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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Lemonz said:
I don't know if this is true but, David Sirota on the Thomm Hartman show sez Palin has a 16yr daughter whose pregnant and unmarried.

I was born in Alaska, still got a lot of family and friends up there, but welcome to the dog fight Palin.



What the fuck???
beermonkey@tehbias said:
If McCain tanks in the polls in the next week they will throw her under the bus like Harriet Miers. They'll come up with a reason that having her as the candidate was becoming a distraction (manufacture a semi-scandal if there isn't a real one) and blame it all on the Dems being unfair to her and portray their campaign as a victim.

That works with SC choices, it doesn't work with VP choices. Kicking your VP off the ticket would guarantee a loss.
DenogginizerOS said:
So, since Biden's son is on his way to Iraq, if he has a kid with DS will you say it is a wash? So, we are now making the challenges our kids face as prequalifiers for office?
There is an extremely crass joke about fourth trimester abortions somewhere in there that makes me want to throw up thinking about it.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Sarah's 16 year-old unmarried daughter pregnant.

Vetted much..

Wow, do you have a souce for that? Something like that is going to send the social conservatives into a total frenzy-teen preggers is the ultimate "moral failing" of parenting to that group.


Amir0x said:
So you agree then that the decision is, therefore, an extremely important one and that trying to diminish the selection as "not serious" by historical standards was a retarded thing to do?

That's big of you to admit. :)

I was looking at it in the context of the role itself, not planning/voting for that role, which was probably dumb considering the nature of the overall discussion.

You beat me down with your capital letters and your insults. (sad face)
Lemonz said:
I don't know if this is true, but David Sirota on the Thomm Hartman show sez Palin has a 16yr daughter whose pregnant and unmarried.

If true she'll fit in even better with many holier than thou conservative christians!
Fragamemnon said:
Wow, do you have a souce for that? Something like that is going to send the social conservatives into a total frenzy-teen preggers is the ultimate "moral failing" of parenting to that group.

I thought it was infidelity.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
JCreasy said:
more gifs and/or pics please
Shiggie said:
I cant wait for dirt to come out on her.

She's involved in a scandal about possibly getting her former brother-in-law fired.


In a press conference this afternoon, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) conceded that someone inside her administration pressured the state's Department of Public Safety to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten, Palin's former brother-in-law, who is now embroiled in a bitter custody battle with Palin's sister.

Palin's statement is the latest in what has come to be known around Alaska as "Wooten-gate." The scandal began on July 11, when Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was fired from his post with little explanation, a move that quickly raised questions in Alaska.

A few days later, Monegan came forward, stating that he had been pressured by those around Palin to fire Wooten -- but had refused to do so -- a choice that he believes led to his sudden dismissal. Palin denied Monegan's accusations, and a Legislative Council has appointed a special commission to probe the matter.

In today's conference, Palin said that state troopers had taped a phone call from Frank Bailey, Palin's director of boards and commissions whom she appointed last August, in which Bailey inquired about having Wooten fired.

At the press conference today, Palin distanced herself from Bailey's actions claiming that he acted alone, but the recordings suggest that he was acting at her instigation.

"The Palins can't figure out why nothing's going on," Bailey said in the recorded phone call. "So Todd and Sarah are scratching their heads saying 'Why is this guy representing the department, he's a horrible recruiting tool.' You know? So from their perspective everybody's protecting him. . . Audi probably disagrees with me, Walt [Monegan] does and I understand it's really touchy, but I just want you to understand that cops that use excessive force or go out of the lines, they just have no tolerance, because they've seen the facts personally."

Bailey has yet to comment. Calls to his phone went directly to voice mail.
Do people realize that most, (not all) of Hillary's supporters that Obama has been struggling to pull in have been working class white males? This pick does nothing to help McCain (and may actually turn them off). Palin is not going to help with women once they find out she's 1)pro-life even in cases of rape and incest and 2) she's as pro gun as they come. As a democrat, I'm thrilled with this choice.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I thought it was infidelity.

That's a forgivable sin, though. Thank megachurch and televangelists for defusing that particular transgression to their masses. NOTHING is more shameful to the fundie mom crowd than having their kid get teen pregnant out of wedlock.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just overheard a co-worker say, "She is the only true Christian in this election. That is enough to get my vote."

It is 2004 all over again. Look for Rove-ots in your local churches this Sunday giving you [strikethrough]instructions[/strikethrough] information on who to vote for.


Fragamemnon said:
Seriously, how can she be ready to be commander in chief when she can't even keep her daughter from getting teen pregnant.

This would be pretty ironic when some of the supporters of the pick have said that one of Palin's major qualifications is that she's a mother.


DY_nasty said:

photoshop please

And this from the Obama campaign is a very poignant first response . . .

"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency."

Really, John? Really???
Frank the Great said:
This was a brilliant move by the McCain campaign :-/ She's positioning herself as the next Hillary.

The O camp better have a good response to all this.

Probably answered already but their response?

"Palin isn't the next Hillary, because WE have the REAL Hillary Clinton."
Door2Dawn said:
You think you should go there?

Nothing's sacred in politics. Character assassination, underhanded comments, and every dirty trick in the book-provided it is not explicitly illlegal-should be used to ensure victory over the great enemy.
DenogginizerOS said:
I just overheard a co-worker say, "She is the only true Christian in this election. That is enough to get my vote."

It is 2004 all over again. Look for Rove-ots in your local churches this Sunday giving you [strikethrough]instructions[/strikethrough] information on who to vote for.

Not really. This election comes down to the Independents, for whom Palin does Zilch. Do you think that guy was really going to vote for Obama if that's his criteria?


all that he wants is another baby
BenjaminBirdie said:
"You're kind of old and I like hockey..."
(Sung Moldy Peaches Style)

I heard she accepted the nom on a Burgerphone and then threw up blue slushee into the Governor's Official Decorative Vase.


DenogginizerOS said:
This woman just became the hero of stay-at-home Christian moms. She is an anti-abortion, gun-toting, creationist beauty queen with 5 kids and all in a skirt and not a pantsuit.

Pretty much... I guarantee plenty of independent / moderates will absolutely love Palin, and praise her nomination in a totally non-ironic way.

The ability that Republicans have of lauding praise on female conservative politicians while simultaneously going ape-shit hysterial with rage at liberal female politicians is one of the things that drove me away from the Republican party...


Suikoguy said:
OMG Where's that CNN headline t-shirt thing?

worldrunover said:
Agreed. I don't think most people in here care one way or the other. However it does poke holes in the whole "family values" platform they run on.
Are they really running on that though? Seems like the Dems are running on it more than McCain at this point. In any case, if it's true and a problem for Conservatives, we'll hear soon enough w/o salivating over the prospect ourselves.


Fragamemnon said:
Seriously, how can she be ready to be commander in chief when she can't even keep her daughter from getting teen pregnant.

The story isn't even confirmed yet and you're already attacking her.

Let the mud throwing begin people.
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