Hootie said:These people have been cheering for RFK for like 10 minutes at the '64 DNC :lol
reilo said:They gave him a 22minute long standing ovation.
Hootie said:Holy shit.
Some theorize that the McCain ticket has been talking about Liberman in order to soften people up for someone not quite as liberal . . . but still pro-choice. Someone like Tom Ridge . . . or Powell? I'm not so sure Powell would run with McCain though.Agent Icebeezy said:Powell is pro-choice, that is one big strike. You saw that loud reception McCain got at the forum for his answer. Pro-choice isn't touching their ticket.
Tamanon said:RFK was basically Obama x4 back in those days.
GDJustin said:Just a thought that I haven't seen brought up enough in this topic -
More of you need to consider that Obama likely picked Biden because he would be the best Vice President, and not because he would do the most to boost Obama's numbers here of there, or give him an easier road to electoral victory...
If there's one thing I've learned about Obama from the press it's that he's arrogant, presumptuous, unsure of himself and lacking self confidence.soul creator said:but the AP tells me that Obama is "scared" and his pick shows a "lack of confidence" and is intimidated by McCain's polling numbers!
:lolGrotesqueBeauty said:If there's one thing I've leaned about Obama from the press it's that he's arrogant, presumptuous, unsure of himself and lacking self confidence.
It might be nice to use the McCains' income to model the tax cuts, but that would require their disclosing how much they make. To get a sense of the difference, though, one need look no further than the NYTimes Magazine piece this Sunday on Obama's economic policies:
"McCain, by continuing the basic thrust of Bush's tax policies and adding a few new wrinkles, would cut taxes for the top 0.1 percent of earners -- those making an average of $9.1 million -- by another $190,000 a year, on top of the Bush reductions. Obama would raise taxes on this top 0.1 percent by an average of $800,000 a year.
It's hard not to look at that figure and be a little stunned. It would represent a huge tax increase on the wealthy families. But it's also worth putting the number in some context. The bulk of Obama's tax increases on the wealthy -- about $500,000 of that $800,000 -- would simply take away Bush's tax cuts. The remaining $300,000 wouldn't nearly
reverse their pretax income gains in recent years. Since the mid-1990s, their inflation-adjusted pretax income has roughly doubled."
That's a good ballpark estimation. Obama would raise McCain's taxes by roughly $800,000; McCain would cut them by about $200,000. That's a million dollar spread. No wonder McCain is so hostile to Obama's economic agenda.
But here's what's really interesting. Obama's proposals would raise his own taxes by hundreds of thousands of dollars, in order to cut the taxes of people who are less fortunate than he is. McCain would cut his own taxes even further than they've already been reduced. And that's everything a voter needs to know about these two men.
i cant seem to find this speech. anyone got a link?reilo said:They gave him a 22minute long standing ovation.
Hootie said:Lets just hope that means Obama has 4x the chance of making it to the White House =(
Man, I wonder how much different the US would be had JFK completed his whole term and had RFK also been elected.
http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/Mere minutes after Joe Biden wrapped up his maiden speech as Barack Obama's running mate, McCain's camp and the RNC gleefully seized upon what they called a "Freudian slip" in Obama's introduction.
After almost doing it earlier in his speech, Obama got caught up in his closing crescendo and predicted that it's Biden who would be "the next president of the United States."
Barack Obama sounded as though he turned over the top spot on the ticket today to his new mentor, when he introduced Joe Biden as the next president," McCain spokesman Ben Porritt quipped in an insta-statement.
worldrunover said:Has anyone posted this?
"The One II: Road to Denver"
Ummm.... k.
Using typical tactics . . . such as baldfaced lies.Tamanon said:I dunno, Cheney kinda took Edwards out to the woodshed.
GrotesqueBeauty said:If there's one thing I've leaned about Obama from the press it's that he's arrogant, presumptuous, unsure of himself and lacking self confidence.
Tamanon said:RFK was basically Obama x4 back in those days.
Jesus, can you imagine what would happen if that happen these days? The media would be so up in arms about how excessive it was, and what a celeb the candidate is and blah blah blah blah blah...reilo said:They gave him a 22minute long standing ovation.
PhoenixDark said:Romney or Liebermann then?
The republicans are scared. They expected Obama the arrogant thing: chose an inexperienced person he got along with greatly, dismissing any consequences (Kaine, Byah). They would have easily been able to destroy those picks, a la:
(Kaine has been governor for less than a term and hasn't done anything spectacular. Sebelius is a no name governor from a pure red state; she has an anti-gun history, she has tried to raise taxes on many occasions, and she has no foreign policy experience. Bayh was a very successful governor of a red state, he cut taxes...but he also co-chaired a committee for the liberation of Iraq with John McCain; Biden was initially wrong about Iraq but Bayh went overboard.)
Bayh especially would have been easy to target due to his wife. Biden isn't your average VP: McCain will be running against Biden as much as he is running against Obama; that's usually not the case with VPs right. If I had to guess I'd say he'll have to pick someone who understands the economy, someone who can viciously lay into Obama (voters prefer Obama's domestic policy) while he himself has to play defense against Biden with more than the recent "my friends, he doesn't know what he's talking about!" bullshit.
:lol :lol I was cracking up at that "No." too. I like how they didn't present any evidence that he was unready, a simple "no" is apparently all the evidence you need.polyh3dron said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
I love the "No." at the end!
McCain simply has to be Doing It For The Lulz at this point. He's really gunning for the title of #1 IRL troll of all time.
This stupid shit is exactly why everything is fair game with McCain, no matter how disingenuous it may be.
GrotesqueBeauty said:If there's one thing I've leaned about Obama from the press it's that he's arrogant, presumptuous, unsure of himself and lacking self confidence.
It's almost like McCain is campaigning for Obama.Alcander said::lol :lol I was cracking up at that "No." too. I like how they didn't present any evidence that he was unready, a simple "no" is apparently all the evidence you need.
Also, doesn't it seem funny that they are comparing Obama to Moses, considering Moses was purportedly a great leader?
TDG said:Jesus, can you imagine what would happen if that happen these days? The media would be so up in arms about how excessive it was, and what a celeb the candidate is and blah blah blah blah blah...
PhoenixDark said:I wonder how different the US and world would be if all the votes were counted in 1960...
Oh GOP, never change:
:lol :lol
found itgiga said:i cant seem to find this speech. anyone got a link?
Alcander said::lol :lol I was cracking up at that "No." too. I like how they didn't present any evidence that he was unready, a simple "no" is apparently all the evidence you need.
Also, doesn't it seem funny that they are comparing Obama to Moses, considering Moses was purportedly a great leader?
laserbeam said:Was a reading n article about how McCain is sitting back in Arizona. They talked about how his campaign knows they cant control the airwaves right now with the VP announcement etc but they can try and control the actual message.
It seems like to an extent they are doing that. Quite a bit of the current talk is negative about the Obama Campaign etc.It seems like Obama and Crew are controlling the airwaves now but the message is more in line with what McCain and crew want.
laserbeam said:Was a reading n article about how McCain is sitting back in Arizona. They talked about how his campaign knows they cant control the airwaves right now with the VP announcement etc but they can try and control the actual message.
It seems like to an extent they are doing that. Quite a bit of the current talk is negative about the Obama Campaign etc.It seems like Obama and Crew are controlling the airwaves now but the message is more in line with what McCain and crew want.
laserbeam said:Was a reading n article about how McCain is sitting back in Arizona. They talked about how his campaign knows they cant control the airwaves right now with the VP announcement etc but they can try and control the actual message.
It seems like to an extent they are doing that. Quite a bit of the current talk is negative about the Obama Campaign etc.It seems like Obama and Crew are controlling the airwaves now but the message is more in line with what McCain and crew want.
Tamanon said:Nah, that's just the natural progression of the media, they spent all last night and most of the day extolling the positives of the Biden pick, now they go to the negatives. It's the natural newscycle.
maximum360 said:Surprisingly Fox News even seemed positive last night....but that was last night. It's on now...stuff got real and the republicans are pissed. :lol
Hannity as doing some heavy spinning today...trying to make the case that Biden was a terrible choice.
laserbeam said:Thats the thing to watch now. It could all be part of the news cycle but I wouldnt doubt the McCain camp is buy working to spin for beyond just a newscycle. Its logical that if they cannot get the air time they will try to twist the message presented instead.
GrotesqueBeauty said:If there's one thing I've learned about Obama from the press it's that he's arrogant, presumptuous, unsure of himself and lacking self confidence.
GhaleonEB said:
GhaleonEB said:
Couric asked about McCain’s answer when Politico inquired about the number of homes he and his wife, Cindy, own. McCain referred the question to his staff, who said he had at least four. Records show the number could be twice that, depending on how you count the family's properties.
“I am grateful for the fact that I have a wonderful life,” McCain said. “I spent some years without a kitchen table, without a chair, and I know what it's like to be blessed by the opportunities of this great nation. Cindy's father, who barely finished high school, went off and distinguished himself in World War II in a B-17 and came back with practically nothing and realized the American dream, and I am proud and grateful for that, and I think he is a role model to many young Americans who serve in the military and come back and succeed.
Tamanon said:Maybe Colbert Report since TDS will be at the convention.
He just can't help himself!
The last "REZKO" at the end had me loling pretty hard. :lolmaximum360 said:How about: Fox News Obama Documentary in a Minute
Rezko Rezko REZKO!!!
*jaw drops*Tamanon said:Maybe Colbert Report since TDS will be at the convention.
He just can't help himself!
maximum360 said:How about: Fox News Obama Documentary in a Minute
Rezko Rezko REZKO!!!
GhaleonEB said:The last "REZKO" at the end had me loling pretty hard. :lol
*jaw drops*