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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Chiggs said:
Agree 100% with this post. A lot of people just can't seem to get past the fact that this country is religious, and the issue of abortion will supercede stuff like foreign policy, experience, etc, etc.

Once you get past that, it's easy to see why this choice made sense. Abortion is the single most divisive issue in this country. But on this forum, most people think abortion is fine and dandy, so that when the issue comes up they're stumped as to why it's even an issue. This is what happens when you surround yourself with people that share similar viewpoints. Lack of perspective.

Um, but McCain is staunchly pro-life already. It's not like there's a block of pro-lifers up for grabs that Palin nails down.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
Agree 100% with this post. A lot of people just can't seem to get past the fact that this country is religious, and the issue of abortion will supercede stuff like foreign policy, experience, etc, etc.

Once you get past that, it's easy to see why this choice made sense. Abortion is the single most divisive issue in this country. But on this forum, most people think abortion is fine and dandy, so that when the issue comes up they're stumped as to why it's even an issue. This is what happens when you surround yourself with people that share similar viewpoints. Lack of perspective.

So, if McCain picked her because he thought she could drum up the female vote, then how is her strict religious stance on abortion going to help bring in the female vote again?

That's why this pick makes no sense. Besides being female, Palin doesn't stand for anything that Hillary-supporters stand for.
This doesn't change the fact that having a McCain presidency will result to another four years of Bush's policies, and (hopefully) Americans are tired of it and are excited about Obama. Let the media act like artards have their fun for the day, because at the end of the day, Obama is going to win this election.


reilo said:
So, if McCain picked her because he thought she could drum up the female vote, then how is to her strict religious stance on abortion going to help bring in the female vote again?

That's why this pick makes no sense. Besides being female, Palin doesn't stand for anything that Hillary-supporters stand for.

Exactly, Kay Bailey Hutchinson you could make that arguement, since she's pro-choice. She's been in the Senate for a while, so it hasn't hampered her amongst Republicans in Texas. It makes no sense for it to be Palin instead, just for a bloc that McCain already had, he's sacrificing most of his arguments to moderates.

soul: Three, but that doesn't mean much, homes are pretty cheap in Alaska. They're not a rich family by any means.


Okay, so far:

Michelle was awesome. Incredibly sweet and heartwarming. B-Rock sent the email saying the he honestly thought it was the best speech of the season as of the time it was given, and he might not have been too far off. Although the whole "American Dream" narrative can get tiring.

Schweitzer was good too. Came off a little car salesmany at the beginning, but he grew on me just because it looked like he was having so much fun out there.

Hildawg now...

And seriously? Palin?


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thekad said:
I just hope Palin will provide the lolz Lieberman, Romney, or Pawlenty would have.
Oh, it's just getting started:lol the bewildering nature of the choice is good enough right now, I can't wait for the debates.


Gold Member
Jason's Ultimatum said:
This doesn't change the fact that having a McCain presidency will result to another four years of Bush's policies, and (hopefully) Americans are tired of it and are excited about Obama. Let the media act like artards have their fun for the day, because at the end of the day, Obama is going to win this election.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh god.

Oh god.

It's Todd Harris.


Right off the bat, Mathews responds to something he said: "You can say that all you want, but I don't believe it."


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reilo said:
So, if McCain picked her because he thought she could drum up the female vote, then how is to her strict religious stance on abortion going to help bring in the female vote again?

That's why this pick makes no sense. Besides being female, Palin doesn't stand for anything that Hillary-supporters stand for.
Any Hillary supporters that haven't fallen in line with the rest of the Democratic party are exactly the ones that would pounce (like a PUMA!) on this new ticket.

If the amount of radical Hillary supporters is really as small as the media claims, then this selection should net McCain roughly 5,000 votes just from the PUMA crowd.

I just know better that more people will be swayed by this decision than the PUMA folks.


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Jason's Ultimatum said:
This doesn't change the fact that having a McCain presidency will result to another four years of Bush's policies, and (hopefully) Americans are tired of it and are excited about Obama. Let the media act like artards have their fun for the day, because at the end of the day, Obama is going to win this election.
Sorry dude, but this is just blatantly blind as the Mccain supporters guaranteeing a win earlier in the thread. Nothing is certain in this election, as this Palin pick proves.


The more I think about Palin.... the more it sets in, I just envision this all unraveling very poorly for McCain.

What does he gain by this? Really? How many women will NOW decide to vote for him? How many social conservatives will NOW vote for him as a result of this pick?


Tamanon said:
Exactly, Kay Bailey Hutchinson you could make that arguement, since she's pro-choice. She's been in the Senate for a while, so it hasn't hampered her amongst Republicans in Texas. It makes no sense for it to be Palin instead, just for a bloc that McCain already had, he's sacrificing most of his arguments to moderates.

soul: Three, but that doesn't mean much, homes are pretty cheap in Alaska. They're not a rich family by any means.

This utterly misses the reality that staunch pro-lifers don't see McCain as a real pro-lifer. They've never trusted him on the issue. Keyes used the issue against him in past primaries. Every since he refused to say that he'd counsel his daughter to carry a rape baby to term, the pro-lifers have treated him as a fake pro-lifer.

In comparison, they see Kay Bailey as a staunch baby murderer. We're not talking your average Republican here, we're talking Operation Rescue level pro-lifers.



Just days after Michelle Obama addressed the Democratic National Convention, a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that her favorability ratings have reached their highest levels since tracking began and she is now viewed more favorably than Cindy McCain.

Obama, whose controversial comments earlier in the campaign, made her the focus of much media scrutiny, now is viewed favorably by 55% of voters and unfavorably by only 36%. Two weeks ago, the wife of the Democratic Presidential nominee, was viewed favorably by 48% and unfavorably by 43%.



I just had an interesting experience:

My mother just visited the apartment, and I showed her the video on MSNBC of McCain's unveiling of Palin. During the video, she had a phone call from a friend of hers. Her friend was calling to talk about the VP announcement.

The first thing she thought of? The baby she just had. Both of them were essentially like, "I just don't get these people (presumably they mean "politicians"), I mean running for vice president after having a child? Let alone a child with Down's Syndrome!"

So, with the 50-something year old white women I've seen (all two of them!), the primary reaction is, "Why is this woman running for a higher elected office when she just had a special needs kid?"
APF said:
Look at Frag's comment though, about trying to imagine JSM consulting with her on FP, like you can with Obama consulting Biden: of course you can imagine Obama consulting with Biden; he needs to.
Except Obama predicted troubles occupying Iraq due to bottled up Sunni/Shia tensions before the war even began, while McCain still doesn't even know the difference between the two even though this is his key issue.

Pretty embarrassing on your part.


Gold Member
reilo said:
then how is her strict religious stance on abortion going to help bring in the female vote again?

That's an excellent question, and this is my answer: Because she's a woman. I realize that the answer isn't nearly as good as your question, but that's what I've got because that's what John McCain has got.

The logic is extremely fuzzy, but the idea is there. Use a woman VP to attract scorned women voters, hoping they'll ignore her stance on the country's most divisive issue simply because of the gender issue...which is also big.


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lawblob said:
The more I think about Palin.... the more it sets in, I just envision this all unraveling very poorly for McCain.

What does he gain by this? Really? How many women will NOW decide to vote for him? How many social conservatives will NOW vote for him as a result of this pick?
Pretty much. My republican bro and dad (unaware who the pick was until I told them) are like "Oh, wow, a woman, he's trying to grab the Hilary vote! he'll grab all the women now."

While my fence sitting mom (who found out on her own) called me up immediately upon hearing the news to say "WTF, who is this person?" (in a very bewildered "this is a fucked up choice" way)

The more I think about the contrast, the funnier this gets to me:lol :lol :lol :lol


thekad said:
RubxQub: Yeah, I'm offended by the pick, and I'm not even a woman. But I doubt many Americans will share our sensitivities, if Andrea Mitchell is anything to go by.

It's offensive, but expected. This is the same campaign that decided that milking McCain's POW experience is an appropriate rebuttal to any criticism. As for the decision, some of the reactions are priceless. Take Texas' representatives for example:

Patti Johnson, a delegate who moved to Canyon Lake from Houston years ago, said, "I am so excited I am ready to go get on the plane and just sit there until it takes off" for the GOP convention in Minnesota, which opens Monday.

"I could not be more thrilled," Johnson said. "This woman has a child that proves that she is what she says she is, which is a pro-life believer."

What's more, Johnson said, "She's beautiful to look at. The men are going to love her. She hunts. She fishes. She is an environmentalist."

Someone will have to explain to Mrs. Johnson just exactly what an environmentalist is. Somehow I don't think hunting, fishing, pushing for polar bears to not be on the endangered species list in spite of the evidence, supporting drilling in ANWR, and supporting offshore drilling qualifies.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TDG said:
So, a lot of republicans on GAF are intimidated by the overwhelming support of Obama on PoliGAF. We have, like, three that post here semi regularly.

The RNC seems pretty likely to be a big, huge bitchfest about how awful the republicans are.

So, I was thinking, what are the chances that the repubs could have this thread (or another thread) to themselves for the convention? Of course, that wouldn't be entirely fair, especially since we had a few conservatives here bitching about the dems during the convention, so we could allow a few ObamaGAFers to post in there, but it would be interesting to read what the ConservativeGAFers think about the convention.

It's an oddball, unrealistic idea of course, but I definitely would be interested in hearing what the Repubs on GAF think of their convention, but with PoliGAF being what it is, I doubt we'll hear much from them in the sea of anger.

so what you are saying... is that you support segregation?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chiggs said:
That's an excellent question, and this is my answer: Because she's a woman. I realize that the answer isn't nearly as good as your question, but that's what I've got because that's what John McCain has got.

The logic is extremely fuzzy, but the idea is there. Use a woman VP to attract scorned women voters, hoping they'll ignore her stance on the country's most divisive issue simply because of the gender issue...which is also big.

Okay, now let us answer that question outside McCain's head and inside the world of reality:

then how is her strict religious stance on abortion going to help bring in the female vote again?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
While the anecdotal evidence provided in this thread is intriguing, we've seen from all the demographic polling numbers between Hillary and Barack during the primaries that women trended towards Hillary.

I'd say McCain is definitely going to see a boost to his polling numbers amongst women, just simply for having a woman on the ticket.

I still can't decide internally if this pick is going to be a net positive or a net negative against McCain in the long run.

I'm really not looking forward to the Biden/Palin debate. People are going to overreact and say he was aggressively attacking this poor girl, and it will not go well.

It's a fact that she cannot and would not be able to stand toe to toe with Biden in debate. Just not happening. But by being a women, she instantly takes way Joe's entire debating style.
Macam said:
"I could not be more thrilled," Johnson said. "This woman has a child that proves that she is what she says she is, which is a pro-life believer."

That might be the worst most obnoxious phrasing for a pro-life stance I've ever seen.


Gold Member
reilo said:
Okay, now let us answer that question outside McCain's head and inside the world of reality:

I told you that's all I've got! :lol

Seriously, though...I doubt this will suddenly convert 18 million women, but it will send a message to Christians and potentially pick up some of the "so bitter they're stupid" Clintoneers.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Pretty much. My republican bro and dad (unaware who the pick was until I told them) are like "Oh, wow, a woman, he's trying to grab the Hilary vote! he'll grab all the women now."

While my fence sitting mom (who found out on her own) called me up immediately upon hearing the news to say "WTF, who is this person?" (in a very bewildered "this is a fucked up choice" way)

The more I think about the contrast, the funnier this gets to me:lol :lol :lol :lol
Seriously,my mom called me from work today(Hillary supporter) talking about his VP pick. She was absolutely discgusted with his pick. "That dirty old dog is trying to take advantage of women."

I can seriously see this backfiring on him among a few women.


Chiggs said:
Hmmm...what do these two candidates have in common that would be an affront to the majority of Christians in this country?

I dont think the american public will be fooled twice & sway the win based on Christians. Not when people are getting hurt where it counts and thats in the pocketbook. Money will trump religion for most 100% of the time. Its sad, but its the truth.


The reaction wasn't so rosy elsewhere. State Senate President Lyda Green said she thought it was a joke when someone called her at 6 a.m. to tell her the news.

"She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? said Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"



Door2Dawn said:
Seriously,my mom called me from work today(Hillary supporter) talking about his VP pick. She was absolutely discgusted with his pick. "That dirty old dog is trying to take advantage of women." Was pretty mad.



maximum360 said:
Palin calling Hillary a whiner (with video) is really going to move Hillary backers to the McCain camp. :lol


Women are not stupid.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
While the anecdotal evidence provided in this thread is intriguing, we've seen from all the demographic polling numbers between Hillary and Barack during the primaries that women trended towards Hillary.

I'd say McCain is definitely going to see a boost to his polling numbers amongst women, just simply for having a woman on the ticket.

I still can't decide internally if this pick is going to be a net positive or a net negative against McCain in the long run.

I'm really not looking forward to the Biden/Palin debate. People are going to overreact and say he was aggressively attacking this poor girl, and it will not go well.

It's a fact that she cannot and would not be able to stand toe to toe with Biden in debate. Just not happening. But by being a women, she instantly takes way Joe's entire debating style.

If she cannot handle a VP debate because someone was being "too harsh" on her and that Biden ought to play "nicer" to her because she is a woman, then that is proof-positive that she doesn't deserve to be in politics.

Hillary has a place in politics because she hasn't let the fact that she is a woman get in way of her ambitions.

I'm not advocating that Biden should be throwing off misogynistic slurs at her, but if he says something harsh to her, it should be because he disagrees with her campaign's policies, not because she is a woman. If Biden gets in trouble for saying something that is true, then fuck politics.


avaya said:


His family really is awesome. His brother in-law is of Chinese ancestry. He is like a symbol of America's melting pot. I strongly believe they should show more of Obama's family branchlings to show Americans how diverse his family is and show how he can appeal to a broader range.


Door2Dawn said:
If she is this so called "darling of the religious right" What happens to Independence?

What happens to his maverickness?

She is a darling of the religious right, but she is NOT a darling of the republican establishment. Their choice was Romney, who was totally tied into all the right special interests and had already sold his soul to get elected. He was easy to control, easy to manipulate, and he was the guy they wanted to be the future of the party. Assuming McCain loses, they want to run Romney again, and putting him on the VP ticket would make his chances much greater next time. Now that she's picked, she will be a factor next time, regardless of what happens this time.

Choosing her represents a rebuke by McCain of the upper reaches of the republican establishment. Again, it's kind of like picking Huckabee. The establishment doesn't like him either because of his populist tendencies, but they would have held their nose and took it, because the Religious right likes him so much.

They don't like McCain either... They wanted Romney in the primaries, and they wanted McCain to pick him in the general. There are all sorts of inward republican politics elements to this pick. He just elevated a relative unknown into a national figure, and it's going to piss off everybody.
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