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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Governor Palin Has What it Takes to Be the Next Dick Cheney


Sarah Palin keeps showing up on short lists of John McCain vice presidents. She doesn't have a weird thing growing on the side of her head, so she brings that to the ticket as balance. She also has a few other obvious things going for her:

She's the Governor of Alaska.
(A state that's 22 years younger than John McCain. Shows he can adjust to new things.)

She's a lady.
(Take that, Hillary. Or Obama, for slighting Hillary.)

She what they call Nice Looking for a Politician.
(Don't look at me like that. I didn't say it. For one thing, Nice Looking for a Politician is what they say about anyone prettier than Haley Barbour. For another, I think Sarah Palin looks like an anchorwoman on a newscast no one wants to watch. And even if she didn't, I'm not shallow like that. I vote for the candidate with the most flag pins.)

Over the weekend, the Anchorage Daily News discovered a whole new reason Governor Palin is the perfect person to be the next Dick Cheney:
She can look you in eye and tell you black is white.

Especially when there's oil involved.

Back in January, the secretary of the interior was considering whether or not polar bears should be on the endangered species list. There were strong feelings on both sides of the issue. Childish romantics, who think there should be more bio-diversity on Earth than cows and us, wanted them listed. Grown-ups (and oil company lobbyists) argued that the answers are never that simple. But what about the scientists? Governor Palin wrote an op-ed for the New York Times that said:
"I strongly believe that adding them [polar bears that is, not scientists] to the list is the wrong move at this time. My decision is based on a comprehensive review by state wildlife officials of scientific information from a broad range of climate, ice and polar bear experts."

The polar bears weren't drowning. They were hanging themselves in their cells.

So that was that. Scientists said so.

Except they didn't.

The Feds -- who eventually did add the bears to the list -- based their decision on models that showed all of Alaska's polar bears dead by 2050. The ice they hunt and mate on is melting and they'll fall in the water and drown.

There were too many "ifs" to this theory for Governor Palin. (Does ice really melt when it gets warm? Is ice really water? It doesn't look like water.) She had to have her own people check it out. So she sent the Feds' reports to three marine biologists, including Robert Small, head of the marine mammals program for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Small wrote back:
"Overall, we believe that the methods and analytical approaches used to examine the currently available information supports the primary conclusions and inferences stated in these 9 reports."

In other words, the Feds are right. The email is dated October 9, 2007. Palin's op ed, where she says they said the Feds were wrong, was published January 5th, 2008.

But was Palin lying? Not technically. Look at what she wrote again. She only says her decision is "based on a comprehensive review of wildlife experts." She doesn't say it's based on agreeing with anything they said. That's you, jumping to conclusions.

It's like later, in the same op ed, where she repeats talk radio's favorite polar bear fact:
"Polar bears are more numerous now than they were 40 years ago."

The implication is that their habit is stable and climate change is something Al Gore made up because he's lonely. But it's only an implication. Why else would their population increase? I mean, we also stopped hunting them in 1973, and that's... let's see... 08 minus 73... carry the 5... round up... about 40 years ago. Not shooting them -- that might be part of the explanation. But I'm sure there's more.

All I know is, there are lots of polar bears and no scientific reason at all to believe they can't live happily, underwater, eating clean coal. Let's get drilling!

It's almost like Republicans say ridiculous twisted half-truths, and the New York Times publishes them as facts.

Makes you wonder if they'd lie about a war.


Gov. Palin loves to say that drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will affect "a small footprint... about 2,000 acres, which is smaller than the size of LAX." This is an adorable sound bite, but when I go to LAX, I take a road. Presumably, to get to the trucks to the drills, they'd also need to build those, too.


lawblob said:
Her lack of experience is so mind boggling the more I think of it, when compared with McCain's attacks against Obama's experience.

This pick has the potential to be Dan Quayle all over again. While she will certainly score some points with certain demographics, her lack of experience is so readily apparant, so absurd given the context of the Republican's attacks on Obama... this cannot end well for McCain.

Do any of you know what the Vice-Presidents constitutional duty is? At all?


Gold Member
Ulairi said:
It was a brilliant pick


because it's going to hand McCain the election.

Not necessarily.

Senator Biden is a giant douche


who likes the sound of his own voice way too much.


That showed me that Senator Obama for all of his talk of being a post-partisan politician is just full of shit.

He certainly promised a lot. To be fair, you have to wait until he fails to live up to those promises before you say he's full of shit.

His speech last night was small ball


he mentioned McCain and Bush way too much.

I think it was necessary. First time I've seen Obama talk tough.
Slurpy said:
Yeah, I love this republican spokesperson was just asked how they can attack Obama on experience then support Palin, and hows she;'s ready for the position. Her response:

- She's a working mother
- she has 5 kids
- she has a son in Iraq
- she helps her husband with his small business
- she signs paycheks

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Hey man, with those qualifications, not just any average mother can be VP.


Gaborn said:
True, but most people only look tangentially at VP, they're not political wonks like most of poligaf.

No, the media expects treatment of women to be set to a higher standard and Biden doesn't know her as well but she damn sure knows him, he's more vulnerable to a sucker punch and it's harder for him to hit back.

What's she going to sucker punch him on?
reilo said:
They would if they became President and then appointed a new Supreme Justice.
You know Presidents can't just do that, right? Supreme Court appointments are for life and the current chief justice is 53 and a recent appointment, he's not going anywhere soon.
The parallels between Palin and Ferraro are interesting.

Hillary's "Don't fall for it" is a good theme. The Obama campaign should put out an ad with this theme, in which Hillary clearly and succinctly describes why women should not vote for McCain/Palin and how it is an insult to their intelligence.


Odrion said:
Obama better put out a smear ad of Palin saying she has no idea what a VP does.

You might, first, want to actually know something before you say stupid shit like this. Do you know what the VP does?
"As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

*chews bubblegum*


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Ulairi said:
Do any of you know what the Vice-Presidents constitutional duty is? At all?

I would hope someone that works for the DOJ does!

Gary Whitta said:
You know Presidents can't just do that, right? Supreme Court appointments are for life and the current chief justice is 53 and a recent appointment, he's not going anywhere soon.

Not chief justice! There are others that can croak at any time which then can change the make-up of the SC.
Wow, this is impressive. This is huge. Sarah Palin combined with the invaluable experience of McCain basically guarantees the Republicans winning this winter. What a great gesture towards humanity, I am crying here. These two people will truly bring change to the US. They have an actual plan, they have actual experience and so they will know what they are doing. I mean this is much bigger than just the US, this will make headlines around the globe in the next days. A truly wise decision that will carry McCain across the finishing line first. Wow, I am still speechless. You witnessed greatness here today, people. Eight-Twentynine, never forget!
Frank the Great said:
The parallels between Palin and Ferraro are interesting.

Hillary's "Don't fall for it" is a good theme. The Obama campaign should put out an ad with this theme, in which Hillary clearly and succinctly describes why women should not vote for McCain/Palin and how it is an insult to their intelligence.

Actually, I just wrote that. But I'll take percentage points on any ad revenues.



Gold Member
Kyuuketsu_Night said:
"As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

*chews bubblegum*

Well, when your current President is something of stumbling, fumbling dolt, the VP's job is to assume control of the shadow government and handle all decision-making.
James Power said:
Wow, this is impressive. This is huge. Sarah Palin combined with the invaluable experience of McCain basically guarantees the Republicans winning this winter. What a great gesture towards humanity, I am crying here. These two people will truly bring change to the US. They have an actual plan, they have actual experience and so they will know what they are doing. I mean this is much bigger than just the US, this will make headlines around the globe in the next days. A truly wise decision that will carry McCain across the finishing line first. Wow, I am still speechless. You witnessed greatness here today, people. Eight-Twentynine, never forget!

:lol Nice.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
McCain was supposed to be the "solid" choice in the election. That's the image he was trying to portray. Now he's throwing uncertainty into his campaign with an unknown, inexperienced governor of a state that no one really pays attention to aside from ANWR.

I honestly don't get it. He should have picked Romney if he really wanted to energize his base. I guess he's taking a massive gamble by hoping to grab a nice chunk of Clinton supporters, which I doubt is going to happen. I can't see how this does anything but help Obama.

"I'd hit it" :D


BenjaminBirdie said:
Hey, you brought it up as an electability issue.

In general it doesn't, in terms of specific views. However, as a CHARACTER issue, I don't think a candidate that had an abortion is electable.

Tamanon - I'm not sure, but it wouldn't be that hard to take one of his gaffes or mis-statements or view points and use it effectively. The point of a sucker punch though is it comes out of nowhere.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
James Power said:
Wow, this is impressive. This is huge. Sarah Palin combined with the invaluable experience of McCain basically guarantees the Republicans winning this winter. What a great gesture towards humanity, I am crying here. These two people will truly bring change to the US. They have an actual plan, they have actual experience and so they will know what they are doing. I mean this is much bigger than just the US, this will make headlines around the globe in the next days. A truly wise decision that will carry McCain across the finishing line first. Wow, I am still speechless. You witnessed greatness here today, people. Eight-Twentynine, never forget!




Kyuuketsu_Night said:
"As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

*chews bubblegum*

Sits around and if there ever is a tie in the Senate, he/she will break it. That is the only job. The rest is just symbolic and has no constitutional mandate.
The more I think about this, the more I think McCain is on tilt.

Also it's clear that McCain could have nominated a baboon and these same GOP talking heads would be sincerely claiming that its ability to peel bananas with its feet and lick its own ass are essential VPOTUS qualities.


:lol @ Palin for VP. Reminds me of when the Republicans pitted Alan Keyes against Obama in 2004 in the hopes that he would siphon black votes from Obama. Spoiler: it didn't work.

Obama's speech was great. People have already dissected its many strengths, so I don't have that much to add, aside from the fact that I'm really pleased and think it signaled the turning point in this campaign. Also, my roommates recorded the speech, and have been watching it on a loop for the past 12 hours. :lol


Justin Bailey said:
McCain was supposed to be the "solid" choice in the election. That's the image he was trying to portray. Now he's throwing uncertainty into his campaign with an unknown, inexperienced governor of a state that no one really pays attention to aside from ANWR.

I honestly don't get it. He should have picked Romney if he really wanted to energize his base. I guess he's taking a massive gamble by hoping to grab a nice chunk of Clinton supporters, which I doubt is going to happen. I can't see how this does anything but help Obama.

There is a lot more to Alaska than that. Alaska is a very important strategic state to the nation. Far more important than Delware.
I'm picturing uncomfortable 17-year old Texan sons of Republicans on Xbox Live awkwardly trying to defend this ticket during a match of Halo while simultaneously hiding their misogyny.
Barbara Boxer puts the "Boxer" in Barbara Boxer:

The Vice President is a heartbeat away from becoming President, so to choose someone with not one hour’s worth of experience on national issues is a dangerous choice.

If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken. The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

Senator McCain had so many other options if he wanted to put a women on his ticket, such as Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison or Senator Olympia Snowe – they would have been an appropriate choice compared to this dangerous choice. In addition, Sarah Palin is under investigation by the Alaska state legislature which makes this more incomprehensible.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Ulairi said:
You might, first, want to actually know something before you say stupid shit like this. Do you know what the VP does?

He may not, but Palin clearly said that she didn't.
James Power said:
Wow, this is impressive. This is huge. Sarah Palin combined with the invaluable experience of McCain basically guarantees the Republicans winning this winter. What a great gesture towards humanity, I am crying here. These two people will truly bring change to the US. They have an actual plan, they have actual experience and so they will know what they are doing. I mean this is much bigger than just the US, this will make headlines around the globe in the next days. A truly wise decision that will carry McCain across the finishing line first. Wow, I am still speechless. You witnessed greatness here today, people. Eight-Twentynine, never forget!



Setec Astronomer
kablooey said:
:lol @ Palin for VP. Reminds me of when the Republicans pitted Alan Keyes against Obama in 2004 in the hopes that he would siphon black votes from Obama.
That's exactly what I'm thinking right now. That, and "Harriet Miers".


Gary Whitta said:
The more I think about this, the more I think McCain is on tilt.

Also it's clear that McCain could have nominated a baboon and these same GOP talking heads would be sincerely claiming that its ability to peel bananas with its feet and lick its own ass are essential VPOTUS qualities.

Same goes with Obama. No one votes for the bottom of the ticket, the VP choice doesn't help electorally at all.

Obama could have gone with ANYONE and would be in the same position today. The same goes with Senator McCain.


Chiggs said:
Yes, and further polarize the South/Christians. Yes, what a brilliant move.

Exactly. if anything Palin will be a big thing with the evangelicals etc and energize them and she has the lure to women. How many she gets who knows but she will bring more then McCain himself would have


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Ulairi said:
Sits around and if there ever is a tie in the Senate, he/she will break it. That is the only job. The rest is just symbolic and has no constitutional mandate.
until the president is incapacitated.


Frank the Great said:
Ridge was McCain's best option, followed by Palin.

I don't understand why he didn't go with Ridge. PA has 21 fucking votes, that's huge.

I don't understand why Ridge wasn't picked either. He was far and away the best choice out of the ones on the short list, especially if McCain was trying to break free from Bush and resemble a maverick, what with Ridge being pro-choice.
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