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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Frank the Great said:
My first reaction at this was to panic. But after some reflection, I don't really think this will be a game changer. Let's recall the facts of this election:

First of all, McCain needs to win either Pennsylvania or Michigan to win the election. Palin will not help him in either of these places.

Secondly, all Obama needs to win is Kerry states plus Iowa, Colorado, and New Mexico, and he wins the election. He is already WAY up in Iowa, and he is slightly up in NM and CO. Palin will not help McCain in these states at all. Further, in battleground states such as Virginia and North Carolina, this will not help McCain.

Also, this represents a complete shift for the McCain campaign AWAY from the experience argument and towards a reform argument. In case you guys haven't noticed, the experience argument was working and the reform argument is the exact same argument Obama is using. I don't see how McCain can win this.

Another thing: Hillary Clinton will take the claws out and do everything she can to make sure this one term governor from Alaska doesn't take away her chances of being the first women president.

the problem is this gives Mccain Ohio, and possibly Florida.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
JohnTinker said:

-Staunch Conservative in social and economic issues
-Impeccable Pro-Life record
-Lifelong member of the NRA
-As Gov. able to get both parties to pass tough legislation
-Strong reform record
-Strict fiscal conservative on govt. spending

But apparently shes just a woman to appeal to feminists? Come on now man

When you compare her to other possible VP candidates, yes. Very much so.

Not that I have anything against Palin. She seems like a pretty decent pick, but she doesn't compliment McCains positions further than been a woman and in many ways detracts from his core positions and platforms.

Although that may well be what he needs... someone to give him an alternative, without making himself appear directly as a flip flopper. (although the ticket itself is more like ???).

You get the strong feeling that Palin, once McCain is elected will end up been a 'trophy VP', such are the odds they have on issues.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Frank the Great said:
My first reaction at this was to panic. But after some reflection, I don't really think this will be a game changer. Let's recall the facts of this election:

First of all, McCain needs to win either Pennsylvania or Michigan to win the election. Palin will not help him in either of these places.

Secondly, all Obama needs to win is Kerry states plus Iowa, Colorado, and New Mexico, and he wins the election. He is already WAY up in Iowa, and he is slightly up in NM and CO. Palin will not help McCain in these states at all. Further, in battleground states such as Virginia and North Carolina, this will not help McCain.

Also, this represents a complete shift for the McCain campaign AWAY from the experience argument and towards a reform argument. In case you guys haven't noticed, the experience argument was working and the reform argument is the exact same argument Obama is using. I don't see how McCain can win this.

Another thing: Hillary Clinton will take the claws out and do everything she can to make sure this one term governor from Alaska doesn't take away her chances of being the first women president.

That's what I want to see.


all that he wants is another baby
So, McCain could have shored up Michigan with a Romney pick, but screwed that over for 18 million random, scattered votes from around the nation that, in the electoral college, don't mean a thing?




Don't fall for this fake ass Republican shit people.


Frank the Great said:
My first reaction at this was to panic. But after some reflection, I don't really think this will be a game changer. Let's recall the facts of this election:

First of all, McCain needs to win either Pennsylvania or Michigan to win the election. Palin will not help him in either of these places.

Secondly, all Obama needs to win is Kerry states plus Iowa, Colorado, and New Mexico, and he wins the election. He is already WAY up in Iowa, and he is slightly up in NM and CO. Palin will not help McCain in these states at all. Further, in battleground states such as Virginia and North Carolina, this will not help McCain.

Also, this represents a complete shift for the McCain campaign AWAY from the experience argument and towards a reform argument. In case you guys haven't noticed, the experience argument was working and the reform argument is the exact same argument Obama is using. I don't see how McCain can win this.

Another thing: Hillary Clinton will take the claws out and do everything she can to make sure this one term governor from Alaska doesn't take away her chances of being the first women president.

What is this level headed analysis? Needs more PANIC!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Crayon Shinchan said:
She seems like a pretty decent pick, but she doesn't compliment McCains positions further than been a woman and in many ways detracts from his core positions and platforms.


Errr..what position exactly?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
I know perhaps Ami frightened you into thinking twice about calling people out on this stuff, but I still think it's important to point out an undercurrent in of a lot of the posts here. Reminds me of when Hillary was winning.

ah. pulling the gender card i see!!


EMBee99 said:
So, McCain could have shored up Michigan with a Romney pick, but screwed that over for 18 million random, scattered votes from around the nation that, in the electoral college, don't mean a thing?


I think that PoliGaf would've rated the pick as "fail" no matter who it was.
Frank the Great said:
Another thing: Hillary Clinton will take the claws out and do everything she can to make sure this one term governor from Alaska doesn't take away her chances of being the first women president.


Amir0x said:
I don't really know how to respond to such ignorance, but hey! The role of the vice presidency can range for incredibly irrelevant to astoundingly influential... and trying to diminish that as some unserious passive role is completely fucking stupid.

Vice presidents like Dick Cheney which has critically damaged our country, or vice presidents like LBJ which had to take on a different role.

YOU are voting for the vice president as well, someone who should be president "in worst case." This is not a small manner.

For the most part through history it has been an incredibly passive and inconsequential role. Cheney, Bush and LBJ are the exceptions, not the rule. Gore, Quayle and Mondale are all contemporaries who were mostly useless and peripheral in importance at best. History shows the same is true looking further back.

If you think that the recent vice presidents who have had a more active role is the new norm, that is a valid argument, but claiming that I'm ignorant for taking a long view of history and pointing out that the VP role has been at best marginally important is, well, ignorant.
DarienA said:
Did I miss this one from politico too?
Oh I get it... you hate America.

BTW, the fact that McCain put a woman on his ticket is his sure fire way to win. The democrats made a mistake choosing Biden because they figured with him, they could shore up the "experience" that Obama lacked, but neglecting one of the bigger bases of registered women voters.

Chris R

JohnTinker said:
IIRC that was not from the governors office, but from the US Congress. A Ted Stevens deal or something iirc?
No, was done in state, every last bit of it. Of course it had to go through both the state house and senate, but she was a major force in getting it together and then she signed it.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Gary Whitta said:
McCain is THE FUCK OLD and he has had cancer. There's a very real possibility that we could wind up with a clueless provincial soccer mom having to negotiate with North Korea and send troops into Pakistan. That might make a good comedy movie but not good in real life.


Oh man. Makes me wanna watch 'Dave' again.
the most hopeless, desperate, wtf? choice possible. GAF libs should be dancing in the street.

Seriously, you might start worrying at first glance about this, but McCain's decision of her means that he is now going to have to play this election on Obama's turf, and that's a race he can't possibly hope to ever win.


Gold Member
Fragamemnon said:
The emerging narrative out of this will be that McCain kneecapped his own campaign and that Palin just doesn't have the qualifications to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
v1cious said:
you're not serious, right? blue collar white working class soccer mom with a union husband? it's doom.

She fucking hunts moose and shit :lol :lol
Gaborn said:
People aren't "given" salaries, they are free to accept or reject them. If you don't like the salary at one job you're free to look for another. I think women should have the same opportunity as anyone else, but short of posting your salaries in public I see no way to easily enforce the implication that women are treated unfairly in their pay.
Eh, it's not a pet issue of mine, so I don't really follow it. Women earning 77 cents to the man's $1 is the usual statistic tossed around, though I don't know if that is an average of all salaries or is job-specific.

And don't be the guy whose argument revolves around semantics. Does "offered" a salary really change anything in my post?
ronito said:
exactly, it doesn't help Mccain's argument that he feels a second in charge has as much/little experience as Obama.
She has considerably less actually. I loved the McCain spokesperson saying she has more "Executive Experience" than Obama though. Uh, wouldn't the same apply to McCain seeing as how both of their political experience is limited to being in legislatures?

If I were in the Obama campaign, I'd make a big deal about how with her, they can't even claim she has "Years" of experience (Less than 2 years total as Governor, previously the mayor of a small town). Her education is limited to a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Idaho too, whose most notable alumni besides her is Larry Craig.
The Obama camp attacking Palin out the gate probably is not a good idea. Congratulate her, give a wink to her bipartisanship record...but point out the big problems here. IE Roe v Wade and foreign policy experience, or the lack thereof.

I think Hillary is watching this on the edge of her seat like everyone else. There's no doubt that Hillary expects to be the first female president, and feels entitled to that privilege. This choice could possibly throw a huge monkey wrench in those plans. Palin will be VP for a dude with health and age issues - she's already closer to becoming president than Hillary's 18 million votes got her. I expect Hillary to follow through on her DNC battle cry and really take the gloves off. McCain just woke the beast
One final thought before I go out.

Just imagine what would happen if Hillary Clinton blasts the Republicans for playing the gender card by picking an unqualified female VP?

This has huge potential to backfire. The Obama campaign must play it right, though.


Master of the Google Search
VictimOfGrief said:
Oh I get it... you hate America.

BTW, the fact that McCain put a woman on his ticket is his sure fire way to win. The democrats made a mistake choosing Biden because they figured with him, they could shore up the "experience" that Obama lacked, but neglecting one of the bigger bases of registered women voters.
McCain has as much chance of stealing the woman vote for the Democratic party as Obama does stealing the evangelical vote
Eee hee hee hee. So much for her Energy Advantage.

From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
Earlier this month, Gov. Palin praised parts of Obama's energy plan. The link to the press release was not working as of 12:30 p.m. ET. But Google saves everything.

Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan
Includes Alaska's Natural Gas Reserves

August 4, 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today responded to the energy plan put forward by the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

"I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska's natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs," Governor Palin said. "The steps taken by the Alaska State Legislature this past week demonstrate that we are ready, willing and able to supply the energy our nation needs."

In a speech given in Lansing, Michigan, Senator Obama called for the completion of the Alaska natural gas pipeline, stating, "Over the next five years, we should also lease more of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska for oil and gas production. And we should also tap more of our substantial natural gas reserves and work with the Canadian government to finally build the Alaska natural gas pipeline, delivering clean natural gas and creating good jobs in the process."

Governor Palin also acknowledged the Senator's proposal to offer $1,000 rebates to those struggling with the high cost of energy.

"We in Alaska feel that crunch and are taking steps to address it right here at home," Governor Palin said. "This is a tool that must be on the table to buy us time until our long-term energy plans can be put into place. We have already enjoyed the support of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, and it is gratifying to see Senator Obama get on board."

The Governor did question the means to pay for Obama's proposed rebate - a windfall profits tax on oil companies. In Alaska, the state's resource valuation system, ACES, provides strong incentives for companies to re-invest their profits in new production.

"Windfall profits taxes alone prevent additional investment in domestic production. Without new supplies from American reserves, our dependency and addiction to foreign sources of oil will continue," Governor Palin said.


eznark said:
For the most part through history it has been an incredibly passive and inconsequential role. Cheney, Bush and LBJ are the exceptions, not the rule. Gore, Quayle and Mondale are all contemporaries who were mostly useless and peripheral in importance at best. History shows the same is true looking further back.

If you think that the recent vice presidents who have had a more active role is the new norm, that is a valid argument, but claiming that I'm ignorant for taking a long view of history and pointing out that the VP role has been at best marginally important is, well, ignorant.

You heard it here first everyone: the vice presidency has no role, should impact nothing because it's a silly pointless position and good presidents always plan for the rule, not the exceptions.

Because we always know how well that works out.

No I'm sorry, you're fucking ignorant. No offense but never have I seen such casual disregard for basic fucking values of office. This lady CAN BECOME PRESIDENT. Just because it isn't likely does not mean you abandon all critical faculties in the choice.

Jesus fucking Christ almighty in heaven I don't want to be mean, but I hope this is not reflective of the electorate's mind set.

Chris R

lawblob said:
I wonder how that will play out? How does it make you look to be the Governor of a state in which your Senators are under Federal Indictment?
Old school vs New School. Odds are both Senator Stevens and Representive Young will be voted out. (Young might even lose this primary, like 45.3% vs 45.2% now with some votes left to count)

edit: Shit lol, forgot that she is under investigation because she was supposdly the main force behind getting a state trooper (also her sisters ex husband) fired...
The Obama camp attacking Palin out the gate probably is not a good idea. Congratulate her, give a wink to her bipartisanship record...but point out the big problems here. IE Roe v Wade and foreign policy experience, or the lack thereof.

Fuck no, this is a panic pick and the Democrats should definitely press the attack. McCain pretty much abandoned his entire "experience" argument with this selection,and its important for that to be part of the narrative.


Amir0x said:
You heard it hear first everyone: the vice presidency has no role, should impact nothing because it's a silly pointless position and good presidents always plan for the rule, not the exceptions.

Because we always know how well that works out. No I'm sorry, you're fucking ignorant. No offense. Never have I seen such casual disregard for basic fucking values of office. This lady CAN BECOME PRESIDENT.

Jesus fucking Christ almighty in heaven I don't mean to be mean, but I hope this is not reflective of the electorate's mind set.

Really? That is how you interpreted what I wrote? Wow, that is impressive.


First tragedy, then farce.
Why are you guys so worried?

She's a woman so all women for vote for McCain? Just like Reagan got killed in 84 right?

At the end of the day, people are going to vote their pocketbooks. It's the economy stupid.


Will QA for food.
Amir0x said:
You heard it hear first everyone: the vice presidency has no role, should impact nothing because it's a silly pointless position and good presidents always plan for the rule, not the exceptions.

Because we always know how well that works out.

No I'm sorry, you're fucking ignorant. No offense but never have I seen such casual disregard for basic fucking values of office. This lady CAN BECOME PRESIDENT. Just because it isn't likely does not mean you abandon all critical faculties in the choice.

Jesus fucking Christ almighty in heaven I don't mean to be mean, but I hope this is not reflective of the electorate's mind set.

She seemingly agrees with you. (2:45ish) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pak-rH0dCeA


eznark said:
Really? That is how you interpreted what I wrote? Wow, that is impressive.

That is factually what you wrote. If you intended to MEAN something else, then please share with us so that we can dig through the stupidity of the post for future reference.
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