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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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100% logic failure rate
Love how fox is trying to stroke the flames of Hillary supporters:

Fox: "So how upset are you that he didn't pick her."

Hillary supporter: "Well we weren't expected so we're not upset."

Fox: "So what will McCain have to do to really get your support. Just give us a name any name dammit that would lead you to vote for him!"
I hope Hillary comes out hard against this ad, and really comes out swinging during her prime time speech. McCain supports and represents everything that's in direct opposition of the things many women have spent their entire lives fighting for. Women died for the right to vote, and staying home in November would show disrespect for those sacrifices.
I also loved Mark Halperin this morning saying the 7 house thing is going to be a big problem through the election...for Obama. Because it opens the door to Wright/Ayers/Rezko/etc.

Even Stephanopolous was like "wtf? They would've used that stuff anyway. And McCain had already been negative for a few weeks now"

But hey, that's Halperin for ya


Dax01 said:
Yeah, that's some sad, sad stuff right there. McCain: "Obama didn't put Hillary on the ticket, vote for me! I'll take away your right to choose."
soul creator said:
I also loved Mark Halperin this morning saying the 7 house thing is going to be a big problem through the election...for Obama. Because it opens the door to Wright/Ayers/Rezko/etc.

Even Stephanopolous was like "wtf? They would've used that stuff anyway. And McCain had already been negative for a few weeks now"

But hey, that's Halperin for ya
Halperin: where brain cells go to die.
soul creator said:
I also loved Mark Halperin this morning saying the 7 house thing is going to be a big problem through the election...for Obama. Because it opens the door to Wright/Ayers/Rezko/etc.

Even Stephanopolous was like "wtf? They would've used that stuff anyway. And McCain had already been negative for a few weeks now"

But hey, that's Halperin for ya

Halperin is so off the mark these days it isn't funny. He should just endorse McCain and get it over with.

McCain seems to have all his bases covered. Fournier, Halperin, Fox News, etc. McCain just needs to create a Homeland Propaganda agency and bring all these agencies together.
maximum360 said:
Halperin is so off the mark these days it isn't funny. He should just endorse McCain and get it over with.

McCain seems to have all his bases covered. Fournier, Halperin, Fox News, etc. McCain just needs to create a Homeland Propaganda agency and bring all these agencies together.

he'll probably call it the "Propaganda Organization Watch"

see what I did there?


I doubt anyone will point this out, but McCain's Hillary ad actually contradicts his one from yesterday. It shows Hillary saying mean things about Obama and inplying that's why he didn't pick her. Yesterday he was pointing out how the person he did pick - Biden - had said mean things about Obama. So, um. That's probably not why he didn't pick Hillary.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
GhaleonEB said:
I doubt anyone will point this out, but McCain's Hillary ad actually contradicts his one from yesterday. It shows Hillary saying mean things about Obama and inplying that's why he didn't pick her. Yesterday he was pointing out how the person he did pick - Biden - had said mean things about Obama. So, um. That's probably not why he didn't pick Hillary.
I was thinking the exact same thing. They're so utterly full of shit and it's despicable how low they'll sink just to take a shot at Obama.
I watched that CSPAN recap of past keynotes and I didn't care much for the one by Barbara Jordan. It just felt very empty and drunk off being a part of "History".
typhonsentra said:
I watched that CSPAN recap of past keynotes and I didn't care much for the one by Barbara Jordan. It just felt very empty and drunk off being a part of "History".

i saw it too. amazing how different that convention will be from this one. like a polar opposite.

"If we can invest (however many billion) in Iraq we sure as hell can invest that much in ourselves."

good to see biden already rubbing off on him :D
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.
Yeah because the similarities between George W Bush and Barack Obama are undeniable.

And it's called not voting. Go right ahead.
Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

he'll make the white house an al quaeda base where bombings can be orchestrated better. and the pentagon will become an abortion clinic where kids can set up meth labs.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.

You shouldn't have been listening to Bush in the first place. He ran on the premise that he and Dick Cheney were going to run this country like a business. Outside of his oil pursuits, he's failed. That was the end of me looking their way.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.

Bush did bring change to Washington, just the REALLY bad kind.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?
No one is really forceing you to believe,and I really doubt anyone here cares that you don't believe.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?
I don't really understand... real change as opposed to what? Fake change?

It's hard to imagine that things won't change if Obama's in office with a huge democratic majority behind him. Obama's plans and ideas for where the country should go are so different from McCain's are and Bush's were, it's hard to imagine things NOT changing. For better or for worse, we can't know yet.



Rasmussen moved to Obama +3, the first time they've had either McCain or Obama leading by more than 2 since mid-July.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.

"Change" is just a word which best captures the direction and mood of the electorate. It's a catalyst for a movement which is frustrated with the past 8 years of horror, worsened international relations, and having our name dragged through the mud by partisan bickering, hardheadedness and policies dictated by pure incompetency.

Before Bush, countless others have used the word. It is constantly re-branded to fit in with the times we live in. "Real change" will come if Obama actually follows through on his policies that he ran on in the primary, and if he has a higher sense of accountability within his office. It's impossible to know if any candidate will actually do whatever they claim. And of course the reason why a "movement" is so important here is because they're obviously aiming for a Democratic supermajority so that this CHANGE will be much easier to establish. Deadlock will only prevent this sort of thing.

Personally, I got a little caught up during the primary season and it is clear Obama is not fulfilling his end of the bargain just yet. He has flipped on countless issues that I find fundamental. However, it is unclear whether he intends to do this just to get elected (wherein he'll go back to his initial promises) or if he is really just that spineless. Unfortunately the alternative is McCain, or one of our two geniuses in the poll topic.


Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap. I really wish there was a "none of the above" option on the ballot. I would select that without hesitation.

Bush did bring change, unprecedented change. Like the patriot act and the ability to indefinitely imprison an American citizen for whatever he wants, the ability to wiretap your phones without probable cause to the courts. He brought the acceptance of torture and the breaking of treaties, environmental recklessness, the Enron loophole, a shitty preventive war foreign policy and corruption that would make Boss Tweed smile.
Guybrush Threepwood said:
Why should I believe Obama's claim that he will bring "real change" to Washington?

I was just watching some 2000 election videos, and Bush fed us that same exact crap..
What are you talking about? Bush brought change. There was peace and prosperity. Bush brought war and stagflation. That was certainly a lot of change!

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
GhaleonEB said:
What happened?

He was telling the people in the crowd that he usually says heck when he makes this stump. Today, he said hell. Then he apologized for saying that, especially after church.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
he'll make the white house an al quaeda base where bombings can be orchestrated better. and the pentagon will become an abortion clinic where kids can set up meth labs.
Are conservatives really this stupid?


Agent Icebeezy said:
He was telling the people in the crowd that he usually says heck when he makes this stump. Today, he said hell. Then he apologized for saying that, especially after church.

Heh, puritans!


testicles on a cold fall morning
Amir0x said:
Personally, I got a little caught up during the primary season and it is clear Obama is not fulfilling his end of the bargain just yet.
he's not elected. what would you expect him to change (you can believe in) right now? as far as i remember he was never billed as the amir0x candidate, so his positions vis-a-vis you was never guaranteed.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Given that the first debate is about national security and foreign matters, how do you all think this is going to play out? Looking at polls, they think that John McCain is better at it, but that has always been an assumption. He's going to have to prove it. Is he able to or is what we are going to hear is 'surge this, or surge that, mixed in with some POW goodness?


scorcho said:
he's not elected. what would you expect him to change (you can believe in) right now?

no no no, i specifically was referring to his bolt toward the center on several issues after the primary season was over. Now his positions have been modified and thus he's no longer running on some of the things he was during the 5 month primary season.

It remains to be seen if he'll go back to these promises when he actually wins. I understand political expediency is important for some of these guys and as such these things may just be tactical instead of true policy changes.

Agent Icebeezy said:
Is he able to or is what we are going to hear is 'surge this, or surge that, mixed in with some POW goodness?

I'm sure plenty of different issues will be mentioned now. McCain has the Republican advantage on this end, but as you said he has to prove it. The unfortunate thing about these debates is that often it is the one with the best sound bite that will come away victorious, regardless of the content itself. So if McCain sounds presidential and sounds dominant, then he can get away with being thin on substance.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
he'll make the white house an al quaeda base where bombings can be orchestrated better. and the pentagon will become an abortion clinic where kids can set up meth labs.

Looks like he'll have rural white votes on lock then

i'm sorry


testicles on a cold fall morning
Agent Icebeezy said:
Given that the first debate is about national security and foreign matters, how do you all think this is going to play out? Looking at polls, they think that John McCain is better at it, but that has always been an assumption. He's going to have to prove it. Is he able to or is what we are going to hear is 'surge this, or surge that, mixed in with some POW goodness?
if the public is really eating up this reductive gunslinger model of foreign policy and national security then whatever nuance Obama hopes to articulate will be meaningless.
I'm not sure how this is going to go...

The POW card, cont'd
First Read quotes unnamed McCain aides suggesting that McCain's prisoner-of-war experience may become his first response to the attack on his having lost track of his real estate holdings -- a non-sequitur, perhaps, but emotionally powerful.

They will be prepared to show McCain's "home" in Hanoi by using images of his cell. They claim they have not overused the POW element and insist they have "underused it."

And sure enough, McCain goes there on CBS:"I spent some years without a kitchen table, without a chair, and I know what it's like to be blessed by the opportunities of this great nation," he says in response to a question about his houses.

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