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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Zeliard said:
It's not that surprising. It's probably the main reason Palin was picked. It's a cynical and transparent choice for a VP, considering that she has almost nothing to do with what McCain's campaign has actually been preaching for the entire stretch of this election (experience, experience, experience).
It seems like they skipped every other typical vetting standard and just went OMG CLINTON1111

Her speech was really belaboring the point that she's a woman and so is hillary!!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
JCreasy said:
unleash my fellow gaffers . . .


But we really need picks from that pageant! Detective GAF Assemble!
Another thing:

The McCain campaign has spent the whole summer trying to make this election a referendum on Obama. With such a risky VP pick and such a drastic change of a campaign message, they are inviting scrutiny and attention. As an Obama supporter, I welcome this news because it means that the McCain campaign strategy hasn't been working and that they are still being reactive to Obama's every move.

This day really does change the entire dynamics of the race


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
My brother (who cheers on Mccain like he was a fucking sports team) thinks they picked this chick because having a woman shows a more distinct seperation from Bush politics...

:lol :lol

GAF, gimme your best retorts.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
lawblob said:
Both of those women would be stronger picks than Palin... it really is astonishing. I can't wait for the VP debate, they better have Palin hitting the foreign policy books the next few weeks, or the Republicans could be in for an embarassing evening. With the current state of financial affairs, they are going to ask very complicated questions at the VP debate.

Those picks would have significantly weakened the base. Might as well ask why Obama didn't consider a pro-life dem for veep.
Door2Dawn said:
Doesn't Bill Maher's show start tonight? It will be interesting what he has to say about all this.

This Friday at 11 pm, Real Time with Bill Maher resumes with an analysis of the Democratic National Convention with Gov. Jon Corzine (D-NJ), journalist Michel Martin and TV host Craig Ferguson.

Plus, Real Time correspondent Matt Taibbi and, via satellite, Gov. Tim Kaine (D-VA).


Frank the Great said:
Another thing:

The McCain campaign has spent the whole summer trying to make this election a referendum on Obama. With such a risky VP pick and such a drastic change of a campaign message, they are inviting scrutiny and attention. As an Obama supporter, I welcome this news because it means that the McCain campaign strategy hasn't been working and that they are still being reactive to Obama's every move.

This day really does change the entire dynamics of the race
Another thing:

The McCain campaign has spent the whole summer trying to make this election a referendum on Obama. With such a risky VP pick and such a drastic change of a campaign message, they are inviting scrutiny and attention. As an Obama supporter, I welcome this news because it means that the McCain campaign strategy hasn't been working and that they are still being reactive to Obama's every move.

This day really does change the entire dynamics of the race


Frank the Great said:
Another thing:

The McCain campaign has spent the whole summer trying to make this election a referendum on Obama. With such a risky VP pick and such a drastic change of a campaign message, they are inviting scrutiny and attention. As an Obama supporter, I welcome this news because it means that the McCain campaign strategy hasn't been working and that they are still being reactive to Obama's every move.

This day really does change the entire dynamics of the race

That's a good point, adding Palin to the ticket as an unknown, inexperienced candidate really gives them a chance to make it a referendum on the Bush years, since you can't just say "well we don't know anything about so-and-so"


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
BenjaminBirdie said:
Not really. This election comes down to the Independents, for whom Palin does Zilch. Do you think that guy was really going to vote for Obama if that's his criteria?
It was a she and she was not going to vote but now seems energized.


Zeliard said:
That's a shit load. As I recall, Bush and Kerry had something like 25 million viewers when they gave their acceptance speeches.
AP article says "just over" 20 million saw Kerry's speech. Also Obama's number does not include C-SPAN or PBS


SpeedingUptoStop said:
So, aside from being a woman, why was she picked? She seems way more blatantly republican than mccain, so it's not about crossing party lines. Has less experience than Obama. & I doubt she has much domestic affairs experiences being a governor for a year and half. Correct me if I'm wrong?

If I were to put my political pundit hat on (i.e., talk out of my ass), I'd say she was picked for a couple of reasons:

1. She's relatively unknown, which bolsters the whole maverick/independent schtick and creates more of a news ripple.
2. She's a woman, which adds to the Clinton narrative and keeps the GOP a little more in tune with developments of the last thirty plus years.
3. She's a social conservative, something McCain is especially strong on, and social conservatives tend to be more politically motivated to vote than economic conservatives, who will probably vote Republican anyway.
4. The Obama campaign is challenging Alaska somewhat, so this would, in theory, help keep Alaska in the Republican column.

That said, I don't really care what the rationale is or was, as I think she's an underwhelming pick. McCain would've probably been better off looking for a more capable speaker and advocate than he is, ideally someone with a strong economic foundation and a mildly socially conservative background. That would probably make him far more appealing to independents and the traditional Republican base.
Frank the Great said:
Another thing:

The McCain campaign has spent the whole summer trying to make this election a referendum on Obama. With such a risky VP pick and such a drastic change of a campaign message, they are inviting scrutiny and attention. As an Obama supporter, I welcome this news because it means that the McCain campaign strategy hasn't been working and that they are still being reactive to Obama's every move.

This day really does change the entire dynamics of the race

Yeah, but it can still be argued that Biden was a reactionary pick as well (experience, strength in foreign policy, etc.)


ViperVisor said:
This Friday at 11 pm, Real Time with Bill Maher resumes with an analysis of the Democratic National Convention with Gov. Jon Corzine (D-NJ), journalist Michel Martin and TV host Craig Ferguson.

Plus, Real Time correspondent Matt Taibbi and, via satellite, Gov. Tim Kaine (D-VA).

Good lineup. Maher's show always suffers when he has a loud-mouth liberal celebrity on the show, they end up dominating the conversation. ie: Roseanne


*drowns in jizz*
This is going to be a fucking epic 2 months. This move is clearly a Hail Mary, a massive gamble based on desperation.


About Palin, from wiki:

Social issues

Palin is strongly opposed to abortion and supports capital punishment.[30] While running for Governor of Alaska, Palin supported the teaching of creationism alongside evolution in schools,[31] however, she noted she would not use "religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism" as criteria for selection to the school board.[31]

She opposes same-sex marriage, but she has stated that she has gay friends and is receptive to gay and lesbian concerns about discrimination.

Well that instantaniously makes me dislike her a whole lot. What are her stands on foreign policy and immigration?

Teaching creationism in school?! That makes her a dumbass in my book.

I'm pretty excited to actually be in the US when the elections take place, I love the whole media circus around. :lol


:lol at bullet points on screen

"Governor of Alaska, calls herself a "maverick", under state investigation"

That spells winner!


A little bit behind in the thread, but just wanted to comment that I think she has a great Rural charm and likability factor, kinda like Huckabee.

Good speaker, not in the way obama is, but in a more homespun way. She's like the girl next door.

edit// previous quoting was accidental
Slurpy said:
This is going to be a fucking epic 2 months. This move is clearly a Hail Mary, a massive gamble based on desperation.
But what caused this desperation? He was doing moderately well in the polls. What caused them to take such a massive gamble with the veep pick?

I'm not content to discredit the pick as being based solely on the fact that she's a woman just yet. There's something we're missing... either that, or he really is desperate to do something, anything, to energize his campaign. I'm not quite convinced of that yet.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
So, aside from being a woman, why was she picked? She seems way more blatantly republican than mccain, so it's not about crossing party lines. Has less experience than Obama. & I doubt she has much domestic affairs experiences being a governor for a year and half. Correct me if I'm wrong?

The bolded.

The right-wing pundits have been harping on the need for a real conservative to get the vote out for McCain. That, and a woman, to try to woo the PUMAs (all 17 of them).


Limbaugh Parrot
And thus all the potential news cycles generated from last night's event in Denver were stolen by a milf.


Once again, Hillary gets overlooked for the other woman.
Fragamemnon said:
christ, she named one her kid Track.

Speaking of names, why on earth did she name the downie one "Trig". That kid is never going to know what a sin / cosine / tangent is for his entire life.
Downie? Fuck you.
I don't know her but some people aren't cut out for the big time. Like the difference in Hucksters peak being a Gov. in Arkansas but he really would struggle to go bigger, unlike Clinton.
I don't see why it is a good idea to try and find out over the next 2 months if she can be a major player in the GOP.


grandjedi6 said:
There is no way she was vetted... or even decided upon 48 hours in advance

well, to be fair, keating 5 scandals and abusing political power to carry out personal vendettas aren't really deal-breakers in the republican universe . . .


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
Because women cry. Look guys, I know this is Hillary redux but please save your borderline misogyny for elsewhere. It only makes you and your candidate look bad.

How was what I said misogyny? My point is if she loses the VP debate nobody should use the "oh Biden beat up on the woman" line.

She has to win or lose that debate on her own 2 feet. Nobody in the media nor at home should complain, unless Biden honestly says something sexist.


After reading more about her and how she carried to term a baby with Down's Syndrome, she's going to be resistant to attacks on women's rights, too. She's a terrible pick from the standpoint of what kind of president she'd make, but from a purely political point of view, she's an excellent choice.


Wow. First reaction: "who?"

But, quite a risky pick for McCain, although it definitely shakes things up. I don't understand why they wouldn't go with a more nationally known republican woman though... (not that there are many...)

I guess they've got the Alaska vote in the bag..? I just really hope ex-clinton fanatics aren't swayed by this.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Steve Youngblood said:
But what caused this desperation? He was doing moderately well in the polls. What caused them to take such a massive gamble with the veep pick?

I'm not content to discredit the pick as being based solely on the fact that she's a woman just yet. There's something we're missing... either that, or he really is desperate to do something, anything, to energize his campaign. I'm not quite convinced of that yet.

Listen to CNN- they said in off the record conversations with people around the McCain camp, despite the recent tightening there is still a huge enthusiasm gap and the McCain camp basically thinks that barring a shake up they were going to lose.
Sorry if posted:

Updated: 8 reasons I'm psyched about Sarah Palin

Her experience. She forfeits the McCain campaign's attack that Barack Obama is too inexperienced (more on this in a moment). She was runner-up in a Miss Alaska beauty pageant, capitain of the basketball team, and has a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Idaho. After college, she sat on the Wasilla city council for a few years (population: less than 5,500) , lost a primary race for Lieutenant Governor, was a political appointee to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (presumably, with her journalism degree in-hand), quit after a year or so, and ran for governor of Alaska - a position she's held for all of a year and a half.

She's a token woman. Becuase virtually no regular American outside of Alaska has heard of Governor Palin, one questions why she was put on the ticket. Seeing her thin list of accomplishments, it's easy to conclude it's a transparent ploy to siphon women voters and nothing more. It's the ultimate pander. It's patronizing. It's an insult to womens' intelligence. It's as ridiculous as saying, "All black voters will vote for Obama because he's black." African Americans take rightful offense to that statement and women will be equally offended by the parallel implication. Hillary Clinton - who has the necessary credibility among the voters this decision targets - could have a field day with this decision.

John McCain's judgment. This plays nicely into the Obama campaign's criticism of McCain's judgment. "You had your choice of dozens of qualified picks, and you chose her? You believe she has the experience Barack Obama doesn't? This is who you trust to lead a country at war on two different fronts; a country in economic peril; a country facing new challenges every day in rising fuel and food costs, Russian aggression abroad, and the crisis of global warming?" ... which segues immediately into...

John McCain's age. He's 72 years old. Age was a liability before. Are people comfortable with the idea of "President Palin"? I remember an ad from the 1988 campaign similarly questioning a "President Quayle". Prior to that, a very effective ad from the 1968 campaign about "President Agnew". If I could have a nickel over the next few months for every time the traditional media says the words "hearbeat away" ...

Bolstering the Bush-McCain-marriage narrative. Four more years of unqualified appointees. The Bush administration has been sharply criticized for appointing unqualified political/convenient appointees to important public positions (e.g., Harriet Miers, Monica Goodling, Michael "Brownie" Brown, to name a few). This choice shows the same disregard for who's really prepared to handle the important issues facing America. Also, lots of discussion about her relationship to big oil and gas (Oil and Gas Commission appointee, other Alaska lawmakers, outsourcing pipeline construction to Canada, husband with BP - it's like mini-Cheney without the foreign policy experience)

Joe Biden. While he has to be mindful of the media looking for him to "bully" Palin in a debate, this is no contest. Biden's fire and tendency to go off-message is a concern that he may inadvertantly say something "mean", but you have to love the matchup.

This decision is a swing for the fences, all right. The problem for McCain is he just picked up a wiffle bat.

Updated with #8:
"As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"


laserbeam said:
Images like this will work with alot of female voters. Apparently out listening to peoples opinions with the little one.

What.... in god's name... is she wearing? That looks like a princess costume from the Disney store.

Macam said:
You know what's worse than listening to Roseanne talk politics? Reading Roseanne's politics.

I am afraid that reading Roseanne's blog would turn me back into a Republican. She makes Sean Penn look like JFK.
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