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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Ulairi said:
You might, first, want to actually know something before you say stupid shit like this. Do you know what the VP does?
:lol :lol :lol You realize how stupid that argument is?? He is a message board poster, not someone RUNNING FOR VP!! LETS COMPARE THEM!


Frank the Great said:
Ridge was McCain's best option, followed by Palin.

I don't understand why he didn't go with Ridge. PA has 21 fucking votes, that's huge.

Pro-life. That's it, just being pro-choice kills your national chances of anything as a Republican, it's pretty much the only remaining social tentpeg that they can lay claim to. If they soften on that, the evangelical vote splits.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
“It is pretty audacious for the Obama campaign to say that Governor Palin is not qualified to be Vice President. She has a record of accomplishment that Senator Obama simply cannot match. Governor Palin has spent her time in office shaking up government in Alaska and actually achieving results -- whether it’s taking on corruption, passing ethics reform or stopping wasteful spending and the ‘bridge to nowhere.’ Senator Obama has spent his time in office running for President.” --Jill Hazelbaker, McCain Communications Director

Nice. :D

A governor inexperienced - good luck with that one guys. :lol


Gold Member
avaya said:
I do see landslides this November.


This election is going down to the wire. Landslide my ass. For as old and wrinkly and out of touch as John McCain supposedly is he should behind much further in the polls. But he's not.


Limbaugh Parrot


avaya said:
I do see landslides this November.
For who?

I'm still lulzing at McCain for not picking Ridge. :lol

140.85 said:
You mean misleading. Obama wasn't trying to run for President in the Illinois state senate.

A governor inexperienced - good luck with that one guys. :lol
What? SHE IS. She has less experience than Seantor Obama.
Palin called Hillary a 'whiner'

Once onstage, together with Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Palin talked about what women expect from women leaders; how she took charge in Alaska during a political scandal that threatened to unseat the state's entire Republican power structure, and her feelings about Sen. Hillary Clinton. (She said she felt kind of bad she couldn't support a woman, but she didn't like Clinton's "whining.")



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Thats more or less my view. Obama became a senator in 2006. Palin became Governor in 2006. Governorship is more like President in terms of experiance then Senator is.


Junior Member
The only thing this highlights is how terribly unwise it was for Obama not to pick Hillary as his running mate. Hillary and Obama basically split the Democratic party down the middle, not selecting her was like a slap in the face to half of the Democratic party. McCain will gain major votes from this, there is no doubt about. I still think Obama will win though, but we'll see.
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Obama served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has met with foreign leaders, stood against the Iraq War, and has written extensively in his books about his ideas on America's place in the world.

Palin has not one bit of national experience or foreign policy experience. At all.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.


Obama has been a senator for 4 years, and a state senator for 8. He was senator over a district that has thrice as many people living in it than Palin's capitol.

laserbeam said:
Thats more or less my view. Obama became a senator in 2006. Palin became Governor in 2006. Governorship is more like President in terms of experiance then Senator is.

What are you people stupid?



Master of the Google Search
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.



Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.
The reindeer can't govern themselves!


Justin Bailey said:
You're right. This move definitely guarantees the South for McCain. Before it totally wasn't.

Its not about that. Its about the fact the Evangelicals would rather sit at home then vote for a Mormon. Palin will keep the evangelicals energized and very happy


Setec Astronomer
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.
Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996.

Obama was elected to the United States Senate in 2004.

Do the math.

laserbeam said:
Thats more or less my view. Obama became a senator in 2006. Palin became Governor in 2006. Governorship is more like President in terms of experiance then Senator is.
God fucking damn it...


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

8 years in Illinois, 4 years in the US senate. They're not ripping her experience per se, but the notion that McCain has made this entire campaign about Obama not being ready to lead and then picking a nobody who has only a year or two of governorship, the rest just local political stuff.
PSGames said:
The only thing this highlights is how terribly unwise it was for Obama not to pick Hillary as his running mate. Hillary and Obama basically split the Democratic party down the middle, not selecting her was like a slap in the face to half of the Democratic party. McCain will gain major votes from this, there is no doubt about. I still think Obama will win though, but we'll see.

There's plenty actually.
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Er, take a look at the populations they represented. The bolded makes zero sense.
JohnTinker said:
They have to get a woman to beat up on another woman.

This will become a trend, count on it

that is a d'uh statement. Of course they are. This allows both Biden and Obama to be attack dogs on McCain. While there is a risk with Biden v. Palin making him to look like a bully. He has experience with debating Hilary so he is primed on how to frame the debate.

I think it was a good pick by McCain but, not without some risks.


Justin Bailey said:
McCain was supposed to be the "solid" choice in the election. That's the image he was trying to portray. Now he's throwing uncertainty into his campaign with an unknown, inexperienced governor of a state that no one really pays attention to aside from ANWR.

I can't believe people aren't getting this.

She's just like him. She goes after her own party, she fights corruption, she's a gritty maverick, she's tough.. She's a female Teddy Roosevelt, or a female 2000 John McCain.

In addition, she's incredibly likable, and she's a woman, and her personal story is pretty interesting, and she looks good on camera. She simultaneously stabilizes the base, and emphasizes mccain as a guy that doesn't follow the party line. Everybody in the party wanted him to pick Romney. He said "Fuck you guys"

I'd personaly say he probably picked her because he admires her record, just as much as her ability to steal Hilary voters. It's smart politicaly, and her record matches and doubles down on McCains personal story.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Tamanon said:
8 years in Illinois, 4 years in the US senate. They're not ripping her experience per se, but the notion that McCain has made this entire campaign about Obama not being ready to lead and then picking a nobody who has only a year or two of governorship, the rest just local political stuff.
She's not leading, McCain is.

Obama is leading, Biden isn't.


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Are you confused? McCain's campaign are the ones running on a platform of experience. People are mocking the Palin pick because she has LESS experience than Obama, and you're supposed to pick a VP that you think would make a great president if the need arrises. It completely undercuts and trivializes McCain's strategy. How can he say that Obama is inexperienced (which is essentially his entire argument against him) now that he's picked the highly inexperienced and unknown Sarah Palin as a possible successor as president? That's the point people have been making.

Your numbers are also very inaccurate.


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four?
Uhh, no. He has seven years experience in the Illinois state senate, then he went on to the US senate.

Palin was mayor for some small place no one outside of Alaska knows about and then became Governor. I don't even think she's been Gov for a full two years.

If anything this exposes that you conservatives are just as willing to go with someone inexperienced (although Palin seriously DOES have less experience). It completely invalidates your supposed dire concern over having inexperienced people in political office. Congratulations, you just shot yourselves in the foot and exposed yourselves as nothing more than partisan hacks who greatly exaggerated Obama's inexperience by rolling the dice with someone who is technically even less qualified.


Gold Member
PSGames said:
The only thing this highlights is how terribly unwise it was for Obama not to pick Hillary as his running mate.

I like Biden quite a bit, but I'd be hard-pressed to disagree with you here. If it was Obama/Hillary, then we could talk about a potential landslide in November. As it stands now...it's gonna be close, really close.

I hope people in swing states are paying attention. This is your chance to make a difference.


Fragamemnon said:
Apparently Palin also decided to outsource a 26 billion dollar pipeline project to the Canadians. Should go over great to the people who lost their jobs in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan thanks to NAFTA:


Why couldn't an American company done this work?
Maybe the Canadian company was better and cheaper. Capitalism dude... You can't pick and choose with free trade, unless hypocrisy is your thing.


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.
Experience-wise I'll take the guy who represented one of the country's largest urban/industrial states over the woman who presided over a remote, barely-populated state that's 99% wasteland.


Krowley said:
I can't believe people aren't getting this.

She's just like him. She goes after her own party, she fights corruption, she's a gritty maverick, she's tough.. She's a femaile Teddy Roosevelt, or a female 2000 John McCain.

In addition, she's incredibly likable, and she's a woman, and her personal story is pretty interesting, and she looks good on camera. She simultaneously stabilizes the base, and emphasizes mccain as a guy that doesn't follow the party line. Everybody in the party wanted him to pick Romney. He said "Fuck you guys"

I'd personaly say he probably picked her because he admires her record, just as much as her ability to steal Hilary voters. It's smart politicaly, and her record matches and doubles down on McCains personal story.

Wow, that's....wow.

And as far as the whole debate thing goes, remember a lot of Hillary's support was based on the idea that she deserved better, that she had earned more respect.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Cooter said:
IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Exactly. And they can grab those soundbites and loop them in McCain commercials to make Obama look like a hypocrite.

"Barack Obama says a Governor isn't qualified to be President, and yet he has even less experience. Thanks for agreeing with us that you aren't ready to lead Obama."


Alcander said:
Her response to how big/important of a job the VP is was "well governor of Alaska is cool too..." for god's sake! (pun intended??)

aaaand what's cooler than being cool?

I predict John McCain re-thinks this choice and makes Andre 3000 his running mate.

McCain/3000 '08.


Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

Experience isn't judged by the years you have done something but rather by what exactly you have done.
governer is more of a ceremonial postition. that isn't say it's where you sit on your hands while other people make your decisions, but you're more of a figurehead in the gist of it. you can argue from the "executive" experience angle, though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Population of Alaska: 683,000
Population of Obama's district as State Senator: 800,000


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Krowley said:
I can't believe people aren't getting this.

She's just like him. She goes after her own party, she fights corruption, she's a gritty maverick, she's tough.. She's a femaile Teddy Roosevelt, or a female 2000 John McCain.

In addition, she's incredibly likable, and she's a woman, and her personal story is pretty interesting, and she looks good on camera. She simultaneously stabilizes the base, and emphasizes mccain as a guy that doesn't follow the party line. Everybody in the party wanted him to pick Romney. He said "Fuck you guys"

I'd personaly say he probably picked her because he admires her record, just as much as her ability to steal Hilary voters. It's smart politicaly, and her record matches and doubles down on McCains personal story.
Krowley said:
I can't believe people aren't getting this.

She's just like him. She goes after her own party, she fights corruption, she's a gritty maverick, she's tough.. She's a femaile Teddy Roosevelt, or a female 2000 John McCain.

In addition, she's incredibly likable, and she's a woman, and her personal story is pretty interesting, and she looks good on camera. She simultaneously stabilizes the base, and emphasizes mccain as a guy that doesn't follow the party line. Everybody in the party wanted him to pick Romney. He said "Fuck you guys"

I'd personaly say he probably picked her because he admires her record, just as much as her ability to steal Hilary voters. It's smart politicaly, and her record matches and doubles down on McCains personal story.
Yeah, that's quite a story though. As I balance the merits of this decision, for every "wow, what an awesome pick" argument I can think of, I hear a resounding "but Palin? Really?" echo.
Cooter said:
How can the Obama campaign harp on her experience? I just don't get it. I think Palin has more experience than Obama does. Obama was a Senator for less than two years and a state senator for what, four? I don't know how you can count being a community organizer as experience that will help someone be president.

IMO, every time the Obama campaign rips Palin on experience they are ripping themselves.

The population of Illinois is just over 19x the amount of Alaska. In terms of issues and the political cycle, a temporal argument for comparison is not a good one.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
laserbeam said:
Its not about that. Its about the fact the Evangelicals would rather sit at home then vote for a Mormon. Palin will keep the evangelicals energized and very happy
Yes, but what about the rest of the Republican party? I'm not saying he picked a complete dud, but the Sean Hannity's of the world (and there are lots of them) wanted him to pick Romney.


Ulairi said:
Do any of you know what the Vice-Presidents constitutional duty is? At all?

Last time I checked, Constitutional Law was my highest grade in law school.... so yeah, I think I know. ;)

I think you miss the point, it doesn't matter what the VP's job technically is or is not, its all about perception and positioning.
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