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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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StoOgE said:
Why are you guys so worried?

She's a woman so all women for vote for McCain? Just like Reagan got killed in 84 right?
Reagan was going to win in 1984 no matter what,even if Mondale picked Jesus. Not really comparable. Mondale was one of the dems worst nominees in history and Reagan was at his height. You can't compare this at all to that.
Agent Icebeezy said:

This is still pre-Barack speech right?


adamsappel said:
Eh, it's not a pet issue of mine, so I don't really follow it. Women earning 77 cents to the man's $1 is the usual statistic tossed around, though I don't know if that is an average of all salaries or is job-specific.

And don't be the guy whose argument revolves around semantics. Does "offered" a salary really change anything in my post?

No it doesn't, sorry. I encounter the claim often though that people are "entitled" to jobs (I once had someone argue with me there was an inherent "right to work" so I'm probably over sensitive to that particular phraseology. I don't think you meant it the way it sounded though.

I think that most statistic tend to be misleading, and that's a good example. There is always a reason for income disparity, and the majority of it, I believe, comes from the timing of women leaving the workforce making promotions harder to justify. I can't say there is never any sexism in women's salaries but I don't believe that is as significant a phenomenon as many would make it out to be.


All I know is thank GOD the election is not tomorrow...... at least this gives some of Hillary's supporters time to sit back and think this out for the next 2 months.......

it is 10:00am here in the Bay Area and I have not slept yet since last night.... I was ready around 5am but then I saw some rumors and then the announcement.... WHAT a F'n ride this is going to be.... o_O
from the Republican talking point perspective, this also keeps the "omg angry Clinton supporters" storyline in the news.

After Hillary, Bill, and Obama's speeches, it would've been silly to still harp on Democratic unity...but this pick potentially keeps that storyline going throughout the rest of the campaign.


Gary Whitta said:
McCain is THE FUCK OLD and he has had cancer. There's a very real possibility that we could wind up with a clueless provincial soccer mom having to negotiate with North Korea and send troops into Pakistan. That might make a good comedy movie but not good in real life.

I'm sure she'll be able to call on experienced leaders like Dick Cheney in her time of need. They are always happy to serve america in its times of crisis.


soul creator said:
from the Republican talking point perspective, this also keeps the "omg angry Clinton supporters" storyline in the news.

I really don't think it does. If anything, picking a woman who's so staunchly pro-life as VP will probably turn most Clinton supporters off of McCain for good, if they ever entertained the idea of voting for him.
She did alright during the speech. She had a slow start, but she picked up at the end. But McCain certainly looked awkward next to her.

Also, she didn't look very presidential to me yet. There was no way I could imagine her being the leader of the free world. The McCain campaign has a lot of work to do.


Amir0x said:
That is factually what you wrote. If you intended to MEAN something else, then please share with us so that we can dig through the stupidity of the post for future reference.

First it was a discussion of the office, not the individual, and it's historical importance which has been limited. I said the office has been inconsequential, which it generally has, you interpreted that as an endorsement of Palin somehow or as some sort of mark for her. It's not, it was a comment on the historical importance of the Vice Presidents office.

But you're using caps lock, so you win.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This woman just became the hero of stay-at-home Christian moms. She is an anti-abortion, gun-toting, creationist beauty queen with 5 kids and all in a skirt and not a pantsuit.
Repubs at the office (90% of employees here in Jesustown Ohio) in the lunchroom having a circle jerk right now saying game over, McCain just won the election because now they have the Hillary voters. :lol


DenogginizerOS said:
This woman just became the hero of stay-at-home Christian moms. She is an anti-abortion, gun-toting, creationist beauty queen with 5 kids and all in a skirt and not a pantsuit.
Well it isn't like those votes were up for grabs anyways.


BrandNew said:
Can the Obama camp really attack her on foreign policy though? Wouldn't that be a little....hypocritical?

Why would it be? Has she ever even spoken out on foreign policy? If you go to Ontheissues.org, her entry actually says "NO ISSUES" under foreign policy.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
DenogginizerOS said:
This woman just became the hero of stay-at-home Christian moms. She is an anti-abortion, gun-toting, creationist beauty queen with 5 kids and all in a skirt and not a pantsuit.
Not only that 1 of those kids is IN the military (been a while since that's happened) and one has down syndrome.

President confirmed. This will be the first time a VP has swung the vote more than 1%.


DenogginizerOS said:
This woman just became the hero of stay-at-home Christian moms. She is an anti-abortion, gun-toting, creationist beauty queen with 5 kids and all in a skirt and not a pantsuit.

But how many of those women would have even thought about voting for Obama anyway?


all that he wants is another baby
BenjaminBirdie said:
Eee hee hee hee. So much for her Energy Advantage.

It's almost like they just picked the VP on what the chassis looked like without looking under the hood first.

No, strike that, it's JUST like that.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Repubs at the office (90% of employees here in Jesustown Ohio) in the lunchroom having a circle jerk right now saying game over, McCain just won the election because now they have the Hillary voters. :lol
I just observed a similar thing here in North Carolina.


vumpler said:
Not only that 1 of those kids is IN the military (been a while since that's happened) and one has down syndrome.

President confirmed. This will be the first time a VP has swung the vote more than 1%.


That makes her the third candidate out of four of them.


slidewinder said:
How would those of you of supporting Palin have felt if Obama had picked a random NYC council member as HIS running mate?

I'm not a fan of McCain or really much of a supporter of either party, but I think Schweitzer would've been a good pick for Obama's VP and he's a relative unknown.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
gkrykewy said:
But how many of those women would have even thought about voting for Obama anyway?
None. But they now have someone to talk about at the $2000 dinners their husbands will take them, too. It will be cute.


eznark said:
First it was a discussion of the office, not the individual, and it's historical importance which has been limited. I said the office has been inconsequential, which it generally has, you interpreted that as an endorsement of Palin somehow or as some sort of mark for her. It's not, it was a comment on the historical importance of the Vice Presidents office.

But you're using caps lock, so you win.

No, you specifically implied that Vice President is not a serious position and that as such it doesn't matter if someone makes that choice in a serious, thoughtful manner. This has nothing to do with Palin, and everything to do with the abject stupidity behind the chutzpah of implying that planning for the rule of vice presidency is somehow better than planning for the exception.

It totally doesn't matter if that person is ten years old or eats babies, because that person is never going to do anything. You replied to my post about the relevance of the vice presidency in most cases and how history supports you. It is the EXCEPTION that proves you wrong.


we all knew her
So I just had lunch with all of my co-workers. We get back to the office and the guy down the hall gets online to check the news, apparently. I hear a loud "What the FUCK is McCain doing?!" Made me :lol .


Gaborn said:
I'm not a fan of McCain or really much of a supporter of either party, but I think Schweitzer would've been a good pick for Obama's VP and he's a relative unknown.

I agree, although he'd be a tough sell. The funny bit is that most of his speech wasn't actually what he submitted and was on the teleprompters. He was just flying without a parachute for most of it.
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