEARLY this demonstrates that McCain is learning that the experience card is not working as well as he thought. He is playing directly into the pissed off female Clinton crowd. It's desperate, but then again, so are the pissed off female Clinton supporters. I think this was a really dumb pick, but the scary thing is, there are a lot of dumb Hillary fans out there, too.

If the Obama campaign is smart, they can highlight the fact that Barack has more experience than Palin, and has been absolutely right on every criticism of the war he's made thus far. He can hammer his economic initiatives and explain so eloquently (like he did during his convention speech) why they're vastly superior than McCain's seven house/anyone who makes 5 million dollars is middle class world view. On top of this, Obama picked a running mate who has a wealth of foreign policy experience (and general political experience) to balance the ticket. McCain is a war hero who finds himself growing more and more isolated in his stance on the Iraq war. He also admits he knows next to nothing about the economy, which is the biggest issue, and has picked a VP who, even though she's a Governor and makes decisions about the economy, has barely been in office, and seriously has not done much before that; she also dissed the position just a month ago. If the Obama campaign is smart, they'll campaign from this state of mind when they talk about why they're better.

Either way, no one should underestimate a McCain/Palin ticket. It has many disadvantages, yes, and was a very unlikely choice, but there are a lot of angry women out there; Palin could tap into that. Her positions on things that matter to a lot of women are uber-conservative, but when people are mad in the voting booth, they tend to vote blindly.

If they could figure out a way to suggest that a. McCain is old b. He seriously COULD die while in office and C. His replacement would be someone who pretty much has less experience than ANYONE who ran for Preisdent in 2008 in BOTH parties without looking too cruel, I think that would help them greatly.


Basch said:
Couldn't you say the same about Obama. You can say whatever you like, just makes you look bad is all. Besides, Palin's policies on energy and fuel alternatives could assist McCain and quite a big way. Could end up leading to McCain refining his policies.

No, I couldn't, because Obama also served in the United States Senate after coming out of Illinois.


BenjaminBirdie said:
*shakes head*


I can't wait for the question in the debate:

Moderator: "Senator McCain, one of your most consistent arguments against Senator Obama has been what you perceive to be his lack of experience to be president and commander-in-chief. Yet after choosing Governor Palin as your VP, your praised her ability to lead the country should the need arise, despite the fact that she has not held a position in office any longer than Senator Obama nor has she spent more time in the political field. What do you believe are the contrasts between the two in that respect?"

McCain: "..... My friends, Senator Obama voted present."
The Obama campaign just has to make sure they don't do anything at all whatsoever that appears sexist. The worst thing that could happen to the Obama campaign is another New Hampshire. Even if the Obama campaign is tempered with their remarks, the media could screw them over if they pile on Palin if she commits a gaffe.

If Hilary wants to earn her spot for 2016, she needs to go to war with Palin on behalf of the Obama campaign. Obama Bin Biden can touch Palin directly.
Assrocket and the resst of the odious crew over at Powerline are already taking a huge dump on McSame's pic. I haven't seen a rollout of a choice like this go over this well since Harriet Miers.

The question now everyone in the media is asking is "What is McCain going on run on now?". The experience argument is completely undercut, and woe be to the candidate who would attempt to outflank Obama on the issue of change. Is he going to run on the merit of Republican policies? HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

They should have at least sent this one up as a trial balloon first. Then again, maybe McCain couldn't find anyone else who would run with him. :lol :lol :lol
Gaborn said:
Equal pay is a misleading statistic. Many women are leaving the workforce for a time (weeks, months, a year or two) to care for children. Some men as well, but more women than men. Most child birth occurs relatively young (mid twenties to early thirties) and that's prime time for a young active go getter to be promoted and to receive higher pay. I think I don't think most businesses are actively discriminating against women, I think for the most part women are paid less than men because they left during a key time and it doesn't make sense to promote someone on paid leave.
Women are often given a salary at hiring based on those conceptions. If a job pays $40K for a male applicant, but a women is given $35K for just those reasons, that's discriminatory. And that also punishes women who don't concentrate solely on their career.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Basch said:
If you only knew what she did for the Alaskan people. Leave it to the rest of America to not understand anything before opening their big mouths. Sure, what McCain said about Obama's inexperience wasn't nice, but at the same time it doesn't give you the right to act the same. Be the better man and look into the issues more. ;)

i dont see how McCain can talk shit about obama being young and inexperienced, when his own VP pick is younger and less experienced. its completely hypocritical!

i gotta hand it to the republicans for the timing of this announcement though. it seems to have overshadowed obama's speech. :(


shooting blanks
Zeliard said:
I can't wait for the question in the debate:

Moderator: "Senator McCain, one of your most consistent arguments against Senator Obama has been what you perceive to be his lack of experience to be president and commander-in-chief. Yet after choosing Governor Palin as your VP, your praised her ability to lead the country should the need arise, despite the fact that she has not held a position in office any longer than Senator Obama nor has she spent more time in the political field. What do you believe are the contrasts between the two in that respect?"

McCain: "..... My friends, Senator Obama voted present."


My friends, damn he's killing that line
The tendency towards sexism this early in this thread is making me a little nervous what things will look like in October.

"She should stay home to take care of her kids!"

"Beauty Pagent Winner, lawl!"
HolyStar said:
Please keep creationist/atheist/religion bashing out of this thread.
Religion has to be discussed since USA politics is steeped in religion. I wish it wasn't.

HolyStar said:
About 50% of American's are creationists her being a creationist will affect none of the voters the republicans are trying to gain.
Personally I find that sad. To me, it sounds like the GOP is going for the votes of the uneducated and ignorant. Yeah . . . give me the guy of the ignorant and uneducated! :-( It worked great last time, lets do it again. :-(
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