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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
So, aside from being a woman, why was she picked? She seems way more blatantly republican than mccain, so it's not about crossing party lines. Has less experience than Obama. & I doubt she has much domestic affairs experiences being a governor for a year and half. Correct me if I'm wrong?

Well she knows how to abuse power like Alberto Gonzalez . . . WIN!!


mckmas8808 said:
No crying. If her ass wants to cry on the national stage because Biden makes her look stupid then she doesn't deserve to be VP.
Because women cry. Look guys, I know this is Hillary redux but please save your borderline misogyny for elsewhere. It only makes you and your candidate look bad.
Steve Youngblood said:
Not that it's a terribly insightful comment, but I never cease to be amazed any time I agree with anything Pat Buchanan says. Again, this is going to be an interesting development.

he's actually really bright and i recommend reading through one of his books. but he's wonky in the head, too


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SpeedingUptoStop said:
So, aside from being a woman, why was she picked? She seems way more blatantly republican than mccain, so it's not about crossing party lines. Has less experience than Obama. & I doubt she has much domestic affairs experiences being a governor for a year and half. Correct me if I'm wrong?
Damn, this thread is moving fast. (last time I'd repost, I swear, just doing it for the new page)

Mr Jared

Oh. Awesome. She's a creationist.


The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms.

Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said, 'Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both.'



Just wanna pop in here and say I would TOTALLY do Amy Holmes!


Dr_Cogent said:
You people are fucking unreal.
At least they're not racist like those evil Republicans.
APF said:
Because women cry. Look guys, I know this is Hillary redux but please save your borderline misogyny for elsewhere. It only makes you and your candidate look bad.
I kind of think the border was about five pages ago.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
he's actually really bright and i recommend reading through one of his books. but he's wonky in the head, too
Oh, I know. He can be really sharp sometimes. However, his role as a panelist on MSNBC often requires him to try way too hard to be the voice of dissent.


Isn't it obvious? Palin is opposed to abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. Her son incestually raped his sister, they pulled her out of school, Palin pretended the baby was hers, and the son got shipped off to Iraq as punishment.



Clipjoint said:
Isn't it obvious? Palin is opposed to abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. Her son incestually raped his sister, they pulled her out of school, Palin pretended the baby was hers, and the son got shipped off to Iraq as punishment.


So... you just completely decided to ignore Hitokage? Good job!


Clipjoint said:
Isn't it obvious? Palin is opposed to abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. Her son incestually raped his sister, they pulled her out of school, Palin pretended the baby was hers, and the son got shipped off to Iraq as punishment.


dave is ok

aztek is ok
I really don't understand this pick, the more I think of it.

McCain should have stuck with 'Experience vs. Change', you cant out-change Obama.


adamsappel said:
What were the negatives against Kay Bailey Hutchison? Christie Todd Whitman? These are nationally-known women and seem like safer picks.

I guess that it was because KBH is pro-choice. Look at how much that one litmus test has restricted VP choices, Ridge and Hutchinson would've been ace Veeps but for that.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
As CNN is pointing out, the McCain camp had to make a splash because the enthusiasm gap is huge- Palin is a HUGE risk, no doubt. But McCain had little chance if he chose Pawelnty. Obama people should feel pretty good because this pick was an admission that the fundamentals still heavily favor Obama.


unleash my fellow gaffers . . .



adamsappel said:
What were the negatives against Kay Bailey Hutchison? Christie Todd Whitman? These are nationally-known women and seem like safer picks.

Both of those women would be stronger picks than Palin... it really is astonishing. I can't wait for the VP debate, they better have Palin hitting the foreign policy books the next few weeks, or the Republicans could be in for an embarassing evening. With the current state of financial affairs, they are going to ask very complicated questions at the VP debate.


venison crêpe
Forgive me if this has already been discussed in the last 900 posts or so but am I right in thinking Palin wasn't even considered by the media/political-observers to be on the shortlist for the VP pick beforehand?
dave is ok said:
I really don't understand this pick, the more I think of it.

McCain should have stuck with 'Experience vs. Change', you cant out-change Obama.
It does raise a lot of questions, yes. Still, maybe there's method to this "I certainly ddin't see this coming" selection process. After all, I went to bed last night thinking that he was going to pick Pawlenty, and this is right out of left field. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when the McCain campaign decided that Palin was their pick.


Clipjoint said:
Ever heard of parody?

Sure, but just as some people take some of the craziest shit ever seriously about Obama all it takes is one person that believes your crazy parody of the claim about Palin's daughter and you get a new rumor.


Y2Kev said:
I can't believe the overtures made to Clinton fanatics in her speech, wow. Nuts.

It's not that surprising. It's probably the main reason Palin was picked. It's a cynical and transparent choice for a VP, considering that she has almost nothing to do with what McCain's campaign has actually been preaching for the entire stretch of this election (experience, experience, experience).


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
dave is ok said:
I really don't understand this pick, the more I think of it.

McCain should have stuck with 'Experience vs. Change', you cant out-change Obama.
Me too. at first, I was like, "Well, there's gotta be more than just the gender issue", but the more I look, the more I find that she's not quite in line with anything Mccain's been pushing (crossing party lines, being a MAVERICK, not much foreign or domestic experience, doesn't fix Mccain's economy problem, even less experience than Obama...). fucking weird choice.
Apparently Palin also decided to outsource a 26 billion dollar pipeline project to the Canadians. Should go over great to the people who lost their jobs in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan thanks to NAFTA:


Palin on Aug. 27 signed a bill authorizing the state to award Calgary-based TransCanada a license to build the 1,715- mile (2,744-kilometer) link from Prudhoe Bay to the Alberta Hub in Canada, according to a statement. The license will be granted in 90 days.

Why couldn't an American company done this work?


Er.....isn't it kinda a sign that McCain did this as a last resort that they didn't even have McCain/Palin signs at the introduction?:lol
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