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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Hitokage said:
Obama wants to neutralize the experience line and shift it to one of judgement, and Palin plays right into that.
Which is great. But again, it is one to be played very delicately -- carefully worded attacking only McCain's judgment, and not focusing too much on her inexperience.
Door2Dawn said:
So does this mean it will be an even more impressive victory when the Republicans win this election?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Krowley said:
:lol let me correct myself...

Everyone I've talked to, which is about 9 people. I also know my area (rural mountains of north georgia) well enough to tell you that she's going to be a huge hit here. A bible thumping, deer hunting governmnet reformer who's sexy as hell, and seems honest, is an instant win here.

She has charisma in the same way that Huckabee does, maybe not to the same extent, but she's very likable. This is the same group of people that mccain had some trouble with in the primary's. If you'll remember, Huckabee won georgia and several other states, mostly by dominating towns like mine.. If Mccain can get rural america to turn out it's going to help him a lot.

So, Palin helps in an area that McCain was going to win anyway?

EDIT: An email read by Cafferty just compared Palin to Harriet Meiers.


rhfb said:
Well her husband is a four time winner of the Iron dog snowmachine race and is know as Alaska's "First Dude" :lol
She was captain of the girls basketball team in School too so she would be down with the bball


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
APF said:
Look at Frag's comment though, about trying to imagine JSM consulting with her on FP, like you can with Obama consulting Biden: of course you can imagine Obama consulting with Biden; he needs to.

Do you honestly believe that John McCain knows more about foreign policy than Barack? You can't honestly believe that.

Being knowledgeable on foreign policy requires more than being alive through more of it than your opponent.

Wrong experience vs good judgment.

I'd rather have someone who knows what the fuck they are talking about and thinks clearly. McCain clearly sees red, and the risk of more unnecessary wars would be too much for anyone to stomach.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
reilo said:
So, Palin helps in an area that McCain was going to win anyway?

EDIT: An email read by Cafferty just compared Palin to Harriet Meiers.

That's not a terrible comparison :lol Though from what I understood about Harriet Miers, she was also kind of stupid and maybe even infatuated with Bush. I don't know much about Palin's academic record, but she certainly doesn't seem to be head over heels in love with someone who could be her dad McCain.
I'm sorry but even if McCain loses this is a pick that will change politics for a long time. Female voters won't be exclusive to the democratic party anymore. It is a whole new ball game.


Steve Youngblood said:
Which is great. But again, it is one to be played very delicately -- carefully worded attacking only McCain's judgment, and not focusing too much on her inexperience.

Which they'll do, what she allows them to do is to immediately dismiss any experience arguments that McCain makes. Not even give them a second glance, focus every single foreign policy/economic argument on judgement.


reilo said:
So, Palin helps in an area that McCain was going to win anyway?

Turnout... All over the country there are towns like mine, and I can assure you that even though they would probably vote for mccain anyway, they aren't that enthusiastic about him. Many of them WILL be enthusiastic about her. The extent that it helps him is debatable, but it will help him in states with large rural populations, which obviously includes many of the important swing states.
Krowley said:
:lol let me correct myself...

Everyone I've talked to, which is about 9 people. I also know my area (rural mountains of north georgia) well enough to tell you that she's going to be a huge hit here. A bible thumping, deer hunting governmnet reformer who's sexy as hell, and seems honest, is an instant win here.

She has charisma in the same way that Huckabee does, maybe not to the same extent, but she's very likable. This is the same group of people that mccain had some trouble with in the primary's. If you'll remember, Huckabee won georgia and several other states, mostly by dominating towns like mine.. If Mccain can get rural america to turn out it's going to help him a lot.

My question is though didn't he already have these people? Weren't most of these people already going to vote for him anyway. While people carp that conservatives were leary of Mccain most statistics I've seen had shown he had firmed up that base enough and even more so than Obama pre-convention. Perhaps I could see it if you said their enthusiasm was increased but i kinda have a hard time believing there are a lot of moderates and independents who will swing on this and I think that's ultimately how you have to judge this pick. In full disclosure I don't think Biden crosses that threshold either.


Krowley said:
she is going to have a massive rural appeal. I live in a very small town and I can tell you that everybody I know, was immediatley taken with her.

The "you come from a state in the middle of nowhere so your experience doesn't count" angle, is only going to piss off rural america and make them like her more.

It's still debatable that these people will actually go to the polls though. The people who would like her the most are the ones most disinterested in politics. I also don't see the women vote working. Hillary was not just a woman she was also a boomer. She had both identities wrapped up in a way Obama did not. Palin, not being a boomer, I think will be seen as a wannabe by a lot of boomer women. She hasn't "paid her dues".


So, a lot of republicans on GAF are intimidated by the overwhelming support of Obama on PoliGAF. We have, like, three that post here semi regularly.

The RNC seems pretty likely to be a big, huge bitchfest about how awful the republicans are.

So, I was thinking, what are the chances that the repubs could have this thread (or another thread) to themselves for the convention? Of course, that wouldn't be entirely fair, especially since we had a few conservatives here bitching about the dems during the convention, so we could allow a few ObamaGAFers to post in there, but it would be interesting to read what the ConservativeGAFers think about the convention.

It's an oddball, unrealistic idea of course, but I definitely would be interested in hearing what the Repubs on GAF think of their convention, but with PoliGAF being what it is, I doubt we'll hear much from them in the sea of anger.


Krowley said:
Turnout... All over the country there are towns like mine, and I can assure you that even though they would probably vote for mccain anyway, they aren't that enthusiastic about him. Many of them WILL be enthusiastic about her. The extent that it helps him is debatable, but it will help him in states with large rural populations, which obviously includes many of the important swing states.

Earlier this year Dr. Jim Dobson, President of Focus on the Family made news when he announced that he "cannot and will not vote for Senator John McCain." Today, the conservative leader changed course.

Thats the stuff Palin really offers. The republican base has been divided over McCain


TDG said:
So, a lot of republicans on GAF are intimidated by the overwhelming support of Obama on PoliGAF. We have, like, three that post here semi regularly.

The RNC seems pretty likely to be a big, huge bitchfest about how awful the republicans are.

So, I was thinking, what are the chances that the repubs could have this thread (or another thread) to themselves for the convention? Of course, that wouldn't be entirely fair, especially since we had a few conservatives here bitching about the dems during the convention, so we could allow a few ObamaGAFers to post in there, but it would be interesting to read what the ConservativeGAFers think about the convention.

It's an oddball, unrealistic idea of course, but I definitely would be interested in hearing what the Repubs on GAF think of their convention, but with PoliGAF being what it is, I doubt we'll hear much from them in the sea of anger.

There are only about a dozen Republicans that are voting for McCain on the board to begin with, at least that participate in political discussion. It's not like there's this huge bank that operates outside this thread. There are more Republicans who won't vote or will vote Barr on this board than ones that agree with the party currently.
This is a screwed up thing about the USA people are more interested in voting for a "bible thumping deer hunter" than a professor of constitutional law.

How fucked up is that?

Americans deserve the crap fall-out of the Bush administration with that kind of voting.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I'm sorry but even if McCain loses this is a pick that will change politics for a long time. Female voters won't be exclusive to the democratic party anymore. It is a whole new ball game.

Tell your homegirls to vote for issues, not chromosomes.

I am sure you have all the womens on your Facebook.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I'm sorry but even if McCain loses this is a pick that will change politics for a long time. Female voters won't be exclusive to the democratic party anymore. It is a whole new ball game.
I know this is the first day of the announcement and emotions are running high (on both sides), but this is complete hyperbole right now. I'm not saying that this doesn't open doors, but we all might want to give this at least a week or two before we start engaging in such over-the-top commentary.


laserbeam said:
Earlier this year Dr. Jim Dobson, President of Focus on the Family made news when he announced that he "cannot and will not vote for Senator John McCain." Today, the conservative leader changed course.

Thats the stuff Palin really offers. The republican base has been divided over McCain
The conservative base was always going to for for McCain.


speculawyer said:
OK, I propose a two-on-two basketball game between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. :D

That would be entertaining to watch. heres what wiki has on her sports.

She was the point guard and captain for the basketball team. She helped the team win the Alaska small-school championship in 1982, hitting a critical free throw in the last seconds, despite a stress fracture in her ankle.[6] She earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play.

Door2Dawn said:
OOOh man McCain has this shit in the bag.

The point is Palin is guaranteed to draw some votes while at the same time she is sure to shore up the republican base that has been very cautious about McCain.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
TDG said:
So, a lot of republicans on GAF are intimidated by the overwhelming support of Obama on PoliGAF. We have, like, three that post here semi regularly.

The RNC seems pretty likely to be a big, huge bitchfest about how awful the republicans are.

So, I was thinking, what are the chances that the repubs could have this thread (or another thread) to themselves for the convention? Of course, that wouldn't be entirely fair, especially since we had a few conservatives here bitching about the dems during the convention, so we could allow a few ObamaGAFers to post in there, but it would be interesting to read what the ConservativeGAFers think about the convention.

It's an oddball, unrealistic idea of course, but I definitely would be interested in hearing what the Repubs on GAF think of their convention, but with PoliGAF being what it is, I doubt we'll hear much from them in the sea of anger.

You're too intimidated to post with us?


TDG said:
So, a lot of republicans on GAF are intimidated by the overwhelming support of Obama on PoliGAF. We have, like, three that post here semi regularly.

The RNC seems pretty likely to be a big, huge bitchfest about how awful the republicans are.

So, I was thinking, what are the chances that the repubs could have this thread (or another thread) to themselves for the convention? Of course, that wouldn't be entirely fair, especially since we had a few conservatives here bitching about the dems during the convention, so we could allow a few ObamaGAFers to post in there, but it would be interesting to read what the ConservativeGAFers think about the convention.

It's an oddball, unrealistic idea of course, but I definitely would be interested in hearing what the Repubs on GAF think of their convention, but with PoliGAF being what it is, I doubt we'll hear much from them in the sea of anger.

Only if JayDubya agrees to equally troll that thread.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I think I found the perfect sports metaphor in regards to this pick:

McCain throwing this Hail Sarah pass is like Tom Brady trying to throw that game winner versus the Giants and losing.


TDG said:
Um, I'm an Obama supporter, and a liberal.

Oh, of course.

Jon Stewart: "Really?!"

I guess I just haven't paid much to your posts :lol
laserbeam said:
Earlier this year Dr. Jim Dobson, President of Focus on the Family made news when he announced that he "cannot and will not vote for Senator John McCain." Today, the conservative leader changed course.

Thats the stuff Palin really offers. The republican base has been divided over McCain

And Rush Limbaugh said he wasn't going to support Mccain either way back when. These were simply power plays within the base imo and nothing to overly take seriously.


Stoney Mason said:
My question is though didn't he already have these people? Weren't most of these people already going to vote for him anyway. While people carp that conservatives were leary of Mccain most statistics I've seen had shown he had firmed up that base enough and even more so than Obama pre-convention. Perhaps I could see it if you said their enthusiasm was increased but i kinda have a hard time believing there are a lot of moderates and independents who will swing on this and I think that's ultimately how you have to judge this pick. In full disclosure I don't think Biden crosses that threshold either.

Thing is, there are democrats here too, but they are much more conservative on a variety of issues than city dems.. There are also plenty of conservatives that see McCain as a party traitor.

There are democrats in my area that wouldn't vote for Obama, but might vote for Palin because of her religious views and Rural background. Identity politics.

A lot of these people voted for Hillary in the primaries, but they would not have voted for McCain in the general. They would have stayed home. Now he has a better chance to get them, and thus turn out people in greater numbers, allowing him to get bigger margins than he would have.
Solaros said:

My father just forwarded this to me and I realized how close idiots are to me.

That is all I have to say, carry on.
Your dad just said your head is up your ass... what did you say in responds


laserbeam said:
Earlier this year Dr. Jim Dobson, President of Focus on the Family made news when he announced that he "cannot and will not vote for Senator John McCain." Today, the conservative leader changed course.

Thats the stuff Palin really offers. The republican base has been divided over McCain

Eh Dobson also changed his mind and said that he was voting for McCain a month or so ago.
So I got home, watched some footage and, seriously, I just cannot take this seriously. All the commentators are just like "[SMALL POSITIVE, SURE], but then [BIG WTF QUESTION MARK NEGATIVE]."

I'm stunned.


Gold Member
speculawyer said:
Americans deserve the crap fall-out of the Bush administration with that kind of voting.

I have received over one hundred dollars from George W. Bush for every year of his term. It's hard to argue with figures like that.
speculawyer said:
This is a screwed up thing about the USA people are more interested in voting for a "bible thumping deer hunter" than a professor of constitutional law.

How fucked up is that?

Americans deserve the crap fall-out of the Bush administration with that kind of voting.

It's a shame about the bible thumping part. I could really get behind the whole get rid of corruption thing. This country could use a few good politicians that are fresh and haven't been corrupted yet.
I just got back from school.

Obama's chances are that much easier, now. What a complete joke of a choice from John McCain. I haven't seen how the media or posters here have interpreted this decision, but my household was so full of laughter when the announcement was made. John McCain doesn't know this person, she's a two-year governor in fuckin Alaska, so you KNOW why this choice was made (to ride the coattails of Obama's historic candidacy, to highlight McCain's "maverick" appeal with this "bold" selection, and to attract disgruntled Hilary supporters.) I'm sure she is a lovely person, but when I heard her speech, I was embarassed. A high-pitched, anti-gravitas speaker. McCain just look so odd next to her when she was speaking, so uncomfortable. What a fuckin disaster. So for all that experience talk, all that so-called toughness on national security, you're going to place THIS soccer mom with the responsibility to take over.

After last-night, the flawless discipline of Obama's event, the grandeur, the gravitas, this couple is just second-rate. Amateur. It almost makes it seem like the Obama/Biden ticket is the SAFER vote. Seriously, what the hell were they thinking? Obama and Biden look professional, chic, and just generally chill together. The juxtoposition of McCain and Palein (sp?) is just ODD.

Wow. The laughter continues.


Of course republicans are intimidated to post here who can blame them? When people find out others have views differing from the hive mind. The hive mind attacks said views and often disregards them with :lol . Poligaf is more of a Pro Obama thread.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Pat Buchanan... having five kids doesn't make you a feminist when you're pro-Choice.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Your dad just said your head is up your ass... what did you say in responds

Nothing, he is one of those guys that believes in spirits being in photos with little refractory particles of water that show up when the picture is developed.

What do you think I should say?
Stoney Mason said:
And Rush Limbaugh said he wasn't going to support Mccain either way back when. These were simply power plays within the base imo and nothing to overly take seriously.
Yeah, primaries are so much fun. I don't know if I ever stated so here, but I know I've stated at least once that I wasn't sure if I could vote for Hillary.

In hindsight, what an over dramatic twit I was. Hillary's campaign tactics are dirty! I'm going to vote for the maverick that is John McCain even though he espouses very little of what I believe in! At least he never mocked poor, poor Obama.

What a load of crap that was. Of course I would have voted Hillary.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Door2Dawn said:
Is Palin pro choice or pro life?

Strict pro-life creationist.

Andrea Mitchell: "She eats mooseburgers... mooseburgers are exciting to a lot of people!"

:lol :lol :lol xinfinity


BenjaminBirdie said:
So I got home, watched some footage and, seriously, I just cannot take this seriously. All the commentators are just like "[SMALL POSITIVE, SURE], but then [BIG WTF QUESTION MARK NEGATIVE]."

I'm stunned.

I personally think she's as good a pick as McCain could have managed. She lacks the negatives that most of the other picks had, she's female, she's anti-corruption, and she shores up the NRA and pro-life bases.
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