Agent Icebeezy said:
Romney or Liebermann then?
The republicans are scared. They expected Obama the arrogant thing: chose an inexperienced person he got along with greatly, dismissing any consequences (Kaine, Byah). They would have easily been able to destroy those picks, a la:
(Kaine has been governor for less than a term and hasn't done anything spectacular. Sebelius is a no name governor from a pure red state; she has an anti-gun history, she has tried to raise taxes on many occasions, and she has no foreign policy experience. Bayh was a very successful governor of a red state, he cut taxes...but he also co-chaired a committee for the liberation of Iraq with John McCain; Biden was initially wrong about Iraq but Bayh went overboard.)
Bayh especially would have been easy to target due to his wife. Biden isn't your average VP: McCain will be running against Biden as much as he is running against Obama; that's usually not the case with VPs right. If I had to guess I'd say he'll have to pick someone who understands the economy, someone who can viciously lay into Obama (voters prefer Obama's domestic policy) while he himself has to play defense against Biden with more than the recent "my friends, he doesn't know what he's talking about!" bullshit.