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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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If McCain tanks in the polls in the next week they will throw her under the bus like Harriet Miers. They'll come up with a reason that having her as the candidate was becoming a distraction (manufacture a semi-scandal if there isn't a real one) and blame it all on the Dems being unfair to her and portray their campaign as a victim.


eznark said:
First it was a discussion of the office, not the individual, and it's historical importance which has been limited. I said the office has been inconsequential, which it generally has, you interpreted that as an endorsement of Palin somehow or as some sort of mark for her. It's not, it was a comment on the historical importance of the Vice Presidents office.

But you're using caps lock, so you win.

Some of the VPs we've had may not have done much (relatively speaking), but the VP position can't by definition be "inconsequential". The VP is second-in-command of the entire country. If anything happens to the president, the VP assumes the mantle, so there's no possible way it could ever be inconsequential as a rule. You have to pick somebody for VP that you also think could run the country if the need arises, so it's an extremely important consideration.

That's part of what makes McCain's pick so flabbergasting: everything that McCain has criticized Obama for holds true for Palin, and then some.


Amir0x said:
No, you specifically implied that Vice President is not a serious position and that as such it doesn't matter if someone makes that choice in a serious, thoughtful manner. This has nothing to do with Palin, and everything to do with the abject stupidity behind the chutzpah of implying that planning for the rule of vice presidency is somehow better than planning for the exception.

It totally doesn't matter if that person is ten years old or eats babies, because that person is never going to do anything. You replied to my post about the relevance of the vice presidency in most cases and how history supports you. It is the EXCEPTION that proves you wrong.

I don't disagree with you that the role CAN be important.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
vumpler said:
Not only that 1 of those kids is IN the military (been a while since that's happened) and one has down syndrome.

President confirmed. This will be the first time a VP has swung the vote more than 1%.
So, since Biden's son is on his way to Iraq, if he has a kid with DS will you say it is a wash? So, we are now making the challenges our kids face as prequalifiers for office?
I have to say, I'll be disappointed in Biden if he goes soft on Palin in the VP debates. How can there even be a debate over "bullying" in a contest for the Vice Presidency? This isn't a city council race.

Biden had better destroy her in the debates.
StoOgE said:
Why are you guys so worried?

She's a woman so all women for vote for McCain? Just like Reagan got killed in 84 right?

At the end of the day, people are going to vote their pocketbooks. It's the economy stupid.

i'm sort of panicked because it breathes life into a campaign that republicans are pretending to be excited about.

people are overstating the women aspect; its not that women will flock to vote, its that the republican ticket is no longer such a crusty prospect.

that said, i still think the election is still in the bag for demcrats - just slightly /less/ in the bag at this point.


all that he wants is another baby
vumpler said:
Not only that 1 of those kids is IN the military (been a while since that's happened) and one has down syndrome.

President confirmed. This will be the first time a VP has swung the vote more than 1%.

1. Biden's kid is in the military. You wouldn't know that, because he didn't make it a political issue.

2. You'll never see that kid in public or in photo ops. Harsh, yes, but sad truth.

On a brighter note, you've made me research how to ignore people on here. Your baseless commentary last night and today made it an imperative. Thanks.
rhfb said:
Also, if McCain does get elected, what is Todd going to do :( Right now he hunts, or races snow machines, ect.

Can't you just imagine a forlorn Todd looking out the window of the White House as the sun and verdant green fields and spring trees are reflected in the glass? He's wearing one of those Orange hunting hats, if it helps the mental image.


Gary Whitta said:
So how will she do in the debate against Double-O Biden?

:lol :lol I thought about doing this the second he did the motion last night.
Ok, just got done watching the speech & in doing a simple google search these popped up:

1) "McCain’s VP Choice Is Under Ethics Investigation For Abuse Of Power In Alaska"

2) "Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil"

This made BIG news up here in the Tacoma/Seattle area.

3) "Palin has also stated her opposition to abortion even in cases of rape or incest."

4) http://www.ontheissues.org/Sarah_Palin.htm
^^^needs no explanation^^^

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.


minor effort said:
I have to say, I'll be disappointed in Biden if he goes soft on Palin in the VP debates. How can there even be a debate over "bullying" in a contest for the Vice Presidency? This isn't a city council race.

Biden had better destroy her in the debates.

The whole notion of "bullying" is lame but sadly does play a part. There was quite a bit of talk during the primaries of how Obama can't appear to be "bullying" Hillary Clinton. That's gonna go a lot moreso for Biden, with all his past controversies and very straightforward demeanor.
A Republican congresswoman on MSNBC currently saying she'll take Palin's experience as a PTA chairman over Biden's chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In a few days when Hurricane Gustav is bearing down the gulf coast, this story will lose some steam.

But Kudos to the McCain campaign for delivering a nice counter attack after Obama gave them a masssive upppercut last night. It just means this race is still a race.

The downside for McCain is that he's been running on experience for the past 2 months. They're basically throwing away the last two months of work. With only 60 days left do they really want to start over with the "change", "reform" theme after Obama has been building on this for 18 months?


Tamanon said:
I agree, although he'd be a tough sell. The funny bit is that most of his speech wasn't actually what he submitted and was on the teleprompters. He was just flying without a parachute for most of it.

On the issues I didn't agree with that speech at all. But it was awesomely fiery.


*drowns in jizz*
What the fuck? I was just watching CNN, and a woman was speaking beside McCain.. I'm like who the hell is she? Then I look att he ticker, see she's the new VP, and my jaw hits the floor. I guess I haven't been following McCain's campaign that much, but I've never heard her name, completely out of left field.

I have to say though, all things considered, this could POTENTIALLY be a brilliant move for the McCain camp- not brilliant because she's a good pick or anything, but brilliant because it mixes up the dynamics, and brilliant because they're going to do everything they can to siphon the Hillary supporters. Frankly I'd find it utterly insulting (ie. any woman= hillary) but there's no doubt it WILL get a fair number of female/feminist votes. Wow. also assumed Biden would be able to rip up any VP candidate that were potentials but now.. this changes things. The sympathy card is huge, and he probably won't be able to attack has hard as he otherwise would have.

Slimey move, but very clever.


Gary Whitta said:
A Republican congresswoman on MSNBC currently saying she'll take Palin's experience as a PTA chairman over Biden's chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


Well, you can't argue crazy so she has you there.
Gary Whitta said:
A Republican congresswoman on MSNBC currently saying she'll take Palin's experience as a PTA chairman over Biden's chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.




BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
The Republicans would just love Biden to do his best Al Gore and talk down to this poor, Christian mommy in the debates and be all condescending just like he did to Bush.
The Chosen One said:
In a few days when Hurricane Gustav is bearing down the gulf coast, this story will lose some steam.

But Kudos to the McCain campaign for delivering a nice counter attack after Obama gave them a masssive upppercut last night. It just means this race is still a race.

The downside for McCain is that he's been running on experience for the past 2 months. They're basically throwing away the last two months of work. With only 60 days left do they really want to start over with the "change", "reform" theme after Obama has been building on this for 18 months?
No. But they had to. Obama forced them.

Karl Rove, you just made a big big mistake.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I wonder if the "Maverick" VP is going to do a 180 and start towing the Bush/Cheney line just like "Maverick" Presidential nominee.

What's the point of picking people that are known for whistleblowing on their own parties bullshit when they are instructed to completely play it safe and not be themselves while campaigning?


testicles on a cold fall morning
vumpler said:
Not only that 1 of those kids is IN the military (been a while since that's happened) and one has down syndrome.

President confirmed. This will be the first time a VP has swung the vote more than 1%.
this vapid bit of insight is also why people assumed that -

1. Mitt would be a good President (he's telegenic! he's a smooth talker!)
2. Thompson would be the GOP savior (he's an actor! he's FOLKSY!)
Gary Whitta said:
A Republican congresswoman on MSNBC currently saying she'll take Palin's experience as a PTA chairman over Biden's chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

by this logic Palin has more experience than John McCain!



eznark said:
I don't disagree with you that the role CAN be important.

So you agree then that the decision is, therefore, an extremely important one and that trying to diminish the selection as "not serious" by historical standards was a retarded thing to do?

That's big of you to admit. :)


Limbaugh Parrot
eznark said:
Gary, Biden had cancer too, didn't he? Should we assume he's good as dead?
Biden's also had 2 brain aneurysms, one on each side of his brain. He's had surgery to remove the 2 berry aneurysms, but once you have one you remain at risk for more.
Gary Whitta said:
A Republican congresswoman on MSNBC currently saying she'll take Palin's experience as a PTA chairman over Biden's chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


My face hurts.


I don't know if this is true, but David Sirota on the Thomm Hartman show sez Palin has a 16yr daughter whose pregnant and unmarried.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Is it the initial one on First Read? Like were you being sarcastic (because that one was kind of harsh.)

No- there is a new statement from Obama/Biden congratulating her.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Is it the initial one on First Read? Like were you being sarcastic (because that one was kind of harsh.)

We send our congratulations to Governor Sarah Palin and her family on her designation as the republican nominee for Vice President. It is yet another encouraging sign that old barriers are falling in our politics. While we obviously have differences over how best to lead this country forward Governor Palin is an admirable person and will add a compelling new voice to this campaign.

Got it from Politico.

Lemonz: RUT ROH!
JohnTinker said:
Biden's also had 2 brain aneurysms, one on each side of his brain. He's had surgery to remove the 2 berry aneurysms, but once you have one you remain at risk for more.
Big difference between POTUS health concerns and VPOTUS health concerns. If Biden dies Obama has to look for a new VP. If McCain dies we have MOM JEANS AS PRESIDENT.
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