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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Lemonz said:



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
delirium said:
The story isn't even confirmed yet and you're already attacking her.

Let the mud throwing begin people.

I'll end it here and probably leave the thread, but the hypocrisy here is mindboggling.


*drowns in jizz*

Chuck Todd
They really wanted to pick a woman, and there were no obvious choices.

Pat Buchanan
Biggest political gamble I believe just about in American political history...that is not hyberbole. I can think of no choice of VP that approaches this.
Joe Scarborough
I can't imagine a woman that's been a governor for a year and a half, but to debate Joe Biden on GEorgia, a remerging Russia, an emerging China and India, on the Middle East, my God, how does she do that?


JCreasy said:
So already we have a teen pregnancy cover-up, and abuse of power by trying to get her former brother-in-law fired from his state trooper job.

swweeeeeet. this gonna be great!!!

Prove it's more substantial than the "Obama is a secret muslim" crowd's insanity, there's no cover up if it's not actually true.
grandjedi6 said:
McCain has as much chance of stealing the woman vote for the Democratic party as Obama does stealing the evangelical vote
Hes got a better chance of getting the women vote than he does the Black vote that's for damn sure.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Wow, it'd be amazing if it came out that she pretended her daughters retard baby was her own to avoid destroying her political career.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Pandering at it's finest. And the hypocrisy of slamming Obama for a lack of experience and then picking a vp nominee with none of her own. This sort of crap is why I went down to the dmv and changed my political affiliation. (Actually, the Plame fiasco/coverup was the straw that broke the camel's back.)
christ, she named one her kid Track.

Speaking of names, why on earth did she name the downie one "Trig". That kid is never going to know what a sin / cosine / tangent is for his entire life.


Originally Posted by Fragamemnon:
Seriously, how can she be ready to be commander in chief when she can't even keep her daughter from getting teen pregnant.

I heard Obama was one of them muslims?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
dave is ok said:
Wow, it'd be amazing if it came out that she pretended her daughters retard baby was her own to avoid destroying her political career.

Unbelievable. Well...maybe not so unbelievable.


Limbaugh Parrot
Fragamemnon said:
christ, she named one her kid Track.

Speaking of names, why on earth did she name the downie one "Trig". That kid is never going to know what a sin / cosine / tangent is for his entire life.
Here's the first one!
How many more in the next 2-3 pages!


Palin is strongly opposed to abortion and supports capital punishment.[30] While running for Governor of Alaska, Palin supported the teaching of creationism alongside evolution in schools,[31] however, she noted she would not use "religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism" as criteria for selection to the school board.[31]

SlurpyP said:
Pat Buchanan:

"Biggest political gamble I believe just about in American political history...that is not hyberbole. I can think of no choice of VP that approaches this."
Not that it's a terribly insightful comment, but I never cease to be amazed any time I agree with anything Pat Buchanan says. Again, this is going to be an interesting development.


Aight fellas, dial back some of the vitriol. There's plenty to talk about without "downy" and "retard" entering the fray. Outside of her personal life, she's an absolutely horrible pick for #2 in the land.


man, i thought we got all of this demoralizing bullshit out of the way when it was the dem primary...

talk about her lack of experience, etc, but jesus guys, dont sound like pigs, you make yourselves look like fools


has calmed down a bit.
So, I just got back from lunch. Can anyone give me an honest assessment of her speech today? Was she solid? Any major gaffes? Did she come off as....."presidential"? Did she talk about any issues?

I noticed that, ever since Biden was selected as VP, he looks extremely presidential. During the Obama speech, they kept cutting to him and he just had that presidential look to him.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Kusagari said:
This is bad news. Biden is effectively completely neutralized. Anyone that thinks he'll be able to go on the attack against Palin in debates without looking sexist or mean in the media is fooling themselves.
This is some bull fucking shit!

Hillary Clinton had to bust her ass and debate 22 times and go toe to toe with the best men that the dems had to offer. And she was a woman.

Obama as a black man had to do the samething. No crying. If her ass wants to cry on the national stage because Biden makes her look stupid then she doesn't deserve to be VP.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
So, aside from being a woman, why was she picked? She seems way more blatantly republican than mccain, so it's not about crossing party lines. Has less experience than Obama. & I doubt she has much domestic affairs experiences being a governor for a year and half. Correct me if I'm wrong?


Fragamemnon said:
christ, she named one her kid Track.

Speaking of names, why on earth did she name the downie one "Trig". That kid is never going to know what a sin / cosine / tangent is for his entire life.

Fragamemnon said:
christ, she named one her kid Track.

Speaking of names, why on earth did she name the downie one "Trig". That kid is never going to know what a sin / cosine / tangent is for his entire life.

I noticed that too. And did she add a "van" to the end of her new baby's name (like "van Palin"?) Doesn't matter, just kind of weird.


VanMardigan said:
So, I just got back from lunch. Can anyone give me an honest assessment of her speech today? Was she solid? Any major gaffes? Did she come off as....."presidential"? Did she talk about any issues?

I noticed that, ever since Biden was selected as VP, he looks extremely presidential. During the Obama speech, they kept cutting to him and he just had that presidential look to him.

It was pretty bland, all bio basically, nothing presidential at all, more lower political level.

SpeedingUp: No, you've got it right, she's more conservative than McCain and less experienced than Obama.


Hillary Clinton will now go MAXIMUM ATTACK.

She will destroy Palin. Totally destroy her.

Palin is not gonna take away Hillary's chance of a Presidency in 2016. The motivation for Hillary now is immense. Not that I ever questioned the Clinton desire to a see a Democrat in the oval office.

Palin will be schooled in the debates by 007 Biden.

While Hilldog will be at rallies dragging her name through the mud.
FOX just reported Palin's latest kid apparently had Down's Syndrome, and that she knew during the pregnancy and decided to have the kid anyway...

1) Unlikely it is the young daughters kid in light of this - typically older women are prone to having downs kids.

2) Unlikely she actually knew the kid had downs during the pregnancy - if you are so pro-life you are having the kid anyway, then why would you test the embryonic fluid for defects like this and risk miscarriage?


VanMardigan said:
So, I just got back from lunch. Can anyone give me an honest assessment of her speech today? Was she solid? Any major gaffes? Did she come off as....."presidential"? Did she talk about any issues?

I noticed that, ever since Biden was selected as VP, he looks extremely presidential. During the Obama speech, they kept cutting to him and he just had that presidential look to him.
It wasn't a good speech,but it wasn't bad either.


dave is ok said:
Wow, it'd be amazing if it came out that she pretended her daughters retard baby was her own to avoid destroying her political career.
What? :lol :lol :lol

This story is even worst than Obama = Muslim stories. You guys have to be on crack or something.
VanMardigan said:
So, I just got back from lunch. Can anyone give me an honest assessment of her speech today? Was she solid? Any major gaffes? Did she come off as....."presidential"? Did she talk about any issues?

I noticed that, ever since Biden was selected as VP, he looks extremely presidential. During the Obama speech, they kept cutting to him and he just had that presidential look to him.

She said, no lie, "NUCULAR".


Limbaugh Parrot
VanMardigan said:
So, I just got back from lunch. Can anyone give me an honest assessment of her speech today? Was she solid? Any major gaffes? Did she come off as....."presidential"? Did she talk about any issues?

I noticed that, ever since Biden was selected as VP, he looks extremely presidential. During the Obama speech, they kept cutting to him and he just had that presidential look to him.
She spoke down the line on credentials. No platitudes, no lofty promises or hyperbole. She said who she was, and what she believes.


schuelma said:
Unbelievable. Well...maybe not so unbelievable.

That's the thing. Obama picked someone very well-known. All of Biden's stunts and gaffes and controversies and such are things that people were already familiar with long before he was chosen, so whenhe was eventually chosen the only thing people really said was "well, hopefully they'll reign him in". But Palin is a completely unknown quantity. There's gonna be a lot of various shit dug up on her, and it started as soon as she was announced as VP.
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