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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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soul creator said:
oh yeah, I love the guy who says "I didn't know how to pronounce his name!" He sounds so scared the way he says it :lol

oh shit, I remember this comic series! Apparently it's animated now.

I got both of those 'Get your War On' books. They were (are) so fucking funny. They helped me keep my sanity during the start of the war on terror and the diversion into Iraq.

Highly recommended.

And if you are cheap, you can read them here: http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/home.html


Hell if Hannity did the documentary, you'd think that the only time Obama left Ayer's house(which was bought from Rezko) was to go smoke crack with Jeremiah Wright.


soul creator said:
Oh my. I might be spending a LOT of time on this site. :lol


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I'm just thinking about Biden and what he is going to enter when he is fully entrenched into the Obama machine. Money was hard to come by for him when he was running, but now that will never be a problem. I think that when he sees how this well-oiled machine works, he's going to sit back and say I've got it made. All he needs to do is go out and be him. The groundwork has already been laid.
speculawyer said:
I got both of those 'Get your War On' books. They were (are) so fucking funny. They helped me keep my sanity during the start of the war on terror and the diversion into Iraq.

Highly recommended.

And if you are cheap, you can read them here: http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/home.html

yeah, I'm starting from the most recent and working my way back. Probably gonna waste the whole night reading them now.

Oh yeah, this one works well for that conservative thread :lol

soul creator said:
yeah, I'm starting from the most recent and working my way back. Probably gonna waste the whole night reading them now.

Oh yeah, this one works well for that conservative thread :lol


this comic is GREAT


Not my first donation, but I just donated $30 to the campaign. By doing so, I'm getting a free Obama/Biden t-shirt. :D


beermonkey@tehbias said:
I followed electoral-vote.com pretty closely (multiple times a day during the last two months leading up to the election). Man, that was a bummer.

In retrospect, the IEM was much better at predicting the winner:

After the convention and through election day, this will be my home page on my browser:

Yeah, the IEM does not lie. Good to see the current spread. :D


Apparently the next trick for the McCain camp is to (further) rile up the PUMA vote with an ad called "Passed Over":

"She won millions of votes. But isn't on his ticket," an announcer says. "Why? For speaking the truth."

The ad then shows Clinton criticizing Obama for speaking generalities ("You never hear the specifics); for his connections to Tony Rezko ("We still don't have a lot of answers."); and for being too negative

The announcer comes back on. "The truth hurt. And Obama didn't like it."

Obviously they would have run an ad featuring the exact same clips if Obama had picked Clinton.

Aside from that: less than two days ago, the McCain camp ran an ad portraying Obama's actual choice, Joe Biden, as one of his harshest critics during the primary season, and now they're insinuating that Obama "passed over" Hillary because, you know, she was such a harsh critic of his during the primary season.

I can already imagine the response the Obama camp is preparing for when the ad hits. I'd like to see something along the lines of: "Yet again, something does not compute in the increasingly confused, increasingly desperate McCain camp. Clearly the McCain campaign is willing to throw any silly attack against the wall to see if it sticks, no matter how inconsistent it is with their last attempt. It begs the question: how stupid do these guys think the American people are?"

This is also so easily countered by a Hillary smack-down, either in ad-form or in her convention speech. If her response to this is tepid yet again, it may be time to start believing the 2012 conspiracy theories...
if they're smart the obama camp won't respond at all.

i understand there are some really batshit insane hillary supporters out there and they're pissed. but i think this a narrative the media and the republicans are trying to spin out to be a bigger deal than it is.


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Tyrone Slothrop said:
if they're smart the obama camp won't respond at all.
Senator John Kerry agrees with you.

Poll: Obama holds onto slight lead

By The Associated Press – 2 hours ago

THE RACE: The presidential race nationally

THE NUMBERS (ABC News-Washington Post)

Barack Obama, 49 percent

John McCain, 43 percent



Obama has a slight lead, 49 percent to 43 percent, over McCain among registered voters just before the start of the Democratic National Convention. His lead is based largely on a 20-point advantage among women voters. McCain leads Obama by a 2-1 margin as more knowledgeable on world affairs and as better suited to be commander-in-chief. Obama has a 2-1 advantage on which candidate is most optimistic, and leads McCain 50-39 when they are asked who they trust more to handle the economy, which is the top issue among the voters.

Three-fourths in the poll taken before Joe Biden was announced as Obama's running mate, said the addition of Biden to the ticket would make no difference in their vote and the remainder were split on whether it makes them more or less likely to support Obama. Seven in 10 former Hillary Clinton supporters are for Obama. That leaves three in 10 who are either undecided or for McCain.

Good old Associated Press. It's good to know that these days six points is only a slight lead. According to Chuck Todd, 6 points would be a landslide.
Farmboy said:
Apparently the next trick for the McCain camp is to (further) rile up the PUMA vote with an ad called "Passed Over":

Obviously they would have run an ad featuring the exact same clips if Obama had picked Clinton.

Aside from that: less than two days ago, the McCain camp ran an ad portraying Obama's actual choice, Joe Biden, as one of his harshest critics during the primary season, and now they're insinuating that Obama "passed over" Hillary because, you know, she was such a harsh critic of his during the primary season.

I can already imagine the response the Obama camp is preparing for when the ad hits. I'd like to see something along the lines of: "Yet again, something does not compute in the increasingly confused, increasingly desperate McCain camp. Clearly the McCain campaign is willing to throw any silly attack against the wall to see if it sticks, no matter how inconsistent it is with their last attempt. It begs the question: how stupid do these guys think the American people are?"

This is also so easily countered by a Hillary smack-down, either in ad-form or in her convention speech. If her response to this is tepid yet again, it may be time to start believing the 2012 conspiracy theories...

I agree about how the first ad said Biden was a critic, and then the second claims he didn't pick Hillary because ... she was a critic.

But I don't think Obama needs to go into in-depth observations for every McCain smear. He should stay on the offensive and just force him to constantly respond.
Howard Dean will be taking some phone calls live on, I think, C-SPAN's Washington Journal at 11am ET. Also, tomorrow Obama's telecommunications advisor, former chief of the FCC, William Kennard, will be on C-SPAN's The Communicators at 5pm PT...or you can watch this program online now: http://www.c-span.org/Series/Communicators.aspx. He will discuss the Senator's approach to issues dealing with technology and telecommunications.
Nancy Pelosi discussing gas prices/drilling/etc.

"As a speaker I have to put everything on the table..."

apparently, everything except impeachment!


Ventrue said:
Going to make a good Daily Show on Monday. :lol
Tuesday. Because of the conventions, both Daily Show and Colbert Report will be doing shows Tuesday through Friday instead of Monday through Thursday. Colbert's guests next week:

Tu 8/26: Rep. Bob Barr
We 8/27: Gov. Mike Huckabee
Th 8/28: Rick Brookhiser
Fr 8/29: John McWhorter
It is a fraying, combed-back helmet that barely covers a longtime fact of Washington life: The senator from Delaware has taken steps to preempt baldness.

The most common hypothesis is that he received a hair transplant, where follicles from the bushier back of the head are grafted onto fading spots closer to the front of the dome.

In 1987, a Washington Post reporter asked him to confirm the theory. "Guess," he responded. "I've got to keep some mystery in my life."

A quick Politico survey of stylists and hair transplant surgeons—some of whom have followed Biden’s career path for years, while others didn’t know about him until yesterday—found that there was little mystery.

“When he had darker hair it was pretty obvious, he had larger plugs,” said Dr. Michael Beehner, medical director of the Saratoga Hair Transplant Center in New York . “With the lightening of his hair, it looks much, much better now.”

“Years ago, it was much more detectable,” added a surgeon from the Midwest who refused to be identified. The pattern of Biden’s hairline, according to him, did not follow the normal math of baldness.

Until the late 1980s, according to Beehner, the only method of hair transplantation involved “plugs” that each contained 15-30 hairs. If executed well, they could be lined up to create a solid wall of hair. Today, it’s different—and much less visible. “They use little tiny grafts,” Beehner said. “And a typical session is a 1,000 and 2,000 grafts.”

“A lot of people have touch-up work, and he may have had some,” he added.

The stylists Politico spoke to, while not enamored with Biden’s haircut, thought the work had turned out well.

“I think he should darken the hair on the top of his head,” emailed Christina, a stylist who generally works with celebrities. “One of the reasons being with it being lighter than the rest of the hair it makes it appear to be thinner.”

“In my view, his hair cut and style do not compliment his squarish face shape,” added Sky Vega, a stylist in New York. “A forward comb with a serrated fringe would soften that.”

“I feel like it’s a minimal amount of work,” she noted. “I mean, it’s really common for a lot of guys." (The International Society of Hair Restoration surgery estimated that more than 100,000 operations were performed in 2006.)

“Transplant hair, if a good one, can be cut and styled almost exactly like your real hair,” said Christina. “It depends on the technique.”

Along with Biden, the ranks of the senatorial plugged-in included former Wisconsin Democratic Senator William Proxmire—who served from 1957 to 1989—and South Carolina Republican Strom Thurmond, whose fiery orange plugs stayed in until he died in 2003 at the age of 100.

At Thurmond’s 90th birthday party, Biden found a patch of common ground. "When I came to the Senate in '72, you were 70,” he said. “And I want to tell you I resent any reference to your hair. You have been an inspiration to me in so many ways.
did I just hear Wolf Blitzer call Janet Napolitano...John Napolitano? twice?

edit: oh, and Politico...never change. I think they were the ones who broke the $400 Edwards Haircut...gate
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