TheGrayGhost said:I just got back from school.
Obama's chances are that much easier, now. What a complete joke of a choice from John McCain. I haven't seen how the media or posters here have interpreted this decision, but my household was so full of laughter when the announcement was made. John McCain doesn't know this person, she's a two-year governor in fuckin Alaska, so you KNOW why this choice was made (to ride the coattails of Obama's historic candidacy, to highlight McCain's "maverick" appeal with this "bold" selection, and to attract disgruntled Hilary supporters.) I'm sure she is a lovely person, but when I heard her speech, I was embarassed. A high-pitched, anti-gravitas speaker. McCain just look so odd next to her when she was speaking, so uncomfortable. What a fuckin disaster. So for all that experience talk, all that so-called toughness on national security, you're going to place THIS soccer mom with the responsibility to take over.
After last-night, the flawless discipline of Obama's event, the grandeur, the gravitas, this couple is just second-rate. Amateur. It almost makes it seem like the Obama/Biden ticket is the SAFER vote. Seriously, what the hell were they thinking? Obama and Biden look professional, chic, and just generally chill together. The juxtoposition of McCain and Palein (sp?) is just ODD.
Wow. The laughter continues.
Good post and I hope the Obama camp makes these points clear in debates. But who knows, anything could happen.