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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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(On the other hand, as Kate O’Beirne just told me, we know that Palin will be ready for that 3 a.m. phone call: She’ll already be up with her baby.)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wouldn't an anti-abortion woman anger pro-choice women just even more?
laserbeam said:
Images like this will work with alot of female voters. Apparently out listening to peoples opinions with the little one.
Perhaps. Though I don't think McCain needs any help in connecting with average Joes at the grocery store. His last trip really showed what a man of the people he was.


syllogism said:
AP article says "just over" 20 million saw Kerry's speech. Also Obama's number does not include C-SPAN or PBS

I wasn't at all trying to trivilize Obama's numbers. I really do think they're huge. I was trying to highlight that by saying that Bush and Kerry got some 15-20 million fewer viewers.

Y2Kev said:
It seems like they skipped every other typical vetting standard and just went OMG CLINTON1111

Her speech was really belaboring the point that she's a woman and so is hillary!!

As someone else in the thread said, this is purely reactionary on the McCain campaign's part. He's been tied to the hip with Bush so effectively that the Palin pick was not only a likely attempt at trying to siphon off some Hillary supporters (which Palin herself essentially confirmed in her speech), but also probably an attempt to get away from Bush and try to reinforce his "maverick" image.

The big problem is that it completely undercuts his "experience" strategy while simultaneously putting him up against Obama in the "change/reform" department, which is an automatic losing battle. It's lose-lose for McCain. I don't understand the pick - it seems overly risky at this point, with the downside seeming much greater than the potential upside.


reilo said:
Wouldn't an anti-abortion woman anger pro-choice women just even more?

Which is more electable, a pro life woman that refused to abort her baby with Downs Syndrome or a pro choice woman that did abort their baby with Downs Syndrome?
schuelma said:
Listen to CNN- they said in off the record conversations with people around the McCain camp, despite the recent tightening there is still a huge enthusiasm gap and the McCain camp basically thinks that barring a shake up they were going to lose.
I can certainly understand that. However, it seemed that he had settled firmly on the "Obama is too much of a gamble in these troubling times" message. I wasn't a fan of it, but I understand its potential efficacy. I can understand taking some chances in trying to reestablish himself as likable and not Bush, but this just seems like he might have taken a bigger and more riskier leap than necessary.

Still, I'll give him credit for mixing it up. I can't shake this notion. Palin? Wow.
Holy shit at some of the talking heads the Republicans are trotting out to defend this pick. Currently making the argument that Palin has more experience than Obama. LOL.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Which is more electable, a pro life woman that refused to abort her baby with Downs Syndrome or a pro choice woman that did abort their baby with Downs Syndrome?

Oh, cool, I didn't know that it was such a simple choice!
A good, serious question to ask at this point is how Palin would help McCain govern. The effect of Biden by Obama's side is obvious-the man is an elder statesmen of the party and knows foreign policy as well as anyone in the country. How does Palin help McCain better serve the country? I'm not seeing it-the pick seems 100% political, and should be lambasted as such.

Neo C.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
Sorry if posted:

Updated: 8 reasons I'm psyched about Sarah Palin

She's a token woman. Becuase virtually no regular American outside of Alaska has heard of Governor Palin, one questions why she was put on the ticket. Seeing her thin list of accomplishments, it's easy to conclude it's a transparent ploy to siphon women voters and nothing more. It's the ultimate pander. It's patronizing. It's an insult to womens' intelligence. It's as ridiculous as saying, "All black voters will vote for Obama because he's black." African Americans take rightful offense to that statement and women will be equally offended by the parallel implication. Hillary Clinton - who has the necessary credibility among the voters this decision targets - could have a field day with this decision.
If McCain wins the election and it turns out that women are voting for McCain because of Palin, I will laugh endlessly.
Gaborn said:
Which is more electable, a pro life woman that refused to abort her baby with Downs Syndrome or a pro choice woman that did abort their baby with Downs Syndrome?

Sorry, I don't think Palin's personal decision is going to change her views on victims of rape and incest.


This.... is hilarious.

With Palin doing "whatever it is a VP does," and her husband racing his snowmobiles or whatever the fuck, WHO WILL CARE FOR HER 17 CHILDREN??? MCCAIN IS WILLINGLY KICKING THESE KIDS INTO THE GUTTER.


*drowns in jizz*
Gary Whitta said:
Holy shit at some of the talking heads the Republicans are trotting out to defend this pick. Currently making the argument that Palin has more experience than Obama. LOL.

Yeah, I love this republican spokesperson was just asked how they can attack Obama on experience then support Palin, and hows she;'s ready for the position. Her response:

- She's a working mother
- she has 5 kids
- she has a son in Iraq
- she helps her husband with his small business
- she signs paycheks

Amazing. Simply amazing.


The more I think about this, the more I think it is a bad choice.

Ridge, Romney, or Pawlenty would have been better choices. FAR better choices.

This pick is so purely political that it's almost unbelievable. Like a joke. It is without a doubt a last ditch effort, and really does prove that the McCain campaign has little to rely on at this point. They are more desperate than I thought.

Ridge would have been his best choice; I am relieved that he did not pick him. I don't care if he's pro-choice, this election is about the middle, whereas in 2004, the religious right had an equal amount of importance. Not so this time, with or without a pro-choicer on the ticket. Ridge has tons of appeal to moderate Republicans. Governor, first Director of Homeland Security, popular in a swing state Republicans haven't been able to win in 20 years. I really do think Ridge would have been able to deliver PA for McCain. Romney would have completely invalidated any criticisms about McCain's lack of economic experience, and it would have given him a real shot at Michigan. Pawlenty would win over enough evangelicals, put Minnesota in play, which -- like PA or MI -- would have been a huge upset, just knowing how much it would have helped.

Palin has less experience than Obama. Alaska is totally isolated, it does not have anything to do with regions of the country that the Republicans are trying to win big in. It is a state that will likely go red in November regardless of who is on the ticket.

Sure, it's always possible that she could captivate enough of the "Hillarycrats" to let McCain squeeze through with a win, but let's not get too scared about this. Not to mention, I expect Hillary to come out in full force urging people to not only vote Obama, but understand why Palin really isn't a champion of women like Hillary was/is (i.e. abortion views). Eventually, I think Palin will prove to be a poor choice.

Door2Dawn said:
It's definitely as bad as it sounds.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Sorry, I don't think Palin's personal decision is going to change her views on victims of rape and incest.

Nor do I think a Vice President has a big effect on the abortion debate generally.


Her lack of experience is so mind boggling the more I think of it, when compared with McCain's attacks against Obama's experience.

This pick has the potential to be Dan Quayle all over again. While she will certainly score some points with certain demographics, her lack of experience is so readily apparant, so absurd given the context of the Republican's attacks on Obama... this cannot end well for McCain.


Gold Member
BenjaminBirdie said:

It's going to take more than that. I know that sounds unbelievably stupid, but after reading that Clinton forum....:lol
Slurpy said:
Yeah, I love this republican spokesperson was just asked how they can attack Obama on experience then support Palin, and hows she;'s ready for the position. Her response:

- She's a working mother
- she has 5 kids
- she has a son in Iraq
- she helps her husband with his small business
- she signs paycheks

Amazing. Simply amazing.

"Okay, here are your talking points."
"Wait, WHAT? I --"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Nor do I think a Vice President has a big effect on the abortion debate generally.

They would if they became President and then appointed a new Supreme Justice.

Also, anyone else think Biden's VP debate just became a lot easier?


Senator Obama has been running for President since he got into the Senate and having Executive experience is something. Does she have a lot of experience in government? No.

It was a brilliant pick because it's going to hand McCain the election. Senator Biden is a giant douche who likes the sound of his own voice way too much. That showed me that Senator Obama for all of his talk of being a post-partisan politician is just full of shit. His speech last night was small ball, he mentioned McCain and Bush way too much.
Gary Whitta said:
Holy shit at some of the talking heads the Republicans are trotting out to defend this pick. Currently making the argument that Palin has more experience than Obama. LOL.

They would have a clock saying she hasn't been to Iraq in 44 years if this was a Dem situation.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Ulairi said:
Senator Obama has been running for President since he got into the Senate and having Executive experience is something. Does she have a lot of experience in government? No.

It was a brilliant pick because it's going to hand McCain the election. Senator Biden is a giant douche who likes the sound of his own voice way too much. That showed me that Senator Obama for all of his talk of being a post-partisan politician is just full of shit. His speech last night was small ball, he mentioned McCain and Bush way too much.

Dude, what?
avaya said:
Hillary will remind them.

Yeah Hillary could be very useful in discrediting Palin as a suitable replacement for women voters seeking to get a woman into office. I'm not really anti-Palin, mind you, as she seems rather moderate in a lot of ways. I just think he may end up losing a big chunk of conservative voters with a risky, environmentally-friendly young woman who immediately advertised her confrontations with the oil companies. They'll probably get a lot of the nut job Hillary supporters, but I think they'll find that they're a vocal minority of the "18 million" that Hillary claims as supporters.
Chiggs said:
It's going to take more than that. I know that sounds unbelievably stupid, but after reading that Clinton forum....:lol

Dude. No PUMA would ever vote for Obama anyway. Where's McCain going to get the other like 39,999,983 votes?


Frank the Great said:
It's actually Wesley Clark wearing Sarah Palin's hide.

Nevar! Clark would never join the dark side
of politics
! He is as pure as the untouched snow on a mountaintop.

How dare you say something so blasphemous!!


all that he wants is another baby
Slurpy said:
Yeah, I love this republican spokesperson was just asked how they can attack Obama on experience then support Palin, and hows she;'s ready for the position. Her response:

- She's a working mother
- she has 5 kids
- she has a son in Iraq
- she helps her husband with his small business
- she signs paycheks

Amazing. Simply amazing.

So my mother is ready to be Vice President? That's awesome.


reilo said:
They would if they became President and then appointed a new Supreme Justice.

True, but most people only look tangentially at VP, they're not political wonks like most of poligaf.

Also, anyone else think Biden's VP debate just became a lot easier?

No, the media expects treatment of women to be set to a higher standard and Biden doesn't know her as well but she damn sure knows him, he's more vulnerable to a sucker punch and it's harder for him to hit back.
Odrion said:
Obama better put out a smear ad of Palin saying she has no idea what a VP does.
I don't think that's entirely necessary, at least not right this second. Scrambling for Obama-sponsored attacks on this unknown right now might come across as overly defensive, like they're scared of her already.

They, like us, should wait and see how this transpires for now.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Also, I think this VP pick by McCain pisses Hillary off even more. She is going to go full-force out now to campaign for Obama just to not allow Palin to be the first woman in the White House with "President" as part of her title.
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